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It's a Trap! Or is it
Date of Scene: 14 July 2019
Location: Gotham
Synopsis: Damian, and Ivy have a talk about the future and her place in it... Maybe with a little help.
Cast of Characters: Poison Ivy, Robin (Wayne)

Poison Ivy has posed:
The place was dead quiet. There was equipment one would expect in a laboratory, but with Ivy's recent stint in Arkham... the place had become overgrown. Shade had fallen in this place, the lights or wires having been grown into by outcroppings of branches or plants in the ceiling, with the only place kept reasonably clean and manageable being the lab equipment.

There was no scurrying of rats, or small animals, no insects to annoy the senses or person. Just silence.

Except for the occasional creaking of wood or plants rustling. And Ivy herself stood at the laboratory bench, her long slender green fingers adjusting the amounts of something upon the bench, pouring liquid into another flask, and observing the result. Science, perhaps. Clearly, science to help the future. As the liquid turned the clearest green inside the vial, she smiles.

It wasn't, necessarily, a happy smile.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
Outside the house in the night crouched a Robin watching quietly happy to be out of his disquise for a while. This wasn't the first villian he had visited though he knew she was a lot more sane then some of the others, though that didn't make her any less dangerous. He pushes the button to put down the shield infront of his face to go on internal air as he sighed, he knew it wasn't good to go in cautious but he had to protect himself as he wasn't crazy enough to walk into her home without any protection.

Checking his belt he nods to himself, and thinks about how he would escape if it came to that, all before moving forward towards the house slowly. This was wierd to him, and maybe to her he reminded himself. It had never been done so maybe, just maybe it was worth it. He checked in with Harley, and didn't even want to try there yet, and he wasn't able to find Stockholm yet so Ivy seemed like the best start. Silently he moves to the house careful where he steps as each plant maybe an alert so best to step on any trail if possible. Moving up to the door he stops, and realizes how stupid that really was as he takes a deep breath, and does the one thing he never does rings the door-bell. Though he quickly falls back away from the door to stand in some shadows as being in the open with the suit was too wierd for him, he waits to see if there is a response.

Poison Ivy has posed:
Ivy's eyes, a clear green nearly the same shade as the chemical she was working with, flash with their own mild glow as she looks up towards the door to the greenhouse. It was falling apart. Even Damian could notice that, perhaps - but with a flick of her hand, Ivy gestures towards the door of the greenhouse, letting it creak open as the vine that was growing across it contracts. The lock to the greenhouse shivers, almost breaking with the force it took to open it.

Setting the chemicals upon the bench, Ivy turns towards the opened door. Hair curling over her shoulders, a bounty of crimson hair. And her darkly green lips twist into a smile.

"I think that's the first time a little Bat has rung my bell," she says, making a gesture into the overgrown greenhouse. "Won't you come in?" she asks.

What was that saying about the spider and the fly?

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
The Robin looks at her seriously, but he holds his hands out, "I am not here to fight." he says slowly as he takes a step in looking around a bit. "If you have a problem with that I will leave there is no reason for harm." he talks almost like you have your finger on the trigger of a bomb. To be fair Ivy was extremly dangerous in her own turf more so then some of the others so it was usually easier to deal with her outside of her own home, but that isn't how this worked he reminded himself with a sigh.

He slowly lowers his hands, "I am trying something different as what we have been doing has been going on so long. You are free again Ivy, and you know what usually happends next right?" he shakes his head, "All I am asking is for a chance to talk.. will you hear me out." his tone has fallen back to the monotone serious tone that he always speaks in. He sounds like a Bat through and through, but even he is not used to saying this yet. Though something had to change, and maybe if Ivy will hear him out others would as well.

Poison Ivy has posed:
"Obviously," Ivy says with a note of disdain to the first thing he says. Stepping forward - she has an exaggerated sway to her hip as she looks down at her nails, stepping nearer to the doorway that the Robin had entered. "If you were here to fight, there would be explosions, and batarangs," she suggests, flicking her nails away from herself. Blossoms bloom in her hair, a lock of that red - weighed down by a flourishing bunch of violet blossoms, slides forward to hang in her features.

An open, welcoming smile upon her lips. In spite of the cracks in the ceiling, this place was humid - hot. A sickly sweet scent hanging in the air, like an exotic flower. And there was a pink haze of sorts lingering near the ceiling.

"Oh, it isn't a little bat, is it? It's a little bird. You're one of the Robins, aren't you?" she says, perhaps noting the change in tone. "Why don't you tell me what happens next, my dearest?" she says. She would linger at twice arm's length away from him, arms folded over her front, green eyes watching his own with interest.

Things moved in the dimness of the overgrowth around them. It wasn't animals.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
As things moved in the background Damians hand would slip down just a little though he would catch himself and raise it again. Some instincts were harder to fight then others as he watched her very carefully, though as she dismissed the idea he did seem to relax just a little. He didn't seem entertained by the whole little bird thing as he knew he was short, but those were the games she played it wasn't a good sign that this would even work, but he had to keep going.

He uses his fingers to count out what happends next, "First, some random person experiments on, or displays some random rare plant, You get that call to do something, You do it, Bats stop you, you end up in Arkham." he lists this in a no nonsense way as he isn't trying to make fun of her, or say they are better it is just how it has happened and continues to happen. He looks at her, and shakes his head.

"Did you know.." he looks to the side as he tangents for just a moment. "That Flash and some of the villians in his city are actually friends?" he shakes his head at that. "How is that even possible is what I thought to myself, but then.." he turns to look at her, "If he can be friends with them, I can at least give some on them here a moment, a chance.."

He eyes her with a serious look, "It will not stop me if you break the law... But there has got to be a better way."

Poison Ivy has posed:
A thoughtful noise in the back of her throat. Ivy seemed unconcerned about the motions in her dim greenhouse, her eyes deadset on the cowled eyes of Damian's. "You don't seem to have heard the news," says Pamela. "I've turned over a new leaf," she says, the edge of her lip lifting up in a sly little grin. "Selling love potions, and other such things online. Wiccans do appreciate more... natural remedies."

With that said, she saunters a step or two closer to Damian, leaning forward to look him more in the eye. And to accentuate her assets, of course.

"You're telling me this story about how we can all be friends, and how we can all work together to fight crime, and make Gotham a better place, is that what you are saying?" she asks, a little smile tugging up the edges of her lips.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
Damian stops and listens to what she has to say he makes no motion that gives positive or negative response. They may train the Robins to fight, but from the looks of it they are not top on the personality lessons, though after a moment he just nods to her. "I am saying that if you do not want to go back that you need to fight crime." he gives a shrug, "You have tried normal, and it didn't work out. Maybe it will this time, but I think you need to step up your involvement or else you will fall back to your old ways."

He slowly reaches down watching her, and opens a container on his belt he pulls out just a single card. "Others may not like this change, and things out there might get to be a bit too much." he lays the card on the table, "Drinkers have a sponser.. why can't killers." he eyes her with that serious look "We are not friends, if that is something you wish to achive it must be something you earn like everything else. I am only giving this to you if something comes up that gets in the way of that."

He steps away so to give her room to get the card, and give him some room away just incase as he was still a bit cautious around her not wanting to get dragged into her game.

Poison Ivy has posed:
And Ivy steps closer to him, not reaching for the card, but his forearm - her fingers to tease down the forearm before finally taking the card. "You say killer like it's a bad thing. I'm not killing, I'm saving, dearest," Ivy says to Damian. That scent? If his bathood didn't have filters, at least. It was richer, thicker. It might fog the mind, make one a little more compliant.

With her thumb and forefinger on the card, she strokes her middle and little fingers against his own fingers before drawing back again, to read it. "I promise," she says, with a wryness, putting the card to her lips. "If I ever have the urge to do something terrible, I'll call you first. And you can help me through it?" she asks, her brow quirking before she cants her head to one side.

"Tell me, little bird - do you do night calls as well?"

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
Damian actually moves away from her thankfully he doesn't smell anything as he is on his internal air supply as mentioned earlier so doesn't get a wiff of her tricks. The only reason this is possible is he planned specificlly for this encounter with her. Ivy maybe dangerous, but her tricks were not endless, and if planned out properly even her danger can be lowered though he looks at her, he doesn't say anything about it either as obviously since he can't smell it he can't tell it is their either. No he backs up because he does not want this lady near him, and so that is what he does this time, "I think my presence is too much for you right now.. I should leave." he moves to the door eyeing her.

"Ivy.. not everyone gets this second chance. Do yourself a favor, and take it seriously." he says again serious, he reaches for the door before he continues, "If you call me, and honestly need help I will be there." he stops thinking about whatelse she said. "Night is usually better." totaly misunderstanding what she ment taking a serious look at it as of course night calls ment calls at night.

Poison Ivy has posed:
"Of course, of course," says Ivy. Turning her back to him, there was still sway to her hips, even if she had an annoyed air to her being now. Bringing up her hand, she waves Damian away. "You remember how you came in, didn't you?" she says, tossing the card onto her laboratory workbench. "It might be dangerous if you linger in here," she says to him, turning her attention back to the vials and chemicals that she was working with.

"And not from me, of course," she reminds. "But sometimes the plants don't listen as well as they should, hmm?"

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
Damian opens the door and is heading out before he stops, "I know this might be new to you, and the others may question this decision. But I hope you make it Pamula." and with that he leaves shutting the door behind him as quietly as he entered. He quickly escapes into the yard, disapearing into the shadows and on the path back to acting like a villian to find Shredder. He in truth had not told the other Bats about this decision, and they would prob be seeing her out there so could make up their own minds. Though he would keep that phone avaliable just incase as maybe just maybe she would call before she caused trouble.. ya never know wierder things have happened.