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For Reference's Sake
Date of Scene: 12 August 2019
Location: Level 1 (Command, Mackenzie King Station)
Synopsis: Kinsey asks Colonel Danvers to the Station for coffee, cookies, and to discuss some matters, not the least of which is asking for a reference letter to renew her contract on the statiion. Turns out no letter is needed: the job is hers.
Cast of Characters: Kinsey MacKenna, Captain Marvel (Danvers)

Kinsey MacKenna has posed:
Kinsey might always be in touch with the staff over her head - namely, Alpha Flight, and most specifically Colonel Danvers, but this wasn't quite something you sent in a memo. So, instead, she'd sent a request for a meeting along with her last report, and settled back to wait for a response.

Which came. Time and date were determined, and a flurry of baking later, the moment was now.

Command's meeting room smelled of rich coffee - not their usual, Carol might note, and freshly baked chocolate chip cookies.

Everything else in order, Kinsey waits for Security to announce her guest when she arrives on station, and then, further, Carol's arrival in the meeting room.

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
"Now there's an unusual scent for the station, we might have to keep you here on a permanent basis with perks like these, Kinsey," Carol laughs as she walks into the meeting room with a big smile on her face. "Sometimes it feels good to be here, that much farther from Earth politics, doesn't it?"

Kinsey MacKenna has posed:
Kinsey rises as Carol enters the room, and gestures at one of the many seats she herself isn't sitting at, then sits down again. "Funny you should mention that. But first, coffee and cookies. I trust my last report didn't raise any further brows?"

The station might be fully on track with the repairs and revamp of the science levle (give or take a couple of weeks; that's how these things go), but the notion of Cybertronians on earth had been an issue - one Kinsey had taken steps to deal with.

"I've been baking. It all started with this crazy idea I had that I couldn't go calling on the Watchtower empty handed, and I'm afraid everyone likes cookies." She gives a content little smile with that. "The coffee I, well, to be blunt the coffee on station was horrible, so I fixed that. Also, you'll be happy to know that the Lanterns of several colours are on board with removal of the Cybertronians on earth, once we pinpoint their location and figure out the logitics of what will be necessary."

"I have an appointment to see the LexCorps station shortly, and expect that to go as well as such things usually do. Other than that, I think you're caught up on all the news I have." She pauses, and agrees, "Much nicer here most of the time, which brings me to the other reason I asked for you to come calling rather than putting the matter on a report."

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
Carol moves to sit next to Kinsey, with just the two of them, there was no need for any formality nonsense. "Saw the logs, you're keeping everything tip top, I love that." She shakes her head, apparently she had nothing to add to that last report, though her expression doesn't seem overly pleased.

"It's true, I believe it's a scientific fact, I'll have to double check with Tony Stark." Carol offers her own take of the cookie matter. Raising her hand, Carol grins, "I admit it, terrible coffee is my fault, never took the time to care for the little things. But I've always been one after the big picture, so, thank you for that."

"If the Cybertronian issue is too cumbersome, I will be more than happy to lend some Kree tech to the endeavor," Carol offers off-handedly, "little known fact, I'm also a memember of Starforce."

Carol frowns at the mention of LexCorps, "yes, about that, keep your eyes open, the man is a corrupt snake. I'm still hearing it from the Canadian Government, and it wasn't even my fault."

Kinsey MacKenna has posed:
There's a chuckle from Kinsey as she reaches for a cookie. "Well, if Tony Stark says it's scientific fact, I'd believe him. Though any rumours you hear about him testing a self-automated car in the city are just that and I have no clue where they started."

Such lies; they'd started with Kinsey, for a reason, and that reason had a name: Blurr. It was a long story.

"Coffee was a minor detail after it was kindly pointed out to me that I had the means to procure better with little effort. And, I confess, until I was spending time visiting the Watchtower I really didn't know what a difference good coffee made."

In her intern years, she drank whatever swill was available without question.

LexCorps doesn't look like it thrills Kinsey much either, but she can say, "Oh, I plan on using my edge when dealing with him. I read the report of how he interferred in that political prisoner matter. Thankfully my intervention is rather legitimate. And that he can't hide much from a Lantern ring is hardly my fault." Her grin is smug. One would almost think she's enjoying that fact.

"What I dearly wanted to talk to you about, though, was my future here on the Station. I know that my contract was a six-month trial basis, and it's nearly up for renewal. I'd like to apply for a permanent position." Which in regards to these things was less permanant than short repeating contracts of several years. "I was hoping that I could count on you for a referral letter."

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
"Because anything Tony says is a fact," Carol laughs, clearly she enjoys getting snarky with Stark on occasions. Then again, if rumors are to be believed, she occasionally gets cheeky with just about anyone.

"You do have the means, but taking the initiative is a whole other matter, I can appreciate good coffee like any other," Carol quips, which is debatable, as she reaches to take a cup of coffee for herself and have a sip.

"I hope it's true, that man is surprisingly beyond the norm for peak human sleazeball."

Carol suddenly looks very serious at that last bit, before putting the coffee aside and extending her hand to Kinsey, "done deal, that's all I needed to hear. You can feel free to submit an official request, but it'll be a triviality, I'm going to settle this posting with Department H."

Kinsey MacKenna has posed:
"I never truly appreciated the depths another being could reach in the sleaze scale until Kibou became mine. It was like suddenly seeing the world from a whole different perspective." She's thoughtful. "I wouldn't say it's changed me entirely. I'm still the every-hopeful person I am. I guess I'm more aware how important people like myself are, though. That we truly do make it possible for others to pick up when things seem hopeless and carry on."

Carol gets a smile. "Not tht rings are entirely necessary. But we do need heros. Like yourself also."

She's about to mention how she can write up a letter for signing, if that would expedite the matter, and it's a done deal. Which only leaves Kinsey laughing. "I feel this was all an elaborate scheme, Baldrick. You'll see the official request by evening."

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
"Having your own little truth detector is a very useful thing to have," Carol remarks, not getting into the full details of the rings, she would be a bit biased. Even if she doesn't come off it as directly as most Kree do. Then again, she is a hybrid.

Just as she's about to leave, Carol catches that Baldric bit and laughs. "No, not a scheme, it's a cunning plan," Carol flashes a wink at Kinsey, as she turns to leave for her office, "I'll be making a quick call on your behalf, this shouldn't take long."

Kinsey MacKenna has posed:
"I appreciate this, Carol. And do take the rest of the cookies. I can always make more."

Cunning plans? Oh she doesn't know anything about cunning plans. Even if that remark gets a wink from the woman. Carol's departure leaving Kinsey to relax and contemplate her future.