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Latest revision as of 00:05, 14 August 2019

Sick Stick Skills, Birds!
Date of Scene: 23 June 2019
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Fiona Glenanne, Huntress

Fiona Glenanne has posed:
The Birds HQ is oddly quiet just right now, aside from the ticking of timers, and small controlled explosions as Fiona's practising making herself small bombs Her little area's stren with gadgets....well 'little area' is more a Santa's Workshop type deal. She's looking enthusiastic and excited....and given she's got a firing range near her, she's got a few guns that are stripped down on the benches too. She's currently teasing open a cellphone to see if she can turn it into something useful. Fi's adopted an 'open door' policy. She's happy to see visitors, and she expects them. She's even got a games console hooked up to a TV in her little part of the HQ. She's thought of everything....including a soda machine and a snack machine, too....that don't need money. Hooray for scavenging!

Huntress has posed:
Open doors are great. That means people like Huntress can just walk right in when they get the notion to. Though she doesn't get two steps before having to sidestep one of the tables of assorted things and then just stop to admire the sheer collection of doodads and thingmajigs. "Someone's already gotten in and busy it seems."

Fiona Glenanne has posed:
Fiona has, indeed. She's taken this little area /over/ and waves. "Hey what's up?" she asks and digs in the junk pile, pulling out several folding chairs. "Take a seat, please. What can I do for ya?" she asks then cocks her head. "You are? I'm Fiona" she says and clears a space on a table...mostly by shoving things in her pockets...then offers a hand, while her other hand is prising the battery out of the phone she's working on. "So what's up?" she asks moving to reveal the soda machine. True, it's behind a junk pile. But....Fi can clear a path if needed. Still....Fi's planning to move those machines anyhow. Restocking them's a pain. She may just see about talking to Babs and setting up a proper cafeteria area at some point...because she is so done storing her sandwiches in the junk pile. Still, she grins and looks amused.

Huntress has posed:
"Just a moment." She has to turn slightly and sidestep between piles of things to get past. And make sure nothing gets snagged on anything. Then glances back at the stack of nicknacks once more. How does someone accumilate so much stuff so quickly? Finally she turns to the other lady and accepts the offered hand for a brief shake, if only to not disrupt the work. "I'm known as Huntress." Forgive her, she's so use to just going by the 'made-up names' and being wary of her identity that it's become default. Likely doesn't realize it half the time.

She glances at one of the unfolding chairs, as if scrutinizing that it's clean. And not boobytrapped in some way. "You're some kind of tinkerer I take it?"

Fiona Glenanne has posed:
"I'm a tinkerer, yes. I'm making your gadgets and gear. And guns. And things that go boom" she says tossing a grenade casually down the firing range as she speaks. It's a dummy grenade that goes pop, but she's talking and looks amused. "To be fair I brought most of this with me. Huntress huh. Nice name" she grins and looks to the chair, turning it over to show it's not a trap chair and wipes it off with a (amazingkt clean) cloth. "See, it's not gonna kill you" Fi says in a New York accent. "So what can I do for ya? Answer questions, make stuff, fix up your gear, teach you things....or get paid to blow things up?" Fi asks with a wink. "That's not all I do but....it's the tip of it all ya know?" she adds with a wide grin.

Huntress has posed:
To her credit the woman doesn't flinch when a grenade is tossed across the room. She's probably seen bigger and worse things thrown around a fight. When it just pops as a test she's a little amused, more in thinking of how a few other people she knows would of been diving for cover immeadiately. Then turns her attention back to Fiona. "Oh?" Huntress sits on the clearly not trapped chair and leans back a little, crossing one leg over the other like a polite and proper lady might. Not that she's either when she doesn't need to be. "Guns are one thing. Know anything about crossbows?"

Fiona Glenanne has posed:
"Yep" Fi nods. "What can I do for ya?" she asks with her Irish accent out now, as she looks amused. "I'm the gadgeteer, explosives girl and so on here. Plus I make a mean field agent. So" Fi nods with a smirk. "Ya like my grenades? I whipped them up to teach people how to throw 'em" she asks and looks amused, then clears half a table off for the Huntress to use. See, she's nice nd kind and all that fun stuf....as Fiona simply moves the junk pile by the vending machines. There's a path to them now....as Fiona looks amused then worried for a second. She's impressed though Huntress didn't dive for cover. That wins points in Fi's book.

Huntress has posed:
"Heh. Yeah, people seem to think you can just pull the pin and throw. Not quite that simple. Especially if you're dealing with smoke grenades. Got to make sure it doesn't blow back in your eyes or something, you know?" Huntress grabs her specialized pistol-sized crossbow and unlatchs it from her gauntlet, the arms springing out into position to pull the line taunt as part of the release. Leans forward to set it on the table in front of Fiona, and sits back in her chair, letting one arm lean folded across the back. "Well then, miss gadgeteer, tell me what -you- think." She wants to see what this gal really knows.

Fiona Glenanne has posed:
Fiona examines the crossbow with a grin, looking impressed. "That's a custom built crossbow, it's specially designed for your gauntlets and you have it calibrated for your needs. Now, I like the engineering. Do you mind if I take it apart or...?" she asks gently looking thoughtful for a moment. "If I can get schematics, I could probably see about making more of these, and stockpiling weapons and ammunition for it. It'd definitely help I feel" Fi nods and sets the crossbow back on the table. Fiona's practical, very, very practical" she says and looks pleased with the crossbow. Sitting on a folding chair, Fiona looks interested then pleased more as she studies Huntress.

Huntress has posed:
Huntress watches Fiona inspect the mini-crossbow with her own subtle hint of amusement. It's like setting a new project down in front of the few students Helena has had that really do want to learn new things. At the comment on custom built she shrugs a shoulder a little. "I have connections... Unfortunately they're not always very readily available ones." Or cheap, she thinks to herself. Even if she's distanced herself from most of the 'family' there's still people that can get eyes on her finances and might raise a brow or two if she got too frivilous.

Once Fiona is finished she picks the weapon back up and recollapses it into it's holding spot. "I do have a couple of spares, I'll give you one of those to tinker with. And probably the design notes too." It makes barely more than a click as it's locked back into place. Then Huntress smirks a bit. "Think you could make explosive heads small enough to fit the bolt of one of these? Wouldn't be too powerful I know, but you never know when you need to blow the hinges off something or disable a gun emplacement."

Fiona Glenanne has posed:
Fi grins. "Sure, I can take a look at it" she says. "You got a bolt for me to take apart? I can whip up explosive bolts all the way along if you need more power" she adds and looks pleased, then smiles. "So what's up with you, Huntress?" she asks and pushes the frame of a pistol off to the side. "I'm curious about all you people" she nods sagely and looks around. "Wherever everyone else is. You want me to make anything just say and I'll make it" she nods. "I can teach you a few things as well, if you ever need to brush up on your skills" Fi grins.

Huntress has posed:
Huntress slips one of the specialized bolts for the mini-crossbow out of her quiver and flicks it on the table. "Not much room in those, but you could probably hollow shaft a regular sized one. I do have a full-sized crossbow for... bigger problems, let's say." Best way to put it. "Forgive me Fiona if I don't answer too many personal details. Nothing personal, I've just learned a need to be very guarded about some things over my career. Don't want to put you or the rest of the group in more undue risk than we already have to deal with."

Fiona Glenanne has posed:
"Way ahead of ya" Fiona says. "I was already going to hollow out a regular bolt and pack it full of explosive that detonates on impact. Ah no wories. I" Fiona said. "Learned the same deal too, so I understand ya" she grins. "See, hollow out a bolt. THen fill it full of explosive and there we go" Fiona adds and grins. "You know where to find me. Still, I like our group and this place. It's pretty handy really" Fi admits with a nod, digging through junk again.

Huntress has posed:
Huntress is reassured by the understanding. "There's personal issues I don't wish to burden everyone else with, is all. But those 'issues' could find a way to get to me through the rest of you... That's what I would rather avoid." She at least explains why she doesn't want to say too much. That's more than a certain bat-themed hero might give you. "And if you ever need help testing stuff out," she adds with a nod towards the range, "Feel free to ask. Crossbows are my specialty but I do know how to handle guns and such. They're just... messy. Loud and dead giveaways."

Fiona Glenanne has posed:
FIona nods and looks uneasy. "Yeah that's how I got involved with you guys to start with. Old 'friends'" she says doing the air quote thing, "Found me. You guys got me outta there. So thanks." she says then laughs. "You know I've never used crossbows really. I prefer guns and bombs" she says with a knowing grin.

Huntress has posed:
"Sometimes you do need to make a lot of noise," Huntress replies with a bit of a smirk. "But I was trained specifically in 'stealthy' weapons. That and it's easier to leave someone hurt but alive so they can be pumped for information when I can put a precision shot in their shoulder or knee to disable them." Her dark hair sways a little with a shake of her head. "And dead men don't answer for their crimes."

Fiona Glenanne has posed:
Fiona shakes her head and looks unimpressed, "My first reaction is to shoot or blow them up. Because sometimes..." Fi grins. "You got to send a message, right?" she asks and looks unimpressed at 'stealth'. To her stealth is waiting to blow something up. Then again her default reaction is....to detonate and/or shoot immediately. Fi was raised a certain way. ""Though you're right. But by the same token, why bother with a precision shot. Just tranq the fuckers" Fi grunts and digs through a junk pile, retreiving what looks like, oddly enough, the trunk of a car.

Huntress has posed:
Huntress almost replies, but stops herself. Her initial thought is... not the best way to phrase it. 'Because a tranquilizer doesn't HURT enough' isn't really a good answer. Fortunately she's quick to think of better explaination than that, as true as it would be for her. "A tranq's effectiveness can be affected by the target's size and body mass, or other 'things' they may have in their blood stream, and tend to not get through armor very well." She shrugs a little. "Doesn't matter if they're still awake if they can't move a leg to get to you or work a weapon because you crippled their arm, does it?"

But then she looks off thoughtfully for a moment, cusping a hand to her chin. "Though if you think of a way to put a tranq in a bolt while preserving it's puncturing potential, that last one might not be such a big issue..."

Fiona Glenanne has posed:
Fi shrugs. "I could" Fi nods. "At least explore the possibility. I have an idea how to o it. I was thinking tranq bullets and...higher velocity and more tranq in the bullet" she shrugs and sets about organizing junk on her table. "Check back with me in a few days, Huntress. Oh and tell everyone else my door's open. And I got a firing range for us, too." she says and dives, elbows deep, into a pile of parts.