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Sentinels: A Conversation with Hank Pym, Take 2
Date of Scene: 17 June 2019
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Jessica visits Hank with a barrage of questions.
Cast of Characters: Ant-Man (Pym), Spider-Woman (Drew)

Ant-Man (Pym) has posed:
The situation in the Avenger's medical is much the same. The rules haven't changed. Pym doesn't even appear to have moved, though he probably did; the restroom door in the back of medical is open. He's sitting up more than he was, and he has a tablet, turned off, to one side of his lap. He isn't napping, looks more like he's counting ceiling tiles with his eyes.

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
Jessica's questions while visiting Dr. Hank Pym were met with answers that spurred still more questions. Unfortunately for her cause, Dr. Pym is an even bigger grump than usual, given his circumstances, and he sent her away just after opening the floodgates for her line of questioning. Poor Hank won't know what hit him, though, as Jessica returns to make good on her line of questioning. She looks more relaxed, dressed in jeans and a loose off-one-shoulder blue sweater with a white tanktop beneath, and brown boots beneath the jeans. There are no spiders today. Just Jessica. And a bag full of contraband snacks. And a whole head full of questions. She knocks lightly and enters the doorway. "Dr. Pym?"

Ant-Man (Pym) has posed:
"Good morning, Jessica," Dr. Pym answers, still looking at the ceiling for two more long moments, as if he needed a little bit to conclude his previous thought. He then lowers his head, and looks towards her with a relaxed, possibly bored manner. Healing is boring work.

"I like the casual look," he says, simply; perhaps it is his way to call out that he's aware she decided to drop the superhero approach with him. His eyes move to the bag, but he doesn't ask about it yet.

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
Jessica half-smiles, noting the cursory glance at her bag. "Thanks....I've got snacks....but I've also got a bacon cheeseburger. If you're interested." She moves to the chair and sets the bag into it. "You got me thinking...and I have more questions, if you're up to them, too." But she checks his water cup first and refills it, before unzipping the bag. "Anything appeal?"

Ant-Man (Pym) has posed:
"Did someone tell you that you needed to butter me up before asking me questions?" Hank asks, with a slight little smile to one side of his mouth, and a lift of both blonde eyebrows. "Janet maybe?" he guesses, resting one hand against the tablet next to him, though he doesn't do anything with it.

"What is it you want to ask about? The bribery isn't required." The scientists watches her, calm, though it's impossible to miss the analysis in his gaze.

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
"Nobody told me anything," Jessica replies. "I haven't heard from Janet in...weeks. Maybe months. I just thought maybe you wanted something real to eat. I feed people," she says with a smile. "It's sorta what I do." She gets out the burger and sets it, wrapped in paper, next to his water cup. "If you want something else, you're welcome to it. I even have Cheez-Its today." She smirks.

"Last night, before I left, you mentioned Dr. Walker - whose son might be named Sebastion. Our rogue prototype mentioned a son, as well, and I think perhaps that was who he named himself after. I'm a little worried, though. Can you tell me what happened with Dr. Walker? Did something befall her?"

Ant-Man (Pym) has posed:
"Ah. The power of Super Sustenance!" Dr. Pym replies, with a grandness to the new title, and a tired gesture of hand, as if hailing her highness. It's only mildly sarcastic. He looks at the burger but doesn't reach out or touch it at all, at first. He does pick up the water cup, now refilled, to have some of that, though. He makes no reply about Cheez-its.

"The last I saw of Wendy she was fine. I was in a coma after that, so I can't tell you much after we woke up Project 1." He yawns some, looking into his water as if inspecting it for dust.

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
"What happened when you woke up Sebast--Project 1? You all had trouble bringing him online. Did he malfunction? What did you have to do in order to wake him?" Jessica moves the bag to the floor and seats herself in the chair, seemingly mesmerized by the possibilities in every answer she seeks. "Anything we can learn might help us to figure out how to deal with him. I'm...very afraid, of what might happen if he made it to the Master Mold."

Ant-Man (Pym) has posed:
"No fries?" Dr. Pym asks, finally moving on the burger. There's only mild judgement there; he does seem to appreciate the burger, in his grumpy way. He pulls the tray towards himself, setting it over his lap, and tucks the tablet under part of a sheet, so that it doesn't get dripped on at all.

"I said the team, prior to bringing me in, had trouble," he specifies, with a finger directly lifted to point at her. His eyes are steely. "I looked at what they had done, and wasn't about to let that monstrosity come fully online. I'm not insane. I corrupted his launch sequence, to contain him."

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
Jessica's eyes go wide at the revelation. "You're the one who...But..." No, it's solid logic. It all makes sense. "Did they know that you did? Do you think that's why they put you in stasis?" Jessica's brow furrows, and she shakes her head. "I'm very afraid something has happened to Dr. Walker. She may have tried to protect Project 1 in some way, and gotten herself killed..." But those thoughts are for another time. "Do you believe that the ...humanity...of Sebastion...would survive, if the corruption were reversed?" She leans forward in earnest. "I want to save him. But his systems were going to fail..."

Ant-Man (Pym) has posed:
"This is a little complicated, so give me a little time," Hank says, with a teacher's patience. He needs to go through some material, so hold the questions. "Now. Dr. Walker - Wendy - is an old friend of mine. I think - no, I know -- that she was forced to cooperate in the first place. They might have had her son? Guesswork, here. I don't know her that well." Pym makes her wait while he has a bite of burger.

"Originally they asked me to just look at the thing. Wendy sent me some specs. Of course I came, they had something terrible there," he sighs. "When I arrived, they showed that they had Janet. And required me to help out." He pauses to get another bite in.

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
Jessica nods, taking in the information. "I'll be sure to check in on Dr. Walker, to see what has happened there. I'll keep you informed. Do we know for certain that her son was not the patient who...donated...to the cause?" Her brow is still furrowed. She's trying to make sense of the maniacal actions of those who make no sense. "I want to help - the cause. You. The others who may still be held." Shaking her head, she adds, "Sebastion upgraded the sentinels that he had access to. They were not threatening to us. They did not attack, after he had control of them. But even with the stops that you put into place, he was extremely powerful and intuitive in regard to the structure and programming of the larger and older models."

Ant-Man (Pym) has posed:
"I'm not finished," Dr. Pym says, in a firm way. "I made them prove it was really Janet, et-cetera," Hank says, with a gesture of hand as if it were normal. He must deal with kidnapping a lot. "Anyway. It was a clone. So I felt more than free to corrupt the project, before we had a second Ultron. They didn't know it was me, far as I could tell, but the Russia facility did get blamed. Project 1 was very malfunctional. They decided to ship it over here, and bring us over. I was still playing along. But that's the last I remember, so. There we are." His own story mostly done, he goes to her statements. "That patient? No, that wasn't her son. I'm not sure where they got that poor kid. The guards, maybe. That was well before I arrived. Entirely unnecessary. Fools. Project 1 wasn't a cyborg."

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
Jessica nods affirmatively, and examines her nails as she picks at them. A nervous habit, it'd seem. Usually at least well-manicured, they are now exceedingly short, reddened, torn. "We have him, of course. Maybe we can figure out who he is." Then, with a thoughtful expression, she looks back up at Hank. "I'm sorry, Dr. Pym. For all that you've been through. For all that you've had to endure. I'm sorry we didn't know where you were. I'm sorry we didn't get to you sooner. And most of all, I appreciate everything that you did - and everything you're still doing - to help." She takes a deep breath and exhales it slowly, looking around the room, as if decompressing, before returning her gaze to him. "Dr. Pym, do you think that Sebastion can be salvaged? Redeemed?"

Ant-Man (Pym) has posed:
"Who he is? I have a name, if that helps," Dr. Pym says. "Jesse... um." He looks at the ceiling, snaps his fingers a few times, as if that might help. "Jesse Gilberti. That was the name. I didn't meet him, he was taken apart before I was brought in. I don't know if he could be helped, but I doubt it," he says, heavily.

"The plan /was/ to corrupt his system, maybe get that to spread to the others, as a second phase. I didn't get that chance. There was supposed to be a part two to this, you see." He puts the other half of the burger down, unable to manage it, or not wanting to.

"But, well. coma." He frowns and looks at his water cup. "Can he be salvaged? Maybe. I haven't seen what he's evolved into. Should he? Maybe not. If it's safe, maybe. I do know what I did. I could undo it. But not if he'll be a serious threat, obviously."

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
"It's still possible to get something spreading through the remaining sentinels. But we'd risk--" She shakes her head. "Maybe it's something we can revisit. "I just feel helpless right now. I'm confused by the current attacks. Some of the sentinels are attacking others. I don't know whose control they are under. And Trask. Well, he's basically disappeared. I heard there was an attempt on his life. And he's not going to be found unless he wants to be found, I'm afraid."

Ant-Man (Pym) has posed:
"I would suspect that the problems in 'Sebastion's' system are going to continue to replicate. He'll shut down at some point," reflects Dr. Pym. "No doubt there's some data on what he's become. I need all of that. Not just casual reading, as funny as this was," he says, waggling the tablet at her. "There's a box in the Avengers science lab, in my storage area. Box three. Can you bring that here, please?" he asks her.

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
"Absolutely," Jess assures Hank. "I'd be glad to. Box three," she repeaats. "And I will see to it that you get whatever data Tony has, if he isn't already in the process of getting it to you. Is there anything else I can do? I'm a free pair of hands and delivery service. Might as well make good use of me."

Ant-Man (Pym) has posed:
"Let's start with box three," Hank says, to her eager offers and questions. He then just stares at her. Clearly, he meant now. Because all he does is wait. And then pick up his water, to sip from it, and look at her.

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
Jessica rises and swiftly retreats to the science lab, rifling through the boxes until she can find Box Three. She snags it. up and slips back down the hall and into Hank Pym's room. letting the door shut behind her. "Box Three," she says, setting it down.

Ant-Man (Pym) has posed:
Hank moves to reach out to take the box. It's a metal box the size of a shoebox, and it has a keypad on the front of it. He pushes the tray out of the way, offering it to let Jessica move it aside off his lap, and pulls the box over to himself. He keys in the code, presses a thumb to the opening plate under the keypad, and then flips it open.

It's a box of little tech looking 'toys'. Computers and different objects. He rubs his eyes with his fingers, fishing through it with obvious delicate care.

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
Jessica helps to move the tray out of Hank's way, and watches intently as he gingerly picks through the box.

"What are you looking for?" She has heard how Pym's toys work. But she has never seen them. Much less seen him in action with them.

Ant-Man (Pym) has posed:
Hank raises one hand with two fingers, without replying to her. It reads as 'wait', or stop bothering him, or a mixture. It's an automatic gesture: he often has to rein people back from being impatient or demanding: at least from his viewpoint. She will get her answer soon.

He finds a tiny laptop, and then closes his box, setting it aside with both hands while the laptop is held in his palm of the right. Once the box is aside, the laptop just pops into full scale on his lap. He opens it, and then turns back to the box to get the power cord. That gets resized in his hand, and he offers Jessica the power-end. She has an outlet near her, on the side of his bed.

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
Jessica takes the cord and plugs it in, resuming her seat in the chair to stay quiet and out of the way.

Ant-Man (Pym) has posed:
"All right. I'll have to get some permissions," Hank complains, annoyed, starting to navigate the Avengers's systems. "I have some heavy reading, it appears," he says, though there isn't annoyance about that. He has a lot to catch up on. "Better than the murder mystery fluff that was put on that tablet." A smile flicks out, and he sighs thickly, attention on the computer.

"JARVIS, get me permissions. To everything related to the Sentinels and Vision," Hank talks to the ceiling.