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Latest revision as of 23:56, 13 August 2019

An Awkward Morning
Date of Scene: 03 July 2019
Location: Logan's Cabin - Breakstone Lake
Synopsis: Breakfast in Breakstone
Cast of Characters: Wolverine, Buffy Summers

Wolverine has posed:
Slayer or not, Buffy couldn't hold her liquor. Logan found that out first hand last night when she drifted off to sleep as they were talking outside by the fire. So he had taken her to bed, still wearing his blue Xavier's School sweater, over that white tank top, and the red leather pants. He tucked her into his bed, and he took the couch in the den. Morning has come, and Logan's had a shower, which was accessible outside the bedroom, except all his clothes were in his bedroom.

And so, still dripping wet, and with a white fluffy towel wrapped around his mid section, he tried to sneak back into his bedroom. The door opened, no lock, he didn't need one, with just a hint of a creaking noise. He'd been meaning to apply some WD-40 to the hinges. He paused, looked, and moved on in, opening a chest of drawer to retrieve some underwear, black, boxer style. He slowly slid that drawer back in and checked again. So far, so good. But the sock drawer was going to be a problem. That one always stuck ever since one of his enemies had paid a visit. He fixed it, or tried to, but he couldn't seem to figure out what was causing it. Something was just a bit loose in there.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers had had a good night's rest and was soon sleeping soundly in a near stranger's house, wearing his sweater and making a fool of herself by passing out, exhausted and slightly drunk on his couch. Unfortunately, in spite of comfy bed and exhaustion from last night, her senses were still razor sharp and as that door creaks, she sits straight up in bed, eyes narrowed as she scans the room for the source of the noise. "Hmmm..Who's there?" she peers at Logan..And then looks quickly away. "Oh geez..I'm sorry, I must have passed out yesterday. Where am I?" she yawns and rubs her eyes. Oh. Oh crap. She's in his bed. He's in a towel. Did they...? Buffy jumps out quickly, sliding out of the sweater, suddenly feeling really self conscious. "Umm...I should probably go.."

Wolverine has posed:
Logan sighed at her reaction, wanting to put both hands out to suggest stop, but before he did, he grabbed to make sure the towel kept in place, so he only put one hand out. "Look, nothing happened. I just needed some clothes after my shower. I carried you off to bed. Yer still in the clothes you wore last night. I slept on the couch." Now, she was all caught up, he grabbed his socks, making a noise when that drawer opened. "Just let me get a shirt and pants, and change in the bathroom. No need to run off. Nothing happened."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers pauses at the threshold of the door, chancing a glance over her shoulder. "Oh..You carried me to your bed..And slept on the sofa? Wow.." she smiles now, warming up a bit. "I mean..Thanks, I guess. That's really..Gentlemanly of you." But Buffy still passed out and made a fool of herself. "Even so..I should have been more mindful. Passing out and getting drunk? I hope I didn't make a fool of myself."

Wolverine has posed:
"Of course," he says, as if it's the most natural thing in the world. "Buffy, any man who'd take advantage of a drunk woman is no man at all." Somehow, he manages to say that with confidence despite his hair dripping wet, and having a towel wrapped around his waist, kept securely in place with one hand, while the other had his black boxers and black socks. He must like black a lot.

"Nothing happened. You yawned, curled up against me, thanked me fer staying up with you, and said you think you... whatever that meant. You passed out. So I got you off to bed and took the couch. Nothing happened."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers turns away again to give him a chance to get dressed. "Wait wait..I..Curled up next to you and said I li....." her face reddens a bit, laughing a little to cover it up, shaking her head. "Well. I mean, at least I didn't beat you up or something. But..Thanks for not being a jerk." Because if he was Spike, she'd probably beat him up regardless if he tried anything or not. "Well um..This is kinda awkward. How 'bout you get dressed and I'll stay out of your hair." she ponders just heading out and getting to class but kinda lingers in the doorway instead, not sure what to do. Argh, this is soo awkward..

Wolverine has posed:
With her looking the other way, he drops the towel, slips the black boxer briefs on, then walks over to the bed, sitting so he can more easily put the socks on, before heading to the closet, where he picked out a black t-shirt, a blue flannel shirt, and a pair of blue jeans, each slipping on easily, though he didn't button up the flannel shirt. "Bike's yours if you want," she had a long drive back to the Hugo Building, "or you could stay fer breakfast?"

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers blinks slowly, glancing briefly over her houlder, and relaxes when he puts on some more clothes. "Wait..That bike..You're just..Giving it to me? Just like that?" she smirks, "How do you know you can trust me? I mean, I could just crash it. I'm not the greatest driver afterall.." She's kinda..Blown away by his faith in her honestly. An offer of breakfast causes her to smile a little, nodding, "Sure! I mean..I don't want to overstay my welcome but..I would be honoured." she smirks, "Of course you know this means I'm gonna have to pay you back somehow."

Wolverine has posed:
"Well, I can't expect ya to walk home, now can I? It's about 42 miles to Bludhaven. If you want ta go, I ain't stoppin' ya." This was all said matter of factly. She seemed to want to high tail it out of there, and either she could walk, take the bike, or call a cab, but that'd take a while for it to get there, and cost a pretty penny too. "All right then, I can drive ya back after breakfast, if you want, unless you want to take a another try on it?" Moving over to the doorframe, and passing by her, he rubs against her on the way. Logan was old fashioned, you either move, or get moved when your in someone's way.

He didn't push, but he didn't stop either. He headed for the kitchen, where he turned on the gas stove, bent down to pull out a frying pan, then started grabbing bacon, eggs, sausages, and anything else you might expect to see in a lumberjack breakfast. Chances are she wasn't going to be able to finish what he served her. "And Buffy, you don't owe me anything. But I do like to see you smile. If you want to shower up before breakfast, it's over there. There's still plenty o' hot water and towels, just, don't have any clean clothes that'd fit you." The sweater he leant last night had kind of dwarfed her petite figure.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smiles, "Well, it IS a long ways to the college from here, I'm not even sure where 'here' is.." she smirks, "But I'm in no hurry, really. I mean...It's my day off, my study date can wait I suppose.." still, Buffy's feeling like she's shirking some responsibility or other and she sighs a little, barely stepping out of the way as Logan heads for the kitchen. As he busies himself in the kitchen, Buffy watches with a slight smile. "You like my smile huh? Yours ain't so bad either..Seems you're a jack of all trades too.." she sidles up to him by the stove, watching thoughtfully, inhaling the scent of fried eggs but does her best not to get in the way. "Must be nice living out here though, although I'd sure get lonely." Buffy glances towards the shower and could really use a nice refreshing wash but. "I..Really shouldn't overstay my welcome. I mean, you probably have other important things to do. I wouldn't want to get in your way or anything. I mean..Working at that school and all must take up a lot of your time. I'll bet the kids love you though."

Wolverine has posed:
"Breakstone Lake, Westchester County, not far from Salem Centre," Logan explains. He could probably give her longitude and latitude if she asked. He was an outdoorsman after all and used to using a compass. He leaned his head in her direction when she sidled up to him, he knew she was there, in his personal space, but he didn't react negatively to it. He didn't pull away. If anything, he shifted his weight ever so slightly towards her while he stood there.

He did have to do a bit of walking, grabbing this and that. Besides the eggs, sausage, and bacon, he was cooking pancakes, ham, and even some French Toast. Funny, he didn't look to carry any extra weight, well, besides the weight of his metal bones.

There she was again with the loneliness thing. He wasn't sure how to respond to that. He was kind of always lonely, not that he'd ever call it that. And then she talked about overstaying her welcome. So Logan decided to cut through the crap. "Buffy, you are welcome to stay as long as you want, to visit as often as you want. And I don't have classes today. If ya want me, I'm all yours."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers is quick to dart to the side as he moves to grab stuff for his breakfast, watching with a smile. "Ooh, right. I should do more exploring while I'm in town. This is areally nice area though. someday I'd like to explore more, maybe do some hiking around." perhaps it was simply that she was picking up on his own feelings of loneliness, and empathizing with him as she often felt that way sometimes too. Who knows? She doesn't push him on the subject though, quickly moving on. "Oh yeah? That's cool. I guess i'm pretty much free today too. I'd appreciate visiting here again sometime, it's a really nice place. It's probably a good spot for training and meditating too." she chuckles a bit at that last comment. "Oh yeah? Maybe I'll take you up on that offer. I don't mind spending my time in good company."

Wolverine has posed:
"There's plenty of great hiking 'round here. I'll have to show you some trails. Though some of the great ones are a bit far, too far to get to without camping under the stars. But they're well worth the journey." The food was timed well, changing heat, he'd done this before, a lot. He even seemed to be grabbing some herbs, spieces, seasoning things along the way. None of the containers seemed to have labels, well, most of them didn't. Yet he seemed to know what was in each and every one.

"Why don't you stay? We could train, go into town, meditate, anythin' you want. Might have to get you something in town though, or if you want, borrow a shirt or something." He was thinking about the logistics as he cooked, and it smelt delicious. Breakfast would be ready any moment. He began setting two plates, though hers had less food than his. Hers was a normal portion for a girl her size. He was guessing based on what he'd seen girls at the school eat.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers hmms, "You know, that doesn't sound half bad. Actually, I've never really been on a real hike before, I mean, running around a small town cemetary doesn't really count.." she chuckles.

"I mean..I've always wanted to go camping deep in the woods, someplace that's totally isolated from everywhere, just me and the big bad wilderness. Heck, that'd be a great place to get in touch with my inner nature..I guess you probably do that sort of thing a lot out here, huh."

The offer of staying does cause her to arch a brow. "I dunno, I guess I could..Just for a day..or two. But I really should go back to classes soon. I mean, no hurry right now though, i'm just happy to sit back and relax for a change." surely there would be no vampires out here that would need attention.

"Mmm, that smells real good.." Buffy sinks into a chair, eyeing the food hungrily.

Wolverine has posed:
Logan carries the food to the table, setting out some cutlery, and offering her a drink, "milk, OJ, coffee, what's yer poison?" For himself, he pours a tall glass of orange juice. After getting her whatever she wants to drink, he'll settle down, "yeah, you want to clear yer head, up here's the place for it. Not much but nature, and me."

He was surprised that she might stay for a day or two. They'd definitely have to get her some clothes, either a drive back to Sunnydale, or some stuff from a store in town. Digging into his food, he didn't speak with his mouth full, and swallowed before taking any more. He had enough manners for that. "how'd you sleep?" He asked, idly between bites.

Looking around, despite being a somewhat remote cabin, it had a lot of amenities. Television, a computer terminal, running power, even if provided by a generator. She might have even noticed that he had put her mobile phone on a wireless charging station. He must have fished it from those red leather pants, which were pretty tight. But was that right of him?

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smiles, "I should stay away from the alcohol, orange juice sounds good though!" she smiles, "Mm, looking up at the stars in the middle of nowhere. It almost sounds..Romantic. Sounds like the perfect date." Buffy winks at that, not making it clear whether that date would involve him or not.

Oh yeah, the idea of staying for a day or two definitely meant she might need a change of clothes, but Buffy did bring some extra stuff for her trip to visit her cousin afterall. "It's alright, I brought some spare clothes, I was just expecting to stay at a hotel while I was in town.." As for sleep, she pauses a moment, "Err...Fine, I guess? Barring the whole way I got there in the first place. I mean.." she shrugs and laughs, "Eh..I'm really sorry about that, I'll try not to pass out again. I hope I didn't say anything too weird last night..Or in my sleep.." Ugh, awkwaard.

Glancing around the cabin, Buffy does notice the cellphone, and bites her lip. "..Oh." is all she manages to utter.

Wolverine has posed:
Pouring her a tall glass of orange juice, Logan gives her a brief look when she mentions how romantic it could be to look up at the stars in the middle of nowhere together, "with the right person," he adds and smiles. He's choosing to believe that she suggested it would involve them.

"Ah, yeah," and he glanced over to the backpack she had been wearing earlier. He hadn't looked, but now he knew what it contained, or at least had an idea. "Mi cabin es su cabin," he offered, parodying the mi casa es su casa, or my home is your home saying. "Nothing to be sorry about Buffy. Wouldn't know what you said in yer sleep. I was on the couch out here." His hearing was pretty good, but if she did mumble anything, he hadn't caught it through the doors."

When she noticed the phone on the charger, he got up to grab it for her, offering it fully charged, "sorry 'bout that, just figured you'd want a fully charged one," as he had to reach into the pocket of those tight leather pants to retrieve it. "I hope that wasn't inappropriate." He really didn't try to take advantage of her or anything, just helping her since she had passed out.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers hungrily bites into the fried eggs, too hungry for a moment to talk. Phew what time did she go to bed last night anyway? She takes the glad of OJ with a thankful nod as she tries to sort out her thoughts and...Feelings.

"Yeah.." she smiles oddly, glancing at him thoughtfully. "..With the right person.." she narrows her eyes as he admits to the phone , grabbing it back hastily. "Really......Bet you enjoyed that, huh." she smirks up at him, a teasing twinkle in her eyes.

"Soooo anything else I should know, about what happened last night? While I was passed out..And suddenly woke up in your, uh, bed...?"

Wolverine has posed:
When she teased him, even with the twinkle in her eyes, he had a bit of a hesitant, pained expression, "Buffy, you were unconscious. Only reason I did it was that it vibrated a warning that it was low on power as I was tuckin' you into bed. If... if anything, I guess just gave me a glimpse into somethin' that'd be really nice t' have." Yeah, he did enjoy it, but he was trying to be a gentlemen about it. It was a service, not an attempt to feel her up.

With the last question, he pauses, "all right, you got me. Maybe I lingered a little while after you were in bed, with the covers over yer body. You had the cutest little smile while you slept. Was hard to look away from something that looked so, so right, content, happy I guess. I liked it. And then I left, closed the door and slept on the couch."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers arches a brow, realizing he took what she says a bit too seriously. She reaches out a bit hesitantly to touch his arm gently, reassuringly. "Hey, relax. I'm only teasing. I believe you and..I think I trust you. Besides if you had tried anything, I'd probably have punched you into oblivion." forget that she's a heavy sleeper and can even sleep through earthquakes. It's her greatest weakness, honestly.

What he says next causes her to blush little bit more, letting go quickly, looking away. "...Oh..I see....heh." between nervous laughter and blushing, she does her best to busy herself with finishing her breakfast. In more awkward silence.

Wolverine has posed:
Looking down to her delicate, surprisingly delicate given how much strength he had witnessed her using, fingers touched his forearm, rubbing him up and down in a reassuring way. It was nice against his skin, which was equally surprising. For a man who had a cabin in the woods, had this outdoors look to him, his skin was baby smooth. Must have been a residual effect of the healing factor.

"Thanks Buffy," though he is a bit sad when she recoils and blushes at what he said. He can tell that he made her feel awkward. Still serious, he said, "I know we ain't known each other very long, but sometimes I guess you just click. Hope I'm not out o' line, but I think we do. I feel as though I've known you for a long time. Like I can say anything around you, even if it kind of makes you feel uncomfortable. Yer still here."

"I, I'm old, I know I don't look it, but I am. I don't know how long I'll have. Could live another hundred years, could kick the bucket tomorrow. I live a dangerous life." He gestured to the left wall, "had to repair that wall after a guy named Omega Red broke through a while back." There were joins in the logs, and yet they looked absolutely seamless. He must have been a master carpenter, or whoever did it was.

"And it's easy to be on yer own... I got friends, teammates, but don't like to let anyone get too close. And yet..." he pauses, letting that one hang, not deliberately, but he was looking her over, "I don't know, I just, feel like I can be open around you. Is any o' this making sense, Buffy?" He was laying it out on the line, showing no fear, but yeah, he was opening himself up to her, lowering his defences, "just, it seems right, don't it?" he asked hopefully.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers continues to eat in silence, wondering whats she gotten herself into this time and yet somehow liking thus, liking him..Which she probably shouldnt, given how complicated things are.

But the awkward silence is driving her crazy and maybe this isnt so crazy if she takes things slow..Real slow.

"I dont think youre out of line, Logan. Youre right.." she smiles faintly, warmly as she regards him thoughtfully. "Some people just..Click. Our lives arent that different, but.." yeah, hes kinda old, but then her last boyfriend was like, 200+ years old, then there's Spike..And dont get her started on Dracula.

She just laughs nervously, rising to her feet to take her empty dish to the sink, busily washing it.

"Ahh irony is so cruel sometimes." she murmurs quietly to herself.

Wolverine has posed:
Not out of line, and yet, Buffy, usually so talkative, was suddenly quiet as a mouse, quiet as Logan was most of the time. Thing is, he didn't get unnerved by awkward silences. Much of the time he was the one causing it, and it was deliberate. But this wasn't one of those times. He had been eating throughout their talk, just not as quickly as her, and he had more food on the plate, plus he had been talking more. So he didn't finish up as quickly as she did. "Oh, you don't have to... thanks," he was surprised when she washed her plate, finding the supplies under the sink easily enough. However, she might not have noticed that she had to bend over to reach them, and Logan just so happened to be looking in her direction at the time.

'I hope Slayer's ain't telepathic' he thought to himself as his heart skipped a beat at the sight. Turning around, he went back to eating his food. "Buffy, with you, far as I'm concerned, I'm an open book. 'course, some pages might be missing." He smirked at his own joke, and that memory of his. Others seemed to be pasted in.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers does bend down to grab dishwashing liquid and..Oh dammit, is he watching...? She turns around quickly, laughing nervously. Well she cant just accuse him of...

"Erm. No big. May as well be of some use around here. Look, why don't we go for a walk, a nice peaceful hike in the woods? I don't mind if we walk all day and all night, I think it would be nice..And I'd really like to see the stars..With you. Out there. In the middle of nowhere."

Ok...That sounded creepier than expected. Like way creepier. Meep.

Wolverine has posed:
Finishing up, Logan picked up his plate and headed to join Buffy near the sink. He moved into her personal space to slip the plate into the sink with the water to rinse it, before he took a short step to the side. He was happy to wash it himself, but wasn't going to push her out of the way or another. He was still a little bit in her personal space, really at the edge of it, just close enough that she could smell him. Then again, she had worn his sweater last night, and slept in his bed, so she was probably well acquainted with that natural musk he seemed to have, a bit spicy, but nice.

"I'd like that, got camping gear, you said you had extra clothes," though he wondered how appropriate it would be for camping, "'course we could get something in town if ya needed it." He smiled, eyeing her hair, the way it was shimmering in the sunlight pouring through the window, "sounds romantic."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers blinks as he steps into her personal space, shifting to the side to give him room. She knows better to insist on cleaning his plate too, but Buf does pass over the dish liquid, her fingers accidentally brushing against his, her hand lingering near his just a little too long.

"It's strange, you seem so young but you act so mature..I mean not that I'm a stranger to that, heck, dating a 200 year old vampire, hanging out with a 100 some vamp who's obsessed with me. Heck I even dated Dracula once. I know I know. Dracula. Guess Buff doesn't live a normal life huh.." oh shoot that sounded like she was thinking of dating him or something.

"Sooo what's it feel like, being almost 200 years old? I guess it must be different when you're not an undead, blood sucking..." someone shut her up please!

Wolverine has posed:
She could have cleaned his plate if she wanted, but with her passing over the dish liquid, he's happy to do it. Her fingers are wet, and when they brush against his, lingering a little bit, he moves his index finger up, brushing against her hand softly. His lips curled into a little smile as he did so.

Listening to her talk, she was giving so much information, and he loved it. He had guessed that the two hundred year old vampire she dated was Angel, since she had mentioned he had a soul, and figured that Spike was the 100+ vampire, and Dracula too, wow, she must have a thing for vampires. He wasn't judging her, but it was a lot to take in one go. "Normal's overrated," he intoned, as he stood over the sink, washing a dish, while she stood near him. If this wasn't positively domestic, what was?

He loved to hear her talk, and she could be quite a motormouth. Turning, he looked to her mouth, those lips, providing so much information, asking the odd question, perhaps sensing her own apprehension, that she was talking too much in her opinion, not his, he decided to throw caution to the wind. He was already just in her personal space, even with her shifting within it. He tilted his head, leaning in to press his lips to hers. He hadn't asked, he wasn't entirely sure she wanted this, but he thought she did, and he did it slowly enough that she could stop him, could pull back, but he was from the old school, the very old school, and it just seemed right.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Dammit, why's she rambling so much about her life to someone she doesn't know that well..Even if it feels so natural? And after her painful experience with Parker, she really should take a break but...

"Sorry, guess that sounded pretty creepy. I mean I'm a slayer, but I guess I have a thing for vampires and old guys. Really old guys. So sue me." she laughs. More nervous laughter.

Then he does that one thing that she dreaded most. And yearned for most, even if she would deny it to herself.

But it takes her by surprise and her eyes widen, about to reflexively punch him for even trying that without her consent. Except she actually..Kinda enjoys it.

Her eyes close briefly, pressing into him a little as she starts to return the kiss. It's not so bad is it? It's not like he'll break her heart like Parker, or go evil on her like Angel or..Spike.

Her eyes fly open again, feeling..Torn, confused, suddenly pulling away. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that.." she brings a finger to her lips, his taste in her mouth. Damn, why does life have to be so complicated?

Wolverine has posed:
Smiling broadly at her reaction, he had felt her return the kiss. He knew it, she knew it. Point is, they both knew where each other stood now. "Buffy, you ain't got nothing to apologise fer. And we all got a past. Yers sounds, pretty complicated, but aren't they all? I know mine sure as hell is. All that matters is that I kissed you, and you kissed me. It was good, great. Bottom line, I like you, and I'm pretty sure you like me too. Where we go from here, and what pace, that's up to you. But the cat's outta the bag. That's all I wanted to know. Is there something here, or is my mind playing tricks on me. Whatever it takes, however long you need, I just want you to know, I'm in... and, you are one hell of a kisser."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers swallows, trying to compose herself. Her heart's still fluttering like crazy as she holds onto the table to steady herself. "Logan? You're..You're right. I do like you..A lot, but, my life's kinda complicated right now. I don't know if this is a good idea, heck I'm still reeling from a bad breakup that started too quickly and ended with my heart ripped into pieces. And let's not mention my first love who turned out to be a psycho killer or the fact that Spike seems to be..In love with me and maybe I kinda like him too. I just..Need time, need to take things slow..I really need some air.." she quickly turns and runs out of the cabin, although in the middle of nowhere, there's not many places for her to go..

Wolverine has posed:
"Buffy," Logan began slowly and calmly. He could tell she was a bit excitable right now, so he was trying to be soothing with his words and body language, "when's the last time your life wasn't complicated? Complicated is what we do. Life is all about complications, whether it's work, friends, guys, or saving the world from vampires. Something is always happening, and new things will always be on the horizon. That's life. You just got to learn to take them one issue at a time."

It was clear that she was still pretty frantic, and even headed out of the cabin, so he followed, not running, just walking, calmly, and evenly. As if he were an ocean of serenity. Catching up, he continued, "we like each other, a lot," he used her words, but he agreed, "so that's an issue overcome. Where we go from here is up to us. I get that you're not in the best o' places, but we never are. If you need time, we'll take it. We can go at your pace... I ain't going anywhere. And I'm not a psycho," funny that he didn't say he wasn't a killer, but then she saw him kill two vampires. "And I'm not a vampire. See that sunshine raining down on us. I'm just a guy, standing out here, asking a girl he likes to give 'em a chance."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers hadn't gone far, she's sitting in the sofa by the fire pit from last night, staring at the ashes. It's nice outside, the sun shining, a gentle breeze blowing although she has her phone and her backpack sitting next to her, pondering where to go next. In more ways than one.

"I know..At least I don't have to worry about staking you or not. That's kinda nice but..Heck, I still need to take it easy. You..Caught me off guard. You want me to give you a chance? Sure, I guess, just know that I might take things slow."

But she's still feeling anxious so she climbs to her feet, clenching and unclenching her hands. "I'm going for a walk. You coming with?"

Wolverine has posed:
Logan does not have any gear with him. She seems prepared to go, having her phone, her backpack, the clothes on her back, which she's wearing for the second consecutive day without having showered, and then Logan does something probably surprising. He doesn't go back to the cabin. The door was closed, but not locked. Must be nice to live somewhere free enough that you can leave the door unlocked. Either that, or Logan figures out here, if someone wants to get in, they're going to get in. Might as well save himself the trouble of having to fix the door, window, or whatever too.

"Sorry 'bout blinsiding you a bit back there Buffy." He gestured towards a direction, was it random, or was there a purpose, but whether she takes that one or goes another way, he'll walk with her. "There's nothing I'd rather do."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers could really do with a change of clothes and a nice refreshing wash, especially in this warmth. But hopefully she'll come across a pool or spring or..Something.

"Alright then.." she quickens her pace, walking into..Who knows where with someone that's making her feel increasingly nervous now. "Where are we going, exactly? Is there a spring or anything?" she shoulders her pack as she glances around at the foliage, drawing a deep breath. "It smells so..Fresh and green. I kinda miss this, living in the city. It's so peaceful out here. Like we're the only two people in the world, totally isolated from everywhere.."

Wolverine has posed:
"Sure you don't want to be surprised?" Waiting for a response, he gets a nervous smile, reading the body language that he surprised her once today already, "well, all right then." He gestures towards the tree line, "there's an old Mohican trail up there, most people can't find it as access to the trail's been eroded, not on any maps or anything," and yet he knows about it, was it because he visited, or just because he's hiked these lands, "but there's a breathtaking view of the valley up there, especially at sunrise, and there's a natural hot spring... I've never shown it to anyone." He answers before she asks. He was a bit muted, sensing her nervousness, and uncertain how to put her mind at ease as he leads her off into the woods. It was a bit tricky.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers peers up the trail, nodding slowly. Looks a bit steep and ragged in some places but shouldn't be too hard. "Wow, this place must be pretty old huh." she arches a brow, glancing back at him with a smirk. "A secret place, hmm? Sounds fun..Lets go then.." she follows after him, keeping pace with him easily as they gain some elevation. "Sounds beautiful, I can't wait to see..I also wonder what sorts of animals live out here?"

Wolverine has posed:
"Anytime yer off the paved roads, yer somewhere old. Don't matter, forest, desert, tundra, or tropics, everywhere's old and got its own beauty." He offers to take her backpack if she'd prefer, "want me to carry that fer ya?" He wasn't carrying any supplies, not even a sleeping bag. But he was used to roughing it, knew how to build a shelter, and actually had something set up over there anyway.

Along the way, Logan raised a hand in a military sign for halt, "hold up a sec," he said, seeming to sniff the air. "Wait here a moment," and he started off into the woods, if she followed, he'd suggest she wait, and if she followed further, she'll see him walk over towards another clearing. Oh wow, is that a black bear. It stands up on its hind legs and roars. Logan stands his ground. He slowly moves towards it, still standing his ground. It roars some more, before coming down back onto all four legs. A moment later, it walks up to Wolverine, who actually pets it, stroking it's hair, and a little while later, it'll wander off in another direction.

And then, as if it were the most simple thing in the world, he wanders back towards Buffy, ready to lead her further along the journey.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smirks, "Oh yeah? Bet you've been to all those places too, huh?" she sighs, "But then, in a way so have I. I lived in Sunnydale all my life. But I still experience some of their memories, my ancestors. Some of them lived in forests, some in deserts. It's a little creepy, sometimes I see places like this and I get deja vu, like I've been here before.."

Buffy seems to take it all in stride however, shaking her head, "No worries, it's not that heavy. Besides, I figured you'd have brought your own camping gear...Which you didn't?" she pauses, scratching her head. "How come, should we go back?"

But then he shushes her and tells her to stay put. Buffy holds her breath, peering into the woods after him.

But if he thinks she's just gonna wait there, he is quite mistaken, especially if there's trouble up ahead. "Now wait a min--" she follows after him, spotting the bear. Which he chooses to subdue rather than fight. Which only makes her respect him all the more, dammit.

"Wow, Logan..How did you..What did you..? I didn't know you could talk to animals?! That was amazing!" her eyes are all sparkly now as she watches him with renewed admiration. Way to go, Logan.

Wolverine has posed:
"Can't talk to them, but I have a way with animals. Nothing to it really, just treat them with respect and they treat me that way." He's really good at reading an animal's body language, utterings, and even scents. He can usually tell whether it's someone defending their territory, hungry, have young, or whatever the motivation is. In this case, they were in his territory. Logan stood his ground, but did not want to fight, and the bear respected that. Logan is not a threat, but he is not food either.

"Come on," he slipped a hand around her shoulder, not because he had to, but because he wanted to, hoping she'd be fine with the small contact. He didn't say anything about the provisions, and as if to demonstrate that, along the path they came across something set up to collect rain water. There were some bottles strung up, far enough away that they wouldn't be an issue for the animals. He filled the bottles from the homemade reservoir, which was held up with ropes and strings. "Thirsty?"

Sometime later, he stopped, "this way to the hot spring," and pointed another way, "and that's towards a nice camping area. Up to you on where we go first?"

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smiles, watching him thoughtfully. "That's..Really sweet. I mean, most guys think it's macho to kill a bear, but you..You really respect nature." she smirks, "Do you know how much of a turn on that is?"

The arm around her shoulders is in fact a welcome move, and she leans in against him, walking in comfortable, amicable silence for a while as they pass water reservoirs.

"Ooh, cleverr, saves space at least." she readjusts her backpack which is fairly heavy with her slayer weapons and water and food and enough clothing for two or three days. But she's pretty strong and used to it.

When hey reach the fork in the road, she hesitates a moment, eager to get to camp, but feeling hot and sweaty by now (especially in tight leather pants) and all too eager to jump in a refreshing spring water.

"Mmm hot spring sounds good, did you even have to ask?" she smiles at him, pressing against him a little to urge him on in that direction.

Wolverine has posed:
"There's nothing macho about killing an animal. If you kill an animal, it's got to be because you're hungry, it's cold and you need its fur, or in self-defence. Anything other than that and we've got a real problem," meaning he and the person killing for sport. The talk about the turn on catches him off guard, "it is huh? Nope, but good to know."

He's glad when she accepts the arm, and even leans in against him, especially when she presses her body against him to urge him in the direction of the spring. Of course they head that way, which is in the middle of a rocky area. There's a string hung up where clothes could be held, even pegs from a previous visit.

There's also an all-weather duffle bag hung up, which he takes down. In it, there are some towels, soap, a few other things. Though there's no bathing suits, sadly, and even if there were, they'd be in his size. Nobody knows about it, he's never brought anyone up, so this was left for him, by him. "So, uh Buffy, how do you want to do this?" I.e., underwear or au natural. And the awkwardness continues.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers nods enthusiastically, "Oh I agree totally. Why don't most guys get that?" she smiles, "Well..Now you know, although I swear this is driving me crazy how you keep making me want to.." she shakes her head. Gotta take this slow, it's already gone way faster than she wanted it to.

"Heh. Guess you got these mini camps all over the place huh? No wonder you travel light.."

However, this puts her in a mega awkward situation, and she's *really* wishing she'd had a shower earlier today. "Dammit, Logan.." she lets go of him, walking towards the spring. It's so beautiful..But but..."

Buffy draws a deep breath, realizing that she left her bathing suit at home. Oh great. Time for more awkwardness. "Umm...Err...I mean we..came all this way but..I trust you still know how to be a gentleman...?" she laughs nervously.

Wolverine has posed:
"Keep making you want to..." he repeats, wondering what she was shaking her head regarding. "I got a few supplies set up. Makes it easier to just go when I want to. Plus, it's sustainable." He's a little saddened when she lets go and heads towards the spring. Where's she going with it... and then it becomes clear to him.

"The way I see it, ya got a few options. You could go for a dip, and I'll hang back," which he was totally willing to do, "give you privacy. Not a problem. Second option would be going for a dip in underwear. Not that different from a bathing suit, when you think about it. But not as clean. Or, well, option one, two, or that third one," which he let go unspoken, "I promise you nothing's going to happen unless you want it to."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers just shakes her head and laughs. "It's nothing, really. Forget I said anything. You know, you're making this very hard for me Mister Logan..I wonder when I get to call you by your first name, anyways? Logan seems so..Formal?"

She knows what her options are and frankly none of them are very appealing..However, Buff isn't sure she's ready for option three just yet.

"Maybe..I know what you really want but..Gimme a few. Do you mind..?" she slips off into the bushes, getting undressed once she is hopefully somewhere private, wrapping a towel around her body although given limited space it's only a half towel, reaching about mid-thigh.

Hopefully *someone* wasn't peeking as she grabs some soap then steps into the pool, turning her back to him. "Mmmm, This feels so good. I guess I'd be cruel to deprive you of this though." she spreads out her hands, indicating the water. Not her.

Wolverine has posed:
"Logan is my name, only name I remember. I uh, there have been issues with my memory, probably not too different than that Initiative you mentioned before." He was trying to explain that he'd been experimented on himself, and looked far more serious than the conversation had been, before shaking his head, "taken a few headshots, which can't have helped... anyway, it's just Logan, first, last, only. My ID says James, but I picked that after an old friend." With his age, he needs fake identification. Little does he know that James is his actual name.

Since she left her clothes, he goes to get them, looks at the leather pants, and hangs them on the hanger. As for her tanktop and anything else she left, he'll walk over to the hot spring, giving it a quick wash, and then hang it up to dry. It's hot in here, but not uncomfortably so. The clothes will likely dry soon, and since she had more in her backpack, they could leave them until tomorrow if they wanted.

And then, with the mundane taken care of, he takes off his shirt, which he had only worn briefly, but cleans it anyway, who knows when he'll be cleaning it again, and it goes up. He takes off his belt, strings that up on the line, just to hold it. The socks come next, which get washed and hung up. The jeans he just hangs, they're jeans. It leaves him only in his black boxers. He looks to her, and winks, having no shame, but being a decent guy, he grabs a towel, which he places around his waist, and then takes off the underwear, which too gets a wash and hanging.

With all of that taken care of, he heads towards the spring, "you might want to turn around," he gives her the option, waiting, and whether she does or does not, he'll take the towel off, leaving it beside the hot spring, and slip in for a dip. It is thankfully deep enough. "Ah, that's it" he says after getting in.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers peers over the edge of pool as he explains the name and sighs, "That's terrible. I thought it was frustrating to experience memories that weren't your own..I never considered what it must be like to have missing memories. I hope some day you can remember who you are.."

Mention of the Initiative causes her to frown, although she's not sure if what they did to Spike was a good or bad thing honestly.

"You know, my friend Willow practices magic. Maybe she can cast a spell to recover your memory? I can ask if you like?"

When he gets undressed, she swallows and nods, turning around to give him some privacy, busying herself with cleaning her body. "Mmm I've never tried a hot spring before. This is sooo relaxing.." If only she could reach those awkward spots on her back with her achy muscles.

Wolverine has posed:
In for a penny, in for a pound. Why is that Logan feels he can be so open with her? It's like she gets past all his guards, effortlessly. "It's a little more involved than that. I... I don't know exactly what they did, but some o' my memories are real, some aren't, and some aren't... the way I remember them. I don't know, some combination of drugs, telepathy, magic, and sets, but they experimented on me. I'm not even sure who they are. This... goes back a ways, a couple o' decades at least, not really sure. But they messed me up. Took a long time to find balance again." Which might explain his love and adoration of Japanese culture.

"Let me know if you need help with the hard to reach places," he offers, being a total gentleman to this point, though that would involve them getting pretty close, and in their current state, which might be too much, too soon. Still, he offered. Meanwhile, he was busy cleaning himself and relaxing in the warm spring water.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers frowns, "Yeah, that would be pretty tricky. I mean..We wouldn't want to remove the wrong memories or put false memories in you. But I can talk to Willow about it anyway. I just wish there was something I could do to help you."

Her tone softens a bit, filled with sympathy and a desire to do something for him, for all he has done for her. She sighs, pulling her hair around her neck to scrub it too.

Buffy should really just mind her own business and keep her distance but..Instead she turns around, moving a bit closer to him and reaches for him hands, slipping her soap into them.

"I'd like that, I've got this annoying knot right here in my neck, and it's been driving me nuts. I guess too much fighting and not enough relaxation will do it. I mean..Only if you want to.."

Wolverine has posed:
"That's the long and short of it. I don't know which are real. What hope does anyone else have o' figuring it out? Not that I want anyone tinkering around up there." It's a bit of a sore spot, one thing to talk about it, another to do something. He hasn't rejected Willow, but he also hasn't accepted the help, even if he's trying to express that he's grateful for it. "You've got a good heart. Just being there helps more than you know."

She's helped to bring him out of his shell. He continues washing himself, but soon he feels her hand reaching for his own in the water, which was hard to see through. He could see some, just not perfectly clear. It was a hot spring after all. "Of course," is all he said, and he began to soap her hard to reach areas, careful not to abuse the trust she's shown in him. He soaps and massages her slowly, and should his hands explore, it is in slow, patient work, ready to stop if she ever suggests he's gone farther than she's comfortable with.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers frowns a little at his explanation and nods. "I understand. I guess that's tricky..Maybe your memories will come back naturally some day, you have that super healing thing right? I mean, you seem to heal even. faster than me, at any rate. Besides, you can always create new memories right? Like today."

However, Buffy is happy when he complies, leaning her head forward so he can work in her neck and shoulders. "Yeah..Right there.." she rests her hand gently over his, guiding over the achy muscle, clasping her fingers with his for just a moment, enjoying the feel of his hands under hers as much as she shouldn't.

"Mmm that feels so good.." she sighs, letting go, "It's nice to be pampered once in a while. Thanks for this..And thanks for showing me this place."

Wolverine has posed:
"The healing factor kind of is the problem. I heal too well. I'm no scientist, but whatever they did, healed so well that ya can't differentiate them. They're all memories now, just, some don't match what actually happened." How he knows that is a mystery, but he's got reason to know there's something wrong with them. Plus he has conflicting memories that both feel real as ever.

Her claping her fingers in his own is like a bolt of electricity shot through his body. And he liked it. Perhaps inappropriate, but amidst the rubbing and working on the not, he leans in behind her, whispering, "far as I'm concerned, yer a princess and deserve to be pampered... when you're not slaying vampires and demons."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers bites her lip, nodding. "Wow, that's crazy. But hey, at least your healing factor has a good side to it too, right? I mean, you seem to heal some pretty deep wounds in seconds. Wounds that would take me an hour or even an entire day. Although I sometimes wonder what my limits are, would I be able to live longer than a normal human, or.."

She sighs, closing her eyes, "I suppose I should be thankful. Most slayers don't last as long as I have. I don't have a big team or lots of resources, but I have friends.."

Buffy can feel her muscles loosening finally, under his touch, which she is greatly enjoying although she really shouldn't. "Mmm this feels amazing Logan, thanks so much for making me feel like a princess!" she chuckles, "Let me know if you'd like me to return the favour."

Wolverine has posed:
"Most things in life come with the good and the bad. Anything else is pure fantasy. You either learn to accept it, or you drive yerself crazy trying. Tough to say, but in my experience, anyone with enhanced healing usually winds up with delayed aging, assuming they live long enough t' find out. Sure, been a few exceptions, but one usually seems to go with the other. If you heal faster than other people, then yer probably going to get it too. From what I heard, slayers don't usually live long enough t' find out. You might well be the first." Of course, he thought the slayer was a myth until a few days ago.

Even though he can feel the knots loosening, he continues to work on her back. He liked the contact, and she seemed to as well. "It's my pleasure," though at the offer of her returning the favour, he smiled, "I'd take you up on that offer, 'cept I'd have to stop doing this, and that's far too a high a price."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smiles quietly and nods. She is definitely the type to just numb up when people die around her - which is pretty frequently when you're in her line of work. "That's true, death is a reality we can't avoid, especially for us Slayers. Most of us don't last more than a couple of years I hear..But I wonder if you're right? If I could somehow manage to live a normal human lifespan..Or more? What would that be like? Would I outlive my friends? Would I be lonely..Would I want to die, or would I want to keep on living forever? It's..A frightening thought, really. The idea of mortality is what makes life so much more precious I suppose."

It makes her wonder what Logan's life was like. Was he lonely? Had he gone mad watching friends die, living through the ages, knowing he could never be killed? Buffy had mentionned loneliness, something she felt herself from time to time, but she didn't want to push him. She didn't have a big team to help her on her missions, only a few scattered friends here and there. And then there were all the prophecies about her death and she'd already died once but..

She closes her eyes, trying to enjoy the moment. It's been a long time since anyone has pampered her like this - let alone someone she seems to be developing strong feelings for in a scarily short space of time..Her face reddens a bit at the thought, about where they are, what they're doing. She should really slow down..But she's never felt more relaxed. "Mm, that feels sooo good.." she sighs, melting into the massage, enjoying the touch of his hands on her skin. "Sure you don't want me to pamper you too? It would only be fair, don't you think..?"

Wolverine has posed:
"Everything dies," not really the topic he wanted to talk about, "just a matter of when and how. But nothing lasts forever." It was said more matter of fact than anything. "Whether you have today, tomorrow, or a hundred years, you gotta live life as best you can."

Logan's life has been far from ideal, but he's still here, still trying, still living. A bit lonely, being by himself even when surrounded by friends, but he knows they'll leave him. He's guarded. Except, not so much around her. He wasn't sure why, but she seemed to lower his guards. It was a mixture of appealing and infuriating.

He continued to work on her back, his hands occasionally drifting to places they probably shouldn't, but he was just being thorough. "Buffy, being around you is its own reward. 'course, at this point, I'd say you could do anything you wanted as far as I'm concerned."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers nods slowly. "I know, isn't that the brutal fact of life? I have the memory of all the previous slayers' deaths right here in my head, haunting my dreams all the time. It's a little..Unnerving, to say the least.." she laughs. This talk of death has her nervous, seeing as she confronts the possibility of it almost every day. And she has to wonder if Logan has too, if he shares some of those same thoughts and fears.

She turns around quickly, and while the mist helps hide her a little, the water only comes up to about mid chest on her. She rather self consciously crosses her arms in front of her as she steps a little closer. "Here, I'll bet you probably don't get achy muscles with your super healing, but maybe it'll help you relax at least?" she reaches up to grab his shoulders, squeezing them gently. "I think, I'd rather focus more on celebrating life than death though..Like this place. It's amazing. So full of life. I never really realized how being out in nature makes me feel so full of life. It must be so awesome living up here, surrounded by this every day."

Buffy sighs, "I'm a little sad that I'll have to return to the city. I mean Gotham, where I'm studying at the university there, is especially gloomy, but..I guess they need me there, it's so full of crime, and there seem to be soo many vamp gangs up there too. It's almost..Laughable. Vamp gangs. Dressed in really bad, outdated gangsta outfits, smoking cigars, like they're the Vamp-mafia or something.."

She chuckles a bit at that silly thought as she continues to work on his muscles. For all her petite, seemingly delicateness, Buffy's hands are pretty strong and good at getting those deep muscles, working out knots too if he has any.

Wolverine has posed:
The talk of death may have her nervous, but mentioning how she has all these memories that aren't hers, kind of makes Logan feel closer to her, given what's gone on with his own memories, some being implanted, others modified, and some true, but with him not sure which are which. He smiles behind her at the thought.

The smile broadens when she turns around, self-consciously crossing her arms in front of her before stepping closer to him. Yeah, he looked. Gentleman or not, it was hard not to look at her. "I ache, same as everyone else... I think," since he didn't know how other people ache, but the way they described it suggested he did too.

His muscles were firm, well developed, through years of effort, "it's not the only place I hang my hat. I got a brownstone in the city, and always welcome at the school." Though listening to her talk about being sad to return to Gotham has him thinking. Things were moving way, way too fast, even for him, and yet, he wasn't complaining. "School's important," he did work at one, and her education mattered, "but where ya live is up to you. Could be in Gotham, could be Bludhaven, or could be out here..." Yep, way, way too fast.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers hmms and works some more on his muscles in silence. "Wow..When was the last time you had a proper massage? I mean, you really need to pamper yourself more!" she gently teases as she tries to loosen some of his stiff muscles, really working into them with her strong hands.

"That's..Good, right? I mean, being able to feel, to hurt..That's human, it lets you know you're alive.." she chuckles as her hands continue to work up and down his shoulders, slowly moving towards his neck. Yeah, they're going too fast, but she's caught up in the moment, drawing closer to him as her hands gently caress his neck and eventually she finds herself running her fingers up to his cheek, feeling the light stubble there. "Hmm..You smell good.." she murmurs, her eyes closed for a moment, her lips so close by now that he can feel her breath on his skin.

She's stiff listening to his words, even as she's caught up in her overwhelming feelings, the scents, the touch of his skin. Yeah..School's important..She should be back in Gotham, doing schoolwork..Fighting vampires..Being responsible. She runs her fingers through his hair, liking the feel of it against her hands, wishing she could...Dammit.

Her eyes snap open suddenly, laughing nervously as she pushes away quickly. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry..I'm doing it again, aren't I?" her face reddens, terribly embarrassed at her attempts of seduction and she hastily climbs to the edge of the spring, scrambling for a towel, wrapping it quickly around her, crossing her arms in front of her, self-consciously. "I'm really sorry, I was out of line.."

Wolverine has posed:
When was the last time Logan had a proper massage. He was thinking it over, not really sure, and let out a low moan of pleasure as Buffy works on his achy muscles. "Not sure, but that feels great." He liked being pampered by her. "It does," he answers, nodding his head.

With her drawing closer, hands to his neck and cheek, his own hands reach out, resting on her hips, pulling her in more. He leaned in as her eyes closed and thought they were going to kiss, except, she abruptly breaks things off, pushing away, climbing out of the water, going for a towel. He followed suit, though far less nervous about it.

Logan had no shame, but did get a towel eventually, he just did it calmly and slowly, not making a mad scramble for it. "Buffy, you ain't got nothing to be sorry about. I liked what you were doing, you seemed to like it too, and that's all that matters." He then moved over to her, his scent stronger out of the water. He tilted his head as he brought his lips to hers, kissing her softly. He was trying to reassure her. "You weren't out of line. All that matters if you and I want this."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Her heart's still beating rapidly, nervously as she hovers around the edge of the hotsping, watching him, remembering how he smells, his touch. Which is ridiculous, because she's The Slayer, and she shouldn't be feeling all nervous and girly and anxious. Except she still remembers how Angel went all psycho on her, and then there was Parker..Whose all too recent abuse of her left her reeling, his taste still too fresh in her mouth even though it was some six months ago.

"Yeah, I really do. I promised I wouldn't fall hard and fast for someone again, I wouldn't lose control. It's not what The Slayer is supposed to do..." He steps out of the water, and she politely averts his eyes - mostly - until he grabs a towel. Damn, he's got a good body, even wearing nothing. She reddens some more at that thought, feeling his lips against hers again, and not wanting to pull away, wanting it to be real, and not just another cruel joke.

"Yeah, we do, but..Do you really want it this quickly? Hey, this is crazy, and I just met you, but now I think I'm falling for you, and isn't that funny?" she laughs, but still has her arms wrapped around his neck, running her fingers through his hair, not wanting to let go. wanting to taste his kiss again like an addicting drug that this crazyness is.

Wolverine has posed:
Nodding his head up and down, Logan says, "I get that. I do. But all I can say is that if you fall," and then he shows off some slick moves, picking her up, while still wrapped up in the towel, "I'll catch you." He kept his back, neck, and shoulders straight, and made sure he kept her close to him. He then leaned his neck a little in to kiss her, but didn't, going most of the way, and seeing if she would go the last little bit.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers blinks a little, "Oh geez, you didn't think I meant.." she reaches out to touch his face, so tempted to just kiss him again, except..Buffy pulls away instead, letting go of him, even adding in a bit of extra strength if he tries to pull her back. "Haha, that's real funny, you know what I mean. I mean...Okay, so my first love, the moment I let my guard down, he just kinda..Went psycho, tried to kill me, except it was a bit more complicated than that. And the second guy I fell for, just kinda..Used me then dumped me." she rolls her eyes, "So I guess..I just hope your'e not one of the above and.." she sighs, looking down at her towel, which threatens to fall down again. "Look, this is really hard to sound serious when I'm dressed in nothing more than a towel. I'll be right back." She darts into the woods to retrieve her clothes and to get (hopefully) dressed in private, before returning a few minutes later, dressed in comfy khaki cargo pants and a white tank, tying her wet hair up in a high ponytail. At least she's better dressed for a hiking trip. "Sooo..."

Wolverine has posed:
Yeah, that didn't exactly go as Logan had planned, but no plan survives contact with the enemy, not that he thinks of Buffy as the enemy, but the concept is still sound. Nodding his head as she explains how bad Angel and Parker were. He wasn't them, but it'd take time. Reverting to type, he remained the strong silent type as she explained, and then fled to get changed, ignoring the clothes she had been wearing and that were still hanging on a clothes line to dry. While she changes into clothes from her backpack, he just puts his newly clean clothes on near the spring. A few moments later, he is dressed again when she returns, "soo..." he repeats, and takes off the clothes from the line, slowly handing her a bra, panties, tanktop, and pants, a pause between each one.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Oh right, she'd forgotten about the ones hanging on the clothing line..Not that she could have got dressed right there. Fortunately, she did carry spares in her backpack. "Well..This is awkard.." she bites her lip as she strides towards him to grab her clothes, her fingers accidently brushing his. Or maybe not so accidently. "I'm really sorry, I just made this worse didn't I.." She draws a deep breath, putting her clothes into her bag before turning to face him again, grabbing his hands and squeezing them. "I guess..This all makes me feel a little..Vulnerable. I don't like feeling that way..Trust..Doesn't come easy to me. But I really like you!" the last part is added quickly.

Wolverine has posed:
"It's only awkward if we let it be awkward." This is Logan. The man could strut bare assed into hell and not flinch, so these sorts of situations don't phase him one iota. Except the possibility of getting hurt. Physical hurt is easy, the other kind, not so much. No healing factor can help mend those scars. "I get that. I like to think I'm a good judge o' character, but I don't normally trust too quickly either."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers nods. "Yeah, I suppose so." she smiles, "It..Felt good. The water..Your hands. On my back. I liked it. I hope we can do it again sometime. I hope I can come here again sometime. With you." Buffy laughs again, grabbing one of his hands and pulling him along with her, although she doesn't really know these woods that well and he'll probably have to take the lead. "I know. Trust has to be earned. You need to know you can ~really~ trust me as much as I know I can ~really~ trust you. I guess trust is a funny thing. You think you can trust someone with your life, you really WANT to trust them with your life, but really only time and experience can tell for sure. Still, I don't think you'll suddenly turn into a crazy psycho monster or.." Well, she's not sure if he'll just use her or dump her like that other jerk did before but. Only time will tell, maybe.

Wolverine has posed:
Logan happily lets her take the lead. He knows the terrain better, and with his senses, can spot some potential danger like a bear or other large animal, but as long as he's not given reason to try and take control, he's happy to follow her lead. "I only ever turn into a crazy psycho monster when bad people threaten good people, I swear... or people I care about, that may or may not be good people."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers chuckles and shakes her head. "I'm not afraid of having to fight crazy psycho monsters, even if it's someone I care about. Look at this crazy world we live in. It's only a matter of time before one of us or both of us get mind controlled or possessed or whatever." she winks, "I can take you on.." or at least she thinks she can. He's pretty tough, he could probably kill her if he were possessed, but she'd at least make it hard for him. "I think you're a good man, Logan..Maybe I just need to get to know you a little better." she pauses, glancing around, then back to him. "Soo..Which way to the campsite?"

Wolverine has posed:
The face Logan makes when she mentions mind controlled, even in jest, is kind of telling. He's had some experiences on that front, but is it him being mind controlled, others, or both. Either way, it sends a bit of a cold shiver down his spine. He adjusts, but that first initial reaction is there. "I think you could," he agrees, though was that a serious tone, or in jest. "And I am, think yer a pretty special lady yerself there Buffy." He gestures in the direction of the camp site, where they could overlook the valley from a cliff and gaze up at the stars, which would be coming out soon enough.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers blinks, knowing sometimes she can take the sarcasm a bit too far. Especially given how things went with Angelus and all. "Oh." she winces, "I'm sorry. That was pretty inconsiderate of me. I mean..I dont know your history well but..." she shrugs, "Yeah, I'm just gonna shut up now." she peers up ahead, and it looks like they're probably going up hill a bit more to reach the cliff overlooking the valley. "Wow. Looks amazing." she lets go of his hand suddenly and grins. "Race you to the top!" there's a challenging tone in her voice, and it's been a while since she's gone for a good run, but she does enjoy teasing Logan a little too, curious to see what his limits are. Buffy's always had a bit of a competitive edge afterall.

Wolverine has posed:
Logan had been walking with her, sometimes side by side, sometimes a little behind, and even a few times ahead of her. None of it was intentional; he was just keeping up, and going as the terrain dictated. Though when she says she was going to shut up, he moved into her personal space, though she had some more things to say, and then wanted to race him to the top, which took priority over everything else.

He chases after her, and while she takes the easy, straight path, since she got the head start, he had the choice of going through her, or along the sides, which was more cross country. He choose the later, making damn good time through the trees. Thing is, there was a short cut that way. So he took it, getting to the top first. He had a competitive spirit too.

Once up there, he waited... very briefly, for her to catch up, where he took her hand, and said, "Buffy, I want you to talk. I... I'm what you call the strong, silent type. Except when I'm around you. Not sure why, but it's easy to talk to you. I like it. I like you, I like hearing your voice, and I like you knowing more about me. I want to know more about you."

And as he had that serious talk with her, in the background, they could see Breakstone Lake, Salem Centre, even the school. It was getting darker, with lots of electrical lights coming from the town and school. In a while, it'd be an even better view as the stars came out. Oh, and there was that orange yellow sunset going on, but that wasn't romantic or anything. It was just your average, painting like, breathtaking sunset. Happens every day.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers wasn't about to be left behind, but somewhere along the trail, she'd lost him in the woods. Had he taken a short cut? But she didn't know these woods that well, and she didn't want to get lost. "Hah, seriously? Where'd you go?" she laughs, enjoying feeling the wind beneath her feet as she takes off at a sprint.

She could leap into the trees without effort, and she does so from time to time, leaping from tree to tree as if she were jumping over a pond. It's a short cut too, but not as much a short cut as the one Logan takes.

Suddenly he's up there, waiting for her, and she makes a face, although she's only panting lightly. It was a short run really. Short for her anyway. "Heey, how'd you beat me? Where'd you come from?" she laughs, until he gets all serious again, and she blinks slowly. "Oh yeah? You could have fooled me. I always thought you were pretty chatty. Or maybe it's just because I tease you so much, huh." she chuckles.

"I like you too, but you knew that already.." she smiles, "So, what do you want to know? I mean, I'm pretty young, I haven't really lived life to the fullest, although I try to treasure every moment of every day, cuz you just never know. I used to be a pretty, popular cheerleader once, it was great. Not a care in the world..But I was pretty damn shallow too. I think maybe I grew up a little since then. How about you? What were you like when you were..Young?" Does he even know what young means anymore?

Wolverine has posed:
"Canada," he explains, when she asks where he came from. It's not what she meant, but it was the answer he gave, "and I like when you tease me, as long as it's not just teasing." He winks, and heads over for a place to sit. There's a small campsite, a fire set up, not lit, but with rocks around so it doesn't accidentally spread, as well as helping to radiate the heat. Looking around, he's left a few supplies around here, stored carefully enough to remain undisturbed by the animals.

Getting down to business, he starts unpacking them. There's a tent, water, even a gas stove, and... buried, there's a building? No, not big enough to be building. But it was like a primitive fridge, using a bit of modern tech, but he had meat in there. Starting up the portable gas stove after getting the fire going, it looked like they were going to be eating some kind of meat, too hard to tell what it was visually. It wasn't exactly labelled.

"Don't know for sure if this is true, but my earliest memories are of being in Prince Rupert's Land. A big stately house, which makes no sense, since they didn't build things like that at the time, not over here anyway. So, either that's implanted, tweaked, or my family was both rich and kind of insanely reclusive. Not sure how, but next thing I knew I was a miner, did some timber harvesting. I got a few memories that far back. Also, knew a few people escaping via the Underground Railroad or 'cuz of the Great Famine."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers draws a deep breath, taking in the great mountain air as she follows him to the campsite. "Hey..Need a hand..?" looks like he's done this a couple of times before though, so she just sits and watches, enjoying the view. "It's amazing, being up here, realizing just how small you are in the big bad world.."

She closes her eyes, taking it all in, waiting for Logan to finish setting up camp. "Wow. I'm sorry. I forgot about your fragmented memories. But hey, at least you've got some good ones in there right? Maybe we can build some good memories of our own. I mean..What kinds of things do you like to do? Do you have a favorite sport or hobby? Or are you all about all work and no play?" she smiles, gently teasing him again.

Wolverine has posed:
"Building new ones sounds good. But sport and hobbies. Being Canadian, you'd think hockey, and it's okay and all, but always been more into basketball." He especially likes going up against the Cajun, "there's Japan, always been intrigued by it, the discipline from its martial arts, helps me find balance." And then, perhaps jokingly, perhaps being deadly serious, he looks left, looks right, and as straight faced as he can say, "and Disney."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers chuckles, "Oh yeah. I've never been to Canada, but sounds like a nice place. All igloos and snow and hockey.." she smirks, "Really? You're into basketball? Never thuoght you were the type? I mean, that's cool. I'd like to try some time. I guess mostly I was into girly stuff like cheerleading. I really liked figure skating though. I should really get back into it again. It was nice..."

As for Japan, her eyes light up. "Ooh, Japan sounds like such a romantic place, all full of ancient history, and balance and of course martial arts.." she sighs, "I really wish I could go there some day. Maybe with you would be nice.." And then he mentions disney, and she can't help burst out laughing. "Seriously? I didn't think you were the Disney type!"

Wolverine has posed:
"There's more than igloos, snow, and hockey. Out west, there's an area called the Lower Mainland and Vancouver Island. Rarely ever snows there, maybe four, five days a year, snowing in the morning, gone by lunch." He knew it well, having spent time all across Canada, and Starling, Vancouver, Hub City, and Victoria were some of his favourites.

"I like cheerleading too. Do you still have your uniform? Cute girly girls, short skirts, I'm a guy..." as if that explained it all. "And figure skating too. You should, we could skate together."

"We'll have to head out that way at some point," meaning Japan, and when he manages to make her burst out laughing, he says, "what can I say, the songs are catchy."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers sighs, "Sounds nice. I haven't really travelled much, spent most of my life in Sunnydale, cuz you know, hellmouth, demon central and all that. But I'd really like to travel sometime. That'd be nice. Canada and Japan, and..And Disneyland too!" she chirps brightly, "That would be super cool. I think I'd really like to go to Japan though, you know, cosplay and anime and colorful bright stuff. Maybe you can teach me some Japanese words.."

As for short skirts, she grins, blushing a little, "Oh yeah, I still have my cheerleading uniform from junior high. Kinda gave up after becoming the slayer as it took so much of my time away, but I held onto it. Y'know, memories. And I still have a couple of skating costumes too. I stopped skating in junior high too, again for the same reasons. I'd love to go skating with you sometime in the winter.."

As he finishes making something to eat, she sighs a bit tiredly, leaning her head against his shoulder, staring up at the rapidly darkening sky. "It's really beautiful up here, so peaceful..."

Wolverine has posed:
"You could combine all three. Go to Tokyo Disneyland with a Canadian like me." He winked at her as she sat beside her. "Cosplay? Didn't know you were into that. Never much understood anime, I mean, occasionally see the kids at the school watching them, but all I really know is pretty girls in short skirts." He smirks upon hearing she kept her cheerleader and figure skating uniforms, "do they still fit?" he idly asked, curious as she might have grown since then. Looking at her as she talks about how beautiful it is, he said, "hadn't noticed." And he continued to make eye contact with her.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers shrugs, "Nah, never tried cosplaying or anime conventions But they sound fun. I kinda always wanted to try something fun and silly like that but like I said..Slayer. Responsibilities. Kill Joy..I mean sure, the cheerleading costume still fits, maybe. It's not like I gained much weight since then, I always try to keep in shape. Kind comes with the territory I suppose.." She sighs wistfully, wishing she could go back to those carefree days. But, it's kind of hard to look at the scenery around them with his eyes on her though, and she feels herself blushing again. Silly girl. "Oh yeah...?" she smiles, "Wonder why that is?"

Wolverine has posed:
Logan only breaks that eye contact when the food is ready, but he does point, without moving his eyes, towards it, wondering if it would make her break eye contact. Either way, he gets the food, putting it on plates. No vegetables, just meat, but it's seasoned and incredible. As they say with meat, it's all in the preparation. And this, whatever it is, was prepared very, very well. The vegetables would have gone bad, so that's the sort of thing he'd need to bring up here. He also has cutlery, which is surprising, but he's no savage. "I like it up here with you."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers blinks slowly as he pulls away and busies himself with meat. "Oh. Right. The food. Almost forgot." she laughs, "Ooh. It's all...Meaty! And dense! I mean..No veggies! I guess that can be a good thing. If you're like..On a protein only diet!" but hey it smells really good, and there are probably not a lot of cabbage bushes growing out here or something. "Mm, smells good." she smiles, still watching his every move. "I do too. I mean, like it up here. With you." she smiles, "It's getting really late..I wonder if we'll see the stars soon?" or if she'll be able to pay attention to stars with him so nearby..

Wolverine has posed:
Logan digs into his meal. This food had been aged to perfection, heightening the flavour. It might be a bit too strong for Buffy, like a charcuterie, flavours explode in one's mouth.

There is game-tinged beefiness in there; earthy, bosky flavours; ripe cheesiness; fatty, almost floral sweetness; and chemical astringency. Like a really strong, extra-matured cheese, this beef also leaves one's tongue prickling with acidic compounds, to an almost overwhelming extent. That is, it will if she dares to try it.

Between mouthfuls, which he fully chews, Logan says, "shouldn't be long now. I'd say around 20 minutes or so."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers oohs, taking her plate and munching hungrily away on it. With all the hiking and...Steamy hotsprings scene and...Walking and talking and..Looking at nature and..Steamy hotspring..

She reddens a bit as she realizes she's actually somehow been tricked into going on a date with Logan and so much more..But she'll try and figure out the details later. For now, she is hungry and she eagerly digs into meaty goodness.

"Mmm...I cant believe it. This is amazing! Did you like...Kill the cow yourself and prepare the meat on your own? I've never tasted beef so...So good! It's sooo amazing!!" She's caught up for several minutes in the sheer richness of the meat. Like, seriously. Buffy glances upwards hopefully, looking forward to seeing shiny stars in the sky. Really, she's never seen it from up in the middle of nowhere before..