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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2019/06/17 |Location=Westchester, The Bronx |Synopsis=Summary needed |Cast of Characters=8130,54 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:8130|Pipp...")
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Latest revision as of 00:18, 14 August 2019

Checking Up on the Pooch
Date of Scene: 17 June 2019
Location: Westchester, The Bronx
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Pippi, Red Robin

Pippi has posed:
    Things have changed somewhat drastically for the mutant. She's moved from the parking garage to a different area of The Bronx, and has been dwelling in the top of an old martial arts studeo in a hidden apartment, typically leaving by the window (or side door, after the dojo's closed) in the company of the white fox Alopex.

    The red-and-white mutt mutant had spent some of the day inside the apartment, making sure it was cleaned. Things had been moved -- not that she'd had a lot of items to move around -- and as the late afternoon was setting in, she grabbed her backpack, slung it over her shoulders, and made her way out the window and into the alleyway, coming out on the fire escape.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drakeis sitting on a top of the fire escape, and says "Well hello there." He says out of the darkness "Found a new place to live?" he will ask her. The young man is perched on the ladder of the fire escape ready to dodge out of the way if she reacts badly.

Pippi has posed:
    Pippi gives a start, her lips curling back and giving a growl until she recognizes the scent. Mid-way through the breath backs up, and she gives an exhale that makes her lips vibrate and she sticks out her tongue at the figure sitting above her.

    She is notably no longer not wearing clothing. She's wearing a gray I <3 NY tee and a pair of denim cut-offs, but her tail gives a sweep of a wag at recognition.

    "I've been living with Alope-- how'd you find us?" she begins in a friendly manner, but ends with a question, her ears drawing up as her tail stops wagging.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake smiles and says "Well, I could go with the whole I work for batman, and that would be enough answer for most, but since I have been keeping an eye on you and you have been doing well. You may want to look into the base of the little lady liberty statue you have." He will tell her. An item I put on you a while back to make sure you were up to no good. It tracked ya back to here, and fell off a while back. It is in the trash can down stairs still working so I figure it must have gotten swept up with some trash."

Pippi has posed:
    Pippi just sort of blinks, and she looks horribly embarrassed a moment, rubbing the back of her head. "It glows in the dark." she states of the little Lady Liberty statue, and she gives a huff of a breath, then glances down into the alleyway.

    "Don't let Alopex know you tracked me, she'll be mad." she adds on, and thenr eaches over to shut the window she just came out of.

    "And... and Batman's a good guy, right?" she trails off, not sure, her tail curling slightly as she looks up to Red Robin. "An' not with The Shredder, right?"

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake 's brow raises and says "The Shredder?" No, sounds like someone who is not on the right side of things. Batman is a good guy part of the Justice League and all. As long as your not hurting folks, or doing bad things in Gotham you don't have to worry about Batman too much, if you do well, there is a reason criminals fear the bat.

Pippi has posed:
    "All right." Pipi states, and she shakes her head. "Nah-uh. Alopex an' Cody made it really clear that we're not supposed to hurt folks, but it's OK to protect the ones who can't protect themselves... I'm still workin' on that part." she admits embarrassedly, but looks up friendily enough to the Gotham Superhero above her, and she gives a small shrug. "I've never left New York, sooooo probably won't run into the Batman. He's not like me, is he? Like... a man-bat? A bat with hands? Would that be Manhands instead of Batman?" she questions, one thought leading to another.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake shakes his head and says "No, that would be man-bat." He will smile and says "And no, I am not joking, is a guy change between the anthropomorphic bat and a normal guy, not under his own control most of the times. And most of the times on the wrong side of the whole protecting people line. So your doing ok?" He will ask her filing away the two names she mentioned.

Pippi has posed:
    "I'm..." she trails off again,and her ears draw down. Her tail goes lax, and she goes to try and squeeze past Tim as she goes to the roof. "I'm ah-right." she mumbles, though her ears are back and down. "So anth... anthra... an-throw-poh-mor-fic, that's like me, right?"

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake nods and lets her go past him, but does follow her "Ok, so your not ok, what can I do to help? Have you called the people I suggested? And I think it is as close as a term as I know, not sure if it would be animal with humanistic parts or human with animalistic parts to be honest. But you seem a smart person who can choose good or bad, and think for yourself so in my book your people no matter what you look like.

Pippi has posed:
    The ears flick back in frustration at the suggestion she call people.

    She wrestles with things a moment, and then she sits down on the roof.

    "I... I don't think they can help. Not with this. An' Alopex would get mad if I started dragging others into it." she comes up with an excuse. "... but maybe she wouldn't get mad if I asked for advice?" she asks, her ears pricking up as she looks to the human. "An' I'm a dog. I got changed to be more human-y."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake will move to the edge of the roof and takes a seat, and says "I had the feeling about that from our last chatting a bit." He will smile at he, and says "Well as I said think your still people, so you have some questions about us funny furless ones?

Pippi has posed:
    "... I had a boy. And I'm going to find him once things settle down and I can be sure evil foot ninjas aren't going to follow me back to his house and make things hard!" Pippi replies half defensively, and she crosses her arms. "So you're not the funny ones. Dogs aren't supposed ta talk." she admits quietly, and she closes her eyes.

    And whens he opens them, she looks up to Red Robin.

    "Do you ever get afraid that you're not good enough?"

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake nods and says 'Yea it is part of the whole deeper thinking. You over think things at time, and worry, but you can also plan and see through people trying to deceive you more." He looks at her and says "I have never been an animal, but would think things are a lot more linear, good, bad, go with the feeling type of thing. Where once you become people you get the opposable thumbs you get the added things of worrying about things. I might be able to help you find your boy if ya want."

Pippi has posed:
    Pippi considers a moment.

    "No, it's just... Alopex has been helping me. She's so *smart* and has all these--" and Pippi imitates a few arm katas, "An' Cody's experienced with stuff and I'm just..." she frowns, and brings her hands up, trying to think of a good word, but it's not coming. "Dumb." she decides, is a good word. "And I want to be good, like 'Pex, and Cody, and Leonardo, and everyone who came in the alley that day 'cause they were worried about me... but if I go back to Nate, I'll have to be a regular dog again."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake hmms and says "Well I don't think the word is dumb it is more unexperienced, your new to things you have to have a chance to learn things. And you might be able to find a middle ground where you maybe able to visit him, and be his friend. With this form, you will probably have a chance to be around him longer if you are able to be around him.

Pippi has posed:
    Pippi considers that, and gives a slight nod. "If I can find him." she adds on, her ears flicking forward as she regards Red Robin, her tail giving a bit of a wag a moment.

    "So, you came all the way from Gotham to ask me how I was doin', and I've talked ears off!" she states, and points to Robin's head. "You don't even have ears now!"

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake smiles and says "They are there just hidden." he offers and says "I wanted to make sure you were ok, and figured it was time, I could take the tracker off, you had proved not to be a threat to people. I figured you deserved your privacy."

Pippi has posed:
    Pippi's ears prick up at the statement -- "A threat to people?" she questions, and... actually sounds hurt. She rubs the back of her head, and then brings a hand to her left ear, covering it a moment as she looks down to the roof.

    "... but, I thought --" she trails off, and her ears draw back. She hops up to a stand, and her tail hangs behind her as she side-eyes Tim, then gives a huf fof breath out through her nose.

    "Well, I guess that's that then?"

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake looks to her, and says "You seemed a good person the first time we met, but you have encountered people lieing and acting different than they really are haven't you.

Pippi has posed:
    Pippi keeps her eyes on Red Robin, and she hesitantly gives a nod. She ru bs her arm, her weight shifting from foot to foot, though her free hand forms a loose fist.

     "Humans lie." she replies, "All the time." she breathes out in a huff. "Well, I *am* a good mutant." she states, her head being brought up to her full, though short height.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake nods, and says "You have proven you have been so far, but do you mind if I give you a bit of advice?" He asks her still seeming relaxed

Pippi has posed:
    In spite ofh er own slight agitation and nervousness, Tim's keeping his cool, and the mutant gives a slight eye narrow, and she crouches back down, her amber eyes set on Red Robin.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake says, "You need to be good with yourself, and ok with how you think your doing. I can understand wanting people to say she is a good girl might be a bit of a hold over part of your old life, and you do seem to be, I can't say for sure, as we have not spent enough time together to make a for sure opinion just what it seems so far. But if you know your being the good girl you want to be thats the important part, thats the part you should hold to your heart."

Pippi has posed:
    Pippi b links at the statement that Red Robin makes, and she purses her lips a moment. It takes time for it to roll over in her head before she scratches the back of her neck as she weighs the words, and then gives a hesitant nod. "That... makes sense... I think?" she adds on.

    "Soooo... does that mean if I ever find myself fighting crime in Gotham, I should ask you to hang out?" she adds on, giving a sort of toothy grin.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake smiles and says "Well lets go more with if you find yourself fighting crime in Gotham you should give me a call." He will toss her a small disk with a RR on it. You know I said Batman is not someone good folks should fear, but he does get a bit territorial. I am sure you can understand that. So consider giving me a call sorta like the whole howling a greeting before going into another's territory.

Pippi has posed:
    "Howliiing...?" Pippi winces at Robin, but she does catch the disc. She looks at it a moment, then slips it into her backpack.

    "Well, yeah, I mean you don't walk into someone's house without wiping your feet on the mat." she gives a slight grin.

    "I don't think the Foot operate in Gotham, but I'll also tell my friends here that if they see you, you're all right." she smiles at him, and her tail gives a wag. "You might not see them though 'cause they're like, good guy ninjas."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake smiles and says "Ninja can be interesting." He says as he continues to be relaxed "So you have made some more friends that is good to hear as well."

Pippi has posed:
    Pippi gives a nod, and she's a bit more animated as she speaks:

    "Yeah! Ninja are interesting and they're scary but I tricked one yesterday because he can't smell as good as I can in the dark and I hid under a hissy-tube-thing" and Pippi brings her arms up, as if she's hiding, with her nose sticking out "that's been broken in this abandoned building and I was like," she drops her arms, and shifts her eyes around attempting to look serious, her ears going back and forth the whole time, "'okay gotta be really quiet and sneaky like to see if they know where they took agent' and he was like," she lifts her hand up as if she was looking at something "'oh no my friend's not replying to my radio call I've gotta get Jack before the fox eats him!' and then I followed them and then I listened in and had too get outta there because I was late to meet up with 'Pex and she worries about me a lot." Pippi grins slightly.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake hmms and says "So did you find where they had been keeping the person your looking for? Are you needing help, I have been known to be a bit sneaky at times.

Pippi has posed:
    "I... I don't know." Pippi stops her story. Her ears go back,a nd her tail goes limp. She rubs the back of her head a moment, her e yes drawing down. "You'd have to talk to Alopex, she..." she gives a slight whine of a sound. "I should go. She worries, and we're moving house again."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake nods his head, and says "Well if you need me you now have a way to contact me, and if I need you I will come looking." He tells her and says "Have a good one."

Pippi has posed:
    Pippi gives a nod, and then points at Red Robin. "Wait. Hold your right hand up."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake will raise a brow but holds out his right hand watching her.

Pippi has posed:
    "Promise you're not going to bug me again?" Pippi states, still pointing at Tim.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake smiles and says "Not without good reason." He tells her, being honest with her.

Pippi has posed:
    Pippi paues, and decides she can work with that. She gives a nod. "I'll work with that." she smiles, and rubs the back of her neck. "You be safe on your way back to Gotham. An'... an' I'll talk with 'Pex and see if we need any more sneaky types." she replies to him, before the canine turns, and makes a bolt for it, leaping over an alleyway with ease and beginning a trek across rooftops.