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Latest revision as of 00:05, 14 August 2019

Lullaby in Birdland
Date of Scene: 19 June 2019
Location: Birdland Jazz Club, Midtown
Synopsis: Jess and Frank enjoy some jazz, company and understanding.
Cast of Characters: Frank Quaid, Spider-Woman (Drew)

Frank Quaid has posed:
Birdland is an icon of not only the New York jazz scene, but the global one. Every big name and rising star has played at the legendary club and it continues to feature incredible talent. Sitting in the Threatre District, it has a white stone front and black awnings. Inside, there is a lot of deep red, wood, warm low lighting and murmured conversations. The walls are lined with signed pictures of people who have played on stage, and it is bit of a local game to try and name as many of them as possible. Small tables surrounded by chairs are spread out across the big floor. The bar at the back is ready to serve up accompaniments to the music.

A young woman with blue-green scaled skin, gills, long green hair and a silver dress is on stage tonight with a three-piece band. Bravely, she is tackling staples that greats such as Aretha Franklin had performed on that very stage. And she was impressive.

Frank has been at 'his' table by the wall for about an hour. Right now he is sitting with a half finished beer in front of him. His Blackberry is nowhere to be seen. One of the bartenders, a middle-aged North African man, is standing by Frank's table talking with him. They seem comfortable with one another, old acquaintances or friends.

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
It's would be unfair to say that Jessica had a hunch this is where she would find Frank Quaid, since she had, indeed, watched him enter from the rooftop across the street. And so it comes as no surprise when the dark-haired SHIELD agent enters the club to see Quaid sitting at a table, enjoying conversation and music. The atmosphere in Birdland is something different from anything she's seen anywhere else. Dressed in a crimson bodysuit beneath a black leather jacket with zippers and buckles, and a pair of slightly faded black jeans and boots, Jessica meanders along the wall in Frank's general directions, pausing to look at photographs here and there. If there were a local game to try and name all the faces on the wall, Jessica would come in dead last. Jazz, for the most part, cannot be trusted, with its long and randomly-rambling phrases and skeedely-bop nonsensical lyrics. (What's scat?)

But it isn't long before she glances over to Quaid in hopes of catching a moment to buy him a beer, and have a conversation of her own with him.

Frank Quaid has posed:
Frank's attention goes back and forth between his beer, the singer and his friend quite a few times before he notices Jess. At first, he shows no sign of noticing anymore than he would any other attractive woman who walked in. But on a second look he has a flash of recognition. Frank looks surprised. He gets up, says something and daps his friend, who walks back to the bar stealing a glance in Jessica's direction. Frank walks over to Jessica with one hand in his pocket. He leaves his suit jacket hanging over his chair, and neither his firearm nor his badge are on his belt.

"Coltrane, Monk, Mingus," Frank says when he gets near Jessica. He points at the pictures of each in turn. "Hancock, Cole. Peterson. All the greats. Grew up wishing I could play piano like Peterson. I was awful," he says a touch ruefully. He still sports the nose bandage and even with his complexion, the black eyes are unmistakable. "Didn't know Avengers were big jazz fans."

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
"I'm not, I'm afraid. But I an not here on behalf of the Avengers," Jessica replies, turning to Frank briefly after examining the photographs that Frank named. "Care to tell me who busted that nose? Looks pretty nasty to me, especially if you're still gonna be working here and there." Jess frowns slightly, noting the black eyes, but reserves her harshest verbal crucifixion for after she learns the identity of the assailant, in case it was some little kid with a Tonka Truck.

Frank Quaid has posed:
Frank raises an eyebrow when Jessica says she is not there with the Avengers, and gives a half smile when she comments on his nose.

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you, and it's a bit of a story. Get you a drink?" he asks, gesturing toward his table. "Unless you're meeting someone."

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
"Meeting someone? Only you," Jess replies with a smile. "Sure...Double Scotch, no rocks?" She lifts a brow as she looks toward the table and moves to take a seat there. She looks up to the stage for a long moment, and arches her brow. "She's not bad."

Frank Quaid has posed:
"Tanya Wright," Frank says with a nod. He turns to walk with Jess to the bar.

"You believe she's only 20?" he asks with a shake of his head. "She's only gonna get better. You'll see her signed by Blue Note or Columbia for sure. Frank leans against the bar. "Jimmy, two..." Frank seems to catch up on what Jess asked for. He raises an eyebrow and then looks back to the bartender. "Two double Scotch, neat."

"If you're not a jazz fan, I'm guessing you haven't been here before. Hallowed ground."

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
"Never too late for a girl to learn, right?" Jessica asks with a grin. "Yeah, she's probably going places." Jess looks back at the stage for a long moment, until the bartender pours her drink. Then she looks back to Frank. "And what's a guy like you doing here all on your lonesome, hmm? I hear tell it's not healthy to drink alone."

Frank Quaid has posed:
"Thanks, Jimmy," Frank says when the drinks are poured, then walks to his table with Jess.

"This... This is church," he says as he sits. "Don't tell my parents I said that, though. I don't make it on Sundays as often as I should. But I come here once a week, every week. Leave the phone in the truck, leave it all behind. I try to come more often, but you know how it is."

Frank raises his glass to Jess.

"To you," he says. "And all the good you do. I didn't get a chance to thank you the other night."

Frank drinks from his glass. "I bet you don't remember, but we met once before. A few years ago."

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
"And to you," Jess adds as she raises her glass. "Because if it weren't for you guys out there, there'd be nothing left by now for the rest of us to save." Jess sips from her glass, one mouthful, holding it a moment, then swallowing. "I know how that goes. You gotta do what you gotta do, to decompress. You'll explode if you."

Jessica tilts her head. "Did we?" Have I become forgetful? Refresh my memory, Captain Quaid?"

Frank Quaid has posed:
"Amen," Frank says in agreement about exploding.

"Wouldn't have been that big a deal to you. I was in uniform for the Jamaican Days festival. Some idiots tried to hit a bank a few blocks away and you, I swear, webbed them to the floor," Frank grins. Despite the bandaged nose and black eyes, he manages to look a teensy bit sheepish. "You were telling us what happened, and I asked if one of the guys could take our picture. I still have that picture. Printed it out, it's up on my wall in the office with the others."

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
"Wait, that was you! I do remember that. And that's the easiest way to giftwrap scourge for the PD. Easier than cuffs, and more effective." Jessica offers Frank a lopsided grin. "Well it's a small world. It's been awhile, but it always turns back around again." She takes another mouthful from her glass and swallows thoughtfully. "In all honesty, the world could do with a little more cooperation between capes and hats, don't you think?"

Frank Quaid has posed:
Frank leans back a bit and chuckles when Jessica remembers.

"Isn't that the truth," he agrees, raising his glass to Jess and taking a sip. "I know everyone means well, but sometimes... Well, it could be better. A lot better. Make people feel safer, too. I mean, no offence, we all love superheroes, but a little more talking couldn't hurt. You hear about the protest outside NYPD the other night? My guys were trying to help stop the Sentinels to protect the mutants. What'd they get for it? Attacked by some flying mutant. Ripped one of the guys' fingers off when she flew by and grabbed his gun."

He shakes his head. "Gordon's got a better thing going in Gotham. I don't know what the deal is there, but aside from losing a few cars, it's funny how well Batman and GCPD seem to work together. Really funny."

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
"Not /that/ funny," Jessica observes. "Gotham's a cesspool. Between Gordon and Bats, you'd think they'd be able to put a DENT in it." Jess breathes a laugh at her own stupid joke.

"I heard something about that fiasco, yeah. I dunno the whole story. I was out of town." Way, way out of town. Da. "But sometimes I feel like even the capes work against each other when it comes to stuff like this. I understand the concerns of the mutants, but they're doing a piss-poorjob of managing some of their own."

Frank Quaid has posed:
"Yeah, well," Frank muses wryly and tips back his glass again. "But that's why we've got responsible adults around, right? Clean up after the kids. Would help if a few more of the mutants and capes did what you did. If they actually joined up instead of running wild, it'd be a whole different game."

Frank puts his glass down and claps when Tanya Wright finishes the song she was singing. A moment later her band strikes up the next.

"Though I gotta ask... the Avengers I get, that's the NBA of superheroes... But SHIELD? How'd you end up working for them?" he asks.

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
"It's a long story. Suffice it to say I joined up to fight HYDRA," Jess replies as she finishes her applause, and the band strikes up again. "SHIELD was the best way I could think of to combat them. But now...eh. I just don't know what's the best way to make a difference. I've been able to combat HYDRA more as an Avenger than with SHIELD. Never hear the word uttered, over there."

Frank Quaid has posed:
"Yeah, well, I don't hear anything from them at all," Frank says. "I've got giant robots, terrorists in Mt. Sinai, vampires and werewolves.... It never ends. Last thing I heard from them? They wanted some woman out of cells who got into a fight with some organized crime types. She wasn't even meta."

Frank looks a touch bitter. "If I had half the budget and kit they do..." He says and forces a smile. "I'm sorry, not your problem. I shouldn't talk down about your team. I'm sure they do a lot of great work behind the scenes. So why Hydra? Personal thing?"

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
"Personal thing," Jessica agrees softly enough to be heard just beneath the music. Her eyes are lowered, as she thoughtfully traces half her glass with a fingertip. "Though I'd like to think I could keep just one more person from enduring what they put me through." She lifts her head again and looks over to Frank. "Seems like we're all fighting a losing battle, doesn't it? And there's just no sense in it. There are enough of us out there like you and me to put a stop to all of it."

Frank Quaid has posed:
Frank purses his lips as he realizes he hit a nerve. "Sorry, I'm bad company tonight," he apologizes.

He makes frowns a bit at Jess' last remark and shakes his head. "I don't believe that. I'm lucky, I see a lot of bad crap, but I manage 3000 heroes that go out there everyday and make a difference. No powers, except a few. Just people protecting their homes and families and city. Cause it helps. It's rough right now, all this stuff about powers and aliens and whatever is still pretty new. But we're doing it, we're adapting."

Frank shrugs. "That's what I believe. Otherwise why get up in the morning? Gotta keep faith."

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
"Nah, don't apologize. You're right, of course. You always seem to be right," Jessica replies with a grin. "Just sometimes I feel like I could do more with support from people who actually know how to follow orders, and get stuff done without all the drama." She gestures vaguely, at that. "I guess I should be bright-sidin' it, and keepin' in mind that even if all we can do is our best, it's still saving lives, and putting down a lot of the bad crap that you see."

Frank Quaid has posed:
"I'm gonna tell the team Spiderwoman says I'm always right," Frank says with a laugh. "I'm guessing you're not talking about the Avengers. Hey, you get tired of all that secret squirrel stuff, you could always work with us," Frank jokes. "Imagine the difference /that/ would make. Avenger joining NYPD. Talk about a morale boost!"

Frank shakes his head and takes another drink. He claps as the song ends. Tanya talks to her band for a moment and they step down from the stage to take a break. Frank leans back, looks at Jimmy and points towards the musicians taking a seat. The man chuckles and goes over to their table.

"That's how I look at it. And if it's bad now, how much worse would it be if we all stayed home?"

Jimmy points toward Franks table. The three musicians wave. Tanya gets up and walks over.

"Thanks for the drinks, that's sweet," she says. He scales catch the lighs and her voice is fairly low pitched for a woman.

"Credit where it's due. I'm Frank," he says and holds out a hand. "This is Jess. You've got a fantastic voice, by the way."

The woman smiles and shakes hands. "I appreciate that, really. Performing here is amazing just amazing."

"You'll be on the wall soon," Frank gestures. "Join us?"

Tanya shakes her head. "I go back up in a couple minutes. I just wanted to say thanks." She smiles her goodbye and heads back over to her table.

"If I had half her talent," Frank says with a wistful shake of the head.

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
Jessica smiles at the exchange, then shakes her head at how easily Frank can fit into any crowd. "And just...how would that work, hm? An Avenger joining NYPD?" she asks, tilting her head and glancing back over to Frank. "Don't you think it might garner a little resentment from your guys somewhere along the way?"

Frank Quaid has posed:
Frank steals glance over Jess when her attention is on Tanya. He smiles slightly into his drink and takes a sip.

"Huh? Resentment? Don't think so," Frank says with a shrug as he puts his glass down. He chuckles at the thought. "They'd be proud as hell someone famous joined up and happy we finally had big guns on side. Put a lot of the old dinosaurs and macho kids in their places, too."

Frank snerks. "Now SHIELD, they would be pissed," he says with a grin. "I met with your boss, Agent May? Didn't go well. But hey, we're just little people to you guys, right? I'd pay to see the look on that May's face." He looks entirely amused with himself.

"So, why did you come all the way down here to talk with the little people?" he says, teasing lightly. Frank has gotten markedly more comfortable with Jess . "Did I do something /really/ stupid recently? New alien invasion coming?"

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
"Nah, you did stuff right. You've put up with enough garbage lately. I kinda thought you could use a pat on the back. You've been a shining example, regardless of the fact you're having to fight both sides of the war, sometimes. I thought maybe it'd do some good to see that you're appreciated. All of you. But you, in particular." Jess drains her glass and pushes it back on the table with a sigh. "Too many pointing fingers lately, and not enough thumbs up."

Frank Quaid has posed:
Frank looks at Jess for a moment. The surprise is evident on his face.

"Well, didn't expect that," he says, clearly touched. Frank drains his drink as well and waves to Jimmy. "Thanks. Means a lot coming from an Avenger."

Jimmy comes over and fills Frank's glass again, and offers to do the same for Jess, while taking every opportunity to look discreetly in Jess' direction. Then he is off back to the bar.

"You're alright," Frank says, then grins. "For a SHIELD agent."

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
"Eh." Jessica handwobbles. "Tell me more about this force you mentioned. Should I fax a resume and three references?" Jessica asks, arching her brows. "I expect a huge salary. YOU clearly are in it for the money and prestige, Captain." Jessica snickers, letting Jimmy refill her, and thanking him, oblivious to the looks.

Frank Quaid has posed:
"Hmm, absolutely! My Bentley's outside," Frank chuckles. His eyes look just a touch glassy.

"No, no, resume and references is for rookies. You don't wanna do the Academy. You'd be an experienced applicant," he says in jokingly conspiratorial tones. "You talk with Jamie O'Rourke, lieutenant in HR. Send her your service record and discipline file. Do a little re-orientation thing, there you go. Probably be a Captain or Lieutenant or something yourself. Great benefits for the exec ranks. And we'll even assign you right to Special Crimes, you can be my partner! Elaina won't mind, she's getting bored of me," he jokes. "Play your cards right, you could be Commissioner one day."

Frank salutes Jessica with a wink and takes another sip of his drink. He settles back in his chair. Tanya goes back up on stage to start singing again.

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
Jessica's eyes dart left and right, as she joins in the conspiracy. "With salaries like ours, just imagine all the vacations to Paris and Aruba we'll never have to take..." She holds out a hand to Frank. "It's a deal, Captain. I think we'd make a fine pair, if we get to be partners. I'll make a few calls, get the paperwork transferred, and I'll be all yours."

Frank Quaid has posed:
Frank laughs. "Frank, just Frank, since we're gonna be partners," he says and shakes her hand.

"I'll expect you at the office soon!" he jokes. Frank drinks from his glass and glances at Jess over it as he does, then shakes his head with another chuckle. "Alright, I think I've hit my limit. Next I'll be asking you to join my basketball league," he snerks and sighs. "Jimmy's not gonna give me my keys. You got a phone? I should call an Uber."

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
"I've got a phone. I'd offer a ride home if you trust me. My healing factor turns through a few drinks like they're water. I couldn't even get tipsy without really trying. Otherwise, I'll call you an Uber."

Frank Quaid has posed:
"Trust you? I'm not gonna argue with a free ride or a lady that slings webs," he says, finishing his drink. "That'd be great. And blow Jimmy's mind. But don't worry, he's not a gossip, he won't start spreading fake rumours."

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
Jess laughs, and gives Frank a quick roll of her eyes. "What, someone might be disillusioned by the fact that I can be in the presence of a man without fleeing?" Jess winks. "C'mon, I'll drive you home." But over his shoulder, Jess wiggles her brows at Jimmy. He is clearly impressed.

Frank Quaid has posed:
Frank shrugs back into his suit jacket as they go and waves to Jimmy. He walks with one hand in his pocket. He holds the door for Jess and carefully looks out past her figure rather than /at/ her figure.

"What do you drive?" Frank asks, catching up to Jess. "Spaceship?"

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
Jess shakes her head, breathing a laugh. "Nah, my spaceship's in the shop. I'm stuck with just a Camry," she replies, as she thanks him for holding the door, and leads the way down the street to where she's parked. She clicks a button on the fob, and the lights come on. But the fob beeps back, and opens. On the keypad inside it, she types in a numeric code. It beeps a second time, and she puts in a different code. The fob closes, and the car roars to life. It is sleek and black with windows tinted well beyond legal limits. Jess pauses for a moment, turning to Frank. "Y'know, sensible sedan, and all that. I don't like anything over the top." The fob is flashing a sequence of three red lights in her hand as she speaks. "So how far out do you live?"

Frank Quaid has posed:
"Camry," Frank says with a bit of a snort. "That is sensible. Does it turn into anything?"

"Queens," Frank says. He sways just a little. "Not far. I'll point you in the right direction."

"Getting into the car with an Avenger..." Frank mutters to himself. He sits down and buckles up.

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
As Frank asks about transformer abilities, the sequence on the fob completes, and all three lights turn green. Both the passenger and driver side doors open. Jessica steadies Frank, simply taking his arm and giving it a squeeze to help guide him in, and grins as he buckles up.

"It turns into something, sometimes, but hopefully we won't have a reason to see that tonight." She winks and goes around to her side, sliding into the seat. She doesn't buckle her safety belt, but simply pushes the first of three buttons above the stereo. The turbo is engaged. The center button bears the marking N2O. The third has a symbol that is likely unfamiliar. She slides the car easily into traffic and aims it toward Queens, looking over at Frank. "So you hang out there a lot, I guess. Gotta have some way to blow off steam, I'll bet. Is there gonna be a wife at home ready to whack me with a rolling pin, or a restraining order?"

Frank Quaid has posed:
Frank glances around at the interior and then leans back in his chair. He gives a short sharp bark.

"Nope. Too stupid when I was young, too busy now," he says with a hint of regret.

"Birdland's special," he agrees. "Gotta have somewhere to go. You've got somewhere to go. Or have someone to go to. Can't get by without it."

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
"Well I'm glad ya have Birdland, then." Jess smiles, giving him a sidelong glance as she drives, possibly unnervingly exactly the speed limit no matter how many times it changes. Still, she weaves in and around the other traffic effortlessly, seeming to make better time than most even at the speed limit. "I'm glad you have it, Frank. And you need someone. You do. Even if you have Birdland. You know, I hope, that you have me. Even if you don't know me all that well, yet. I'm here, and I'm not going anywhere."

Frank Quaid has posed:
Frank looks in Jess' direction. He watches the street lights strobe over her curves as they drive under them.

"You know, I hope so, too," Frank says with a smile. He reaches over and puts his arm around the back of the driver's seat. Then his eyes go wide with realization. He jerks his arm back.

"Jesus, sorry. I didn't think I had that much to drink," Frank says, bewildered, after a long awkward silence.

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
Jessica furrows her brow, just a bit, as Frank extends his arm, then withdraws it. It could be the alcohol. It could be something else. But plastered Frank is not the version to have that conversation with. She reaches down with her left hand and cracks the windows of the car. "It's fine, Frank. Really. Maybe you just need a little fresh air?" Probably, anyway.

"Don't beat yourself up. You've been through a lot, lately. I don't want you worrying about stuff, okay?"

Frank Quaid has posed:
"Yeah, I think I do," he agrees. "Left two blocks up. Four storey brownstone."

"I don't have any complaints. It's the job, we do it. No different for you. Worse for you. There wan't much we could do about those mushrooms last year. All of you were out there fighting them in the streets."

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
Jessica draws a slow breath, exhaling softly, pressing her lips together in a firm line, and nodding. "Those were some tough situations," she replies. "But it was tough on everyone. Sometimes it's just as tough to have to stand back and admit there isn't anything in your arsenal to combat something, as it is to jump in and fight it. The mushrooms...they weren't so bad. Terrible, yeah. But nothing compared to what was controlling them."

Frank Quaid has posed:
Frank looks over at Jesss. "That bad. Sorry I asked," he says, and adds dryly. "Like I said before, bad company tonight. Still, we appreciate what you do. We really do."

"Just up there," Frank points to his building. "Don't spend too much time being a hero though. How old are you? 25? Maybe?"

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
"Nah...I'm thirty. And there you go, beating yourself up again. If I came for the company, I'd have dressed differently. But the company has been quite nice, regardless of what you think." She eases into the driveway, places the car in park, and offers Frank a bright and encouraging smile before opening her door and his with the push of a button. Allow me to see ya to the door, at least. Don't want ninjas getting you before you get your key--did you get your keys?" She asks, interrupting herself in a moment of urgent clarity.

Frank Quaid has posed:
"You don't have to do that," Frank says, more than slightly embarassed in context of his earlier behaviour. He climbs out of the car. "I'm right outside the elevator, I can stumble in."

He sways a bit and catches himself on the car then straightens up.

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
"Oh yes, you're in fine shape," Jess chides playfully. "C'mon, let's get you inside. If you don't have your keys, I'll get you in, and pick them up from Jimmy after I leave." Jess smirks, but she moves up beside Frank and offers her arm for support, rather than coddling or pressing. "I brought you home to see you safely there. If you fall and break your ankle or something, then I've failed. And you don't want that sort of failure to weigh on me, do you? Besides, who'd I end up paired up with on the force, if you're on medical leave?"

Frank Quaid has posed:
Frank barks a laugh at that.

"Right, right," he says and goes along with Jess.

"What was I saying?" he asks as he punches the code on the police key lockbox stuck to the wall beside the fire department one. He pulls out the key, unlocks and opens the door and replaces the key. "25. You're 25. Don't just do this, you'll end up alone. Take time off. Meet someone. Have a family. Or a dog."

He pushes the call button on the elevator and steps in with Jess. "I'm getting old. I'm giving unbidden life advice to young people. Bad sign," Frank says dryly. The bell dings and they are let out onto the third floor.

"What was that about keys," Frank asks after checking his pockets and not finding them.

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
"I'm /thirty/, Jess corrects him, again. "And I can't have kids." She frets at her lip for a moment, and shakes her head. "I'm pretty sure I can't have a dog, either, but maybe I can adopt." She grins, watching Frank look for his keys.

Noting the location of his apartment, she shakes her head. "I'll be right back." She takes the elevator down, humming 'Girl from Ipanema' to herself. A few moments later, the door to the apartment opens, and Jessica gestures a warm welcome to Frank. "Welcome home."

Frank Quaid has posed:
"What? Where are you..."

"Way to go Frank, bring up kids," he mutters with a shake of his head.

When the door opens he gapes at Jessica with the bovine stupidity of the moderately drunk.

"Oh... Right," he says finally and smiles. "That's crazy."

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
"You should lock your windows, Frank," Jessica says softly as she ushers him inside. "I'm not the only one out there who can climb a wall. I'm just one of the few who don't need a grapple hook to do it." She places a hand on his shoulder and squeezes it gently. "Sorry. I'm gonna be lookin' out for you. It's sorta what I do..."

Frank Quaid has posed:
Frank smirks a bit.

"Yeah, I know. Came home a couple weeks ago and got shot in the head with a rubber bullet by the Punisher. Woke up four hours later on the floor," he says.

The apartment is tidy, clean and blandly decorated. It has the look of something put together by buying all the pieces from catalog pictures. There are some NYPD memorabilia, pictures of Frank with family members and a large vinyl jazz collection.

"You look out for all the drunk cops like this? We'd keep you pretty busy," he jokes. He takes his suit jacket off and drapes it over a kitchen chair.

"Can I offer you a drink of something?" he asks. It's polite rather than solicitous.

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
Jessica shakes her head. "Nah, I'm fine. Thank you, though." She nonchalantly smoothes a small fold out of his jacket so that it doesn't crease where it hangs, as she moves through the room.

"And no. I don't generally look out for drunk cops at all, unless they find themselves in a bad position, just before I find them." She shrugs, but turns back to him with a stern expression. "What business does the Punisher have being in your apartment at all, let alone violently injuring you?" There are suddenly daggers in Jessica's eyes.

Frank Quaid has posed:
Frank watches Jess smooth out the fold in his jacket with slight perplexion.

"He dropped off a bunch of information about an underground takeover. Shooting me was how he says goodbye," Frank says with a wry grin. He yawns and covers his mouth. "Sorry."

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
"Th-that's...not okay, Frank..." Jess replies, turning back to him at his offhanded Punisher explanation. "You can't just do bodily harm to--I mean you're a police officer, I don't have to tell you this!"

Frank Quaid has posed:
Frank pulls out a chair and gestures an invite to Jess.

"Nope. But when did that matter? I'm not like you, Jess. I got this," he points to his nose. Frank seems suddenly a lot more sober. "Trying to arrest a vampire. Lucky she didn't kill me, cause she found me useful. Punisher didn't kill me, because he found me useful. It's just a matter of time before I piss off the wrong people and I'm not useful. In a world of mutants and metas, guys like me have a shelf life. Know how I got my last promotion?"

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
Shaking her head, Jess crosses her arms defensively against the idea of Frank's shelf life, but she takes the seat that Frank offered. "Tell me about your last promotion..." she says tentatively, still clearly turning something else over in her head. "Also, I'm gonna need the name of that vampire..."

Frank Quaid has posed:
"Selene, but leave her alone. She also gave me a full dossier on vampires and werewolves. Two things I didn't even know existed," Frank says with a finger wave. Not that sober yet.

"Captain Norm McIntosh, rest his bones. Died when the emergency command centre was overrun by mushrooms. Before him? Captain George Inkstrom. Died when a mutant threw fireballs into his car with him in it for leading an investigation into trafficking young mutant girls. As a warning. The last four have either died or medically retired before they made retirement or Deputy Commissioner."

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
Jessica's expression becomes increasingly veiled as Frank talks about those before him. What happened to them. What became of them. She shakes her head, subconsciously, with increasing intensity.

"THAT is not going to happen to you. I refuse to let it. If I have to--" What? Wrap him in bubble wrap? Keep him in the armoir for safekeeping? Her head-shaking slows to a resigned shrug and a sigh. "Frank, your job is dangerous. I am not going to lie and say I don't know that. MY job is dangerous, and there's always someone out there stronger or more powerful than I am. I meet them all the time. There's no guarantee either of us will survive till morning. All I ask is that you don't take unnecessary risks, and let me help where I can. I don't care if I'm not working for the force yet, or not. I'm your partner in this, wherever it goes. And you're never going to be without that."

Frank Quaid has posed:
Frank peers at Jess and then chuckles.

"Don't get you at all. Hard read," he says with a wry smile. "But I'll take all the guardian angels I can get. That's sweet of you. Nice to know I've got someone like you in my corner."

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
"All you need to know is that I'm fiercely protective, and fiercely loyal." Jess rises quietly and looks around the room. "You're safe...and you need some rest. You need to get some sleep. I'll nab your keys from Jimmy and bring them by early." She reaches out and rests a hand on Frank's shoulder. "Don't fret anything. It's gonna be all right. I promise." She gives his shoulder a squeeze, and she smiles, then lets herself out of his apartment with a small raised hand-wave as she shuts the door.