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Latest revision as of 23:52, 13 August 2019

Date of Scene: 11 August 2019
Location: Barbara Gordon's Apartment, Clocktower
Synopsis: Oracle contacts Cindy to offer her a deal she... could refuse if she wanted, but probably doesn't want to.
Cast of Characters: Oracle, Silk

Oracle has posed:
Babs is sitting at the Oracle Array with her bunny slippered feet crossed on the corner of the desk and a bowl of lucky charms balanced in her lap. Her hair is pulled back in a messy bun, a few strands of red hair dangling around her dorky red glasses. MARINA - Savages playing quietly on speakers hidden around her apartment while she watches footage from the recent attempted breakout at Arkham, but on one of her multiple screen is a little live feed from the safehouse Cindy was given.

The eye of Oracle is always watching.

Silk has posed:
Cindy was accustomed to life in a bunker fo the safehouse is not a far cry. Still. She's had a taste of wide open spaces and freedom - even if she was hungry most of the time. Here she is not hungry, not sleeping in a hammock of a webs but in a bed and yet still. She's growing tired and feels tucked away again. Antsy is a good way to put it. Pacing the room with a book in hand as she tries to focus is not going well.

A breath is released and in the hours to follow she tries reading upside down, on the wall, hanging from the ceiling and soon resorts to practicing moves in the limited space that causes a lamp to break with her need to move. Finally she glances out a window that really gives her no view before she slides down the wall to sit and stare at the floor.

Oracle has posed:
Babs, taps the bottom of her spoon against the side of her bowl, chewing quietly with her gaze shifting down to the little view screen of an antsy Cindy passing around the apartment she was provided. After years of training and application experience, she's gotten pretty good at reading body language with no apparent subtext, but there's audio feed as well. So after another moment, she taps a keystroke on her keyboard to switch off the music and bring up the audio feed.

She leans awkardly towards the desk, sets her bowl of charms aside, and types in some commands to bring up an encrypted line to the computer Cindy was provided. The headset hanging around Babs' neck is shifted up onto her ears, then keyed up, <Cindy Moon. Come to the monitor.> The voice is androgynous, unemphatic, and coming from the speakers set strategically on eitherside of the computers monitor.

Silk has posed:
That live feed has only the half a second delay and Cindy's head pings up sharply to look towards the sound. Her name. Pushing herself up warily she glances around the safehouse in search of anything that might hint at who is on the other end of the computerized voice. Wetting her lips, she approaches slowly. "Okay, so do I need to type or can you hear me?" She stars at the monitor which at the moment is black and reflects a vague impression of her staring at it. She pulls the chair out slowly and moves about languidly to settle onto it. "Hello?" She glances to the speakers and then once more around.

Oracle has posed:
The screen comes to life and upon it is a featureless green face with only black detail lines. As the voice comes from the speakers, the mouth moves to mimic them as if it is actually speaking, <Hello, Cindy Moon. I can hear you fine. I hope you will forgive the cloak and dagger, but in Gotham we cannot be too cautious. I can hear you and I can see you. Simply speak. I assume you have questions. I have answers. I am Oracle.

Back in her apartment, Babs stretches her hands up over her head with her fingers linked until the small of her back pops, stiffling a yawn as she reaches out to retake her bowl of cereal for a hearty spoonful. "Alrighty, Cindy, let's see what your game is."

Silk has posed:
"So we could not have started with this? Beginning to feel like a prison and I have really stuck to the arrangement," she remarks and then frowns, once more glancing around the room as if someone might just be one door over from where all this is going on. Cindy scoots the chair in and sits up, her own back straight with an odd sense of poise as she watches the pixelated figure before her. "What do you want with me? I mean I suppose I could be in jail if you thought me a threat but we both know that would do little. Still....as you can see I am harmless," she begins, turning her head to look at the broken lamp. "Uhhh mostly harmless."

Oracle has posed:
Babs furrows her brow and checks the safehouse readouts with her spoon tucked upside down on her tongue, balanced by her teeth, <There are no locks on any of the doors, Cindy. You are free to leave whenever you wish. I can see you wherever you go in Gotham City. If you decide not to return, that decision is yours. It would be in your best interest, however, not to bring whatever you are running from to Gotham.> The face asks, looking through the Spider rather than at her.

The spoon slides out of her mouth for another scoop of marshmellows and corn puffs, sopping with milk.

<Do you have questions?>

Silk has posed:
"Ha, not likely. I think what I am running from is very glad for the distance." Cindy still sounds a little frustrated. "I was asked to come here and the on person that spoke to me did not seem to have answers. I had no idea I could leave, I have been waiting to find out what is exactly going on because I know you got your own laws around here. You may not be Avengers but you still do the same work..even if you are vigilantes," she remarks and then sighs, rubbing at her face as she leans her head into her hand. "I asked it. What do you want with me?"

Oracle has posed:
Babs watches Cindy with narrowed eyes, lips quirked off to the side a moment, then resumes eating a spoon quick spoonfuls of cereal and drains the milk by turning up the bowl. It's set off on the table and her feet switched as to which is crossed over which on the edge, <I think your skillset could be useful to a team vigilantes here in Gotham. The Birds of Prey. I had to make certain you were not harboring some ill intent before I gave you more access to the rest of the agents under my perview.> The face states flatly.

<Cindy Moon. Things will go a lot better between us if you do not attempt to deceive me. I know that you have no public records for the past ten years. Unless you disappeared into a monistary, I have to surmiss that you were being hidden or hiding yourself. If I know that you are hiding or being hidden, then I have to surmiss there was a reason. Given your talents and apptitude using them-> The screen changes to video recorded footage of Cindy flipping and kicking with relative expert efficiency, then returns to the green faced monolith <-I have to surmiss that whoever was hiding you or wherever you where hiding yourself, you learned to protect yourself or were taught to do so. /That/ is the trouble I do not want in Gotham City.>

Silk has posed:
    Cindy looks aside at all of this, her thoughts her own but the view of her doing so is there. Her jaw tightens a bit but her peripheral catches the motion of the video not far from her face. She glances at her own motions replayed before her before she sighs and wets her lips. She sits up again and sets her hands in her lap as her expression becomes unreadable - that is until there is a measure of nervousness there. She clears her throat and then glances up at the screen, staring the pixelation that is Oracle and yet not.

    "Bunker for nine years. There is something..what I have been told akin to a vampire hunting me named Morlun. The bunker kept me from detection. Spider-man ended that agreed to sanctuary. I have yet to sense this Morlun or even if he still remains a threat. But he would not be a threat to anyone else but me. Perhaps other spiders but..I am told he will feed on me to sustain his life." She shrugs and spreads her hands. "I am here because ...Spider-man. There was a need for distance." There is a slight souring of her expression that soon becomes youthful inexperience and sorrow. Her chin dips as she looks at the desk. "That is why I am here."

Oracle has posed:
Babs listens to the explanation with a saitisfied nod, leaning back in her chair with fingers linked behind her head, How does Morlun track you? If I knew the mechanism, I could work on creating a defense against it. The voice indicates, mouth moving on the screen. She doesn't dig in about Spider-Man, that sounds above her paygrade and is New York's problem.

Silk has posed:
    "I do not know...perhaps much like my instinctual senses. He has not shown his face yet so it may be nothing, no threat whatsoever," she suggests. Cindy frowns and then clears her throat, sitting up a bit straighter as she glances at the figure on the screen. Her secret is out and its not made her feel any better for it. Instead she feels more nervous now. "Look...you said you were considering taking me on. I can not go back to New York. For reasons that are personal so here I am. If I can't stay here then I move on, not about to stay where the bats are ready to eat me alive." Spiders and bats.

Oracle has posed:
Babs smirks at the latter part, drumming her fingers across her pajama'd thigh, <You do not need permission to stay in Gotham, Cindy. You need permission to have access to Oracle.> Awful self important of the green face, isn't it? Another stiffled yawn, both arms up above her head in a long stretch, <Offer stands. You will be vet by my agents. You will have access to limited amounts of resource to establish yourself. If you do not want to stay in the provided safehouse, a small stipen will be alotted to an account under a false name, which I will provide for you. You will be given missions, these missions will not be outside your scope of ability, nor will they ask you to do anything that is an afront to your identity, your morality, or your intentions. Once you have earned trust, you will be given more liberties, more resources, more autonomy.>

Babs slips up from her seat and heads towards the kitchenette to grab a water bottle from the fridged, safe in the knowledge that Cindy probably doesn't intend to run in the thirty or so seconds it takes her to return and wouldn't get very far even if she did. <If you do not want any of these things, you are free to go. You will still be watched. Your activities will be recorded and if you step out of line, you will be shut down. This is my offer. What is your answer?>

Silk has posed:
As her options are played out for her by the figure behind the green face she seems to take some time to think it over. Especially when that pause comes when Babs on the other end gets water. Cindy stares at the base of the screen as her thoughts are turning over all the instinctual responses and the rise of excitement in her blood.
"I accept." Its said so softly she sits up and then looks at the screen. "I accept your offer. I would like a stipend form own place. I do not need much, something in the center of the city, a loft, small place..or whatever. But high ceilings would be appreciated. If you could point me in the direction. Also...I might need help with a costume. Something black..." she suggests and then grins, "I think most of you know what black is."

Cindy can be funny and quippy.

Oracle has posed:
I prefer green. So can the monotone voice behind the green face on the screen. I will have you identity finished by tonight with an account set up in that name. Someone will bring the pertinent information to you. Missions will be given via agent or encrypted message. If you have questions or concerns, I am only a keystroke away. It is good to meet you, Cindy Moon.

The computer monitor goes blank, but it's hard to tell whether that means the line has as well. Suffice to say that Babs is still listening, she's just gotten to work getting all the information written up for Cindy's new cover.. as well as starting technical plans for a new suit for her. The 3D printer should help with that... but she'll have to talk to Lucius soon.. which she needs to do anyways.

Time table expediated.