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Latest revision as of 19:20, 10 August 2019

Leader to Leader
Date of Scene: 04 July 2019
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Sam suggests changes to the team rosters. His station wagon gets a new alternator.
Cast of Characters: Cyclops, Cannonball

Cyclops has posed:
Scott is in the garage. There is a Starbucks cup on the bench nearby, beside his jacket and helmet. Scott just got back from cruising and is methodically polishing his bike. The garage radio is playing some older but forgettable alt-rock. With one of the big garage doors open, a bit of a breezes wafts through.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will come pulling in on his boke. He has one of the restored bikes It is a black painted WW2 Style bike with a sidecar. He will pull in besides his car a somewhat rougher looking older mini station wagon.

Cyclops has posed:
Scott looks up from where he is crouched beside his bike when Sam comes riding in. His bike is a newer Harley, and Logan has been bugging him that it isn't even broken in yet. Imagine that. Logan bugging him. Scott stands up and wipes his hand on a rag.

"Good ride?" Scott asks Sam has his bike and helmet off.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smiles and says "Was ok had to go pick up a part." He shows the man a piece he had in the sidecar. "Found a junk yard had the new starter I needed for the wagon. "Seems good shape and saved some cash."

Cyclops has posed:
Scott walks over to have a look.

"Yeah, looks like it, good find," Scott agrees. "You putting it in now?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "Was thinking about it, Ah aint got any other plans right now, and while don't need the room to haul family or pizzas around as often of late, it is good to have her ready in case it is needed"

Cyclops has posed:
"No sense putting it off," Scott agrees. "Give you a hand?"

Scott walks over to the wagon to have a look.

"You're just setting yourself up for the same jokes they use on me with this thing," he says dryly.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie 's brow raises a bit, and says "What jokes ya thinking?" He will as, and will pop the hood on the wagon, and gather the tools they will need. Ah could go all fancy, but rather send more cash home to ma and the young ones.

Cyclops has posed:
Scott smiles and nods at Sam's comments.

"The ones that go with being one of the grown ups around here," Scott says. "How're they doing back home?"

Scott leans forward by the front quarter panel to look in under the hood.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "Mostly ok, a few problems with the Cabots, but that is pretty much constant you know what Ah mean?" He will start working on loosing the old starter "Well some of us have to make sure the others are ok and such, pretty much same thing I would be doing back home. Here or there looking after family."

Cyclops has posed:
Scott nods and watches Sam work for minute.

"How's the team?" he asks after a minute. He anticipates what Sam will need and fetches it for him from the nearest of the rolling tool chests.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "Pretty god, the new students are doing pretty well, wondering a bit if we want to put together a third team, something in the middle between new mutants and x-men."

Cyclops has posed:
Scott hands over the socket wrench and stands watching Sam work with his arms crossed.

"What I read from when I was away tells me we have work to do. We can't look at a third team until the first two are running properly."

"What do you think the causes are?"

Team cohesion is a big deal to Scott, as Sam will know. The recent performances of the both X-Men and New Mutants were not up to his standards.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks over his head, and says "To be honestly mostly because there is not so much set teams. If we are going to keep open teams, we need to start working on more different group arrangements in the danger room. Maybe do a raffle for sessions

Cyclops has posed:
"I don't like it," Scott agrees. "We have different teams for a reason. And they are not going to gel by mixing together."

Scott passes Sam a pair of pliers just as he needs it.

"I will crack down on my team and sort them out. Obviously I didn't do a good enough job or this would not be an issue. What do you need from me with the New Mutants?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks to the other man, and says "Not sure, I would suggest a few of the originals get the nod up to X-men. Berto, Rahne, or Illyana all have what it takes. Rahne could use the self esteem boost. Doug could make it too, but with college, and a feeling of needing to prove himself, might need a bit longer, and he is really helpful with the Danger Room. I would suggest if we need someone in charge of all our gear, I would suggest him, but do better than I did don't call it equipment manager

Cyclops has posed:
"Thanks for the tip," Scott says with a ghost of a smile. "He does have some things to work out. If he doesn't get past feeling useless, he is going to be. The field is no place for that kind of doubt."

Scott looks thoughtful for a bit while Sam works. "That is a lot of movement at once. Where does that leave your team?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "Well right noe, we have Laura, Hisako, I am bringing in Bobby, Mia, and Colt, but they are all at the rookie stage. I can still use any of my class to help when needed as I can work with them second nature. We have a few others but most of them are semi active classes taking priority right now, as should be."

Cyclops has posed:
Scott purses his lips.

"As it should be," he echoes flatly. "I will have a look at some of your suggestions, but I don't want to gut your team of the most experienced members. Especially right now. We have a lot to do and I'm going to be relying on you and your team. You're up for it."

It was not really a question. A statement? A direction? Hard to tell sometimes with Scott.

"I need you to make me redundant Sam. It is what I am counting on with you."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smirks, a bit and does not bring up that he has already dated a red headed psychic. He does add "Ah have been trying to find the right way to set up a connection at the club, so people who might need the x-men's help can contact us. With the murals and such am considering just a drop box or something

Cyclops has posed:
"No, absolutely not," Scott says immediately with a scowl. "The team is a secret for a reason, and tying it to anyone at all, especially people related to the school. It is an unnecessary risk, and outside our scope of operations. There are others who can deal with those kinds of problems. There is no one else who can fight the war at our level."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks to the man, and says "Who else is going to help mutants, when they need help with someone that is exploiting them?

Cyclops has posed:
"Sam, people have been getting hurt in Bushwick for longer than I've been with the Professor. And it has been happening that whole time. And while it's happening out there in a hundred different cities, we train. And we go to classes. We take care of ourselves with time off to fix our cars," he gestures to the wagon.

"Because we can't do it all. Saving a young mutant mutant girl from getting beaten by FoH tonight will not win the war for peace. Running your team through one more scenario against Sentinels tonight might. Because when the real battles happen, /all/ the young mutant girls could die. It's awful, and it will eat you up inside, and you hate every minute you spend doing anything other than being out there doing what you /know/ you could. But we have to focus."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie hmms and says "Ah am not so sure about that onooc maybe back in a couple hours