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Latest revision as of 00:02, 14 August 2019

Finally Catching Up!
Date of Scene: 18 June 2019
Location: Chinese Food Restaurant - Two Bridges
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Quicksilver, Storm

Quicksilver has posed:
So, Pietro decided to do something bold.

After saving the day and stopping about two bank robberies within ten minutes, Pietro ZOOMS on over to the Xavier Institute for Higher Learning, and he looks up Ororo to see if she was in. Lo and behold, he asked her out to lunch, and somehow, we have reached the present moment!

Pietro walked with Ororo (See, he DOES care!) even though its agonizingly slow for him, until they arrive at the chinese place. Though he could've zoomed, he'd rather Ororo NOT get vertigo or whiplash from the trip. "So, tell me how you've been? I feel like its been an age."

Pietro smiles at the ashen-haired former weather-goddess. He wears a simple jacket with some blue jeans and white sneakers. He's dressed rather casually.

Storm has posed:
"It /has/ been an age," Ororo agrees with a smile for the speedster. She's dressed to blend in, at least as best as she can. Pale denim jeans and a white off-the-shoulder blouse with daisy yellow highlights make for a comfortable summertime look, and her cork wedge heels are worn instead of her comfortable old sandals.

"It was very kind of you to invite me to eat. I do not get out of the mansion enough," Ororo admits. She lets Pietro decide if he's going to get the door for her then heads inside, brushing her plaited white hair back from her face. Beads tinkle in the strands as their arching mass shifts from the right side of her close-shorn temples to the left. "And I know how tedious walking can be for you," she says, with gratitude evident in her rich voice. "How are things with your sister? Good, I hope?"

Quicksilver has posed:
Yes, Pietro remembers to be a gentleman! Even lunch dates require some level of chivalry. Pietro opens the door for Ororo to enter through as they walk. "Anytime. I figure that it would be good to talk with you again. I admit, I have been thinking of you lately." Pietro follows behind her and they are soon shown to a table, right by the window too! Offers a nice view of the ultra-busy Manhattan streets.

"Its alright, you're one of the people who are worth going slow for. It is going well with Wanda. Sometimes I think she will get herself into trouble, but I think she's doing better." his slavic accent very prevalent. "But how about you? Do you still enjoy teaching at the school?"

Storm has posed:
"You do me a flattery, Pietro," Ororo tells him with a grateful tone. "I have missed you around the school. It is not the same with you gone," she explains. "As for me-- yes. I love it," she says with a fond smile for that institution. "It gives me a sense of pride and joy in my life few things can equal. We have raised many good students who otherwise would have struggled and suffered under the burden of their abilities. It always makes me happy to see one of our graduates living a life as best they're able," she remarks.

Ororo glances at the menu once, then sets it aside. The waitress comes over and Ororo waits for Pietro to go first, then orders loose white tea and an infuser.

Ororo's got strong feelings about preparing tea properly.

Quicksilver has posed:
Chuckling ever so softly, Pietro shrugs. "Well, keep talking and you will make me blush." the mutant speedster gives a warm smile for Ororo, especially as she talks about still loving what she does and how its being done. "I can tell. It shows in your eyes." Then of course, the waitress and he gives her a small smile. "I will take a black coffee, please." then he looks to Ororo as she orders a....very specific tea setting.

"I see your taste in tea has not quite changed at all." he teases her. "But what has been new with you? What changes in life?"

Storm has posed:
"Americans don't know how to do tea properly," Ororo sniffs. "And unfortunately too many places cater to their expectations."

She shifts in her seat, crossing her legs under the table. "I wish I had more of interest to report, Pietro," she says with a laugh and an apologetic tone. "My life is complete and I want for nothing. Rogue and Kitty repainted the attic?" she says, shrugging a bare shoulder. "The children are flourishing this year; we added another growhouse and we're diversifying the experimental gardens. In a few more years we might become a significant botanical research center with the work we do. It's wonderful seeing the children putting their talents to use growing things. And," she says, smiling at the waitress as tea is delivered. "It gives me something to do when the little rapscallions get detention. There's always potting soil to move."

Quicksilver has posed:
"This is true, which is why I gained a love for one of the simplest brews to make." Pietro winks lightly, before he listens rather attentively to her words about what has changed in her life. "Well, even if not much has changed, tell me anyway." he chuckles a little bit.

Thoug has she speaks, he seems to be quite joyful to hear of her news. "Oh? Well, I wouldl ike to see it soon to judge its fashion." of course he seems to be teasing by this. "But, I'm glad to see how much things have improved at the school. And to see you're love of botany continue. Nothing much has been new with me either, if I am being honest. Though I do intend to help out more at the school, so you will be seeing me around. I don't think I'd be teaching any classes..." maybe Track and Field? wouldn't that be funny.

Storm has posed:
"It would be good to have yo uback among the cadre," Ororo says, agreeing with Pietro's sentiment and encouraging him to return to work. "The teaching staff is a little understrength. Maybe you could assist Doug with language courses," she suggests. "Or take on one of the general studies classes. You're quite a bit smarter than you let on," she reminds him primly. "You would make an excellent study tutor, particularly for children hung up on a point they can't research quickly."

Quicksilver has posed:
Pietro chuckles just a bit. "Now you're the one being the flatterer." She may notice his foot touch hers under the table as if to deliver the point home. "But please, do keep going." now he's just joking around. "But, I don't know. I'm not sure people want a former Brotherhood terrorist as their teacher, 'Ro." Pietro takes a deep breath. "Sure, I could teach physics or a romanian language that nobody cares about...but...I dunno."

Storm has posed:

"Technically, we're--" Ororo breaks off when the waitress comes over and smiles at her politely. "I'll have Dinner #2, with the pork," Ororo tells the woman. She waits for Pietro to order as well, then hands off the menu and pours herself some properly steeped tea.

"We're terrorists too," she reminds him, her rich alto voice barely carrying beyond the table. "No one's hands are clean. And in my eyes, you've more than made up for your younger indiscretions. We've all made mistakes when we were full of power and youthful arrogance. What matters is how we make up for them."

She sips her tea, cradles the cup in her hands. "Perhaps you'd help me with crafts?" she suggests. "I do a bit of everything. Sewing. Planting. We made clay pots two days ago for the garden. Even a few teachers joined in. Something with the horses would be good too, I think. Any ideas for something that would keep you from gettin bored?"

Quicksilver has posed:
Pietro looks at the waitress. "I'll have the Lo Mein and some Crab Rangoon please." he hands her the menu before he looks back at Ororo as she tries to convince him to join the school proper. He takes a deep breath, and he looks Ororo in the eyes. She made a very valid point. "Only difference is that I was on the wrong side, 'Ro. And as much as I would be delighted to see your beautiful face everyday.." he just shakes hs head.

Though as he sips his coffee, he rests his hands on the table, and he appears to be in deep thought. "Maybe I'll try it out okay? A class and helping you with the crafts. If I don't like it or if its clearly a negative thing, then we drop it. If everything goes well, then I stay." it was a counteroffer, at least.

Storm has posed:
"More than fair," Ororo tells Pietro. She smiles at his compliment and sips her tea again. "But there is really no need to pay me such extravagant courtesies," she assures the speedster. "We didn't leave on bad terms or anything. I'm pleased to see you," she assures him.

"Tell me what else you might do if not teach," she suggests, and rests her elbows on the table so she can hug her arms. "You'd make a formidable handyman if it wasn't so boring for you. There's endless maintenance that needs to be done-- you know how destructive teenagers can be when bored," she says wryly.

Quicksilver has posed:
"It wasn't a compliment, just the truth." Pietro locks eyes with her for a moment as she proclaims that she was pleased to see him. "and I you, Ororo." Though as she rests her elbows on the table, and asks him what he might do if it turns out he's the shittiest teacher to ever teach. Pietro seems to spend time thinking about this. "I don't know. Maybe I can be a hall moniter or I can help with maintanence after all. I could get it done fast, so thats not a viable option." He seems to be thinking about it.

Storm has posed:
The food shows up and Ororo leans back for it to be served, thanking the waitress with a gracious smile and a quietly murmured word of gratitude. She sets a napkin in her lap and digs in, eating steadily but with fastidious manners. Like she learned them at the point of a nun's ruler.

"It'd be best to find something that you feel is... satisfying. Fulfilling. Merely 'helping out' is a favor for us but you can only do favors for so long. Don't you have any hobbies?" she asks, quizzically.

Quicksilver has posed:
Pietro watches the food arrive, and after making sure he's done all the proper etiquette, Pietro digs in to his noodles and he appears to be quite happy with his meal, though careful not to eat too fast that he can't enjoy his conversation with Ororo.

"Yeah, yeah, I know." Pietro tries to bat the idea aside, before he takes a breath. "I have a few hobbies. I mean, I like art. Sculpting, specifically. Maybe I could teach a class on that?" he shrugs lightly.

Storm has posed:
"Why not?" Ororo asks, rhetorically. "There is no single accepted standard for art. You could teach them about color theory and history, and encourage the children to find their own voice," she suggests, warming to the idea.

"I think Betsy might be willing to help you with that, too. She has a streak for such things. I don't know what help I could be, but I think I'd enjoy sitting in on your class," she offers encouragingly.

Quicksilver has posed:
Pietro seems to chuckle then. "You're being far too kind to me, Ororo. You always have been." But then, Pietro kinda thinks on it. He DOES have a history of telling people to take their voices however they choose. Art is one of the things that Pietro used to express himself.

"Bah, Psylocke would rather stab me I think." he winks at her. "Though if you sit in my class, don't ask me to draw you like a french girl." okay, that joke was coming from a MILE away, but judging from Pietro's colossally long smile, its clear this was intended to be a joke, and he's probably hoping not to get struck by lightning.

Storm has posed:
"I am not French," Ororo reminds Pietro gently. "The missionaries I learned English from were, though. I cannot help my accent." The reference has apparently completely sailed over her head.

"But Betsy wouldn't--" she stops and considers. "Betsy /might/ stab you," she allows. "She can be... violent. But I think she's teaching dance," she offers. "You might be safe with a general art course," Ororo concludes. She takes a few quiet sips of her noodle soup.

Quicksilver has posed:
Pietro just laughs. "Its a reference. Have you ever seen the movie 'The Titanic'?" Pietro seems completely and utterly amused by her, the glint of it very visible in his eyes. Though as Ororo agres that Betsy might stab him, he just grins. "Yeah, don't put me with Betsy. I like my guts where they are."

Storm has posed:
"Oh," Ororo says, her cheeks darkening a touch. "I have not, no. I am sorry. We were making clay pots the other day and someone referred to a movie. Something..." She frowns. "'Ghost'?" she hazards. "It was apparently very famous. Then, of a sudden, the entire class is singing a song: 'I hunger for your touch?'" she says, trying to get the words correct. "All at once. I didn't know it was such a famous song. I've never heard it before," she says with a helpless shrug. "But I don't watch much telly and I only go to the cinemas with friends. Kitty says I /have/ to see it."

Quicksilver has posed:
Pietro seems to smile at Ororo as her cheeks darken. "Maybe we will watch it together soon? Its a very sad movie though." Because its literally the story about an unsinkable ship that....sinks. Its very strange, if you think about it. "Oh yes, its a very famous song, surprisingly among very young people like teens and twenty-somethings. But don't worry, I'll take you to see it with me, if you like. It could be the second date." he winks softly.

Storm has posed:
"Pietro," Ororo says with a fond smile. "That's very kind of you. I'm not..." She glances at her meal, then looks at him. "The date with you was very lovely. I'm just not sure we're the right person for each other at the moment," she says, very diplomatically. "I hope you understand. I value your friendship very much and I don't wish for you to be cross with me," she assures him, and offers Pietro a squeeze of fingers. "But I do not think we should pursue a romantic agenda. If you're willing to be my friend... that would be most delightful to me."

Quicksilver has posed:
And that, to Pietro, is his sign that Ororo is taken. Or at least not interested in him like that. Pietro takes a light breath as Ororo tries to prevent Pietro's feelings from being hurt, and the squeeze to his fingers is welcome...even if the feeling is not mutual like Pietro would wish it to be. "...I see." he takes a deep breath. "So, I'm too late then. First time for everything." he looks her in the eyes. "Friends, then."

Storm has posed:
"Friends," Ororo says, returning that even gaze. Her expression's apologetic-- even wistful. But resolute. She squeezes Pietro's hand again and returns to her meal, eating with delicately proper manners.

"On another topic," she says, trying to keep things casual. "Do you think there'd be any interest in a class field trip to Transia?" Ororo inquires. "We're coming up on the fall session. It's a good time to coordinate student travels and international exposure's important to them. I'd love for them to see Europe through the Romanii eyes. I know a little of what that culture is like. They could experience it for themselves."

Quicksilver has posed:
His hand squeezed for the final time, Pietro moves back to his meal, though as Ororo shifts the topic to a field trip to Transia, Pietro narrows his eyes. "Absolutely not." He has horrible memories of transia, having to survive alone with Wanda and eating bare scraps at a time with naught but barely clothes on their backs. "Transia is a horrible place filled with magic, gypsies, and lack of sympathy. I -specifically- would much rather not go back." This is perhaps one of the only times that Pietro has responded with a short-tempered flare. He takes a moment then to breathe.

"But if you want to go, then by all means. I just don't think these kids are going to like what hey see. Its ah ard life there, and despite how Gypsies are by nature..." Pietro just shakes his head, picking at his noodles as bad memories flow. "Why not take them to africa? To the tribe that took you in?"

Storm has posed:
"It's cattle season," Ororo says with a wry frown. "They are moving the bulk of the cows to Nairobi for slaughter and sale. THen they'll return to the tribal valley," she explains. "It's.... Transia would be familiar enough," she admits. "Masaai culture is something altogether different. The customs of the Serengeti are very alien to you," she says, delicately phrasing things. "Bringing a bunch of high school children to Africa for the season would broaden their horizons but I do not think you have the context for understanding our rituals."

Quicksilver has posed:
Pietro looks at Ororo as she gives him that wry look as she explains the situation of her tribe. And though she is attempting to explain that the Transia trip would be perfect as opposed to the trip to africa. "And you have the context to understand ours? Either way, the students will be very confused." Pietro leans back as he looks at Ororo. "Besides, they don't need to be checking their pockets every five seconds." Pietro would know. Gifted thieves, they are.

Pietro finishes his meal and he sets the plate aside, looking Ororo in the eyes. "Maybe ask Wanda if she wants to go with you, but I have enough memories there to last me an eternity." maybe Ororo can soften him up to the idea. Wouldn't be the firs ttime she's wisely used her words to her advantage.

Storm has posed:
I'll think of something acceptable to everyone," Ororo assures Pietro, and finishes her meal. She sets it aside carefully and wipes her mouth with a dainty pat of her napkin. "But for what it's worth, I think most of the students would cry the first time they were offered a cup of raw cow blood," she says with a wry grin.

"This was a lovely brunch, Pietro," she tells the speedster. "It was very kind of you to think of me. I don't get out of the Mansion enough," she admits. "This was a wonderful diversion."