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A human, a super, and a 'yote girl walk into a bar...
Date of Scene: 17 June 2019
Location: Central Park, Manhattan
Synopsis: In which there is a bank robbery, Omnis speeds into to save the day, Mercy's bad luck is deadly, and Darcy orders everyone around. Or Darcy is scary when blood splattered.
Cast of Characters: Darcy Lewis, Omnis, Mercy Thompson

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Midday lunch rush. Darcy had stepped out of the office to check on a warehouse across town. Now, on her way back (in a company car! WOOT! Driving privilges returned!) Darcy stops for a bite to eat. There's a food truck with the best hoogies this side of the Hudson. She's just tucking into her deliciousness when... a bank across the street has one wall go boom.

Like most people on the street, Darcy jumps, fumbling her plate and dropping her food.

Unlike most people on the street, who run and scatter, she looks over at the explosion and calls it in... while walking TOWARD the building just as a man in a business suit and a horrible plastic mask of President Obama steps out of the hole in the wall; bag of cash in one hand, rifle in the other. President Lincoln is close on his heels.

"I am not shitting you, Dispatch. Two dead fucking presidents just walked out of the bank. Imma clear civies. You make sure NYPD's enroute," Darcy says into her phone.

Omnis has posed:
The explosion was their first mistake. I mean, who misses an explosion? A town like this hardly seems like a good place to make an explosion. Their mistake. Running across rooftops to do deliveries, Kally is already dressed for the job. Omnis to the rescue! She drops the delivery off by an AC unit on top of a building and then leaps off the roof and lightly lands her feet on a ledge of a building heading toward the bank. She leaps off the ledge and does a flip right unto another.

Her aerial acrobatics have her moving from one building to the next till she is right above the bank and goes just a bit past it. She runs for the building across from the bank, leaping to it and then landing on it in a sideways crouch, using just a bit of her ability to sorta fly to hold herself against the wall a moment before she pushes off, causing the a slight cracking in the smooth plaster as she hits the ground right in front of where the robbers are coming out with both hands, doing a flip off a hand stand to land right on her feet facing the robbers.

"Fear not! I am here!" Omnis proclaims as she puts both hands on her hips and points at the robbers, "I'd recommend dropping everything and then yourselves to the ground." Her blue dark aura flows around her form and teh whole area for 20 feet around gets around 15 degrees colder as she stares down the robbers, "Well, what'll it be?"

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy's used to weird things going on. She's also on her way back to her garage with a fresh box of .444 Marlin rifle ammo, and her .444 Marlin rifle in her hands. She'd just taken it to be cleaned, and serviced....when /that/ happened. She sighs and has called 911. Somewhere, she just knows her dad, tje trickster god Coyote, is laughing. Mercy slides behind a car for cover. She's not wanting to pick a fight with six robbers. Unless there's seven of her side. Still she's wanting to test out the new rifle....and ..has called 9-1-1. She gets a gun aimedat her. She raises her .444 rifle and snaps off a shot. The scream of pain and grunts of whatever the .444 round went through.....let Mercy know she got a hit.

She gets priority target and the car she's hidden behind gets turned into Swiss cheese. Amusingly, 'none/ of the bullets hit Mercy, though several mannequins in the clothing store sustain fatal wounds to the store's ego and fashion line. Mercy's pinned down but she shoots again, hearing a yell of pain and runs for it, getting behind another car. She's not caring if cars get shot up as long as she's alright. She's so far put one bullet (and she's smart enough to aim the rifle downwards) bullet in a downward trajectory from a shoulder. It goes shoulder, ribs, bounces around, exits out the back and then...in a move that has even Mercy cringe and because physics is a mean bitch like that, enters and exits out the groin of one particularly unfortunate robber.

That bullet then ends up in the money bag said groin shot robber's holding. Which gets dropped. Which sets off a dye pack. Which alerts /everyone/ to where that robber's at. Not like it wasn't obvious either.....Mercy's just doing her 'trouble magnet' thing....

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Omni's appearance is a shock to the robbers. They must be from out of town. They start to lift their rifles to fire at her when one of the now four of six total who made it out of the building screams and falls to the ground followed quickly by two others. The fourth just sprays gunfire in Omni' and Mercy's general direction, shouting for his companians to back up and retreating himself.

"Shots fired," Darcy calls out into her phone, tossing herself at a little boy, tackling him to the ground and covering him with her body as gunfire rips through the air. With the spray of bullets from the startled robbers, who are now retreating back into the bank, several civilians drop and Darcy shoves the kid down behind a car again.

"Stay down!" she yells at him, putting her phone on speaker and then shoving it down her shirt. Fastest hands-free option she's got right now. She looks about the scene that's errupted into more chaos.

"Civilians down. Make sure there are EMTs. Need an ETA on the blue," Darcy is saying vaguely toward her cleavage, getting up into a crouch now that the boy is staying down.

Omnis has posed:
A gasp as fire starts out and Omnis immediately puts her arms up. She grumbles as she is shot and the bullets will likely leave a bruise here or there but they are not getting into her. She uses her amazing speed to move right up on the first guy still up and whips her hand up with a quick strike right for his arm.

She's fast, impressively so, but she isn't bullet fast so she needs this to stop. "Stop firing!" She yells out as she then races inside. The two that haven't made it out yet will suddenly have Omnis in their face and her eyes are focused on them a moment before she'll simply raise a quick hand and attempt a quick double slap that would have the force of getting smacked by a brick.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy stays put then hits the deck as the robbers retreat. Mercy recognizes the aura and is looking for ghosts as she slowly comes out from behind the car, still clutching her rifle. Her foster father would be proud.

Mercy looks around, with a nod to Kally then a look around again. Mercy's fully willing to cooperate with New York's finest.....to a point, really....

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Just inside the hole, Omnis catches the first of the remaining three robbers. He falls to her quickly. The remaining two, still retreating, fire are her again, stopping when she's in their face and beating them down. They're no match, and fall quickly. As suddenly as it began, the incident is over.

Outside, Darcy saw where the fire from the civilian side came from and how it had made one of the robbers open fire. Put instead of bitching about it now, she's rushing to one of the fallen hand pressing down on the wound to try to stem the bleeding.

"Hi. My name's Darcy. Help's on the way. Just try to stay calm and awake for me, okay?" she's telling the first wounded, eyes already looking up. Hmm.. that woman with the rifle. Best way to get her to stay put is to make her hold this wound.

"Hey! You! With the rifle. Come here and put pressure on this. I need to check the next one," Darcy tells Mercy.

Omnis has posed:
Though only visible to herself and Mercy (likely), there are a few ghosts that are peeking out, staring at the various things going on. To most, she's not Kally due to the mask she wears. She's Omnis. She comes out and looks around before noticing those that are down and racing over. She looks at the various robbers and frowns at the one that is dead before she sighs.

She looks up to see where the other shooter was and notes Mercy, her face going a little neutral at that before she turns and runs over to check on another fallen civilian. She starts looking at people more directly glancing from person to person, "Hey! Anyone who has medical knowledge, this person is dying." She comes upon a woman who was shot, leaning down to check her over. She can see death. S he knows this woman doesn't have long without help.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy does, indeed go over and start helping out....though she's no medic. She's simply doing what she's told, after all and what she's picked up from her family. Glancing around, Mercy watches Darcy, "You want me to help with this hurt guy?" Mercy asks, "Okay but I'll need to put my rifle somewhere. I don't like getting blood on my coveralls" she adds but does put a hand on the wound, looking to Darcy for instructions. Werewolves heal quick. These guys.....if she's being asked to chip in with medical help.....don't heal quickly. Still, Mercy's willing to help, she did after all shoot at the robbers. She did her thing, now she's helping

Looking from Darcy to the building, Mercy fixes her eyes on the wound then spots ghosts, then Kally again. Great, ghosts get to join in too? Mercy looks amused then back to the wound, gesturing for something to help with.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
"I don't give a fuck about your gun. Get your ass here and put pressure on the wound," Darcy all but growls at Mercy, and when the woman's doing as told, Darcy rushes to Omnis.

"I'm CPR Certified, and you're fast. Go into the bank and find me a First Aid kit and an AED. They should be next to each other," she's saying while listening to the chatter from her phone.

"Units enroute. PD's eta 3 minutes. EMT eta 5minutes," the voice is saying. She's in a business suit herself, but seems to not care that the white of her blouse is turning red or that she's skinning her knees on the asphalt. Away from Mercy, Darcy tucks her chin down to put her lips closer to the mic of her phone.

"A civilian open fired on the robbers. There's a speed-meta here, helping. Don't think the robbers were metas," she's saying in a low voice while she's getting pressure applied to the wound and checking for breathing.

"Dispatch, if you've got a med team by a quin that can bit NYEMT, do it. I've got a red on my hands," she says as the woman she took over for from the meta is not completely responding, though is still mostly conscious.

Omnis has posed:
"Got ya, be right back." She whips away with incredible speed. It's not quite blink fast but it's close. She stops near the entrance though and looks at someone or something. It's unclear who's she's talking to. Well, unclear to everyone except Mercy. An old, grizzled guard, transparent with a gunshot wound in his chest, is pointing the way. She then disappears again in a burst of speed.

She's back with alacrity and comes to a halt next to Darcy and drops it off, "Here you go, I'm Omnis by the way. I can...best way to put it is I can see if someone is dying." She nods her head and looks around, "No one is as bad off as that one over there and this one." She looks back at the bank, "Well, except for the man that died." She nods her head and there's genunine pain in her voice.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy keeps on applying pressure on the wound and looks worried listening to what was going on....as she looks more and more worried. Shaking her head at them all. Shaking her head, Mercy notices the ghosts but doesn't say a word, instead she's carrying on doing what she's told. Obedient 'yote and then some, that Mercy.

She glances down to note blood on her fingers and shivers, not a fan of that really.....as she sighs, not a fan of having to wipe blood off of her hands really.....she'll take one long long scrub later, but....but....Mercy's slightly ick about having blood on her fingers.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
"Darcy Lewis," Darcy replies to Omnis just as sirens can be heard and her 'comms' call out: "Airmed enroute. ETA 2 minutes."

"Aknowledged," Darcy says , eyes lifting to Omnis. She heard the remorse, but there just isn't time to dwell on that right now, so she doesn't.
"Go to the other, find the wound, put pressure. If person isn't breathing, we'll have to switch," Darcy tells her, then returns her focus on just trying to stop bloodloss. The first of the police arrive, clearing the bank and securiting the area. When an officer arrives, she glances up.

"Agent Lewis, SHIELD. Airmedic enroute. NYEMT behind them by four. Civilian shooter is with the yellow fifty feet to my left and behind. One meta, Omnis, helping me. Thre's a black somewhere," she tells the police officer, who nods and starts relaying on his radio while over head the sound of engines can be heard. After that, it doesn't take long for the scene to be locked down, and each of the three - Mercy, kally, and Darcy - to be cleared to step away. Omnis's left alone, because Hero. Darcy's left alone because SHIELD. Mercy? Mercy has Darcy all but stalking up to her and trying to latch onto her elbow.

"Care to explain to me why you open fired before you get hauled downtown or after?" she's saying to Mercy.

Omnis has posed:
Looking at the situation, Omnis goes to speak to the authorities about what she knows. She'll probably catch up with the other two later but for now, she's staying out of that little scuffle. This is kinda out of her wheelhouse to a degree.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy grits her teeth, "I had a gun aimed at me. I was in fear for my life so I shot in self defense" Mercy all but growls, "I shot to save my life" she says and stays put, watching them all, Mercy can see the ghosts as she's keenly aware of what's gone on. She's shot somebody, and the cops want to know why. Mercy shakes her head. "I was coming back with my gun. I'd just had it serviced.....and the bank robbery was happening. I got behind a car and the robbers saw me. I had a gun pointed at me so I fired" Mercy explains softly.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
"You shot... three of them. Killed one, and caused another to open fire on a group of civilians. Did you realize that?" Darcy continues, her hand coming away from Mercy's elbow so she can accept the wipees from an EMT to clean up with. She offers one to Mercy as well.

"Look, I get self-defense, but a lot of people got hurt today."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy pales, "That wasn't my intention. I shot one bullet" Mercy says quietly looking worried. "I never wanted anyone to get hurt though. It was self defense and I didn't know one of the people had died" Mercy adds and accepts the wipe, nodding a thanks to the EMT...then she sighs. "Look, you get self defense, right? I'm upset people got hurt..." Mercy tails off.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Darcy watches Mercy, nodding.

"I do. Make sure you tell the cops all of that, give them the gun, and cooperate with whatever they need you to do, alright?" Darcy says, head tipping to the side. "Because I really don't want to have to get more involved in this than I already am," she adds as the phone in her ear tells her that she needs to get back to HQ. Nodding at an officer, Darcy turns, allows herself a second to mourn the loss of her hoogie, and then turns to get into the SHIELD car and drive away.