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Quaid's Medical Charts are Reviewed OR Second Opinions are Important!
Date of Scene: 09 July 2019
Location: Triskelion
Synopsis: In which Jemma finds a fellow conspirator in Darcy Lewis and no one thinks this is a Good Idea. It's going to hapen anyway. OR Darcy secures Jemma's help in unraveling what happened to Officer Quaid.
Cast of Characters: Jemma Simmons, Darcy Lewis

Jemma Simmons has posed:
    It isn't often that the co-head of the Research and Development department visits the Medical department, apart from chastising Skye on her latest attempt to shatter her wrists, usually. After all, there are state-of-the-art labs at Jemma's disposal over in R&D and usually no one second-guessing her intentions. But...there comes a time in which even Jemma Simmons needs medical assistance.

    Or, at least, that is what Jemma told the resident doctor on call.

    In actuality, Jemma was looking over medical records and needed an excuse to get the doctor out of the room. Currently, she does have Skye's info open, reviewing the latest info and comparing notes. She does, however, have a couple other files at the ready, perhaps for some project she is working on. Skye? Well...Jemma just wanted to make sure things were healing properly, given that Jemma herself gave an experimental drug for that purpose.

    Really, she wasn't using Skye as a test subject at all. As far as Skye knows.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Shady experimental drugs were not what was happening here. Nope. And it's not at all one of the reasons Darcy it peeking her head into Medical. Nope. And if you believed that story, I've got tracks of ocean front out near Tucson.

"Hey! Jemma. Just the science twin I was looking for. How are you? Got a minute?" Darcy says, making her way quickly to Jemma's side, walking like she totally belongs here. Spoiler alert: She doesn't.

Jemma Simmons has posed:
    There is a sudden straightening as Darcy calls out to Jemma, as if mildly startled. "Oh, hello Agent Lewis!" She pauses, as she glances about, flipping closed the medical charts she was perusing. Not at all in a manner that would betray she was doing something mildly illicit. Which means, of course it is obvious she was. "I...I am well."

    A few more seconds of pause, as Jemma gathers her thoughts. "How can I help you today?" She glances to the left then right, keeping an eye out for that resident she shoo'ed away. Just to make sure she wasn't making a fool of herself in front of more than one person.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
"Darcy, or Darce, or You Tits," replies Darcy, giving the scientist and smile. She too glances about, also on the look out for others. She likely misses how Jemma closed that file.

"Well, I've got a friend in the hospital, and well.... there's some weirdness. I was hoping you could look over his file? See what you make of it?" she asks, stepping in a bit closer so she can lower her voice. Because this isn't clandestined At. All.

Jemma Simmons has posed:
    There is a definite relaxing of the shoulders as Jemma realizes she has a fellow conspirator with her. "Yes....Darcy." There is a nod as the scientist registers the use of the first name as appropriate. And, with the glance about for unwanted ears, Jemma herself drops to that softer volume, a murmur meant only for Darcy. "Weirdness, you say?"

    Note for the future. If one ever wants to hook Jemma, just mention medical weirdness.

    "I can certainly look it over. Could you be more specific? What sort of 'weirdness'?" Jemma even throws up her hands to air quote the word. She is definitely intrigued. "I imagine it would be something particularly noteworthy, considering." Considering the whole whispered tones and all.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Darcy nods, fishing out her phone since she didn't have anything that looked remotely like a medical file in her hand. She taps it open, pulling up images of a medical chart for Quaid, Frank at Mt. Sinai Hospital.

"I have no idea, but his partner said that one minute he was there, and the next he wasn't. He was found covered in sand and in a coma... in an alleyway across town. That? Totally reminded me of what happened with the Impulse kid. One minute we were eating, next we were across town, and then I was flund into a wall. No sand for me, but.. yeah. It's weird. And I'm worried and you're the only person I could think of who could maybe help me out with this?" Darcy says, her words a quick sticatto ramble ash she hands over her phone so Jemma can look at the zoom-in-able pages of the medical chart that she clearly took pictures of. Sneaky Darcy is sneaky.

Jemma Simmons has posed:
    Confusion sets in Jemma's expression as she takes the phone from Darcy, to look over the images of the medical charts. "Impulse. That is the speedster meta that you was involved with." It is a statement of fact, not a question as Jemma scrolls across the image. "You want me to look for signs of rapid acceleration? tell-tale trauma caused by the stress of extreme speed?"
    It is apparent that Jemma is reaching with her guesses. After all, she could conceive of multiple explanations, each one more far-fetched than the last. But, this is something that Darcy is concerned about. And so Jemma is going to do what she can. "Did his partner witness anything in particular that could shed light on the subject?"

Darcy Lewis has posed:
"That's the kid. And maybe? I don't know. Like I said, from what his partner told me about what happened, one minute there talking the next he was gone and found literally across town with sand - enough that someone wrote on a get well card for him to stay out of the desert...? That's the weird part. For me, anyway. I mean. There's not a beach near where he normally works and probably was, and he was found even FURTHER from the beach. How would he have gotten SAND on him in that short amount of time if he wasn't zoomed or ported or magicked or something else that we deal with on like an everyday basis?" Darcy rambles with that slightly higher manic note she gets when she's Worried About Someone (TM).

"Elaina Bever. She said that they were standing and talking and then he vanished. She said the doctors said he had internal injuries, but they didn't know how he got them. It was only a few hours from when he vanished to when they found him, and I'm going to bet that he'd been laying there for at least an hour before they found him." Darcy says, brows pulled together.

Jemma Simmons has posed:
    The confused expression shifts slowly into a frown as Jemma looks over the notes left within the records. Medical speak can be a separate language to those not experienced with it. Fortunately, Jemma was always good with languages. "Well, Darcy, your hypothesis is correct. From what I am reading, these injuries are consistent with extremely rapid acceleration and deceleration. The internal injuries are reminiscent to those sustained by automobile accident victims, only magnified." The frown only deepens as Jemma continues to flip through the images. "Only...most of this seems to speak of that. There are other notes specifying that some of these injuries look to be...deliberate. I mean, really, Darcy, from what I am reading, it looks like someone tried to shake him like a ragdoll, repeatedly, and with such force that there is massive damage. I would know more if I examined him."

    The phone is returned to Darcy. "If I was to take a guess, I would say that this individual was thrown into a large blender and someone hit the puree button. To put it in non-medical terminology."

Darcy Lewis has posed:
"You wanna go see him? Visiting hours don't stop for another four hours," Darcy states. Just like that. No questions about why things might look dilberate, or that he was shaken and not stirred. No increase in her fretting or worrying or mother henning beyond a sudden down shift of her voice. It's a clear change in the normally flippant agent, to go from openly concerned to 'where's my gun, imma shoot a bitch up'. Her phone is collected and set back to the home screen.

Jemma Simmons has posed:
    "I sincerely doubt that the medical staff that is tending to your friend quite know how to address this." Jemma is laying the facts out as straightforward as possible. "I could be wrong, but I sincerely doubt it. It would certainly be prudent if we did, but I am not sure if we can just take over without questions from both sides." There is a pause, as worry clouds her mein. "But, yes, I would say we should go. As soon as possible."

Darcy Lewis has posed:
"Don't worry about the questions. I can deal with them. You? You focus on that medical drama shit," Darcy replies, giving a nod of her head.

"Get what you need, small things, to give him a proper look over. Put them in your purse. If you don't have a purse, I'll lend you mind. Meet me in the lobby in fifteen," she says, because there is about to be a bit more slight misuses of her credentials to secure that vechile again.

"Oh, and drop your ID in her purse too... and loose the lab coat," Darcy says, pausing at the doorway to look back at Jemma. Her bright red lips widen into a grin that would fit better on the face of a certain Thunder God's brother.

"And then follow my lead when we get to the hospital. See you in a quarter."