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Intelligence gathering
Date of Scene: 27 June 2019
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Chris Redfield goes under cover to keep tabs on former teenage spy Nadia Pym. She gets spooked and sneaks away.
Cast of Characters: Wasp (Pym), Chris Redfield

Wasp (Pym) has posed:
In the months since Nadia Pym arrived in the United States of America she has done very little of interest. At least as far as most of the agencies keeping tabs on her are concerned. But in the last few days her pattern of activity has become a little unusual. Travelling to fairly run down parts of the city, looking at various buildings, and generally doing things you don't expect a typical teenage girl to do.

Like todays trip out to an old run down industrial unit in Williamsburg. It's hardly a must-see spot on the tourist maps after all.

Not that the girl in question seems aware or concerned by any possible red flags her behavior might bring up. She's got a clipboard and pencil, a New York travel pass and boundless enthusiam.

Chris Redfield has posed:
Nadia's travel patterns are unusual. It's why Chris has been given strict orders to observe her and report back anything unusual or that raises a flag. Sure, he's got his duty kit, but....he'd hate to use it. Besides. Observations are easy. Pretend to be lost if caught. It's....not something Chris is good at though, being a boots on the ground guy. He's treating it like a stakeout from his RCPD and STARS days. He's seen it enough to know how it goes.....

Chris ins'isn't in his SHIELD getup today. Rather he's dressed like somebody who'd be around here, run down. Homeless even, got a tattered jacket, faded jeans and worn sneakers on. He's roaming around as if looking for something.....anything. Admitedly.....given what he's doing, he's having to think about each thing carefully. He's not a spy. He's not.....a spy. He's a boots on the ground guy, that's for sure. His sneakered feet are literally on the ground.

Wasp (Pym) has posed:
While the science class mainly focused on R&D work the members all had to complete at least a basic level of Red Room training. So the seemingly simple task of 'Follow a teenage girl around the city' will quickly become complicated for Chris. His target having taken several detours, ducked into shops suddenly and generally taken a very indirect route to get anywhere.

As Nadia walks around the neighborhood, making note of signs of gentrification as she goes, she occasionally stops to ask random passers-by questions about the area. Is it a nice part of town? Are there shops within walking distance? How safe is it at night? All typical things you'd want to know before moving to an area.

She doesn't try enter the run down industrial building she's arrived at. Nor does she seem dressed for breaking and/or entering, with a simple skirt and t-shirt combo plus a worn old bomberjacket in case it gets windy.

She does however jump up to peer through dirty windows, check the state of repair of the guttering as best she can from the ground and generally perform a very basic survey of the property.

Chris Redfield has posed:
Chris is following his orders in his earpiece, though he's found a spot he can watch Nadia as she jumps up. Curious. He looks her up and down and sighs. When he read her file.....for this, he figured okay, this'll be easy. She's not making it easy at all. Rather. Chris is on his toes with her. Observe. Don't get in the way....but he's also curious why she's checking out an abandoned building. He's doing his best to pretend to be a homeless person, but his kicking a can takes him past her and he stops. "Excuse me, do you have any change?"he asks and looks hopeful. He's the only field agent on this one. If this goes south. It's on him. If this works. He's learnei new ideas. Still he's picking up cans and searching for them. Observing the homelss in the Big Apple has taught him what they do. He's using that to appear homeless and down on his luck. Hopefully, he's convincing enough.

Wasp (Pym) has posed:
Nadia Pym turns slightly at the sudden question. Putting the building to her back and glancing around her, getting an idea of the surrounding area and making sure no cars are pulling alongside, before shaking her head. "Sorry I didn't bring cash with me," she replies with a hunt of a Russian accent. With an apologetic smile she adds "I have a bottle of water though, if that would help?"

According to her file Nadia's trained to roughly the same standards as a CIA operative and her IQ is hard to place with standard testing methods, although it's assumed to be a high score. Thankfully for Chris she doesn't have a vast amount of field experience and, despite an obvious degree of suspicion, she seems to accept his disguise for what it is. Or at least doesn't care enough to press the matter. "You look like you were in the military?" she asks, tentatively. "Is there perhaps a Veterans association nearby you could visit? They might be able to help you with money for food and accomodation."

Chris Redfield has posed:
Chris nods. "Thanks, it'd help. THey turned me away so here I am. All because I got laid off for arguing with a customer at a grocery store who wanted a discount and I knew it didn't apply" he says and offers a hand for the water as he gestures over his shoulder. To his credit he's brought a cardboard box and random stuff he's bought at thrift stores. "What're you up to with this building? I know people used to break in to get high" he offers, information is good. "But I heard they moved on. You hear a lot, you know" he asks, ducking th emilitary question. If he's going to pretend to be homeless....he'll run with the VA did him wrong. No need to be too specific really. He points around the side. "Used to get in there but they barred it from the inside. They being" he says with a fake sneer. "The 'rightful owners'" he adds. He's not sure how well he's doing at the homeless act. he'd appreciate some subtle feedback really.

Wasp (Pym) has posed:
Nadia Pym furrows her brow, then offers Chris a bottle of water from the messenger bag she's got slung over her shoulder. She does however seem to stay alert and ready to respond if things turn hostile. "That is a shame," she offers. "I'm just looking at possible sites for a science lab. I have some plans to secure funding for and then... I'll need somewhere to do my research."

"Nothing most people would find exciting though. Just theoretical physics stuff. /I/ love it but for some reason a lot of people seem to think it's boring...."

Chris Redfield has posed:
"Thank you" Chris says with genuine sincerity as he listens. "Science? Well that's.....sort of sciencey" he shrugs "I'm no science expert but I wish you luck" he nods and is quietly sipping the water. It's not his problem why she wants a lab. If it raises enough flags....SHIELD will send more people. His job is merely to observe and oh by the way, report back, too. Which he's going to once he's back home.

Still. He's playing the homeless card. And listening, taking in information as he shakes his head looking as bored as most people feel.

Wasp (Pym) has posed:
Nadia Pym flashes a smile. "Thanks," she replies. "Anyway I better be off... I've got to check out a bunch more possible buildings. And all the reasonably priced buildings for rent are in places that're hard to get to." She sighs. "And that means catching buses all over the place." She pulls a 'ew buses face' then giggles and adds "I hope you find somewhere safe to sleep before it gets dark! But I better be off or I'll be trying to check how structurally sound the buildings are in the dark..."

Chris Redfield has posed:
"Take cabs" Chris advises. "See 'em everywhere" he adds and hails one...more to show how it's done. The fact it's a useful mode of transport....too....is a neat side effect. Still....quicker if decidely more expensive than buses. Chris hops into the one that pulled up, looking to Nadia. "Coming?" he asks though the cabbie's very impatient and pretty much unhappy at waiting. "Gicher girlfriend in the car, buddy, or I leave without her" the cabbie says between clenched teeth. "Got a meter runnnin' here"

"Alright, alright" Chris says, though the cabbie's getting more irritated by the second. Chris could probably find another cab....as he slides out and the door's still open.

Wasp (Pym) has posed:
"No thanks," Nadia says, suddenly suspicious. Then with an apologetic shrug she adds "I was always told I should never get into a car with a stranger." She gives Chris and the cab driver a wave, then starts to back away. Alert to her surroundings and wary. "Anyway I hope you have a nice day!"

And then she's briskly away. Slipping down the first side street available and then seeming to vanish. As she shrinks to an almost impossible to see size and zips through the sky with mechanical insect wings.