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Latest revision as of 08:23, 3 October 2017

Crushed Dream Part 2
Date of Scene: 17 September 2017
Location: Coney Island
Synopsis: Timber Wolf, Kenan Kong, and Kaelyn encounter minions of Darkseid (2 of 2).
Cast of Characters: Kaelyn Silverleaf, Timber Wolf

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae moves to the edge of her building right now, the girl still drinking from her thermos as she looks out over the battle scene... she's exhausted. She takes another deep breath and sighs, looking around curiously for more possible targets. Kae pulls more on her thermos and frowns, now tossing a few small insect automata into the air and lets them start looking over the place while she looks through her phone, getting the telemetry those little bugs send her way.

Timber Wolf has posed:
Timber Wolf may not understand just what it is Kaelyn is up to, but whatever it is has been effective so far. Not much stamina in her that he can see, however. No matter. Brin's got more of that in his reserves, and after leaving the Parademon he's introduced to the concrete, he turns in search of anything else to go after. Fortunately, the enemies in this area are dwindling.

"I came here for something called a 'chili cheese dog' and you will all pay for keeping me from it!" he vows, those claws of his curling with his fingers, but there's no blood on them...yet.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Its not Kaes fault, she was there when these guys first came through and has been fighting fights off and on for two days now. Everyone needs a rest! The Red-head gets to her feet now and notes a large group of parademons and takes a deep breath. Then she notices dogs too and whatnot... she frowns a bit and puts away that sall collapsable rod of hers, before yanking a staff out of her backpack. The thing laced with runes and now glowing as she channels magic through it, her eyes focussing on two large groups....

Kae begins incanting now, her words quiet at first then somehow carrying at most distances all around her, though probably unintelligable to most people, they are still present, maybe even raising the hackles on some people as thoser whispers carry even against the wind. Which, seems to be picking up at this point? It's blowing in off the warf and, then seems to still though it's swirling out over the water, two swirls to be preceise. These quickly lift into the air, forming two small waterspouts.

Kae raises her free hanhd palm upward before those spouts turn and unload the water they've picked up at the groups of troups, not in large streams but several tightly compacted highly pressurized streams, these blasting across parademon and demon-dog alike much like a waterjet might.

Timber Wolf has posed:
Timber Wolf simply cannot compete with that sort of power, but he's seen lots of power before from teammates of his. Brin's methods are a little more..up close and personal. Hackles raised or not, he grunts more to himself, "Showoff," before plowing his way through a fresh pack of ground troops by lowering a shoulder and simply charging. It's his own version of bowling compared to what Kaelyn's up to. No time to stop and stare with the fight not yet done.

"Stay down!" he demands of them, turning once he's gone past to ensure they do, one way or another. A few need some extra encouragement.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae maintains this little water assault for a few more seconds, the blasts cutting parademon's wings off, or flat cutting them in half as water rains down all around... Kae then calls to Timber Wolf... "Get up here!!" she shouts out, motioning to the water. There's a reason she'd really focussed mostly on parademons with that ability "Need ya out of the water!"

Kae redirects her vision skyward, yes it's startying to develope clouds overhead... There's a crack and a peel of thunder at this point. It's probably quite obvious what the woman intends to do what with the water all over the ground now.

Timber Wolf has posed:
"For what? ...oh." Brin gets it moments after he asks, as he can feel things changing in addition to seeing and hearing them, but he calls back, "Have you stopped to consider there might be people stuck around here we need to find before you fry the entire area? Or is it too late for that now?" It may depend on how much water is around, but just in case this is happening in the next few seconds, he vaults his way up to higher ground.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
"Umm Well it's only gonna get where the water hit, not beyond those guys now tramping through! Besides I've been giving thse guys the runaround all day and leading them here for this very reason!" She shouts out. Then her words change as she raises the staff skyward... A few blasts from paratroopers go her way but her wards in place take the hit, flairing brightly as the beams swirl around sphere of protection briefly as they flare to life, cracks starting to form... Then more thunder. Finally Kae thrusts her hands forward, both the hand with the staff and her empty one as a massive arc of electricity rains down actually on Kae. It's quickly bent and redirected in a tightly compacted beam of arcing energy which surges through the oncoming army, electrocuting those not directly caught, and even sweeping over a tank, the surge of energy disabling it without actually blowing it up....

Kae holds this for a while, directing the energy breathing hard and panting. Her ward takes another hit from a beam this time visibly cracking, before she directs the blast toward the latest shooter, blasting them with the full force of the sustained tessla-style lightning bolt before finally falling to her knees, seems the lightning was also damaging her wards along with the blasts fro the troops as the ward finally shatters, sending sparks of energy flying in all directions as the woman falls back on her rump, spent... She tiredly whispers, her voice somehow carrying "All yours now...."

Timber Wolf has posed:
Timber Wolf crouches and shields his eyes when things get bright and flashy, the hair on his arms briefly standing up from the charged air around them. When it works - through her - and drops just about everything around them, even he has to whistle low under his breath and wait for a moment until he's heard her speak again.

That's when he wordlessly hops back down, finds a Parademon still conscious, and takes care of that with a swift boot to the side of its head. This leaves him to wipe his hands together as if satisfied with a job well done. "Not bad," he remarks.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae sighs and peeks over the edge of the building, her hair litterally staying on end. It's like she'd pugged her self into a staticelectricity socket. She blinks and glances around.... "Well lookie there... it worked... kinda..." she says and rubs at her hair then jumps as her hand touches a metal spike on the roof... She shakes her hand and glances around "I ain't got much more a few more gadgets for emergency, but that's it." She says and glances at her staff briefly, before she collapses it and puts the thing away... She then hops up on her broom and glides it down to the ground as and tiredly staggers forward... "According to my atomata what's left are leaving and regrouping..." She says and rubs at the nape of her neck

She offers a hand "Oh, I'm Kaelyn, by the way." she says by way of introduction with a bit of a tired smile. "Pleasure meeting ya?

Timber Wolf has posed:
Timber Wolf moves around the vicinity looking like a predator stalking unseen prey. Every movement is measured, every action deliberate. He's ensuring they won't be dealing with any more surprises, especially as the clearest dangers begin to depart.

"Obviously you have some power," he tells the witchy person as he squints at her outward appearance in the wake of the lightning strike. "You can call me Timber Wolf." The hand is stared at for a few seconds, then it receives the briefest of meetings with one of his own. "But it's not the time for small talk. Like I said, I'm looking for survivors." This is puctuated with a sniff of the area.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae pulls a small see through slick out of her pocket and unravels it, kind of odd with a mage, least till one were to look at it closely. It's like a scroll with see through fabric holding it together, she hits a button at the top of it and it shows a picture on it, and the telemetry her insect automata are feeding her... "This'll help." she says tiredly...

Timber Wolf has posed:
"I trust my nose," Brin answers, tapping it a couple times. Gruffly, he questions, "You going to be all right or do you need to be carried off somewhere?" He doesn't seem to be the most personable sort right now, but to be fair he's coming off of an adrenaline rush from being engaged in combat. Exhilirating.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae tilts her head "Oh if I need to get out of here I can... Gonna make sure if you wanna continue fighting you can use those automata of mine and help find more of these things... Between your nose and what my automata can give you, you should be able to sneek up on and take out anything." she says and smiles a bit... "I'm pretty much out of the fight, but if what I have can help you out, then all's the better."

Timber Wolf has posed:
Timber Wolf has to force himself to say this diplomatically, but he replies, "Thanks for the offer, but it's better around here now and if I need them, I have a few friends of my own who can help. But," and here he gestures with the same hand that went to his nose just before, indicating the area around them, "This probably doesn't end the way it did without you around. So, good work."

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae tilts her head and grins "There's other magi who coulda probably done better... I don't have the endurance some do. Mostly an Artificer my self... she hmms and tries to find a good explanation. "The Nerds of the magician world." she says with a slight grin "Most artificers stay inside and make new things rather than getting out... And only recently have I even started doing it... But I'll build up that magical 'muscle' as it were if I can live through this invasion we have going on." She then tugs a blue vial from her pocket and offers it... "If ya get injured, drink. It'll heal wounds for a while and allow you to regenerate..."

Timber Wolf has posed:
She's beginning to lose him a bit with the magic talk, Artificers, and all that, showing in the way Timber Wolf starts looking at other things, only half-listening. "I don't need to know about all of that, really. If this is you only doing all right..grife." The vial itself is immediately waved off as the man in the costume shakes his head openly. "Sprock no. I don't need that stuff." The man raises a hand as if saluting, adding, "You take care of yourself. I've got some more sniffing around to do before anyone comes back."

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae nods slowly "I will, I'm thinking of slinking back to my shop and grabbing some sleep" she says with a slight smile, then pockets the Vial... Then things get silly. She tugs her backpack off, opens it up wider than what it really should open, and steps into the thing. It's like she's going down a ladder, and before long she dissapears. The backpack stays there a moment, then closes up on its own and seems to flicker out of existance.

Timber Wolf has posed:
"What the sprock?" is about all Brin has to say to /that/ before he just shakes his head and returns to going about his business of looking for any survivors. Earth is crazier than he thought it would be.