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Even Sam has chores.
Date of Scene: 17 June 2019
Location: Rec Room - Xavier's School
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Cannonball, Mila Mitchell

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie is here in the Rec room cleaning up. He has already did the vacumming as it is in the corner, now he is over at the bar area. He makes sure al the glasses are cleaned and has a tablet besides him making some notes on what needs to be restocked.

Mila Mitchell has posed:
"I had a rough week. I needed recreation," says Mila's voice from off-screen, while on-screen, Mila walks with her mouth shut, her hands in her pockets and her head sunk between her shoulders. "And what better place to get some recreation than the conveniently designated room with that word in the name? Being the smart cookie I am, I had put two and two together, and ended up with this room. ...And the number four. Look, it's advanced mathematics, okay?"

Once in, she starts surveying her surroundings.

"I started to survey my surroundings. Couches. CD players. Videogames. A game of Supermanio Bros would be really nice right now. A VHS VCRs. Either we have funding issues, or some archeologist dropped their relics in our conveniently designated room. Bar. Probably brimming with non-alcoholic beverages /or/ age-restricted. Guy doing chores. That looks like no fun."

She blinks and her face tenses. She turns and dashed for the door, "It was right then that I realized two things. One, I was definitely not in the mood for chores, and being spotted by someone doing chores, well, is a sure way to be assigned chores. No matter what words the conveniently designated room you're in has in its name. Second, it was a horrible moment to have a sonic-like power you can't control that turns your subconscious feelings into a voiceover everyone else in the room can hear."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie chuckles a bit and says "It is ok Mila, your not on the list for Rec room duty, you have to be here at least a month before you get this one. Make sure you have had a chance to be a gross little monster, before ya realize all your classmates and half the teachers are too." He offers her a smile and says "Mind if Ah ask you an honest question Mila?" He will moving to wipe the bar down looking all the world like a bartender for a few.

Mila Mitchell has posed:
Mila Mitchell hesitates a moment. Her voiceover, audible by anyone in the room, kicks in again, "Of course I did. But social norms demand you say yes in this circumstance. That is the way things are supposed to be, aren't they. Growth, they say, comes through tribulations. Per Aspera Ad Astra, the ancient ones would say-"

While the voiceover rambles on, Mila closes her eyes and bites her lower lip. She breathes in. Then out. In. Out. With each breath, the volume of the voiceover decreases, until it disappears completely.

Three or four breathes later, just for good measure, Mila says "There," quiet, firm. And opens her eyes again. "...sorry, that... that sort of thing tends to happen when I'm nervous, or stressed." She gulps. "...please go ahead. Pay no attention to the voices in my head outside my head."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smiles and pours her a soda of the type she drank with the pizzas the previous day and says "With time it gets easier, one of my best friends used to have a problem sorta similar, but she pulled visions of peoples worst fears from their heads and showed everyone. If she was to excited, or even sometimes concerned she could trigger it on accident." He tells the younger girl. "So, honest question time. If your outter monologue says something and we can tell you something we think will put you at ease do you prefer we tell you or pretend we didn't hear it and let you find it out the slower way?"

Mila Mitchell has posed:
Mila Mitchell looks away. Shifts in her seat. Looks the other way. "I... I honestly don't know," she finally admits, finger running around the rim of the soda glass her gaze is currently averted from. "...just ...just do whatever you think is best. On one hand, I don't like to be an attention hog. On the other hand..."

More awkward silence. She bites her lower lip again

"...you can just come after the fact," she says, "and put a nice word in? A card? Chocolate would be nice."

"And pizza would be even better," added the voiceover.

Mila points up, a direction as good as any other for representing the invisible source of the voice. "...or that."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie chuckles and does not seem to be making fun of her, and says "How about if Ah show ya something. he takes a picture off the wall that shows the first class of new mutants "That there, that's me, and no they are not lee press on ears, and no Ah don't flap them to fly like Dumbo or need a magic feather." He offers her a grin "When that picture was taken, Ah was just learning to control my powers, and could not turn for nothing. Ah used to be the one who thought, Ah would never get better, why are all the others improving and Ah aint. Now, Ah can do pretty good turns, only crash into things when Ah mean to or someone blinds me." He comments on an incident yesterday. It may take you time, but you will get better, and there will be times when it will probably be tough for you and for others around you. Do not give up, you can do it, and we will help you. We are a family here, brothers and sisters and we fight like any other family but we also protect one another like a family.

Mila Mitchell has posed:
Mila Mitchell keeps her gaze leveled at Samuel for the whole duration of the speech. With the obvious exception of when the photo is pointed at, at which point, of course, she will look at the picture. Returning to watch the man who speaks to her, she keeps silent, but the look of admiration in her eyes grows by the second.

When Samuel is done speaking, she lets a few seconds more pass, at which point, she will finally utter the words, "...you can fly?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods his head, and says "Yea, ah form a blast field around me, and anything ah am carrying and me are pretty much invulnerable while I am blasting. Ah blast through the air sorta like well a cannonball. If you want Ah can take ya up sometime, so you can see what it is like, long as your ok with either me carrying you or riding on my back piggy back style.

Mila Mitchell has posed:
Mila Mitchell says, "Sign me up for that! Flying is... well, at least /that/ is a cool power to have. Like, you can..." She rotates one hand, as if looking for words. "...fly. In the sky. That's nifty." She smiles awkwardly. "Maybe I can provide the in-flight entertainment. Music only, I'm afraid. I can't do movies."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smiles at her, and says "Odd question do you actually have any interest in playing music or singing or such? If so Ah know we have a couple students who have some interest, and Ah am working on getting us a kick butt music teacher, who actually might find your power to be amazing." He offers her a smile, and seems sincere. "Ok, so when ya want to fly air Guthrie?

Mila Mitchell has posed:
Mila Mitchell looks away again, but this time she smiles, at least. "Well, yeah, I kind of dabbled in a few bands in high school and... it'd be cool to... y'know, jam a little and stuff." She tries, but fails to stifle a laughter at Smuel's last joke. She smiles and assumes a professional stance.

"Ding-dong! Welcome to Air Guthrie's pre-flight safety demonstration," kicks in an invisible PA system. Mila looks amused enough that it is relatively obvious she's doing this on purpose now. She even strikes little flight attendant poses to go with each sentence. "Once we are done delivering this presentation, as per legally binding contractual agreement, we no longer are responsible if you mess up in case of emergency, and end up strangling yourself with the oxygen mask. Sure, look all smug, ignore the flight attendants, laugh your butt off when we recommend you review the safety instructions we've helpfully tucked into the little net pocket thingy stuck to the seat in front of yours. You all do. But we know how things are. It's just like when you click 'I AGREE' on the internet. And why do I get to be this smug with paying customers? Because you people aren't paying attention to this! Were you even paying attention? Well, I suppose not..."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie chuckles a bit more with her, and says "About right, buy luckily with Air Guthrie even if we crash you walk away pretty much unhurt." He will add "So, tell me what would you like to study here besides of course your powers, as we are an actual school and do try to help with education and all that. Ah am working on my own college courses been taking mostly filler classes this past year, but think I have it all set for an actual major now. If we don't have teachers for what your interested in, we can arrange internet classes or when your ready get you to a regular college.

Mila Mitchell has posed:
The PA system cuts out, and Mila resumes, "Er... to be honest, I haven't really thought about it. I... I suppose I'll take some basics here and there, dabble in experimentality, and... uhm... how long do I have before I decide my major again?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "Well if your not sure, Ah took my first year to take classes that were pretty much needed in all the degrees. You can get your basic maths, english and such while your thinking about what you want to do. Ah ended up working on some Astronomy and minoring in english and maybe phsyics."