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Mealtime At The Safehouse
Date of Scene: 10 August 2019
Location: A Gotham safehouse
Synopsis: Batgirl drops by the safehouse where Cindy Moon is staying, bringing sandwiches and pickles, and finding out more about the spider woman.
Cast of Characters: Spoiler, Silk

Spoiler has posed:
The safehouse is a small house outside of Gotham. The area is a testament to high fences make good neighbors, as the area is pretty well grown up with hedges and manmade fencing that make each little place isolated.

A motorcycle pulls up to the back of one of the houses, cutting cross country through open ground and coming to park beside the hedge in back. Batgirl ducks through a hole in the hedge that makes for each entry and exit without being seen from the street. Since she's not sure the story with the person inside, she's going in full uniform today.

The house itself is a little two bedroom dwelling with a third room for storage. It is off the grid except for a wifi receiver on frequencies that most computers don't use. The inside is decently furnished, and most of the food is the kind that will last for a year or more without needing to be replaced.

Which is the reason for Batgirl's visit. She knocks a couple of times on the door before working a key in the lock to let herself in. "I've brought some sandwiches if you're tired of food from a can," the blond Batgirl announces as she steps inside.

Silk has posed:
    Cindy for her part has explored the building top to bottom, learning what she can until there is nothing else to learn save that she knows she is likely not a prisoner. At least that she knows of. The food leaves something to be desired but when being raised in a bunker is your other approach to life, this pretty much is the same thing so she cleans and nests.

    Cleaning gives her something to occupy her thoughts and the pacing she does at times turns into laps around the house or impromptu parkour work. But for the moment she is curled up on the couch with one of the few books in the house that she managed to scrounge up. The knock at the door startles her into sitting up straight and then finally she puts the book aside to glance towards the door as it opens. She's a bit shocked really because no one ever knocked on the bunker.

    "Uhhhhhhh what?" Cause that is how you respond to someone dropping in unannounced.

Spoiler has posed:
Batgirl steps further in, her boots making no discernable sound as she comes in and closes the door behind her. The woman's eyes take in Cindy, getting a good look at her in examination before turning to what she has brought with her. Batgirl has two bags in hand. One is plain brown, the other plastic. The latter is set aside on a table as Batgirl opens up the other to show contents. "Meatball sub, extra marinara in the container. Turkey club. And a pastrami. There's also a nice salad in there, made it myself," she says. "The meatball warms up really well I can tell you if you decided to save that one for later."

The bag of food is offered over to Cindy as the blond Batgirl looks her over a little more. "There should be drinks already so I didn't bring more. You doing ok with everything else in the meantime?" Batgirl asks in a gentle tone.

Silk has posed:
    Cindy slowly pushes herself up from the couch and sets the book aside so that she can come around slowly. Batgirl is given a long side glance as the Asian is wearing some mathletes T-shirt with a pair of shorts. She can smell the sub and it brings her closer, "It smells good," she admits. There is no general warm greeting really, more a general weighing of the super hero as she arches a brow.

    "Sorry. Uhhhhh Cindy, seems like I was found out when I met your associate the other evening on the roof," she says. No reason to hide.

    "So curious, am I to stay here? I really have no idea what is going on other than I think I am being vetted or at least someone is trying to understand where I came from," she remarks, arms folding before her before she finally glances down at the bag and reaches out to take it. "Thanks."

Spoiler has posed:
"I'm kind of waiting word on it too," Batgirl says. She moves over to take a seat on the arm of the couch at the other end from Cindy. "But figured you could at least use some company while that is going on. And we could chat and if any of that helps things along, all the better," Batgirl says, leaning back and crossing one of her legs over the other.

"So Cindy, mind if I ask what your story is then?" she inquires. "We kind of keep an eye on Gotham, so, rooftop sort of people, it's nice to have an idea of who all are out there. And why," she offers. Batgirl leans over to the bag and pulls out the little package of dill pickles, motioning to it. There's several in there. "Mind if I grab a spear?" she asks. If Cindy is up for it, she takes one out and munches on it while they talk.

Silk has posed:
    "I see," Cindy remarks and stays where she is, watching Batgirl get comfortable. "Batgirl..you are batgirl," like she is finally vocalizing it. She watches the bag give a little and some of the weight leave it in the form of pickles. Glancing around, she sets the bag aside and nods, "Yeah. Love pickles. I will take one," she says and pushes her dark hair behind her ear. Equally dark eyes watch the other woman a moment and then she sucks in a breath.

    "Well..I left New York. Needed fresh air if you will. A change of scenery and was not really intending to be on anyone's radar. Yet here I am. It is a long story and maybe not one I should be sharing other than the fact I mean no harm." She reaches out to take a pickle spear when offered and bites into it.

Spoiler has posed:
It will give Stephanie Brown a good feeling when she thinks back to this moment later, and to how she didn't break out in a huge grin. But instead just confirmed neutrally with a little nod, "Yes, I'm Batgirl."

The pickles are offered over, and one retrieve for herself before Batgirl returns to resting on the couch arm. "I gather you're an enhanced person? Mutant, or something else? Not that I have anything against mutants. I can't really see that it makes a difference whether someone is mutant or Kryptonian. More about who they are," Batgirl asks, crunching the pickle casually.

"So... who are you?"

Silk has posed:
    Crunch! Crunch. Crunch. Crunch. Cindy munches away on her pickle and it gives her some time to think over the question. "Well lets see, Bucky and Captain America know me as Silk. Spider-man too I suppose," she expresses and takes another bite before swallowing. "Mutant and not born that way. Very similar situation as P...Spider-Man," she points out and then bites again. She finishes off the spear with little flare and reaches forward for another. Pickled food keeps well in a bunker.

    She waves the near spear a moment. "Its been a while. I was gone for about nine years and now here I am. I left New York, too many spiders and thought perhaps I might stay in Gotham. Not sure how that is looking considering," she glances around briefly at the interior of the safe house.

Spoiler has posed:
Batgirl has so far managed the calm and coolness that is deserved as the legacy by those who have built up the persona of Batgirl into what she is.

"Oh wow, you know Captain America? Is he buff in person as... ah that is... are they allies who would confirm your good intent?" Batgirl asks.

Well she made it a few minutes at least.

Batgirl munches on her own bit of pickle, and finally slips off the couch arm and down onto the cushion normally. She sounds less like a mysterious caped crusader, and more like a friend sharing small talk as she says, "So very similar situation to Spider-Man. Does that include with the webs and the flipping around the skyscrapers and all of that?" she asks. Batgirl's blue eyes peer down at Silk's hands as if expecting to see holes that webs come out or something.

Silk has posed:
    "Uhhh he is impressive, yes. I think I may have told him as such," Cindy says and clears her throat. She considers a moment and tilts her head, thoughtfully considering before she finds a chair to sit in and pauses when her hands get looked at. She lifts one hand and from the middle and pointer finger webbing starts to descending towards the ground. "Yes..but different. My sense is stronger..painfully so at times so it is nice to be out of the city, webs are natural to me not..fake. But everything else is the same, strength, agility, and so forth...and Spider-man could vouch for me, if I wanted him to. We may not really be speaking currently for personal reasons."

    She sits on the edge of her seat and bites into her own pickle. "Batgirl..." she says again, her voice trailing off in something near wonder. "I watched all of you, the news of course. Never thought I would be here though," she says and takes another bite, crunching into the pickled goodness.

Spoiler has posed:
Batgirl talks with her mouth full. Though with the good sense to do it tactfully. "Oh god, don't trust the news too much," Batgirl says, having to get those words out as quick as she can. She shakes her head. "More focused on ratings than the truth," Batgirl says with a soft tone of frustration.

"But, you probably get the gist at least, yes. We're a little careful about who operates in Gotham. The criminals here aren't usually enhanced. But it also means they go about things in ways that I get the impression heroes elsewhere aren't used to encountering so freely," Batgirl says.

Going after families. Using civilians as shields. Maiming and scarring for life. Batgirl doesn't elaborate, but there's something about Gotham that seems to make the fights dirty.

Silk has posed:
    "Well, I am not exactly like the other spiders, I suppose. I think I can adapt far more easier than they can," she explains and sits up a bit more. "Besides, Gotham has a seriously lack of spiders and web slingers...seems you have a Bat infestation," she points out with a faint smirk. "We both work in the dark, why not...give me a chance?" Her thumb cuts off the bit of string she's produced and balls it up. It sticks together, hardens a little and retains its bounce much like a bouncy ball. "I don't have a home or a family," she points out. "It would be nice to have one."

    "Or at least a place where people want me to be," she adds and then bites into her pickle, making short work of what is left before she wets her lips and then cleans her fingers.

    "I figure you all are wanting to at least consider me or I would have been run off. Be nice to do something other than sit here."

Spoiler has posed:
Batgirl finishes off her pickle, sucking the briny fluid from her finger and thumb. "Probably a good guess there," the black and purple clad young woman agrees. "I don't really have any insight into what that answer will be. But just be honest about it all and that's the kind of situation I'd be willing to gamble on," Batgirl says.

She rises to go over and explore the fridge and then the cupboards. "Oh, these crackers are good if you haven't tried them. Cinnamon on the graham cracker. Spread a little frosting that's a good match on that?" she says, waving the box before putting it away.

"Well, if that's what you're looking for, I can pass it along," she says. Batgirl moves over to open up the second bag. "Here, this is loaded up with some movies," she says, pulling out a tablet. It won't connect to anything wireless but has the movies loaded internal. "Wasn't sure what all you'd like, but... I'd be bored out of my socks in about 5 hours so, figured it might help. Hopefully it won't be long though."