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Bruce's Houseguest
Date of Scene: 10 August 2019
Location: Library - Wayne Manor
Synopsis: Barbara Gordon sizes up Talia al Ghul, and gets information to begin tracking her attackers. The fireplace poker was not needed.
Cast of Characters: Oracle, Talia al Ghul
Tinyplot: Hunted Demon

Oracle has posed:
Babs wants to see it for herself. At least that's what she tells herself as she makes her way up the drive on the back of her motorcycle. Even then, she sits out front wit her helmet balanced on the fuel tank and her arms fold across it for several long minutes staring up at the dark front of the Mansion with a long frown before she every builds up the mental strength to enter. "Alfred?" Peeking her head around as she pads through the empty foyer, helmet dangling from her hand as she makes her way towards the one place she is almost certain to find the family butler.

It's a stalling tactic. If Talia is actually here, she'll get around to seeing her, but it's been weeks since she'd seen Alfred and that just wont do it all will it? "Hey, Alfred, you in here?" Slipping into the kitchn, having deposited her helmet down on the surface of the long dining table so she can pull her hair up into a loose ponytail.

Talia al Ghul has posed:
Alfred lying face down in a pool of his own blood with a knife in his back... is the kind of thing that Barbara might worry she will find at the mansion given the person she expects to be there. But that definitely is not the case. Alfred shows up in no time at all, looking as fit and healthy as ever, having been alerted the moment the motorcycle got within range of the manor's security systems. Many of which are no doubt Barbara's doing.

"Miss Gordon, aren't you looking splendid today," Alfred says as he joins her in the kitchen. "Care for a spot of tea?" he asks. "I find it quite soothing, really. Especially with some honey," he adds, expression thoughtful. Alfred goes over to put on water for tea even if Barbara declines the beverage.

Oracle has posed:
That is precisely what Babs had expected to find, if she were honest. Talia crouched over the butler, howling at the moon in half werewolf transformation, and still clutching Alfred's bloody stump after fea- She really needs to cut back on snacks after midnight. When she hears the butlers voice calling from behind her, she turns and offers him a magestic smile. Despite still wearing the brace, she's getting around on her knee pretty easily and most of the bruises on her face have healed. Another day or two and the stitches will be out of her lips.

Rather than answer immediately, Babs throws her arms around the fit and fiddle, proper gentleman, "I would love some tea, thank you." Releasing him immediately, stepping back with that same grin. A man she's known for... a decade. "How ya doing, Alfred? The boys keeping you busy?"

It's nice to catch up with the butler, but she knows that there's a dragon in the house somewhere and she knows that's actually why she's here. Glancing out the doorway periodically over the rim of her plastic red glasses.

Talia al Ghul has posed:
Alfred returns the hug to the young woman that he's known since she was knee high. "They have not been about the house as much of late, apart from extracurricular activities," Alfred says. Meaning they've only been through the Batcave lately for the most part. "I understand we are getting... a dog," the English butler says, his tone neither making it a good nor a bad thing. Just a surprising one.

"Though there have been other guests to keep me on my toes, as it were," he comments without looking over, though no doubt deducing what has brought Barbara by. Alfred goes over to the cupboards and gets a plate and then begins cutting up some snacks to serve with the tea. "And how is your leg doing, Miss Gordon?" he asks her.

Oracle has posed:
"A what?" Babs turns away from looking at the portal into the grand dining hall at the mention of a dog. She's found a post upon which to lean, hands laid across the counter on either side of her, and her brow furrowed curiously at Alfred, "A real dog? Bruce is.. getting a dog." Her head cants slightly, curiously, almost confusedly. Certainly there must be something in water?

"Huh.. well, I guess that's not the strangest thing I've heard the last few nights." She confesses with a shoulder bounce of a shrug, "I saw Damian a few days ago. He came by the Clocktower.. he was wearing a suit. Looked like a tiny little Bruce.." The image actually makes her smirk, a thumb coming up to rub at the corner of her mouth, once again glancing down the hallway.

Speaking of Damian, right? "Oh, it's healing." Green eyes down on her knee, testing it with a little weight that only twitches pain rather than shooting hot knives up her spine. "Going to see the orthapedist tomorrow. Probably just pulled my ACL." Not the worst injury she's sustained. Then, as if she can't control it anymore, "Where's Talia?"

Talia al Ghul has posed:
Alfred sets a few biscotti on the tray, and then some slices of orange. "Young Master Wayne certainly does have something of his father in him," Alfred agrees. "And something of his mother too," he adds after Barbara brings up the woman's location.

"She has mainly been pacing and looking out of windows. Presently in the library I believe," Alfred says. "If you'd like I can bring the tea to you there, Miss Gordon?" he offers, looking over as he offers not just beverages, but to provide Barbara with an interruption as well, should that be handy.

Oracle has posed:
Babs inclines her head, already looking in the direction of the library with a little frown. "Yeah, I guess he does." Adding about Damian and his mother. Her frown deepens and she pushes off the counter to first move back over to Alfred and lay a hand lightly on his forearm, "You're the tops, Alfred. Thank you." Stepping backwards a few times, she spins on her left heel and starts towards the library.

She's wearing blue-jeans with a bright yellow t-shirt that has a rainbow arching across her breasts and a unicorn on her abdomen. The sheer amount of T-shirts she posesses is mind-boggling. At least tonight she's wearing shoes? Heeled boots, really. It's already starting to get a little brisk at night in Jeresey.

Even in the emptiness of the mansion her footsteps barely make any sound, what there is is because of her brace, and she arrives quickly to the library with the fingers of both hands tucked into the back pockets of her jeans. Brow perked, glancing around for the dark haired Daughter of the Dragon.

Talia al Ghul has posed:
Alfred returns the fond touch, patting her arm. "Of course," he tells her. "Oh, and the dog I believe is being watches while the owner is being attended to in Arkham," he adds to Barbara before she departs.

The expansive library has that light cherry smell as always, though whether from a polish or some other source, no one but Alfred seems sure. The desks and comfortable chaise lounges are empty at the moment, for the only occupant is standing at a window, gazing out as Alfred predicted.

The sun is shining in through the window no Talia al Ghul. The woman who reportedly arrived in Gotham with little more than the fanfare of assassins and explosives, is looking much better. A pair of dark slacks fit snugly over her hips and bottom before the straight leggings hang loose all the way to her ankles. A white blouse sets off the darker slacks, and her own dusty-tanned skin and lush dark hair.

She slowly turns her head towards the doorway as if having been aware of Barbara's approach. Large, sloe brown eyes take in the redhead. They seem to study Barbara for a few moments before a soft smile is given and Talia turns a bit more to face her, though not moving away from the sunlight shining in through the glass. "Good afternoon, Barbara Gordon," she offers.

Oracle has posed:
A dog... probably Julia's... Babs shakes her head thinking about Stockholm, a distraction, anything to keep the swell of anamosity from curling up in her gut seeing the woman standing in the library facing one of the windows. How many times has she betrayed Bruce? Tried to kill them? The Redhead watches Talia watching her with a blank green eyed stare... Long after the smile looses on dark lips.

"Talia Al Ghul." Stressing the last part of her name. "Bruce told me you were back in town.." Obviously, why else would she be here right? Not a lot of use for books these days, even if Babs might just enjoy reading the old way. Something about the smell of a book...

Her fingers remain tucked into the back pockets of her jeans and she doesn't move a single step from the entrance, at least not at first. Her natural inclination is to be harsh, demand answers.. instead she sighs, drops her shoulders in resignation, and looks down at the hardwood floor. "Are you alright? I heard people were trying to kill you... I'm sure Bruce has already offered, but maybe I can dig up more information on them..."

Talia al Ghul has posed:
Talia eyes Barbara with open curiosity as if to see where the start of the conversation ends up going. She gets a small smile - one that seems genuine enough - as Barbara inquires after Talia's health. There is a soft grin but without any mocking to it as Talia says, "And here I was going to suggest the fireplace seemed to have sturdy enough pokers if you didn't bring something with you already."

Talia takes a few steps away from the window finally and over towards Barbara. "I'm well. Ear was ringing from the grenade that is the last thing I remember, but it finally stopped the next morning," she says.

Her gaze takes in the brace that Barbara is wearing. "What about yourself? That looks like it must have been frustrating to take," she says. Seeming less worried about the pain of it, and more about the effect it would have.

Talia purses her lips a bit in a wry expression. "Your help would be appreciated. I am not entirely sure who is the driving force behind my situation, or if there are those I can trust anymore or not," she says. "For starters I could give you a list of a few accounts you could keep an eye on? They might be used in further attempts?" she offers.

Oracle has posed:
Babs isn't sure how things took such a pleasant turn either, it certainly wasn't her initial intent. Her chin curls beneath her lip, brow perpetually knit, and her eyes steady on Talia like she's still convinced the woman is dangerous (because she is dangerous)... but at least she's not in open contempt or violence.

"Probably best to stay a few feet from the fire place, then. Less I get ideas." She can throw jokes too, though. Even while trying to hide a scowl.

She's not Bruce... there's no love there to make her do the silly things love makes people do.

"It was not the highlight of my week, no." For starters, Babs just hates failing... or looking weak or being coddled.. or just about anything that she might view as lowering peoples opinion of her compared to her male counterparts. Dick breaks his knee? He'll be fine soon... Babs breaks hers? Aw, the poor dear... I hope she doesn't DIE...

At least Talia gets //that//. It's a good step.

She nods to the Dragonese.. "Are they former League agents or someone recruiting your own assassins externally?" Still watching the other woman, but her brow is loosening a little. There's a /lot/ Babs can find out with some bank accounts... and not just about the assassins chasing Talia. "I'll set you up with a two way encryption so we can exchange information." Regarding those numbers.

Talia al Ghul has posed:
The joke about the fireplace brings a smile from Talia. It is her kind of joke. She slips her hands into the pocket of her slacks. The garments she's wearing look like they came from a top-end boutique, and fit her immaculately. Alfred has a good eye for ordering, apparently.

"You are a formidable opponent, Barbara Gordon. I am glad to not be on the opposite side as you this time. I can only imagine what you did in return," she says of Barbara's knee injury.

Talia turns back then, not to hide her small frown, but to wander back towards the window and look out it again as if the act of looking out on the expansive manicured lawns is soothing to Talia. "Not the League, but enough cross-over I would be exposed amongst them," she says. She lets out a sigh and then looks back to Barbara. "A power play. I underestimated how swiftly they could move to take advantage of a weakness. And they are far better at doing it without revealing themselves than I would have guessed," Talia says. The frown is still there as she admits her failing.

Oracle has posed:
"Flattery." Babs says quietly, still watching Talia as if any second will see a knife in her hand rather than a bouqette of flowers, "I wish I could say it wasn't one sided." If there's one thing she lacks, it's a need to inflat her ego. She knows she's a badass, no reason to over exagerate it with some misplaced machoismo. "Bruce caught her, though, so the balances are reset. I'll make her life hell when she escapes." Not if, when.

Arkham is good for that.

Finally, however, she starts to loosen up. Fingers sliding out of her back pockets to hang at her sides instead. As she moves a few steps closer to the Dragonese, she does reach up to push her glasses further up on the bridge of her nose. "What happens when this temporary rest stop isn't useful to you anymore?" It was only a matter of time, right?

Babs stops a respectful distance away, but she's not stupid and she knows it isn't 'far enough'. Talia is a lot of things, but a push over isn't one of them. The fact she's that close at all is an attempt... feeble maybe... of limited amounts of trust shown.

"Power plays usually are pretty quick.. Couldn't give you a chance to counter." Suffice to say, she's a little surprised to hear /anything/ surprises Talia. Let alone an attack, "What did you expect, exactly?" Canting her head, "You're not exactly a school headmaster or... head of a nunery.. You're the head of a multinational League of killers. Seems like just another Saturday afternoon to me?"

Talia al Ghul has posed:
Talia shakes her head and gives a little shrug. "Truth," she says of her evaluation of Talia. The question about what happens next causes Talia to give a small frown. "I don't know what happens next. I did not think there were enough willing to oppose me for this to happen as it did. I think looking past my opponents at this point would be unwise. But I don't wish Bruce, or you, any harm." Talia pauses. "Ok, not true. If I did I got over it, how's that?" she offers. Attempting honest?

Talia walks over to one of the bookshelves but doesn't really stop to read the titles. "More like a really bad Saturday afternoon. I run a tighter ship than that," says the woman. She eyes a few of the books, her features an exotic mix of ethnicities that make naming them difficult.

Talia looks back over to Barbara and there's a moment's pause before she asks. "How is Damian?"

Oracle has posed:
Babs follows Talia with a turn of her head, listening to the evaluation of events with little commentary at first. She's hardly a statue, though... and not nearly as stoic as Bruce. If anything she wears most of her emotions right on her sleeves, which makes her just as unpredictable because of how rapidly that shift around. Her expression goes from curious contempt to understanding nod in the span of a few seconds.

"I'll keep an eye on those accounts." She offers, frowning herself with a glance back at the doors leading back into the Mansion proper, "I guess it would be too much to ask to let us know if that changes?" Looking back with a raised red brow, "You getting over your want to hurt us, I mean..."

Maybe it's an attempt at levity, likely it's not though.

"Still an asshole." Damian, but the first hint of a grin slips onto her face, "Looks a lot like Bruce, though..." Something Alfred said rattles forward and, rather than just let it sit there, "And you. Mostly the asshole part, but..." She flinches a little and shakes her head, fingers tracing along her bruised jaw, "Sorry, that was low. You should see him.. I think he'd like that... as much as he likes anything."

Talia al Ghul has posed:
Talia gives Barbara a smile that is friendly enough if one can get past their past incidents. The smile turns a little chastened though. "I have had a temper with Bruce before it's true. Sometimes earned. Sometimes not," she says. After a moment. "Sometimes I thought earned when it wasn't. But I hope we don't end up on other sides again. Who knows, maybe..." Talia starts to say, but then she stops what she was about to say.

Some things are just too precious to give word to. She might get her hopes up and, and relying on hopes gets people killed in Talia al Ghul's world.

Alfred shows up with tea, and the interruption he promised. "A little refreshment, madam," he offers to Talia, bringing the tray over. "Thank you, Alfred," Talia tells him warmly enough. She looks back to Barbara and smiles a bit. "Well, looking like Bruce is a start, right?" Talia says, not seeming to take the barb personally.

Oracle has posed:
Babs inclines her head at Talia, what was a beginning to develop in the form of a smile quickly turns into something that is absolutely not one. Maybe. "We can hope, I guess." She breaths, glancing afar to the doorway, likely having heard the Butlers footfalls, but just as likely she's feeling the draw back to her computer. Sun will be setting soon... almost time to get to work, isn't it?

When she looks back it's with a tight smile, "Definitely a lot worse people to look like." Which is either an attempt to agree with Talia that it's a good step... or a direct insult. Either way she bobs her head a few times in clipped nods, "I need to get going. Bruce told me you were here and I wanted to see it for myself.."

Searching a second, green eyes shifting about in her skull, then snapping up to focus on Talia, "I hope you turn things around. I'll do what I can to help.. because Bruce asked me to." Less she think this was altruistic. "I'll send along the encrypted message so you can get me those account numbers tonight. As soon as I get back to my computer."

With Alfred arrived, Babs takes several steps towards him and the exit, watching the Dragonese quietly until she turns to face the butler, "Thanks Alfred, but I need to get going.. I've got a few stops to make before I get to work." Once again hugging the gentleman before making good her escape with one last glance back at the well dressed woman through a half curtain of red hair.

Talia al Ghul has posed:
Talia watches Barbara depart. Though she has a policeman as a father, still not what Talia would consider a very martial upbringing for Barbara Gordon.

Amazing then, the woman she has become. But then, she has been around Bruce.

The mention of the man brings a soft smile to her face. Talia drifts back over to the window, Alfred's tea forgotten. Barbara had taken her comment wrong, Talia knew. Though she wasn't willing to commit to not killing them. When actually she'd just been afraid to speak the hope that this time, things with Bruce might be different.

There she went, letting herself consider that possibility again. Talia continued looking out the window. Events were only starting to happen, and she still did not know which direction things would fall.