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Latest revision as of 00:22, 14 August 2019

Working the soil
Date of Scene: 12 June 2019
Location: Student Gardens - Xavier's School
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Cannonball, Magik, Cypher

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie is out in here with a wheel barrel, and a shovel. He is shoveling some rather smelly stuff into some of the soil that does not have plants yet. And yes it would be manure, but Sam is working with not just horse manure but pegasus manure.

Magik has posed:
There was something to be said about the garden. It was a pleasant place to relax, and gather ones thoughts. A place where you could simply enjoy the scenery, the fresh air, the... smells of...

Illyana comes around the corner of one hedge with a stern frown as her nose had caught a whiff of something that was not fresh flowers and clean air. It was certainly earthy but not the type she wanted to really smell. When she sees what's going on she lets out a weary sigh.

"Are you a gardener now as well, Sam? What don't you do around here?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie chuckles as he looks over to her, "Laundry?" He asks with a grin "You really surprised to find me working in the garden Illyana?" He will plant the shove in the soil, and look over to her "How you doing, god to see you out and about." he will tell her.

Magik has posed:
Illyana Rasputin lifts a hand to wiggle side-to-side at that question. "Surprised? Not really. I was hoping to enjoy smelling the flowers as everyone often tells me to do though. Not smell the manure." It's not much of a joke but she does try at least. Lightly crossing her arms over her chest she regards the situation thoughtfully. "I could bring in some helpers to fix this... But I imagine that's not what you want."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie shakes his head, and says "I am hoping to get some of the kids to help out, you know how farming is though, the kids think it is dirty and stinky not thinkin about the cool finial veggies or flowers." He will say "Now if your willing to get your hands dirty your welcome to help out."

Magik has posed:
Illyana Rasputin tips her head to the side thoughtfully. "I remember we had a farm to tend when I was a little girl, but... That was so long ago, Sam. I'm afraid I don't really remember what to do in the first place," she confesses looking just a bit perplexed by the realization that she *didn't* remember much about it. It was so long ago.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie motions her over and says "Here, I will show you." He does lead her to a place where the dirt has been mixed rather well so it is not as stinky. There are some small tomato plants and he squats down "You dig a small hole, and then pull the plant out like this careful with the roots, if they are bunched up real bad you can pull them out a bit and then put them in the hole and fill it back in to about here." He shows her, and goes with something simple that she may have actually helped with before her first trip to limbo.

Magik has posed:
Illyana Rasputin moves to follow along with Sam. She crouches down gingerly crossing her arms over the top of her knees as she watches with avid interest in this. It did seem somewhat familiar... somewhat. The tomato plants at least looked familiar enough. "You know... I tried so hard to make things grow in Limbo, but I couldn't. Nature wasn't something I could control." Reaching out she gently picks up one of the plants to work the roots loose a bit. "I never tried once I came back here."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smiles and says "Well, ah am sure here you could do it just have to make sure you do it the hard way no tricks, just good hard work. It is part of why Ah have problems getting the kids to do it. Ah am hoping Ah might be able to get Colt, he is a small town boy so perhaps. you seen Berto is back around on occasion?

Magik has posed:
Illyana Rasputin hums thoughtfully only to shake her head. "The last time I saw Roberto was during that race at the event for the students. I arrived late... but he did seem to make a good showing of it," she has to admit. "I've yet to meet any of the new students. I really ought to figure out what I should be doing around here to help."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie hmms and nods his head a bit to her, and "Well, Ah still think your a good person to talk to some of the students, and show them that they can fight either temptation or what they think is their destiny. Not many people Ah know who are willing to fight to prove to others and also to herself, that she is her own person and none are going to decide your path but you. Ah know it can be hard but Ah am proud of you Illyana."

Magik has posed:
Illyana Rasputin sets the tomato plant back down just as gently and brushes some of the mixed dirt up around it so that it remains upright. Her eyes shift to Sam listening as he speaks such praise of her. "Thank you, Sam. It really does mean a lot to hear that." Reaching out she gives his arm a light squeeze only to dust off the remaining bits of dirt from where she touched him without thinking. "I just hope I can live up to everyone's expectations."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smiles and says "Just call em as Ah see them, and You don't have to live up to every ones expectations Ilyana just be faithful to yourself and you will be alright." He turns to her, and says "And Ah might not be Pete, but Ah consider you my little sister too, and maybe not even the brattish." He teases.

Magik has posed:
Illyana Rasputin is in the garden with Sam who had been mulching, and planting. There's the near overpowering scent of manure that he'd mixed in with some dirt. Illyana was currently crouched near some tomato plants working on helping to plant them in tidy little rows. Whatever Sam says has her smiling with a look of sadness. "Thank you. That means so much. Sometimes Piotr just looks at me as if I were someone else. I know I'm not the little sister he grew up with but I am still her."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks over to her, and says "It is not that your not the little sister he knew Illyana. It is nothing from your doing those little looks you see are him feeling guilty. You are his little snow flake, and he feels he should have been there to protect you, and it does not matter that if he has been there would have been no difference, since it was your power triggering early. He knows you went through a lot, and maybe less than we know but still knows it was hard on you, and he wishes he could some how shoulder that pain and tough times and give you all the peace he feels you deserve.

Cypher has posed:
This is when Doug walks out to the garden -- and he looks down at Sam. "Hey. Did you ever relocate out of the rec room last night? You fell asleep. I had to go check on the data I was collecting, and then *I* fell asleep." Then he glances up to Illyana, and sticks his hands in his pockets. "Hey, Illyana." He looks back and forth between the two, and backs off a couple of steps. "Sorry -- I was interrupting."

Magik has posed:
Illyana Rasputin nods slowly over it all. "It was... It is difficult regardless. The temptations of Limbo are still there though I know what to keep an eye on now. Even still. I've not told Piotr all I've gone through. I couldn't dare." She hears Doug and looks over to nod toward him as well with a hint of a smile. "We were just chatting, and Sam was showing me how to garden. I'd forgotten how."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smiles and says "Yea, Ah have thought about trying to teach Doug, but he keeps thinking Ah am trying to be one of the pod people." He jokes a bit and says "Yea, I was alone when Ah woke up, guess, I was a lot more tired than Ah realized Ah was . "Did you put the throw over me?"

Cypher has posed:
Doug shrugs. "Yeah." He glances up to Illyana, and then says, "...Never had the knack for it, myself. It wasn't a merit badge I ever got." He looks down, and then says, "Though I understand the plant a little better now. What things about it mean--" He shakes his head, and then glances up to Illyana and says, "...You deserve to be seen -- and respected -- for who you are, and the strength it took to endure what you've gone through."

Magik has posed:
Illyana Rasputin shakes her head a little bit at the remarks from Doug. Her attention turns back to the plant she had been working with to settle it into the hole that was created as well. "It is more a matter of those who know me... knew me when I was younger finding it hard to deal with me now. I've not even ..." she trails off realizing she was about to say something she shouldn't have, and so quickly shakes her head. "It's good having friends around again."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods, and says "You know Ah said there are people who you could help with what you have gone through. Sometime those people are closer than you realize." He will look over to Doug for a moment. "Ah was actually sorta talking about you earlier today Illyana, Ah was talking to Mr. Green (Science teacher Martian Manhunter, who we know is a hero but not who) About how space travel is much more interesting when it is more get there and get back instantly.

Cypher has posed:
"Yeah, but that sort of intergalactic travel's all but impossible, unless you're like Lila Cheney, with the power to open small wormholes. And HER problem is that she can ONLY do vast distances. Though I never did figure out how she instinctively accounts for the fact that objects in space aren't stationary--" He looks up at Illyana and says, "We work through it one day at a time, and the reward for winning today's battle is that we're able to fight tomorrow's."

Magik has posed:
Illyana Rasputin listens as the two talk of space for several long, quiet momnets. Her head tips back upward and she squints at the sky contemplating. "I could travel there. Though I can't say as I'd be prepared for the results of coming out there. If I can traverse dimension though, I think it would be possible. At least to where I can see if no where else."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods, and says "You got us out there the one time that we went without Lila." He nods, and says "I should probably finish spreading the manure, get it mixed in the smel goes down some.

Cypher has posed:
Doug rubs the back of his neck, and he says, "I need to go get back in front of the computer. I just needed to stretch my legs and get some sunshine. I'll... see both of you around. Cripes, I forget how big this house is. I once got lost in the east wing for what I swear was like two days--"

Magik has posed:
Illyana Rasputin pushes up to her feet and dusts her hands off on her thighs not caring that she gets dirty. "That is true. Deep space though may be different," she reasons with a small shrug. "I suppose I will go get cleaned up. Thank you for the talk, Sam."