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Play It, Sam
Date of Scene: 23 June 2019
Location: House of Mystery, Avalon Heights
Synopsis: Kate texts John while on a 'stakeout'. Just another Saturday night.
Cast of Characters: Hawkeye (Bishop), Constantine

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
It was the evening after. Kate was, as almost usual for a Saturday night, parked outside the Motel 6 - Tonight it was the Westons. They'd livened it up by inviting a friend. Kate was sure JJ was going to arch a brow and have sarcastic words to say about the matter, but then again, Kate was also sure JJ sent her on these watches specifically for the uncomfortable factor.

The Westons weren't quite as regulat as the 'Smiths', but what they lacked in regularity they made up for in creativity.

Now that 'room service' had shown up and been invited in by a scantilty clad Mrs. Weston, Kate hunkered down for a couple of hours of boredom. She really didn't get what fun these couples got out of reports that were littered with comments like: 12:01AM, Vagrant smoking on left stair landing. Drinking Jack Daniels straight from a bottle. Leaves 12:23AM when the desk does hourly patrol (note: first patrol since 10:30. Hourly is subjective)

Sighing, Kate pulls out her phone and opens a chat window.

Hawkeye >> Harry was right, you know. About Casablanca. She wanted to go.

Constantine has posed:
John had been called in to deal with a demon during the day, minor thing, scared the bejeezus out of a priest of John's acquaintance, and the padre had done the smart thing: he didn't call the church, he called John.

Little girl was safe, demon was back in hell, and John had another enemy lined up when his ticket got punched and he got sent there himself. Another day done another fifteen gallons of holy water in those water cooler jugs they had around offices.

Never knew when that would come in handy.

Now though he was sitting on the couch, cigarette in hand, scotch on the rocks close by, and his phone buzzes.

John peeks down at the phone. "Huh?" he wonders aloud before he remembers and smiles, that movie. Wasn't bad as Rom Com's go, the dialogue kept it lively.

John >> Dunno. Think she wanted to stay with Rick. I mean if you had to choose, blandy McGoodie or Righteous Scoundrel Rick, who'd you choose?

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
Hawkeye >> Uh, you know who you're asking, right? Girl with a longstanding record of poor choices in men.

Kate pondered who would she rather stay with.. Not that it was really a question.

Hawkeye >> Besides, we're not talking about me. We're talking about her. She could have had Rick anytime she wanted. She made her choice. He made it easy for her. If you ask me, she hoped he'd do that. Trust me, I've seen crocodile tears and that woman knew how to cry on a dime.

Hawkeye >> Admit it, you liked it.

Kate sipped her already lukewarm coffee. At least she'd convinced JJ to cover the cost of a few on nights when Kate did stakeouts. Reluctantly. However, as Kate pointed out, JJ wasn't having to sit in parked cars and freeze her bum off in winter, or sweat through her shirts in summer anymore.

Constantine has posed:
John took a sip of his scotch while he waited for the replies. It was the good stuff, a little treat to celebrate a job that didn't go to shit.

John >> Hey! As one of those men... I really have to agree.

John knew who he'd pick, Rick everytime. I mean best case scenario, you couldn't go wrong with a bloke who owned a bar and casino...

Well, unless it was Papa Midnite, but that was another story...

... or worst case scneario a bloke fighting with the Free French. 'sides Louis looked like he could go either way besides...

Anyhow the texts...

John >> Definitely Rick for me. Or Louis, but not the weedy bloke who got shot or the fat one with the fez. Or Rick's ex, the one who went with the German after...

The last question gets a snort as he typed:

John >> Casablanca? Of course, it was a classic.

If text could convey smug smirking, that one would do it in spades.

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
There's a scoff from Kate behind the wheel of her car.

Hawkeye >> Hey! But you see my point, right? Bad taste in men. Who would you pick?

Kate makes a face at her coffee. She should have used the flavoured creamer. At least she'd have something to look forward to now that it was lukewarm. Natch that, a sip proves it's gone from lukewarm to cold. "Yay," she tells herself, but drinks it anyway.

Hawkeye >> Yeah, see. Everyone I know would pick Rick. Except maybe Matt. He's kind of a sucker for law and order.

Which really didn't cover any of the choices, but then again, Matt was with Elektra who was both rich /and/ a scoundrel, so who was Kate to say?

Hawkeye >> Not Casablanca you idiot. When Harry Met Sally. You liked it. Admit it.

She was tempted to tease him claiming he hadn't even watched the other, but she could save that.

Constantine has posed:
John chuckles and takes a drag of his smoke.

John >> Don't hurry to disagree or anything! Who would I pick? Out of your badly chosen blokes? Probably that back seat of the town car one, he seemed like a real prince.

Yeah, that was so not the question, but John couldn't resist, chuckling even as he typed out his real answer a moment later.

John >> Well there you go then. He's obviously the right choice.

Also not the choice they were talking about.

Another laugh from John as he types:

John >> Ohhh. I see. Sure yeah, it was alright.

He smirks at his deliberate understatement.

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
Hawkeye >> Bloke? In the towncar?

Kate was drawing a blank.

Hawkeye >> Ha! Alright he says. You realize Princess Bride is a Rom Com too, huh? Just because it's got fantasy doesn't change that.

Fine. It was totally classified as a fantasy, but it had romance. And comedy. It even had the girl almost married to the wrong guy and saved at the altar by the right guy.. All the necessary things.

Hawkeye >> So you'd pick Rick too. Not surprised.

A pause.

Hawkeye >> If you were going to date someone, what would they be like? I mean, what is it you go for?

Kate was sure it wasn't her. Even without all his assurances that John didn't date, Kate knew she was not John Constantine's type.

Constantine has posed:
John snorts a laugh.

John >> Remember, your first time. You told me about him that first morning.

More chuckles from the Warlock.

John >> Take that back. There's swords in it, totally not a Rom Com. Just ask Fred Savage.

John had said all he planned to about his preference for Rick over Victor though he does throw out a quick:

John >> #teamrick

He takes a drink to wash the bad taste of actually using a hashtag, even ironically, out of his mouth.

John >> Have to get back to you on that one. Haven't dated anyone since I was young, high and stupid. These day? I don't know. Expendable? I keep telling you, people who hang around me don't live long. It's not just a line.

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
Hawkeye >> Low blow, John.

But she had to admit that overall, her choices hadn't gotten any better. Just different shades of not great choices. It wasn't so much that they were horrible people - just not great choices for her.

Hawkeye >> Never! And watch it, or I'll 'to blave' you. Billy really did have an awesome part in that movie, didn't he. Looked like everyone there had fun with it.

Kate laughs at the hashtag use, and chalks that up to a victory. It was almost a winkie in her books. She'd take it.

Hawkeye >> No. Seriously. What do you like in a girl?

Because she wasn't buying that. He avoided contact and connection too well. Kate didn't think it was just his job - not the way he'd made her promise to run and not look back if he said to run. He'd lost someone to this job of his. Someone he cared about. Colour her nosy, but Kate wanted to know what.. she?.. was like.

Constantine has posed:
John >> Probably right.

Which was as close to 'sorry' as John got. Besides she hadn't bedded any demons that John knew about which put her above John on that score.

John >> You'll bet me? And yeah, loved Miracle Max, will admit, I've used the 'if you rush a miracle worker you get lousy miracles' at work. But yeah, they looked like they were having a time on that movie. So, following our theme of the evening, Westly or Inigo?

The last has John shaking his head.

John >> These talks will go easier if you believe what I'm saying. Honestly I don't really think about it, because I'm bad bloody news, it's not just a line to seem brooding and drop panties, it's true. Tell you what, if you don't have a job the next time I get a case you can come along and see what I deal with first hand. It'll explain better than I can.

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
Hawkeye >> Think I liked Inigo better. Maybe that explains my choice in men.

Kate was pretty sure it explained a lot of things, really.

Hawkeye >> Hey. Wasn't trying to convince you of anything. I get I'm not your type. I'm just curious what was. Me, I don't know. Unavailable seems to be my current type.

And how, Kate thought to herself. Though she was kind of coming to enjoy this non-relationship she had with John. Like tonight. This was nice. It was easy and fun. Wasting a few boring hours. She didn't feel that weird omg how do I get him to like me tension she'd always had with Clint. And well, she always knew Matt wasn't a real thing. Even before Elektra was dead-not-dead, Matt was probably going to be in love with her memory for the rest of his life. And if not, he'd make a good approximation of it.

She smirks at herself, picturing all the ways that could have gone wrong, up to and including the 'not-marriage' to keep everyone else at bay.

To be honest, Matt wasn't her type. She might not be sure what /was/ her type, but Matt, nice as he was, wasn't it.

Constantine has posed:
John >> Nah. I'm an Inigo man too. But then my choices haven't been grand either. Always loved a bloke or a bird with tragic past.

As for the other:

John >> Didn't think you were sniffing for info, just don't have a type is all when it comes to actually dating. What we've got though, got to admit, it's nice. Anyhow I'm serious about coming along to work, might be good for you to see what's out there, just in case you meet it by accident on one of your night jobs.

Besides, John got a sort of morbid pleasure in being tour guide to the occult.

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
Hawkeye >> I do not have a tragic past!

Fine. She had a tragic past. Though she had to shake her head at the thought of John of all people picking up 'a bloke or a bird with a tragic past' -- like how pathetic did her life have to be that she qualified compared to him?

Hawkeye >> Sure. Why not. Can't be much worse than what I do for kicks in my off-time. And no, that isn't a challenge. I know you think what you do is special, but have you ever done what *I* do?

Constantine has posed:
John >> Sort of do.

Then John read the rest and shook his head.

John >> I wouldn't call it speacial so much as horrifying, but you'll see. Going to hold you to coming along. And don't you do me in your off time?

Yep, he went there, though he knew damn well what she meant.

John >> Ohhh, you mean hero stuff, saved Superman one time, that count?

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
Hawkeye >> Fine. Bring that up why don't we. Sheesh. With friends like you, who needs a tragic past.

She was only half-teasing, trying to make light of the fact he really wasn't far off, and that it stung that it was so obvious.

Hawkeye >> Fine. It's horrifying. And I'm talking about exactly that.

Two could play at the snarky pokes and prods game. So there, John. Ha! Wait, what? He saved Superman one time? Oh, she was calling bullcaca on that one.

Hawkeye >> Liar! Liar! (you're supposed to hear that in Carol Kane's voice) You did not save Superman.

Constantine has posed:
John felt he might have crossed a line there.

John >> We all got them, luv.

The jab though that gets him laughing.

John >> Ouch! Low blow.

John >> Literally.

John snorts, he expected an answer like that:

John >> Totally did. Went to Apokolips too and space, I guess, and then we saved Big Blue. World's welcome by the way. And who's Carol Kane?

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
Hawkeye >> What, friends like you? Don't think that makes it better, John. But you're right. Pathetic past for a pathetic woman. Maybe my father is right.

Ugh. Why'd you go down that path, Katie? Her cold coffee is peered at. She kind of wished one of the John Walker drinking vagrants would wander by so that she could beg a few swigs for herself.

Yeah, John might have crossed a line. Still, she bounces back...

Hawkeye >> Don't you mean puff of air, John? We are talking about you, right? And what I think you're implying?

Hawkeye >> Now I know you're lying. Nobody goes there. It's like.. caustic and dangerous and how the heck did you get from earth to there anyway? I mean, other than in your imagination.

Snorting as he asks who Carol Kane is.

Hawkeye >> Real PB fan I see. She's the actress who played Max's wife. I thought the "Liar! Liar!" would have given it away. Are you sure you've even seen the movie and not just the trailers?

Constantine has posed:
John >> Whoa let's not go that far Katie. Nobody's saying you're pathetic. And I meant we've all got bad pasts. Well most of us anyhow.

John snorts away the shot at him, before launching into defending himself poorly to lighten the mood.

John >> I definitely went there, used a magic portal, it's very complicated, muggles wouldn't understand.

He sends and chuckles.

John >> Actually, Apokolips has a bad rap. Very nice, good theatre scene, finally got to see Hamilton before rescuing Supes.

As he spins falsehoods he tries to think of a smoking gun to prove that he'd went but comes up blank. Not like he thought to take a selfie while he was there. He'd have to arrange a chance meeting with him, Kate, and one of the tights brigade to prove it.

John >> What's peanut butter got to do with anything? Oh, ah, Princess Bride, yeah I saw it, just didn't know the name of Max's wife. Just Andre the Giant, Mandy what's his face, and Carey Elwys, oh and Robin Wright. Used to be Robin Wright-Penn. Do I prove my credentials?

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
Hawkeye >> Sorry. Just a little sensitive about it all still.

It wasn't John's fault. He hadn't been the cause of her pathetic past. In fact, despite the fact things weren't what she'd expected, and she still had no clue how she was in this non-relationship relationship, there were good things about her friendship with John. Things she was glad she'd found - and not just because she was enjoying the romps in bed either.

She rolls her eyes at his joking about Apokolips.

Hawkeye >> And I'm supposed to take you seriously when you say things like that? Why do you do that anyway?

Still no vagrant. No help for it, Kate is forced to finish her cold coffee. Now it was nothing but the half a peanture butter sandwich she'd brought, and the Weston's till about 2AM.. which was still a long way off. "You could at least spring for the whole night," Kate complained. Then again, she'd have had to stay the whole night.. Maybe this was better after all.

Hawkeye >> Peanut butter? What's that got to do with.. hey! where are you anyway.

She gives a guilty little look to the sandwich on the seat beside her. "I have no clue how he knows."

Hawkeye >> Not her name. Name of the actress who plays her. And I can use Google too John. Nice try. BTW, her name was Valerie. Max's wife was Valerie, played by Carol Kane.

Constantine has posed:
John >> I understand. Didn't mean to poke.

He smirks at the next bit:

John >> What? Why do I make light of things? Better than being serious all the time, besides, when you can see the way things are really only got two choices, laugh or cry, I choose the former.

The rest puzzles John due to lack of information, he'd been joking about PB working for both Princess Bride and more commonly for peanut butter, he'd had no clue she had a PB sandwich with her.

John >> What? At home. Why?

Probably ruining the all seeing wizard thing he had unknowingly cultivated just now.

John >> Why would I google that? And if you'd said Valierie I'd have known who you meant, Max says her name in the movie.

For John, the internet was a functional place where he looked up information and porn. That you could go to places like IMDB to look up movie stars never occured to him. Mostly because it dfidn't show pictures of said stars naked.

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
Hawkeye >> Except the person you were laughing at was me

Oh well, he did have a point. And she'd.. possibly started it.

Hawkeye >> Why? Just.. nevermind.

She'd made the connection now. D'oh. Peanut Butter. Princess Bride. Wow, slow on the uptake, Katie. Thank god the Westons were nearly done with their biweekly, because Katie really needed to get some sleep. And Lucky still needed his walk.

Hawkeye >> How could you know her name, but not ler lines? Those are classic lines, John! "Liar! Liar!" Wow. And how'd we get on this topic anyway?

She remembered now. John was deflecting about dating, and claimed he'd been to Apokolips. Saving Superman no less.

Hawkeye >> Next time you pick the movie?

He wasn't the only one who could change topics.

Constantine has posed:
John >> Not directly. Just making light of the whole situation. Really did go to Apokolips though. Didn't catch a show, and given what I saw of the place, wouldn't want to.

John chuckled about the lines.

John >> Didn't connect it to Princess Bride. But I know what you mean now.

Though when she brings up movies, he hehs.

John >> Sure thing. When we want to do that?

He figured he might as well be direct.

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
Hawkeye >> Seriously went there? Wait.. if you went there, was Superman.. Superman was there? I'm really confused. What the heck happened? And why were you there helping?

Because she was pretty sure the didn't need an exorcist there. At least she didn't think they'd need an exorcist?

Hawkeye >> Think I have Thursday off. Suppose I could do movie then patrol? Can't beg off Friday. Double booking. JJ would skin me alive if I even joked about asking.

Constantine has posed:
John wasn't sure how much he was supposed to share about all of that. It got pretty close to the end of the world, but then, having read Giles' journals and been through his own trials, John, knew there were a lot more of those moments than most thought. As a result, he really didn't care if word got out. Superman was back now. Danger averted.

John >> Let me explain, no, texting sucks, let me sum up, Supes got mojoed by a spirit with serious power that was working with Apokolips. They nabbed him and brought him there to do some magic on him, standard stuff, raise a long dead and nasty god, end of the world, blah, blah, anyhow, Justice League needed a hand and so I figured I'd give it a shot while their magic specialist was away. Anyhow me and my apprentice got it done, with help from the League.

Then after that potential bombshell he follows it up with:

John >> Yeah, Thursday works for me. I'll get us a film.

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
Kate laughs outloud in her car, spooking the vagrant who'd chosen now to show up. Shaking her head at him, she shoos him off towards the stairwell. Timing, she thinks. Timing.

Hawkeye >> That was awesome. Scared a stranger laughing. So I suppose you win this round

She reads the rest of his text.

Hawkeye >> Holy crap. You really went there and did that, didn't you? Geez. Totally out of my class of vigilante. Why do you even hang out with me again? Nevermind. Don't answer that.

Hawkeye >> So. Thursday. You're going to have to float dinner and refreshments. No money till Friday. Sorry.

Constantine has posed:
John grins.

John >> Took a bow here.

Then the rest comes.

John >> Yep. Actually happened. Was all very strange, and they don't need to be out of your league, could introduce you. They've got an archer but he seems like a bit of a dick.

He smirks.

John >> All on me. No problems. Want to do it here or want me to drop by your place this time?

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
Hawkeye >> My place? Rather not have to crawl home after. Besides, Lucky misses me.

She did spend an awful lot of time away from home. Sometimes, just sometimes, she felt a bit guilty about that. Like maybe she should have let Clint have him. Or time shared him or something.

Hawkeye >> I'll even wash the sheets.

Making it clear that offer was on the table as well. Who were they kidding anyway?

Constantine has posed:
John >> Sure. What time do you want me?

Worked well enough for him, easier to get food going out then try to get someone to bring it to his place, and as for getting home it was just a matter of calling the door.

John chuckles at the next bit.

John >> Door too if it's anything like last time.

He almost typed a winkie there. Almost.

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
Hawkeye >> Wrong door. New apartment, remember?

She sends him a time. He knows the place. As for the movie, she's happy to be surprised.