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Wolves, Wine and Other Weirdness
Date of Scene: 03 July 2019
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Vanessa meets with Frank to tell him about werewolves. He learns more than he bargained for.
Cast of Characters: Frank Quaid, Morrigan MacIntyre

Frank Quaid has posed:
Frank finds parking near Halo's, a trendy chain restaurant. He checks his Blackberry one last time then pockets it for the walk inside. Even with the cane, a cheap black thing, he walks fairly quickly. He is wearing a black suit with white shirt and blue tie, his usual work attire. The nose bandage and black eyes had become a standard part of his look as well, but thankfully the swelling was gone and his dark complexion hid most of the yellow.

He was able to get a reservation, because even on a Tuesday night, the place was busy and people were waiting. The host, who could not have been older than 17, leads Frank to his table, a booth against one wall. He fires off a text to Morrigan that he was there and where to find him. Then he sets about fighting the monster that is unending messaging.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan doesn't keep people waiting usually. And it's no different with Frank. The redhead makes her entrance about five minutes after he's been seated. She's wearing a finely tailored, yet simple cobalt blue dress that hits just below the knee. She removes her sunglasses once she's inside and heads to the booth that he had texted her about.

She approaches with a smile, "Mister Quaid." she gives a smile to him, her violet gaze warm as she looks over the man. "I've heard you've been having a bit of a rough time. Thank you for reaching out." she tells him as she takes a seat.

Frank Quaid has posed:
Frank gets up when Morrigan comes over and offers a hand.

"Hazards of the job I guess," he says with a half-smile. He looks tired. Actually, he looks like a person who always looks tired. "And Frank is fine. Thanks for taking the time to meet, Dr. MacIntyre. I know you're busy."

He waits for Morrigan to sit and then settles in again. Frank turns the buzzer on his Blackberry off and pockets it.

"How are things at the hospital? Things getting back to normal yet?"

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan gives a smile when Frank stands and she reaches out to firmly shake his in return, "Just Morrigan is fine, Frank." she tells him as she greets him. "And it's no problem. We're coming up on the holiday so it's easy to get time off." she tells him. "That and I make my own schedule." she muses as she releases his hand.

She then settles herself down and looks across to him, "Things are alright so far, I've been looking into whatever killed the woman at the hospital. Seems like it's something new and designer." she admits quietly.

Frank Quaid has posed:
Frank smiles politely with a nod at Morrigan's first comments. He picks up the menu, scans it quickly and puts it back down. But ee frowns at the second remark.

"You're kidding. This one just keeps getting worse. What does it do?" he asks just as quietly. "Who could put something like that together?"

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan gives a look to the menu, but she already knew what she was getting. She was a pro with menus. But there's a look to Frank, "That is a good question that I don't know the answer to. I'm going to need a person that knows their poisons come in...and someone that probably knows too much about the black market. This is out of my league." she admits. "And I don't say that often." she adds.

Then there's a shake of her head, "What was going on with your cases though. I know you needed to ask me questions." she smiles to that.

Frank Quaid has posed:
Frank shakes his head when Morrigan says it is out of her league.

"That's not something I wanted to hear from you, Morrigan," Frank says dryly. The server appears and Frank gestures for Morrigan to order first. He orders an ahi tuna salad and a glass of white wine to go with it.

"Dinner's on the department," he adds once the server leaves. Then he sighs. "That case is one of mine, actually. And I don't have much for leads. If you need anything to bring in a specialist, tell me and we'll make it happen. It's pretty much carte blanche on solving this one," Frank says. He takes a drink from the water glass the server left for him.

"But what I really wanted to ask you about was those autopsies we sent in a couple weeks ago. The weird ones," he says.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan's chuckle isn't a harsh one, but it's a bit tired, just like he feels. "I don't say that a lot, but it does give me a reason to look into poisons and toxicology. Though I'm not looking for a third Doctorate." she muses. Then she orders a grilled chicken ceasar salad and a soda. Because lets not dice calories.

"If the precinct has a person that they call in for things of this nature then please bring them in." she states. "Otherwise I'm going to see if I can't wrangle someone." she admits.

Then there's a look to him when he talks about the bodies they sent, "Oh you mean the Werewolves?" she whispers to him. "Umm...yeah, mark that off my bucket list." she shakes her head. "They had ashes on them, which given my recent encounters in other areas I'm guessing belonged to Vampires." she murmurs. "Is this your first encounter with both of those things?" she asks him.

Frank Quaid has posed:
"A third doctorate?" Franks says with a shake of his head. "I barely scrapped through college."

"Someone more qualified than you?" Frank asks in response to the part about the toxicology. "No. But I'll dig. If it turns out you need someone from the other side though, we can make them cooperate."

Reflexively, Frank looks at the nearest table. The people there could not possibly hear them over the music, but habits.

"You're right, of course," Frank says. "We didn't know until the bodies went to you, but that was vampire... ash. I've never seen anything like this, Morrigan. Not in over 20 years on the job. A bunch were dead in an alley, then six more attacked my partner and I."

The middle-aged man purses his lips and runs his tongue over the front of his top teeth.

"I'm told they're something called Lycans, and the vampires were from Europe. I got given a bunch of information about them, but honestly, I don't know what to believe. I was hoping you'd look at them and tell me they were just some mutants."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan gives a bit of a bashful smile when he asks about the Doctorate, "I'm a Doctor of Pathology and Hematology." she tells him. "My IQ makes me a bit of an overachiever when it comes to work." she shrugs. Plus her parents were both big name doctors so it made sense to a degree.

"There are people out there that do not share my credentials that are just as good at what they do. Sometimes having a random toxicology or poisons expert is a good thing." she admits.

Then the violet eyed woman dips her head when he tells her she was right, "You want to know how I know that, Frank?" she asks him as she leans in. "Because I carry a squirt gun filled with holy water just in case this one asshole tries to come and chomp on me again. Not to mention that there's places where vampires are really common knowledge." she admits. "And I've ashed a few myself." she tells him quietly as she leans back.

"Hmm. Lycan's. I wonder what the difference in them is." she asks quietly. "I might have a way to see that. But it will take some buttering up to someone to see if I can do it." she states.

Then she gives him a soft look, "I am sorry for the delivery of bad news, but no, these were not mutants. There's actually a lot of ways one can become a werewolf." she tells him.

Frank Quaid has posed:
The heart rate increase. The pupil dilation. The slight reflexive shift to put wounds further from an attacker or predator. The tension in the shoulders. They are all there.

Frank very carefully reaches for his water and takes a drink.

"It's loud in here and I must be more tired than I thought," Frank says neutrally. "Because for a second there, it sounded like you were implying that you're a vampire...."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan's eyes close for a moment and there's a breath to calm herself as she sees all of the signs in Frank of a man that might be scared. Then she opens her eyes and looks to Frank and there's a soft smile. But she says nothing for the moment. Instead, she reaches into her purse and withdraws a glass vial of what looks like water.

"This is holy water, Frank." she murmurs to him as she leans in just a touch across the table. She then opens the vial and proceeds to pour it over her hand behind the napkin holder where others won't look at them funny.

Nothing happens. No skin burning. No freaking out or setting on fire.

"Vampires will burn if you hit them with holy water." she tells him. "I was attacked at the start of the year. But I didn't turn or anything like that. There's also a lot of ways people can become Vampires." she tells him as she lets the water roll off of her pale skin.

Frank Quaid has posed:
The cop in Frank is not buying any of the holy water demonstration, but the woman's demeanour he can read well enough. The tension disappears, if not the wariness.

"Honest to God holy water? That's real?" Frank asks and then winces just slightly at his choice of language. He takes another drink of water.

"There's a lot I don't understand, I guess this is just one more thing. I'm sorry about what happened to you, I..." Frank shakes his head slightly. What do you say to that?

"I've met two other vampires, so I shouldn't be too surprised. One of them broke my nose," he says dryly. "I just didn't expect you would be... affected?"

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan gives a smile to Frank and then starts to wipe the water away with a napkin and then puts the empty vial back in her purse. "Yes, honest to God holy water. I get it from my church." she tells him quietly. Then she's taking a sip of her drink and watching him. Those eyes of hers you didn't see every day.

"It's hard to be a person of science and of 'if I can see it and touch it I know it's real' somedays." she states in a soft tone. "But there are so many things out there that are way above our paygrade. I'll leave it to those who are experts." she admits. "And my biological father is not someone I want to meet again. Ever. If I see him again I'll probably sic someone with a heavy trigger finger on him." she muses.

Then she looks curious, "Two vampires? What were their names. Maybe I know them." she muses. "Affected? I'm not only a doctor but I have a healty curiousity for the Supernatural and things that go bump in the night." she tells him. "Vampires are actually more commonplace than one might imagine." she points out.

Frank Quaid has posed:
"Huh," Frank says, considering Morrigan. "I didn't figure you for a believer, even before I knew holy water was a thing. But hey, I've been sleepwalking past vampires all my life so what do I know? That kind of stuff going to be your fourth doctorate?"

He leans back when the server returns with their food. He thanks the young man, waits for Morrigan to start in on her food and then does so himself.

"I don't know both their names. I tried to arrest Selene in the alley with the werewolves, which she didn't like," he says with a gesture to his nose. "Then I saw her again later with another vampire that didn't say anything."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan looks amused, "I am very much a believer. I've seen and experienced too much not to be." she admits to him. She almost mentions that she's seeing a man that's been alive since the 1500's and can transform into a ryhming demon...but she doesn't. THAT would freak the man out. "It's not so much sleepwalking as it's most aren't really looking until there's a reason to." she admits to him.

She thanks the server with one of those dazzling smiles of hers and then takes a bite of her salad, there's a sound of contentment over it. Vampires probably wouldn't be eating a salad. And be that happy about it.

"As long as one wasn't a blonde Brit then I probably don't know them." she admits. "And if you'd like some help with the more paranormal side of things I might be able to help. I'm not a highly decorated occultist or anything, but I have my resources." she grins.

Frank Quaid has posed:
"No, dark hair, more dangerous than the blondes," Frank says with a bit of a chuckle. "I'd appreciate being able to run things by you, though. I doubt it's easy to find trustworthy people for this stuff. What a world."