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Latest revision as of 18:52, 10 August 2019

A Hell of a Day
Date of Scene: 13 July 2019
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Kid, Red Robin, Blurr, Karen Page

Kid has posed:
Sometimes, people have some bad days. And sometimes they have REALLY bad days. And than for those people, it may or may not become worse, if they bump into a person who is having an even worse day...well it not pretty.

Which happens to be the deal today. While Kid general deminaer has significantly improved over the months...there were days he was just, to put it simply, a wild animal. And NOT that day to piss him off.

Unfortunately for one neverdowell, that just what they do. They jump Kid, he was at the moment in his Tennager Mutant illusion...and he was not having it. Kid was in the proccess of slamming this guy agaist a wall, and draining him (almost) dry, before letting the guy drop....and just walking away without batting an eye. He knew if someone found out...he'll probably gonna get flack for it, but he didn't really care at the moment.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake was coming to look for Kidd, and comes along the incident. He watched and was ready to intervein but Kidd pulled up before he needed to. "You may want to make sure nothing is broken, or at least get his phone and dial 911 for him." He will say as he jumps down to a fire escape landing only one flight up from Kidd/.

Kid has posed:
Kid snorts, and signs "Probably has a broken arm and nose. Lucky I went easy on him" his watch speaking for him as per usual. The guys face begged....to disagree to say the least, hopefully it looked worse than what it really was. But Kid did listen enough to get the phone and dials the number, tossing the phone onto the collasped man. No he didn't check on him. He just kept walking feeling that was enough.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake will look over at the man giving him a visual once over, he has worked with both Batman, and Redhood, he has a pretty good idea, for how bad a beating is. He will move to follow Kid once he is sure the guy should make it till they get here. "So, I heard your doing pretty good in your training, but have not been to one in a whilke

Kid has posed:
It was bad, but the man would live, it wasn't life threatning thankfully. But...yea, Kid could have easily went over the edge...maybe almost did. Hard to know what he is thinking. He signs "Guess you heard wrong. Or maybe I missed something. Not sure...things just sorta spin togeather." he says. "Now why you here? Not like you ever dropped in on me before" he signs. There was a light growl comming from him.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake looks to the other and says "Been meaning to but have had a bit of my own fires I have had to deal with. Things still not the best but I am getting it under control. I had not heard from you either, so I thought it would be best to come check on you.

Kid has posed:
"You say that like your surprised. I work off a pretty simple system. Say something, I help. Otherwise I do what I want, when I want." he signs. He seemed...tensed up. But none the less they eventually get to the end of the alley, ending up on the sidewalk proper. "Got it?" he was almost shooting dagger at Tim with that glare, as if he would charge.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake looks at the other and does not seem overly worried, as he says "Well you seemed upset I had not contacted you before, it goes both ways. I have kept a bit of an eye on you though, and trusted you were able to take care of yourself. So, who pissed in your cherrios?

Kid has posed:
"I was not pissed you had not contacted me. I get pissed when folks expect me to know something, when I ain't told shite" he signs. "Or some airhead girl from autospace pops up and began asking me stupid questions. Now THAT definintly pisses me off. Why the heck are you going to ask me if I want to be an outsider, if I am already a damn outsider. Whatever that means at this point." he honestly didn't. Thankfully if anyone overheard this conversation, they will probably think they were a couple of crazies or something.
    "And beleive me...if someoned pissed in my cherrios...whatever those are. They would be dead" and by his face...that probably true. But he did look pissed. He takes a deep breath as if to calm himself knowing he wasn't doing himself any favors "....Nothing is wrong"

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake looks to the other and says "Well Jade had to go back to space to handle some things so right now, it is looking like 5 of us and I am going to try to get us together to start some training, have a possible 6th but I need to work with him some more.

Kid has posed:
Kid growls and signs "And who might this 6th be?" in wonder. At least he was trying not to direct his anger at Tim...and he seemed to take easy to talk of buissness. He figits with his pack on occassion, keeping an ear out for anything...as well as a mind. He let his telepathic senses drift off passively, to get a feel of things

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake says, "Friend of mine, who is a super linguist, for speaking, reading, understanding types of languages and such. Between you and he, I believe we would be able to get through any type of information we need. He would be able to understand you pretty much any way you wish to communicate with him."

Kid has posed:
"A friend, that tells me alot" he signs. "And sure, sure. I beat the crap out of whoever we intergrate, he makes sure they understand what we mean" Kid keeps walking down the road, he drifts in and out a few minds, but it was much more controlled than before. "Guessing you ain't giving a name?"

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake says, "Doug, but not really going to give ya more, as I would not give him more about you before I had him joining us for sure. Try to keep both peoples privacy."

Blurr has posed:
    If Tim or Kid are tuned into police scanners by any chance, they might pick up on the fact that the local authorities are apparently having trouble catching a renegade speeder. Apparently this guy has been chased all the way from the other side of NYC, and apparently whoever it is refuses to pull over and -somehow- manages to keep evading the police in -every- county. So yeah, officers a bit fed up about it.

    The chatter has been going back and forth for a few minutes and is growing in frequency as the chase approaches Hell's Kitchen. Finally, what appears to be one of those super fancy custom job sports cars flies by on the street they're walking down, followed by...at least a dozen squad cars, sirens wailing and flashing.

Kid has posed:
"Game on!" Kid signs. And...in typical Kid fashion, he does things his own way. "Hope you got a ride, cause I am about to commadere one" and by commodere, he means steal one. He will gladly take something to...thrash to say the least. He looked a bit TOO excited, his muscles tense and ready to bash! And once he get going, he wasn't easy to stop.

And well it can be fun too. There was a nearby motorcycle and within seconds Kid manages to get it running, hijacking it as as easily as one says hello! He hops on and revs the engine...and than he just blinks out of existance. It was a general broadcast illusion, as Kid is used to not diffeianting people.

Regardless...Kid at the very least pauses to see if Tim would hop on. If not...well Kid would be speeding by to catch up with the cops, that was for certain!

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake sighs and says "It is like I am running with Hood." He will click something on his gauntlet, and a red motorcycle, will end up coming down the street pulling up in front of Tim. Yea Red Robin has some of the cool toys too."

Blurr has posed:
    Off they go! Tim and Kid easily catch pass the police, who don't really pay them much mind, and probably assume they're here to help, given Red Robin in costume and all. They're glad some vigilantes are willing to help with even some of the more mundane things like speeders. Well...this isn't exactly what one would call a 'mundane' speeder, but it's certainly more mundane than say, an armed robbery, or drug lab raid. The invisibly operated one that Kid is driving might get a few side glances, but they are definitely more focused on the chase they're already on for now. Other traffic are forced to pull over to make way for the law, so that won't prove to be much of an obstacle either.

    So it isn't long before the two of them are almost tailgating a blue and white vehicle that looks so tricked out with customs one can't really tell who the manufacturer is. In fact, it almost seems -too- futuristic looking to really fit in anywhere.

    It approaches a five-way intersection and swerves sharply onto a one-way street--right past a 'Do Not Enter' sign, narrowly missing smashing right into on oncoming semi. Well that puts a halt to the police squadron...but will it stop today's heroes?

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake is heading right on the speeders tail. The fact that it is moving into a more dangerous tactic than before. He will start start recording the vehicle now, and start running a query on it, trying to get a make and model of the car, so eh will know the weak spots, and possible problems spots that might be with the car.

Kid has posed:
Not even close to stopping Kid! He even pops a wheelie between the line of police cars before passing them. He does establish some mental connection with Tim "Oh! We should SOOO bring this guy on! Looks like they know how to have a good time!" would come his primal psychic voice "Gonna try and get are...WHOA!!!" When Kid turnd into the 'Do not Enter' space, he nearly crashes himself!

Kid manages to pull the breaks just in time to get on the otherside of the Semi and drive along side it. But it definintly almost clipped him. "Alright. Hard ball it is" it was time for a read out!

Kid turns up the heat and begins trying to get up along side the speeding car. Which considering how futuristic it was, may be hard to do, if at all. But regardless he was in range for something else. He for the first time in weeks, drops the barriers in his mind.

And with it, begins expericing the emotions, and hearing the thoughts of those around him. The question though became if he could get the thoughts of who or whatever was driving. He was typically adept at this, but in a place like NYC you never quite knew.

Blurr has posed:
    Tim's scans do not prove very fruitful. No license plate, no distinguishing markings, and none of it seems to match any known pattern of manufacture. It's all of 'unknown' origin. If he tries to take a look at who is in the driver's seat, it appears to be a teenager no older than what Kid's 'human teen' disguise looks like. Now what kind of teen drives a car like -that- around?

    Meanwhile, the blue sports car is weaving in and out of the oncoming traffic like crazy amid the screaming horns of panicked citizens. Honestly, this kind of maneuvering shouldn't even be -possible-, but there it is.

    As Kid drops his mental barriers, the thoughts and emotions of all kinds of people and things flood into his mind. Much of it is very familiar, he could probably pick out the police, the frightened drivers frantically trying to avoid a head-on collision, perhaps even his own partner Tim, but there is one thing that he probably has never heard before--it sounds like some kind of machine or computer, but telepathy doesn't pick up on tech does it?

    Anyway, Kid does manage to come up to the driver's side window of the vehicle, and gets a better view of who appears to be in the driver's seat. He sees the same thing Tim would've seen, a blond-haired teen dressed casually and appearing about the age of his own 'teenager' illusion.

    A few thousand feet ahead, a railroad crossing is flashing the red warning lights.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake frowns as he seems to be loosing ground. He will cut off to a side road, to try to cut off the car, but chose badly. He ends up down a one way street and has to turn around but by the time, he gets back he is out of the chase. He will communicate to Kid "I aint got make model or anything on the car, something odd going on."

Kid has posed:
Hell if Kid knew. His own mind musica, another guy mind bloody murder. And he cannot begin to tell you about aquascapes, wastelands, creepy blank rooms...peoples minds can be weird. Since Kid doesn't differiante between species as it where, he couldn't give a flying hoot that it sounded mechanical. He just assumes it another human.

But Kid was getting into it. Trying to match the driver turn for turn, move for move. But some moves he just COULDN'T match. At least not without some damn good training and practice. As he hears the sign of a railroad, something else takes over in Kid...

He slides forward once more on the cycle, knowing full well how dangerous this might be. He attempts to even reach out to the driver, to try and speak to his mind. Has a machine ever had a telepath in their head? o O ("I like you Kid. Let see if you have as much spunk as your driving!") and yes...Tim WOULD be able to hear this.

The Wild child in Kid has taken over and he pops a wheelie before speeding ahead, intent on trying to beat the train...and the car they were chasing. And maybe who knows, this may convince whoever was driving to chill out, go with them, maybe talk! Sometimes a simple connection can go a long ways.

Upon hearing Tim, he communicates back privately o O ("Kids got a mechanical mind it sounds like. Might be dealing with a technopath with a custom rig. Oddly, they taste pretty good, just saying")

Blurr has posed:
    Those red lights had been flashing for several seconds already, and the train can be heard apporaching fast. It's not a slow freight train either, in fact, it's one of the faster passenger coaches. But as Kid tries to reach out to the driver, he appears to turn and stare at the intelligent gorilla, a bewildered expression on his face. Oh and definitely not appearing to watch the road at all, although the car continues to plow ahead.

    Kid barely manages to beat the train across the tracks. As in within a few fractions of a second, the first railcar barrels past!

    As for Blurr, he curses inwardly when whatever the slag that voice was distracts him from his course and suddenly there is some kind of public mass transit thing in front of him. So he does the reflexive thing and suddenly the 'car' is somersaulting through the air, unfolding at the same time, and lands on its feet on the other side of the tracks!

    ...wait, feet? Yep. But it's only there for another fraction of a second, befor it folds up again and the sports car is there again.

Kid has posed:
Kid was howling like a howler monkey! Woot and hooting as he barely makes the jump! He hasn't laugh like that all day. And he coulda sworn he almost peed himself. But of course he looked behind him to see if the other car made it. And to HIS surprise...it...it was summersaulting. And...it...it had feet. IT HAD FEET! And than it was gone. Kid KNOWS he did not just imagine that.

Whoever this guy was, Kid wanted to know how he tricked out this car! Kid had by that point slowed the motorcycle to let the other car catch-up - forgetting his own illusion was that of invisibility. But his mental voice was clear as day.

o O ("Alright dude. THAT was awesome. You have GOT to show me how you tricked out your ride like that. Hot damn man.") forget the fact they just ran a train or escaped chasing police officers. And the fact they were still speeding down the road at incredibly dangerous speeds! o O ("But my man. There better places to do these things. How bout we pull over, talk a bit...or find a better place to drive. Becasue I am on a damn high right now with these rides") oh yea...kid technically stole this motorcycle, theres that too.

How many broken laws is this?

Karen Page has posed:
Yet another busy day. Completely unaware of the high-speed vehicle chase going on nearby, Karen Page hikes her shoulder bag up onto her shoulder a bit higher, then locks the door to the Nelson & Murdock Law Office and shifts the (for her) tiny stack of manila file folders in her arms before walking briskly down the sidewalk. She's only a few blocks from the closest subway entrance so there's no point in losing her car's parking space and dealing with traffic.

She gets to the corner and after punching the 'I want to cross' button on the traffic signal's post with a knuckle she waits for the lights to change so she can continue on her way. Yawn, so mundane. While she's waiting, she opens the top file folder and starts looking at the papers held within.

Blurr has posed:
    Oh, Kid definitely saw more than just feet. In fact, for a moment there, it looked like someone had taken the parts of that car and rearranged them into a vaguely humanoid-shaped biped with arms and legs and head. It was gone now, but will he question what he thinks he saw?

    As for all that telepathic projection, Blurr doesn't know -what- to think about it. That other vehicle is definitely -not- another Cybertronian, so just who the slag is talking to him?? Though, he can't help but appreciate the compliments because let's be honest, he does have a pretty high opinion of himself.

    Since he has effectively lost the police--at least for the time being--he does 'pull over' just as he is approaching the intersection Karen is trying to cross. Of course he doesn't pay any attention whatsoever to traffic lights, crosswalks, sidewalks, or anything. So when the light turns red, he is still hurtling through the intersection, and drives up onto the sidewalk before actually stopping.

Kid has posed:
Okay, the guy has some SWEET moves to say the least! But damn his driving is HORRIBLE law wise! Even Kid can drive better than that, and he only been out 1 or 2 years now! It certainly brought up alot of questions.

And no, he was not questingly himself. Kid tends to trust what he sees, because he otherwise, who can he trust? Maybe someone took a Sentinel and souped it up with a car? Which is pretty impressive, something he was hoping to try for at some point.

None the less he follows suit...and oh lord! As he skims around the other car, other people jumping out of the way, Kid manages to just skid past Karen, and turn the motorcycle around, putting Karen smacked dab between them.

As this happens, Kid teenage illusion once again materializes, in plain view. He was breathing deeply as the thrill was caming down. Perhaps the cybertronian will confuse him with another cybertronian!

Regardless he put down the kick-break-stand-thing. And first and formost ask the person they almost hit....well signs to them "Err...you alright?" a synthetic male voice comming through his watch. He was of course expecting Blurr to get out of the car.

Karen Page has posed:
The intersection has one of those seemingly annoying beeps indicating it's safe to cross and Karen starts to take the first step off of the sidewalk and THEN starts to look both ways...

And she reels back a stumbling step or two in shock when what has to be some obscure high end sports car stops RIGHT where she'd been about to cross.

She's staring in shock for maybe half a second when a motorcycle does its variation of a Tokyo drift around her and stops on her other side, causing her to flinch and clutch at her file folders tightly. And then the bike rider asks if she's okay, and she looks at him for another half second before the adrenaline of the sudden back to back scares manifest in defensive anger.

"What the HELL are you thinking, driving like that? You could kill someone!" She looks from the young man on the motorcycle over at the sports car as she rants, clearly aiming her ire at the driver of the larger vehicle as well.

Blurr has posed:
    Oh, Blurr definitely knows that's not another Cybertronian. He noted the appearance of some kind of illusion but it's not his kind, that's for sure. And then there is a very angry Terran woman. The window rolls down and the blond 'teen' smirks at her. "Oh don't worry, miss. I know exactly what I'm doing. No one actually got hurt, as you can see. Didn't even damage any property, either!"

    Upon closer examination of this...individual, there is something definitely off about him. He looks too perfect. Like even models have more flaws on their bodies and faces than this guy does.

Kid has posed:
Kid signs "That I could kick blondie ass in a race!" he decides not to mention the whole hero thing. Though quietly sends Tim a message that at the moment they at least stopped driving. "And know what your doing? You got some moves on you, I give you THAT! But uh..." he looks back to where everything happened "...you got zero concept of road safty." he lips curl into a semi-grin. He didn't exactly sign it dissapprovingly. He signs on "Though really, street racing is" he rolls his eyes "Illegal for some dumb reason. But I know a few good tracks, with alot less uh...police officers. If you ever want to check them out"

All this said infront of Karen. Kid had no clue she was a lawyer type or something. He just knew this guy drives well, but should probably find better less troublesome spots. He looks over Karen a moment, looking her up and down "So....at least your fine!" he signs....hoping to avoid more angry lady lady. But he had a feeling that would not be very successful.

Karen Page has posed:
Karen regards the 'teen' who talks at her from inside the car, her eyebrows drawing together a little bit more as she gets a bit of an Uncanny Valley ping from him. And then Kid's electronic voice pipes up and she looks at him again, watching him signing as the talkbox translates. She is by no means fluent in ASL, but the very few words she does know she picks out of what the motorcycle rider is conveying.

At the last thing he signs and the talkbox conveys, she turns to face him completely and with a half-smile walks over there with perhaps a bit more saunter than is usual for her. It likely seems out of place with the file folders tucked into one arm. "Do you really think so?" she says as she gets closer and ... the hell? No key. Her expression instantly goes back to angry. "This bike is stolen!" And she tries to knock his hand from the handlebar with the clutch lever on it in an attempt to make the bike stall out and die.

Blurr has posed:
    Blondie...? -Oh.- "Haha, is that what you think? Well -I- don't think you have any idea what or -who- you'd be up against in that case." he says, still smirking. "Look, I told you I know exactly what I'm doing. I wasn't going to hit anyone or anything. And I didn't, right? Totally safe. I've been driving like this forever." Though this kid doesn't look a day over sixteen or something.

Kid has posed:
There was something...weird about that way the woman was walking over. It can be seen on his face. The calm voice, the relaxed expression. It was too familiar, especially for this situation. He actually held back a growl.
    But than suddenly the woman smacks his hand from the clutch. The bike certainly does stall and die out. It was the old...switch-aroo. From nice, to angry. His whole body began to tense up, and his form flicker, fur briefly visible before looking normal. His eyes crazed as if he was about to litterly rip this woman head off. And he certainly had the size too.
    He closes his eye his head dipping and going off to the side momentarily. Less a neck crack and more a 'don't lose it, don't lose' kind of gesture.
    He gets slooowly off the bikes, and does his best to calmly sign...though by the way his lip twitched, showing those canines, it wasn't easy. He clearly had anger issues, but least he was in control. Mostly. "Fine. You want the damn bike" punctured by his eyes widening "Take it. Just take it. Its a crap bike anyways"

Karen Page has posed:
Karen looks at the motorcycle thief a bit smugly, but then she promptly turns back to the teen in the overly expensive car. "You need to get out of the car, right now. Or you won't like how I kill the engine on /your/ ride." She sticks her hand into her bag as if threatening to pull something impressively destructive from it.

She is SO bluffing, but it's worked for her in the past. And besides, she is the world's WORST damsel in distress. And proud of it.

Blurr has posed:
    The avatar arches a brow at Karen. Now that was interesting. She certainly had a fiery personality about her. On the one hand, he was curious to see what she would do if he refused, but on the other, he also wanted to know what exactly she wanted.

    He goes with the latter, the door opening and the 'teen' steeping out of the vehicle. "Okay, okay." he chuckles as he obliges. "I'm out of the car now. What do you want?"

Kid has posed:
And Kid just slowly comes up behind her...and than past her. He signs "Your wasting your time." he didn't much care if she had a knife, or a gun, or something else. "Trust me, it is wasting time" he passes The 'teen' on the open door...and looks inside.

And well, he basicaly tries to hop on in, to the passanger side - as he would more or less, just be passing the wheel. "Come on, let get out of her. Had enough of crud" he signs....if he manages to get in without any problems.

Karen Page has posed:
Karen flinches slightly when she realizes Kid is right behind her... and then walking past her. She watches him with her eyebrows drawn together in a mixture of surprise and indignation, and impulsively follows him toward the ridiculous sports car and the still slightly disturbing teen driver.

"Hey, no. You can't just drive off." She hurries to stand directly in front of said car, possibly on her way around to keep the blonde teen from getting back in and driving off.

Blurr has posed:
    He doesn't, though, despite Kid's urging, instead frowning at the fact that a fleshbag just...got inside of him. Blurr isn't quite sure how to feel about that. He's always considered them to be somewhat gross. "Uh, 'let's'? Since when did I say you could just get into m--into my car, and come with me? I don't even know you."

    Karen is now standing in front of the door. "You never answered my question, lady. What do you want?" he repeats the question. "You're fine, you're not hurt. Like I said, I know what I'm doing."

    In the distance, sirens can be heard, but Blurr doesn't seem to pay any attention to them.

Kid has posed:
"Dude, do not give me THAT crap. You were already breaking every driving law in history. Far as I am concerned, if you do not need permission to break the law, than I do not need permission to get in your car" which is GASP agaist the law. "Sides, how else am I going to show you them tracks when Atomic Betty over there decided to cut off my ride?" he signs.
    His ears flicker a bit as he picks a tooth. He than signs "And your sorta running out of time. Them cops are going to be here mighty quick. Judging by where we left them - less than 5 minutes" he claims.

Karen Page has posed:
"I want you realize the consequences of your recklessness. Joyriding around Hell's Kitchen in your daddy's Maserati or whatever the hell this thing is is DANGEROUS. You might have been a perfect little angel this time, but how you do you know that blasting through some intersection or other you didn't cause a whole SLEW of secondary crashes? Huh?"

Karen is in full rant now, and reaches her free hand to catch the teen's nearest shirt sleeve in the hopes that it'll deter him from getting back in the car and fleeing.

Blurr has posed:
    "I didn't say I wanted to see tracks, and who the slag is 'Atomic Betty'?" Blurr answers Kid. "And sorry if I don't know the local laws, I'm not from around here, that's all." Although obviously he doesn't just not know the local laws, he just plain doesn't know -decency- when it comes to driving.

    He smirks at Karen's diatribe. "Because it -didn't-. And I knew it wouldn't, and yes I'm that good." he chuckles. "Just trust me." Then a slight headtilt. "What is 'Maserati'?" When Karen tries to grab his shirt, he jerks away, but she manages to brush it a bit at least. That's when she might notice something even more strange about him--the shirt didn't really feel like a piece of clothing at all. It's hard to pin down what exactly it -does- feel like. But definitely not cloth.

    The sirens are getting closer, but Blurr still doesn't move.

Kid has posed:
"Whatta are yea, a dwarf?" Kid signs when he hears about slag. "And, some god forsaken cartoon." he answer about Atomic better. He steppls his fingers on the dashboard, waiting for this guy. And well...he couldn't answer what a Maserati was...so he lets that one slide. But he couldn't help but glance back at the sirens than at Karen.
    He pops his head out the window after rolling it down, if he was allowed. He signs "It's a custom rig! And by what I saw, this is a sentinel fused with a car! Pretty awesome actually. Now if your done, can you kindly piss off"

Karen Page has posed:
The strange epithet 'slag', and the truly bizarre sensation of the teen's sleeve when he pulls away has her frowning in earnest this time. "What the hell?" And then Kid's telling her to piss off, and she signs the same right back at him, adding the 'ok' hand gesture, but held palm up. She steps back in front of the car, this time quite obviously looking for the...

"Why the hell don't you have a license plate?"

Blurr has posed:
    Nope, no license plate. "License plate?" Blurr asks, as if he has never heard the word before. "Oh, uh..." he searches for an excuse frantically. "I had one, I just--I lost it." he finally says.

    He stares at Kid. "What's a dwarf? Why were you talking about cartoons?" Totally clueless. Though, he smirks when Kid says he's awesome. "Yeah, I know I'm awesome. I mean, I know the car is awesome."

    Just then, several squad cars pull up, red and blue sirens flashing. It looks like Karen's ploy worked, as several officers get out of their cars. But when she looks back at where the blond teen had been--he's simply...gone. And if Kid had been looking, it's just that. He disappeared, apparently into thin air.

Kid has posed:
Kid get this dead pan 'Are you kidding me' face. Hells no, he wasn't getting in trouble for this! He kicks open the other door...and RUNS off. Or at least that what it looked like.
    It a common trick Kid uses to evade capture, he makes a dopple ganger illusion of himself take off, while the real him goes invisible. It was a good way to lose the cops. And in this case, it was a good way to lose the cops AND try and figure out this sweet sweet ride...after he was in the clear. Knowing how things go, the cops would probably tow this car to some local company, with a large lot. Impounded basically. Which would make for a far better escape than dealing with them out here.

Karen Page has posed:
Karen looks up as the police arrive and stays where she is in front of the sports car, even when the thuggish young man that had been riding the motorcycle bolts. She can give the police a fairly accurate description, she's practiced at it. And the teen....

Where the hell did that kid go?

She looks around, sure she would have seen the kid make a run for it. She doesn't even attempt to move, though, ready to explain to the police whatever she can. At least it sounds like the teen left his daddy's precious car sitting here with the engine running. Kind of. Is this thing an electric? It would explain why it looks ... different.

Blurr has posed:
    Karen is smart enough to figure that if the kid had bolted, she would have seen it or at least heard it. But instead, there is no evidence at all of his presence. Kid's illusion does work for some of the officers, as a few of them start to chase it.

    Those that remain approach Ms. Page, asking her if she's all right. But they're just as bewildered at the mysterious disappearance of the car's driver as she is. "Excuse me Miss, but did you see the driver of this vehicle?" one of them asks.

    As Kid sits in the passenger seat, invisible, something appears under the dashboard. It looks like some kind of small holographic projection. At first, it just appears to be a series of unfamiliar symbols, but they shift and change into English words:

    I know you're in here. Get the frag out please."

Kid has posed:
Did...did this car just....talk? Write to him? Could this be a remote worked system? Or maybe the whole technopath deal? But than what about those unfamiliar symbols? Maybe...the owner was still in range?
    o O ("Yea, no. If you haven't noticed, there a bunch of cops out there...EVERYWHERE. Cause SOME people couldn't be bothered to drive away sooner. So how bout this, you let me stay here while they tow this car, and I help get it out of the compound, no sweat?" he was eyeing Karen from inside, definintly does not want to get near her. He wasn't even sure if the dude got his message. But he was ready to bolt...in case this thing had some defense system in place.

Karen Page has posed:
Yeah, that's beyond bizarre, just like the fact that the car's driver was... like an anime character. THAT'S why the uncanny valley sensation when she was looking at him. Karen blinks then and looks at the police officers.

"I'm fine. They didn't seem violent, just completely irresponsible and reckless. I was able to get the one person off of the stolen motorcycle," she gestures toward it still on the sidewalk, "by making it stall out. But..." her voice trails off.

She's still baffled by this car, and she does NOT like not knowing. The thing has no manufacturer's badge... wait, is that it there? That little face emblem?

Blurr has posed:
    The words change again, in the same fashion. At first they look to be these odd unintelligible symbols, but then they shift to English.

    YOU'RE INVISIBLE, GLITCHEAD. They can't tow. And I don't know the word 'sweat'.

    Indeed, there is one emblem, although small, on the steering wheel inside. It looks like a little red face with parallel lines on it. But that's about it.

    The officer talking to Karen starts to look suspicious when she trails off. She's being awfully vague. "...but what?" Is she hiding them? "Ma'am, I need you to tell me everything you saw." he says seriously.

Kid has posed:
     o O ("Open a book for crying out loud. You know glitchead, but not sweat? Like come on. Or do you not know what THAT is either!") Talk about a dumb person! But none the less as more and more officers seem to take note of Karen, it seems a good enough oppertunity.

Kid eases out of the car, hoping this thing doesn't rock back and forth. He didn't like navigating in small crowds, but he had a feeling this hunk of junk was going to be more trouble than it was worth!

Hopefully...barring bumping into anyone, Kid can sneak out.

Karen Page has posed:
Karen blinks and looks at the police office. "Oh, yes, right. Sorry." And, while still standing directly in front of the ridiculous sports car, she starts relating what happened in a clear and succinct manner. It's almost like she has to give depositions on a regular basis or something.

Even so, she's still internally mulling over all of the strange little details that just don't seem to add up in her mind.

Blurr has posed:
    The officer arches a brow at her story, finding it a bit far-fetched. "So...he just--disappeared?" he asks. "Without a trace? Hm. Do you think we could be dealing with a mutant or meta here?" Because it's either that or she's lying.

    Fortunately for Kid, the police are focused on listening to Karen, so they don't notice him sneaking off. Eventually though, they determine that whatever this is, it's out of their league for now. Especially if it really was some kind of superhuman being. They'll have to report back and get a specialist on the case if they really want to track these mysterious kids down.

    Once the officers leave, the car suddenly goes into reverse, swerving back onto the street and doing a ridiculous Tokyo-drift-esque 180 before taking off again at that insane speed. And yet, somehow it manages not to hit anything.

Karen Page has posed:
Karen shrugs and answers the police officer honestly. "It's possible, I can't rule it out. I mean, there are more and more incredible things happening every day, right?" She looks at the car again.

"I think this is a concept car. It doesn't have license plates or a company logo. That might make it easier to find the owner as it's likely stolen also."