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Latest revision as of 19:10, 10 August 2019

Enough of an idea for something
Date of Scene: 07 July 2019
Location: NYC rooftops
Synopsis: Spider-Man meets up with Hank and Selene on the roofs of New York.
Cast of Characters: Spider-Man, Beast, Selene (Underworld)

Spider-Man has posed:
It's either early morning or a really late night and the fact that Spidey can't tell the difference is very indicative to what kind of whichever it has been. With criminals walking in the front door and right out the back on a swivel door, the streets have been extra busy the last few weeks, but tonight seemed a little extra for no apparent reason. Saturdays always are, though, aren't they? Ask any Emergency Room worker and they'll tell you.

Weekends, Mondays, and Full Moons.

Spider-Man is crouched on the edge of a building looking over the city at dawn. His right hand is rubbing at his left shoulder while the arm beneath rotates in its socket from a lucky punch someone landed at some point last night... or was it when he got hit by the car? "I need life insurence." He muses comically, shaking his head. For the last hour things have been quiet, if it stays that way, Pete might get an hour's sleep before he has to start on his homework due Monday morning.

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy is on occasion called upon to help a student, or a former student, in trouble. Whether it's their fault or not, they need help, and Hank will often go to help. And that's why he's in the city at this odd hour. And at this point, he's coming out of a building, putting the kid into a cab to get home, with enough money to pay for it. and then he's left alone on the sidewalk.

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
Selene, vampire, dangerous leader.....is in the shade on the roof, she's watching silentlyy. She's been out tonight, patrolling with her Death Dealers, making sure no lycans are getting a foothold in her coven's territory. She stares out over the city as well, then her ice blue eyes flick to the figure on the roof. She's not leaving her spot in the shade.....yet.

Spider-Man has posed:
"Well there's a site for sour eyes." Pete says of seeing Henry putting a former student in the backseat of a cab. There's a smile beneath his mask, but he's in no particular condition, costumed as he is, to go mingle with a coleague from work. Then there's Selene over there being all mysterious in the shade. Spidey can't see her, back to her and the like, but rooftops are equal opertunity so it's unlikely he would accost her for getting rest between fighting werewolves.

That's busy work.

"I really should go by the lab sometimes..." Of going to see Hank back at the School.

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy throws his arms out and stretches in a big yawn. It is an odd hour, and a lot went on yesterday. He pulls out his phone, and considers. Looking up at the nearby rooftops, he wonders if he could get a ride back more directly in a helicopter as he taps at his pone to see what his other options are just yet. Surely by conicidence he's looking at the occupied rooftops nearby...

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
Selene is many things. Mysterious is one, and she looks out over the city and moves in a blur to another bit of shade nearer the spidey one. Still, she's got a view down to street level and watches with amusement in her eyes. She's perfectly still for a moment, then she moves again, circling around the rooftop as the dawn's a thing. She's got shade and a way off the roof and into more shade. It's like she's thinking ahead, really.

Looking down to the street, Selene watches then stays on the roof again.

Smart vampire.

Selene though is relaxing after 'dealing' with werewolves, damned werewolves.

Spider-Man has posed:
If he'd been thinking about who Selene was, Peter probably would have accidentally run afoul of these pair of folk far earlier in the night. Suffice to say, he remains knelt down with his arms on knees at the edge of the roof where anyone looking up might spy themselves a site of Spider-Man perching and watching as what Spider-Man sometimes does.

When Henry does as such, Spidey raises his hand and flitters his fingers in a loose wave.

Damned Werewolves or something.

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy just thought he was looking for a landing spot. But he's being... waved at by a man in a suit. Well okay. So Hank looks for the entrance to that building he just came out of, and starts making his way back to the roof, which involves a mix of elevators and stairs, but he emerges up there. "Good evening," he nods once up there.

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
Selene waves too, though more to the suit wearing guy than the one at street level. Stilll....Selene stays where she is watching around the roof. Once the...blue....thing is on their roof, Selene waves. "Hello" she says with a fanged smile. "Well, well. What brings you up here?" she asks, her voice a mix of European accents as she speaks.

Spider-Man has posed:
Spider-Man. He was waved at by Spider-Man. It's 2027, even by accident people should have a twitter account by now. And even so as they don't, the local news, papers, webpages specialized to the currently location? Spider-Man isn't a myth like Batman and he's been around for the better part of a decade.

Even under a rock, a worm might have mentioned him in passing.

Hank joins him on the roof and Spidey turns to look back at the entrance to said roof, "Evening, big guy." Stepping down backwards off the ledge upon which he was perched in favor of leaning back against it. Turning again, this time to face Selene, eyes on his mask wide. "Holy crap, are those real?" Squinting and leaning forward towards her fangy smile.

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy didn't see the dark one in the shadows at first, but his vision's good enough to pick her up once up there. "Good evening," he nods to her as well, before chucking at Spider-Man's reaction. "Are yours? I'm up here because Spider-Man here was waving at me, while I was wondering if I should bring a helicopter up here to get home faster. You two?"

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
Selene puts her hands in her long coat. She nods with a smile. "Oh they are real alright" she says clicking her fangs as she speaks. "I am Selene" she says and laughs softly, nodding to Hank, "You are....civilized. Or, you don't ask silly questions do you?" she asks with a look from Hank to Spidy.    
It's 2027, Selene doesn't, amusingly, have Twitter. Or, /she/ doesn't have Twitter. Her Death Dealers, who come out of the roof access door and flank Selene, look the other two over then begin climbing down the fire escape, heading home. Selene watches them leave for a moment then turns her attention back to Hank and Spidey. "So. What're you up to this morning?" she asks.

Spider-Man has posed:
"You say silly questions, I say informative ones." Spidey defends himself with a playful huff, "Not every day you see someone in black leather with fa- you know what, yeah it kind of is everyday isn't it? Nevermind, nevermind." Hands up, respect style. Then he leans them backwards on the ledge upon which he were previous leaning. "Just Spider-Man stuff." As to what it is he's up to, "Swinging around, fighting the criminals, the usual." Looking between Hank and Selen. "I'm Spider-Man. Or Spidey, or wallcrawler, webhead.. honestly I have a bunch of names don't I? I need to narrow it down a little."

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy watches as Selene's miniions leave, while Spider-Man babbles a bit. "So there are three of us here, all watching one another? That doesn't seem to be an efficient use of resources."

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
Selene raises an eyebrow at Hank as she sighs. "Eficient use of resources, hmm?" she asks then nods to Spidey. "The guy who swings around the city, well then" she smiles, revealing her small but dangerous fangs. "See, My use of resources wouldn't be to get around the city. More to.....say.....secure it" she says softly, looking over at them again, something in her eyes.

Spider-Man has posed:
"In my defense, I was about to call it a morning when you fine folk came along." Spidey brings hands up in surrender, "These foot clan coins have been wrecking havoc on the status quo. Seems I can't come up for air, been at it since early evening.. I'm tired. Sore." Once again rubbing his shoulder, "Not really thinking either of you was a threat... but he's right." Save maybe pointing towards Selene's group descending the fire escapes, "Kind of a dark entourage you've got there, huh? You 'securing' the city for a Cure concert?"

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy rests his face in his large hand, rubbing his forehead. "Now now... whatever did she do to you? Fang envy?" He sighs, with a slight chuckle. "But seriously, if you are going to be the city's night watch, spread out a LITTLE at least?"

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
Selene raises an eyebrow at Hank as she sighs. "Eficient use of resources, hmm?" she asks then nods to Spidey. "The guy who swings around the city, well then" she smiles, revealing her small but dangerous fangs. "See, My use of resources wouldn't be to get around the city. More to.....say.....secure it" she says softly, looking over at them again, something in her eyes. She does laugh at the Cure remark. "No, no. Keeping the filthy lycans out of town" she says. She takes her war seriously. "Well, some anyhow" she adds with a look then watches Spidey and Hank. "Fang envy. Is that like....never mind. I don't want to know" she says softly, voice a low purr. "Mostly because it'll put me off what I'm supposed to be doing" she adds with a playful sigh.

Spider-Man has posed:
"Do to me?" Spidey glances from Hank to Selene and back again, "Huh? You mean the Cure comment? I joke.. it's what I do. Sort of my thing, ya know? Whimsical observations of a comical nature." Anyways, "You bring up a good point. I should get to one last patrol before the sun comes up." The costumed hero steps up on the ledge and turns on his toes. walking a few steps along with the balance of an alleycat. "If you're going to land a helicopter up here, I'd pick a different roof.. ther gravel will be as hell flying around like a tornado."

Upon facing the pair, Spidey falls backwards with his arms spread and catches up a swing with a webline fired from his wrist.