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Sentinels: The Parts List
Date of Scene: 14 July 2019
Location: Triskelion
Synopsis: Skye and May ask Pym about the Sentinels
Cast of Characters: Ant-Man (Pym), Melinda May, Quake

Ant-Man (Pym) has posed:
"No, I brought my lab /with/ me," Dr. Pym is describing to one of the administrators of the R&D area, with a dry, tired tone that the scientist often adopts when he has to repeat himself. "Usually I put it outside. It's big. I don't need to occupy your indoor science rooms, unless you really require that, but this is more efficient for me, I know where everything /is/," the doctor sighs, with a loose gesture of hand towards the sciences area.

Dr. Pym is an ordinary looking man at first glance, not recognizable by most people; during his time as an Avenger he was masked. He blends in easily with other scientists, and is certainly amoung his people right now, while discussing where he'll be set up.

Melinda May has posed:
May arrives as the unassuming scientist is trying to explain. She waits for him to stop and then offers calmly, "It might be best not to open up your lab in here. And honestly, the reason we've asked you here has enough risks involved that as inconvenient as it is, we'd very much rather you work in this lab than the one you're used to."

She's standing just inside the doorway, looking almost like every other SHIELD agent in this place, though maybe not quite as young as the majority of them. "We can arrange for you to get items you need from your building, if necessary."

Quake has posed:
Skye smirks as she follows in behind Agent May. She gets it. She likes her gear. It's set up the way she wants it. With tech she knows and trusts. There are no surprises. It's like coming home. And while she'd never thought about it in terms of the Bobsey Twins, hearing Bill Nye the Science Guy complaining at the R&D team strikes a sympathetic chord.

Of course she knows who /he/ is (kinda, sort of) and he doesn't know who she is yet.

Ant-Man (Pym) has posed:
"It's a mobile lab. It's intended to be dragged around after me like so much baggage," Dr. Pym jokes, his tone wry. He moves full attention to Director May, in the same way one might do in a store if he recognized the manager just arrived, and prefers to defer to highest authority.

"But I understand security risks - better than most - as well as power needs. If it doesn't fit, well." A shrug follows, as he settles his hands against his pockets, his manner somewhat aloof, but calm. "I suppose you were expecting me? I am Dr. Pym," Hank introduces himself, to May. His eyes move to Skye attentively, taking her in, but defaulting back to May, as she's in front, and spoke to him.

Melinda May has posed:
When Hank introduces himself, May steps forward and offers him a handshake. "Welcome, Doctor. I'm May, and this is Skye." Yes, she just introduced without titles or ranks. A test of some sort perhaps?

"We have been expecting you, yes. I'm hoping you can help us with some short term questions and perhaps some longer term concerns as well. What do you know about the cyborg Sentinels that have been seen lately?"

She gestures to the chairs already in the lab, clearly expecting the chance to sit and chat.

Quake has posed:
Skye is still smirking, "Hey. It's me. 123." There's a pause while she waits to see if Hank catches on before she helps him out. "Number of ceiling tiles in the room I was in. Two of them were broken - not my fault as it happens. Though I have it under good authority I am responsible for one hospital bed and several equipment carts. Long story."

Yeah, she is not the ranking member of this duo. Then again, that was already apparent by the posturing and positioning of their arrival.

"Nice to finally meet you. As for the mobile lab, easier for you, harder for us. Security on remote locations increases exponentially, especially where specialized equipment is concerned. Make it mobile and Security starts talking about hazard pay."

Ant-Man (Pym) has posed:
Pym looks from May to Skye, with a thoughtful, analytical look, but he doesn't question the introduction or lack of agent titles. Perhaps he isn't concerned about it. He does follow her gesture to the chairs, and doesn't waste time going over and taking one. There's a  slowness to how he angles down to sit in the chair; the man hasn't long been out of medical, he's been running on %50 pride.

"I would say that I know more than anyone else, if the qualifier is 'cyborg'," Dr. Pym answers calmly and directly. There are traces of arrogance in the statement, but it is in the same tone any expert in a field might approach their own area. "Most of them aren't cyborgs, which narrows it down to one specific Sentinel, I suspect. Which makes my statement still true."

Hank smiles a bit towards Skye, though one brow lifted may not say whether or not he read her mind by giving him a random number. "'GM' stands for Giant-Man," he says, recalling a remark she'd made about his login. "Then I'll take the lab back to the Avengers' yard. My consulting fee alone is high, even without hazard pay, after all."

Melinda May has posed:
May follows Pym over to the chairs, but doesn't actually claim one herself. It's not to make her seem 'above' the man, or more important. It's just that she sits in chairs quite enough as it is. "Then you likely know the reason for our short term requests." She pulls a piece of paper from inside her jacket and unfolds it before offering the revealed list to Hank. "This is a list that was given to us, but the inventory or parts numbers don't fit any database that we can find. If you can help us translate this list, it will be a good first step."

Quake has posed:
"Giant Man? Giant Man? Dude, you need better PR." Unlike May, Skye claims a chair, grinning at Hank. "Quake. For obvious reasons."

Not that she's going into it. Nor is she mentioning she has another online moniker.

She watches as May slips the paper towards Hank, her gaze on him and his reactions to the list.

Ant-Man (Pym) has posed:
Dr. Pym accepts the paper, and skims over it. "I've seen a list of elements along this line before. Slightly different, there's more things on this one. I recognize a few of these offhand," he says. He flicks his other finger against it, making the paper make a 'thwap' sound, then he looks back to May again. "It's from the Trask industries databases, these part codes. These first four letters are series denominations: so it's by mark number, not part type, which is all kinds of stupid headache for no reason," Dr. Pym complains. He's very good at complaining; it's a special skill.

"PR? I don't do hero work for good PR. The name is descriptive, it gets the job done. Nobody's confused. Not all of us are flashy for audiences, or need validation," Hank smirks a little bit, but not unkindly, to Skye/Quake. Much like her, he doesn't bring up his other monikers.

"So, about this list: is the robot accessible to you? If you know where the sentinel is, it's better to just shut him down, not play the parts game with him: he's malfunctioning. I can do that for you: shut him down, fix him up." Pym snaps his fingers, and smiles, relaxed. "Like switching off the kitchen light."

Dr. Pym's file says a lot of things. One of the biggest items on it is that he's an arrogant asshole. Most people find that very accurate.

Quake has posed:
"Spy," Skye says. "Think it's in my contract I don't get to be showy or a superhero." She shrugs, then looks to May. "That's totally in my contract, right?" Then again, did she even sign a contract? She must have in that vague pre-koolaid period where it was this or a 6X4 cell.

Skye looks to May, as if looking for confirmation it's in her contract, but she doesn't wait for May to respond, turning back to Hank.

"Like a kitchen light, huh? How do you do that even? I mean, all the reports say there aren't any ways to do that. That they seem to shut themselves down." Some standard precaution, likely. That, and Skye may or may not be hoping Hank accidentally offers more information than he realizes.

May might even be pleasantly surprised Skye hasn't already jumped to a defensive protest of 'no way in hell you're shutting him down'. Apparently that last promotion came with a dash of self-restraint.

Melinda May has posed:
At his boast that he can shut Sebastian down and fix him up, May's eyebrows twitch ever so slightly and shakes her head no. "No. All we need is those parts." Then she offers Skye a subtle nod. Yes, it's in your contract, no blatant superheroing. Barton only gets away with what he does because he's enough of an everyman that very few people recognize him right off the bat.

With her decision being made -- essentially that Pym is NOT being allowed to meet with Sebastian without supervision -- May is ready to leave.

Ant-Man (Pym) has posed:
"I created a device that will force it. I booted him up, I can do the opposite, far better than whatever Stark hacked together," Dr. Pym answers. "Call it taking responsibility," the scientist says, a little heavily. The arrogance fades off, and he simply folds the list up, puts it into one of his pockets one-handedly. "I didn't just unleash a monster upon the world without keeping him in check."

Dr. Pym didn't do it this time, he means: Ultron was a learning experience.

Quake has posed:
"Niice," Skye says nodding. "So, you're offering us this technology? The device, I mean."

Shes terribly and utterly calm about the whole question. Which, if he knew Skye better might inform that this is a bad sign. But if that doesn't clue him in, her next words might, "That monster has a name, Dr. Pym. It's Sebastian. And, no, he's not your responsibility."

Melinda May has posed:
May crosses her arms, still standing back a bit, but wordlessly backing up Skye's declaration about Sebastian. She's made her decision about what they're doing for, to, and with Sebastian, and it is not up for debate.

"Do you have any questions for us, Doctor?"

Ant-Man (Pym) has posed:
"No, I don't offer inventions out. I'm offering the use of it to solve the problem, though," Dr. Pym responds, in a stuffy way that speaks of his stubbornness. "Nothing to do with you, but I get people trying reverse-engineer my tech all the time. Peeve of mine."

"'Sebastion', right. He named himself after Wendy's son: a son who is probably still being held captive to /force/ her to work on the robot," Dr. Pym replies, his tone moving an opposite way from Skye's: Pym is getting harsh. "Excuse me. 'Sebastion'." A pause. "And he is partially my responsibility. I set him loose. With most of his systems corrupted, yes, and yet he still murdered Vision. That 'Sebastion' doesn't think he's a parakeet right now is my responsibility; I should have done even more: or seen what Trask would do, but hindsight isn't getting us anything."

Agitated, Pym gets up from his chair, his face reddening some. "I'll check your parts request, but if they turn out to be weapons or to unlock his learning potential -- a shut down is kinder. And what Vision deserves, in justice."

Melinda May has posed:
May nods, unruffled by Pym's getting agitated. "That is what I want you to do. If we determine anything else that you can assist with, we'll be sure to let you know." Yes, she's withholding information that potentially affect Hank's opinion, but she will continue to do so until she feels he can be trusted around Sebastion.

"In the meantime, perhaps Skye can pull up the recordings of our discussions with the individual thus far."

Quake has posed:
"I'm not sure what you think he is, but he's as self aware as Vision ever was. If you want people to understand why you think it's better your way, then you have to do more than bluster about responsibility and hold your cards to your chest. And I'm not letting you just turn him off like he's a toaster. Vision deserves better than that. You can do that to Sebastian when he's no different than Vision? And say that?"

Yes, Skye just said she wasn't going to let Hank do that to him.

"I'll pull the recordings up and you can watch them here." In other words, she's not letting them leave her sight. Two can play that game. "I'll have them here shortly. I can bring you a coffee when I return with them. Just need to know what you like in it."

Ant-Man (Pym) has posed:
"I know what he was created to be," Dr. Pym replies, watching Skye as she answers him with agitation. He ends up with an amused look, which lends a little condescending maybe: like a teacher would give to a smart student that is wrong. At least the student is thinking. "He was made to be a weapon to purge 'evil' out of the world. He is a creation of Trask Industries, and a Sentinel. Has he commented about 'evil' yet? If not, ask him about that. But yes, let's watch your videos. I want to see what he's trying to convince you he is." Dr. Pym has chilled out, in the way of someone that thinks he's right, and time will show proof. He can be patient for a bit.

"I'll take my coffee black."