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Latest revision as of 19:38, 10 August 2019

A friend in need..
Date of Scene: 01 July 2019
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Gambit, Storm

Gambit has posed:
The day had been hot and muggy and mostly unpleasant. Remy didn't really care. He was sitting on the edge of the roof, brooding, for the last hour and a half. A beer sat beside him, half drank and now gone hot from the sun.

Storm has posed:
There's a whisper of sandals behind Remy. "You've been up here for a while, Remy," comes Ororo's familiar voice. She steps past him and sits on the edge of the roof as well, tucking her dress behind her knees before swinging her sandaled feet over the edge. A black-and-white romper style dress with horizontal stripes, worn over a partially obscured 'Aerosmith' t-shirt in faded grey. "And you haven't finished your drink. Something amiss?"

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau glances at the beer that he'd forgotten was there and sighs. At first he debates saying "No," he doesn't however for two reasons. One the lie would be obvious, and two...well what's the point in having a friend like Ro if not to tell your troubles to? Not looking at her, he just sighs. "Rogue an' Ah called it quits. Takin' a break, dat was de nice polite term we settled on foh it."

Storm has posed:
"Ah." Ororo's palms rasp over one another and she looks down at them with a nod. The motion sets her mohawk'd hair bobbling, the dense curls wiggling with a gentle breeze. Her braided bracelets click.

"I suspected this might happen. I am sorry, Remy," she tells him. "Truly. It is never easy to let someone go. But it sounds as if it was quite mutual?"

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau nods slightly. He takes a deep breath, lets it out slow. "It's been comin' foh a while Ah guess. When we'd get toget'er... felt like we was jus' goin' t'rough de motions mos' of de time. Like we was doin' it out of 'a bit more den anyt'ing." He picks up his long flat and warm beer, makes a face, takes a swallow anyway. "It still hurt dough. Yah know? Somet'ing dat was dare, now it gone."

Storm has posed:
"People come into our lives and leave," Ororo tells Remy, her rich voice full of sympathy. "Some for a while, some for a long time. It always hurts when they leave." She smiles at some memory, blue eyes focusing on the distance. "But my matron told me that we should not think of such things as 'taking'. If you trade chickens for a goat, the trader does not leave having 'taken' something from you," she tells him. "You gained from her, and she from you. Perhaps there was nothing left for you to exchange, but that does not cheapen it at all."

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau looks at her for the first time since their conversation began. there is hurt in his eyes still, and maybe the streak of a tear or two shed some time ago...but that saucy Cajun smirk touches his lips. "Ah see what yah doin' dare chere, tryin' ta distract me. Hours from now Ah'm gonna be wonderin', 'zactlly 'ow many chickens a goat wort' anyhow?" He smiles a bit more and then shrugs. "Dats not de 'ard part chere. De 'ard part gonna be seein' each ot'er 'ere. Trainin' wit' 'er. Goin' on mission aside 'er. De 'ard part when she gets a new boyfriend an' bring 'im 'round."

Storm has posed:
"Oooh, what will /really/ give you trouble later on, is that six chickens can trade for one goat, but if you bring a goat to trade, you will only get four chickens," Ororo tells Remy, and shifts back and forth so she can pluck her dress to ride looser across her knees.

"Why let that be hard, though? You care for her. Be happy that she finds someone who cares for her. And-- if nothing else, we are /professionals/, Remy LaBeau," Ororo reminds Remy. And here, a little iron enters her voice. "You knew going into this relationship that there is who we are at the school, and who we are in the field. And those are sometimes /very/ different people."

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau smirks slightly at the woman he considers his best friend. And considering that he doesn't count many people, including fellow X-Men as "friends" at all, it's a high honor. "Ah know all dat Stormy." he says using the hated nickname with a smile, "Know it in mah 'ead. Jus' also know it gonna take mah 'eart a lil while ta get de memo. Dats all."

Storm has posed:
"I can do little there, Remy," Ororo says, and gets to her feet. "The heart will do what it does, and it takes a solid grip to hold it tight." She moves past Remy, then squats down and gives his shoulder a reassuring, sisterly squeeze. "But if it helps-- broody moping is /not/ an attractive quality," she says, wryly. Ororo knows how to push those buttons, too. She grins at Remy, pats his arm again, and gets to her feet to shuffle back inside.

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau reached up, giving the hand that squeezed his shoulder a squeeze in return. Then he just smiles and nods a bit, not saying anything as she rises and walks away from him. He sits there a few more minutes. Quiet and contemplative. He lets himself remember a few good times with Rogue. Lets himself smile. Then he goes back inside.