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A vampire, a Triad leader, and a nightly meetup
Date of Scene: 27 June 2019
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: In which Selene and White China meet up to discuss business and alliances...and things.
Cast of Characters: Selene (Underworld), China White

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
The high pitched growl of Selene's motorcycle can be heard a few blocks away as the Death Dealer crouches low over the fuel tank and has her hands gripping the handlebars, right hand twisting the throttle to urge the bike faster as she's staring at the road ahead. She's fixated on her lead. She got in touch with a corporation in the Pacific who is helping the coven out, albeit indirectly. Talk of links to the triads started and Selene pulled on her strings to get information. It took a while, bribery, and threats. But Selene's got a name and now she's looking for the head of a triad.List of questions memorized, the bike finally...finally slows as Selene lets it roll to ahalt and kills the engine.

A not noteworthy building. Anonymous, run down. Even here, on the North Shore of Staten Island....there's still run down buildings...if 'run down' is insanely wealthy, mind. The five feet hole in the chain link fence is an indicator. The idea was once, hey, store things here. Now.....Selene's using it as a meeting point. Well.....she's showing up, either way. The inside is all dust and concrete with high windows up in the walls, and a door that rattles and creaks if anyone looks at it wrong. The faded signage on the walls and above the main rolling door's faded and unreadable, whoever owned it before didn't care enough to replace the door. Still.....Selene's here.

China White has posed:
A distant flutter of rotors is heard over the Atlantic, a small helicopter flying over the night ocean. Having taken off from a container ship in international waters, registered to Wen Sheng Industrial (a modest shipping company that is affiliated with raw good aggregates for delivery to conglomerates across the world, all of whom are linked to the China White Triad), the helicopter has made a decent journey to come to Staten Island.

The helicopter, with white paint and a trio of red stripes across either side, swoops low over the neighborhood, above the legal level, and shudders over the warehouse. It swings around, before setting down outside the warehouse, the rotors slowing as it touches the concrete.

China White, dressed in pure white, struts into the meeting point inside the warehouse, followed by a pair of Triads in black suits, each of them wearing sunglasses and a shoulder holster beneath their jacket.

Chien Na Wei comes to a halt before Selene, cocking her hip and placing her hand on it. The Triads, meanwhile, stand to either side, clasping their hands before themselves, left before right.

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
A pair of Selene's Death Dealers come out of the gloom and stand behind Selene to form a triangular formation, as Selene nods a greeting. "Thank you" she says though it's more to the Death Dealers. She's not entirely afraid of the Triads. Far from it. She's willing to share information. Selene runs in very very dangerous circles. Still.....she looks China up and down and nods. "My name is Selene, I asked to meet with you here to discuss rumors I have heard" she says and fixes her blue eyes at a spot past China for a moment, then back to the white clad woman. "One of my corporations I'm....involved in, has links to the Triads. I asked, and your name came up" she says and studies the Triad members quietly. If White China respons, it's a conversation.

China White has posed:
"Hello, Selene. My name is China White."

China White steps past her Triad bodyguards and moves in a circular pattern, taking a chair in an old folded chair in the dusty warehouse and crossing her left leg over her right.

"It is true, your venture has links to my operations. I chiefly deal in heroin, for my betters. I am the most powerful woman in the Pacific Rim. If I have sated your curiousity, perhaps I can offer you a token of assistance, to apologize for the offense of your no doubt legitimate aspirations being involved in my trade. I am an honorable woman, but I understand if narcotics sullies the minds of many. I make no claims to my trade being a noble one, however it is necessary."

A soft smile comes to her lips, almost sexual.

"After all, without love, what can a poor urchin do? I sell a mother's love, inside white heaven."

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
Selene nods, "I deal in death to my enemies" she says and takes a chair opposite White China and folds her hands in her lap on top of her trenchcoat.

Nodding to White China's words, Selene understands this. Shaking her head though she looks serious. "I was wanting to discuss some.....troubling rumors with you" she says softly. "I heard heard rumors of stolen artifacts around the Pacific" she says and looks worried.

"Selene takes a breath. "I've been tracking stolen artefacts. Organized crime is involved shipping them and getting rid of competition" Selene says with the implication of killing or snitching on their rivals. "I was informed a group of Japanese tourists were killed in France for being mistaken for Yakuza" Selene says. She's done her homework.

China White has posed:
China White's mouth turns into a delicate bow as she listens, shifting into a pensive frown.

"That could negatively impact my activities, should my operations come into the possession of such wares. The Yakuza fiefs are not often my enemy, but I have been known to deal with them in unfortunate manners, when they cross me. It is a costly war."

China tilts her head a hair. "What is the origin of these artifacts?"

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
"Yes, I gather it'd be a problem for you. However" Selene says and leans forward. "We are talking Ark of the Covenent levels of powerful and dangerous. Or, at least in principle. If the humans geit their hands on these artefacts....." she tails off shaking her head as if she wasn't going to say how bad it'd get. She knows just how bad it'd get if these artefacts fall into the wrong hands.

Selene nods to White China again.

China White has posed:
"Yes, I would hate for a displacement of force to occur," China White says in a neutral fashion, her face growing closed in the style of a Triad martial artist in a fight, her mouth slim and her teeth locked in a gentle manner, to take a blow without a clenched jaw.

"I feel it is my place to intervene. In the interests of these artifacts remaining in the proper hands, I offer my services. I have access to urban forces, paramilitary companies, and a broad naval arrangement of petty craft, as well as a small air force. In addition, my corporate and intelligence services are the equivalent of Ministry of Security Services operatives, often drawn from dropouts of that particular program."

China White, of course, desires these artifacts for herself, but is aware that she is but one woman, and the men who hold her purse strings - the Chinese government - would want to control her, in the event of her locating and obtaining them. A careful weighing of options would be to turn the artifacts over to her own government, rather then attempt a seizure of power from what she views as the world's most powerful nation.

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
Selene nods.

"What can you offer? The artefacts are being stolen from Pacific nations and Europe" she explains. "I'd like to put together a network of information and action to sort things out" she says and nods. "I'd like to deal with this once and for all" Selene says firmly looking worried then determined. "I'd like to take the fight to the vampires once and for all. Mostly because....it is absolutely worrying me" she explains.

China White has posed:
"I can offer you support in the Pacific. If you can provide me with the descriptions of these antiquities, and also the narrow affiliations of the syndicates stealing them, I can lend you my support."

White's hands slide forward to rest on her knee. "I just require one thing from you. I ask your mutual support in establishing a base of operations in the areas where you have slain your foes. I am aware your group is in a war, however you do not take territory in the traditional sense of a criminal or military scheme. In a criminal scheme, one is concerned with markets. In a military scheme, one is concerned with influence. In your particular war, your battle is a feud. That means, the chaos will be a vacuum I can operate in, to act as a hero to those previously afraid of the violence."

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
Selene nods slowly. "I will help if you keep your word" she says gently, "Explain what you need. My people have connections to corporations, it is after all how I found out about you. What would you need for a base?" she asks

Sitting back, Selene's pulling a pencil and paper out of her long coat and hands extended, she offers both. "Please, write down your needs for a base. I will write down the list of artefacts for you to watch out for" she adds with a nod

China White has posed:
China White accepts the pencil and paper, her fingers spinning the pencil about her fingers dextrously and then placing tip to paper.

As she writes with flowery grace, she explains, "I will need notification of location, a rumor drawdown of your forces after your purge is complete, and the support of local factions affiliated with your previous efforts, as well as identification of the remains of your rival's auxiliary forces for a seperate peace apart from the war you conducted."

She hands the paper back.

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
Selene looks impressed at the paper. then nods.

"I can do all those. However. It takes times to get what you want" she says and nods. "I can get what you're after, and I can look at a map and tell you where I'd put a base, but.....I'm not a builder or engineer. I don't build houses. I fight a war I know my people will win" Selene says

China White has posed:
"My methods are not this," China White shares. "We will survey the territory once you have created the vacuum, and acquire the proper properties. We are not a traditional regime of arms, we prefer to act through subtle means."

She stands.

"Thank you for your lack of offense at my activities. I hope we can build a prosperous relationship. You may contact me through previous channels utilized, once you have the requested information. I will then act on your behalf."

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
Selene nods and reaches into her long coat pulling out a blood vial, downing it in one gulp@emit Selene nods and smiles. "I'm used to people and how they act. I'll start tellling my people to gather the information" she says and looks over with a smile. She's lived long enough to not take offense to how people act really. Nodding she smiles. "I believe we can benefit each other" she says and looks impressed.

China White has posed:
"Wonderful," China White retorts. "Mutual benefit is the central rule of society."

Then, a slim smile.

"However, I believe that mutual benefit can be to the advantage of those cooperating, when an elegant hand is applied."

She turns about with a flourish of her peroxide white hair, and walks between her Triad henchmen, the pair turning inwards to face her as she strolls out and back to her helicopter.

They climb into the helicopter, China White first with ruffling hair, then her soldiers, one at a time.

The blades accelerate with a whine of the engine and the white and red helicopter takes off into the sky, turning about and heading back out to sea.

The helicopter heads out into the misty, dusky night, away from Bludhaven.