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Changeling: Flash Frozen
Date of Scene: 13 June 2019
Location: R and D Labs - The Triskelion
Synopsis: SHIELD opens the Inhuman cryopods and discover more than just Inhumans, but how far Hydra went to capture them and possibly to send a message to Skye.
Cast of Characters: Hawkeye (Barton), Quake, Jemma Simmons, Melinda May, Darcy Lewis

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
The raid on Cuba had netted SHIELD more than a big plane and the lead Zola's location, it also came with four freezer packed Inhumans, all of whom had been stuffed in a corner of R&D where med-techs monitored their vitals while they ran all the tests they could /without/ breaking open the tubes.

What they found out, was the following:

Tube one held a young Hispanic man that didn't ping on facial recognition at all. Biosigns suggested he was a transformed Inhuman, but there were no indicators of what if any powers he had.

It was a common problem. The young white woman in tube two and the early thirty-something in tube three both showed transformed but with no idea of what their powers were. At least with them they had name the woman, Allison Russell was a college student from the University of Tampa and the man, Charles Reeve, was an insurance agent from Pittsburg.

The final one was less of a mystery, though her tube had to be turned upside down. She was Martha Walsh, a former Rhode Island State trooper who had been working for Hydra when Bucky, Nat and Skye had infiltrated the base and she ended up upside down in her tube when the Black Widow threw here there. What they knew about her powers for sure, was she was damn tough, bullets flattening on her body tough.

Now it was time to discuss their future, Clint inserted himself in the little meeting down in R&D because after missing the capture of the Inhumans in Tibet, these four had become something of a surrogate for them, ones he was very much in favour of letting out of their tubes.

Walking into frozen Inhuman's corner of R&D ahead of the others, he walks over and peeks through the glass portions of the tubes, staring at the impassive faces of the people inside, tapping on the glass of the young unknown kid like he was looking for good luck.

Quake has posed:
Skye was here, because Inhumans, it being thought expedient that she be both available to interject on behalf of SHIELD, and, as well, to ascertain their powers as much as she could. Not to mention, Skye wasn't a bad hand at assessing folks - something Fury had latched onto previously and begun to make use of. It was part of how the younger Agent had been more than fairly decent at knowing when to trust (and not to trust) others and situations, and part of how she saw her outside the box solutions to things.

It wasn't something Skye really had been required to explain to anyone, but had they asked she could have told them about gut feelings, and just knowing when avenues were dead ends, or a person wasn't all they seemed. It wasn't scientific, or infallible, but it had served her in good stead up to now.

Jemma Simmons has posed:
    "You know how all aquariums have signs stating to not tap the glass? It is probably a good idea to follow that rule now." The comment is given rather manner-of-factly, complete with a dry British accent, as Jemma regards her tablet, detailing all of the information that she was able to gather. "Especially since we don't know what exactly they can do. We wouldn't want any retribution now, do we?"

    She steps up to the containment units, looking over each one closely. "So, my recommendation, if we are to open one, is to not open up Ms. Walsh's unit. We really do not want to damage the laboratory with an extended brawl, if we can help that. And, judging from the news reports surrounding Ms. Russell, we can assume that, while we could not precisely determine her power, the fact that her dorm suddenly experienced extreme pain at approximately the same time as her disappearance would lead us to conclude that it wouldn't be prudent to revive her without establishing necessary precautions."

    Jemma's finger slides down the list on the tablet. "Which leaves us with our John Doe in unit number 1 and Mr. Charles Reeves, in unit 3. Is there a preference as to which one?"

Melinda May has posed:
May arrives just a bit after Barton does, but unlike him she doesn't go tapping on the cryotubes. Instead, she stands back a bit and looks over the whole arrangement. Four cryotubes -- one upside down -- with three people already identified and a fourth who is very likely not a US native if their inability to ID him is any indication. She's already aware of as much as any of them can know about these people, and she's decided it's time to find out more.

They're not starting with the Rhode Island cop. And her Spanish is abysmal. Of the remaining two, she's decided. "Start with Mr. Reeves."

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint looks back over his shoulder at Jemma's remark. "Just saying hi to the kid," he says with a grin. "Must be lonely in there."

There's a shrug at his thought. What he did he know about cryotubes, he guessed he could always ask Bucky if he remembered anything of his time in them.

When they got down to business though, Clint floated back to Skye's side. "You good with Chucky, Keyboard?" he asks her when it seems Mr. Reeves, is their choice to open first. Then to the others: "For my money I'd love to see the kid get out of there, but Chucky seems a safe choice."

Quake has posed:
Skye regards the tubes, and shakes her head. "Me? No, if I were going to pick, I'd go the boy. He's.. I don't know. Something about his age, and that he's alone. If we do the others first, he's in a bigger crowd. Even if he's our portal maker.." Skye shrugs. It's not really her call, but if it were, he'd be who she'd go for, not Chucky.

Melinda May has posed:
"We should wait on the young man until we have someone here who can speak Spanish," May offers. She doesn't say the 'just in case' that's almost audible on the end there. She's concerned that the boy will feel cornered by yet another set of strangers if they can't immediately reassure him, but heaven forbid she actually explains that.

"Unless one of you knows more than how to order from a Taco Bell."

Darcy Lewis has posed:
"Yo tengo un gato con los pantalones," comes Darcy's voice from the doorway. The accent is horrid. She's up and out of medical. Her left arm's still in a sling, and from the file - cracked ribs, a concussion, and newly relocated shoulder - she likely shouldn't be up AT ALL. But tell that to Darcy.

Also, don't blame the medical staff. By the time she was done with them, they probably only gave a token complaint about her leaving.

At least she's now wearing sensible shoes? Do ballet flats count as sensible?

Jemma Simmons has posed:
    There is a twitter of a hand as Jemma turns to regard May. "I...am passable." And...as Darcy walks in, the scientist turns to regard her. "And...why do you have a cat with pants?" Well...that proves at least that Jemma was telling the truth.

    Then, there is a shrug. "It really doesn't matter which one we open first. There is going to be a chaotic element in play regardless whichever person we choose to awaken. There is nothing truly controlled about this situation." With a pause, Jemma nods to the ICERs that she knows at least three of the people present may be carrying. "Which I recommend having the ICERs at the ready. In case we need to pacify our subject."

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
"Right?" Clint says looking to Skye. "I guess it's like what she said, he's young and alone, just I feel for him, y'know?"

Not like there would be a reason Team Orphan would choose that one right?

As to the matter of the language thing, "I think I can ask where the library is, but if Jemma and Darcy, can figure it out, maybe we should speak to the kid."

Quake has posed:
"It's all Spanish to me," Skye says looking lost. "I know enough Mandarin to order food and find the bathrooms. Hardly useful here."

Looking around, she hrms. "You know, we're a big crowd. We might want to spread out some. And lower the lights. Honestly, we look like the Spanish Inquisition. I'd freak if I were him. Like seriously."

Melinda May has posed:
With everyone now speaking in favor of waking the young man first, May nods. She's already almost all the way across the room, so she doesn't move anywhere, though she does pull her ICER.

"Lewis, I want you parked in that chair. Immediately." She indicates one of the lab chairs in the room, and she punctuates the order with a 'do it now' or else flat look.

"When you're ready, Simmons."

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Turned on by Jemma, her sage words of advice question, Darcy answers without missing a beat: "It's a latin thing. You wouldn't understand."

Darcy is as latin as a Crunchwrap Supreme and Nachos Bell Grande with extra sour cream. IE: Not Latin. At. All.

Darcy looks over the situation, having just wandered in here because she was trying to duck the doctor that would be coming off shift soon and thus wasn't tired of her bullshit yet. She's got her tablet, to look like she's working (she's not) and on duty (she's not medically released yet). At least she's got the AAR app open?

"What are ya'll trying to do, anyway? Cuz, no offense, ya'll almost always look like the Spanish Inquisition. Been there. Done this. Got recruited," she adds so sagely, only for the wind to get ripped frmo her sails by The Look from May. Darcy swallows, because taking a deep breath would hurt right now.

Thus cowed, Darcy moves to aforementioned chair and settles herself down into it. One of these days, Darcy will tempt fate and push to see what the 'or else' actually is. Today, however, is not that day.

Jemma Simmons has posed:

    The comment is not clear if it is in regards to Darcy's claim of being Latin, or that having a trouser-clad feline is Latin, or even if it is in response to May's order to start the reanimation sequencing for the young male subject. Instead, it is left open as Jemma approached tube number one, reaching over to key in a specific sequence of code to start the defrosting. It appears that she might have had some research into the situation, including questioning resident experts in cryo-statis who are not here at present.

    Once the sequence is keyed in, Jemma waits for a minute or two, before reaching over to open the statis tube. She seems to be all business, but there may be the slightest bit of hesitation before pulling to crack open the chamber...

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint nods, "Yeah, we do," he says of looking like the Spanish Inquisition. He moves back by the door, shifting so it wasn't obvious he had a hand on his ICER. While he's there, he turns down the lights some as well.

Once Jemma keys in the sequence, the tube takes care of the rest, warmimg the interior until, Skye can make out a heartbeat from within, slow at first the rising to panic levels as the tube is cracked open.

When it cracks, the young man inside throws himself at the door bursting it open and then bare foot he flails around wildly looking for the door, seeming not to notice that as he does, he is rising slowly off the ground.

"¿Dónde estoy? ¿Qué me pasó?"

Quake has posed:
"Right," Skye mutters to herself. "So I want to learn Spanish."

To the boy she tries the inevitable badly phrased and accented, "Hey, Hablo est English?"

What? She told you she didn't speak Spanish.

And, because she's the only one whose actually been through the change, she's really hoping he does speak English, or at least their translation telephone will help, because given his reaction, they might want someone with her personal experience talking to him.

Melinda May has posed:
May watches the cryotube cycle open, her own ICER still hidden in her jacket. When the boy starts flailing in a panic, she holds up her hands to show him they're empty then says slowly and distinctly in her ever-calm voice, "Please don't be afraid. We aren't going to hurt you."

And yes, she's fully expecting Jemma to pick up on the translation here, while she makes a mental note to get Trainee Garcia here post haste.

Jemma Simmons has posed:
    The bursting out of the tube does catch Jemma off guard, but only just, as there was an element of rushing to be expected. However, the floating? That....wasn't. It was almost enough to have her forget that she is supposed to act as a translator.

    "Hablas ingles?" The question comes out first, then Jemma shifts to the questions. "Hmm, yes. It is perfectly logical to ask where you are...and what happened to you." She shifts to Spanish, relaying in a somewhat passable manner that the poor boy is currently in a hospital of sorts and everything has a perfectly good explanation as long as he would calm down for a moment and please do the kindness of offering a name.

    At least, that is the intent. The translation may be decidedly less than that.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
The boy thrashes around his eyes wild and when he looks down, and sees the floor drawing further away, he kicks his feet in the air accomplishing little more than giving people a chance to get kicked in the face.

<< Help >> He cries in Spanish before he manages to catch some of what's being said to him.

"Yes, English, some, yes," he says still panicked still afraid. "Help. Why given the Mist? I said no."

Quake has posed:
Right, so that something to work with, right? Though Skye still has to give a helpless look to her translators before telling the boy, her hands held palms out for him to see, "It's okay. We're friends, right? I didn't want the Mist either. I'm like you, see?" Only he probably can't see, other than her gauntlets, because she's not using her powers. "We want to help you. I want to help you."

Melinda May has posed:
As much as May can think of several things to say to the boy, and more importantly, to ask... she refrains. He's clearly already overwhelmed. She lowers her hands again, but keeps them at her side where she doesn't have any visible weaponry.

First rule of dealing with a rescued civilian, expect them to go into shock and crash. With this in mind, May looks over at Clint and nods to him slightly. Basic creature comforts like something warm and something to drink usually go a long way to calming someone away from the verge of panic.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Silent, having been watching everything, Darcy sees what May sees, knowing the boy needs comforts and calming things, and hot chocolate. Tequila Ya made it clear that when a mexican's panicky, you sit htem down and feed them tacos and/or abuelita's hot chocolate. She starts to push to her feet, eyes on May for the confirmation to go get things when... May nods at Clint.

What the hay is for horses, May!? Darcy double blinks and looks at Clint then back at May then back at Clint then back at May.

Jemma Simmons has posed:
    Shifting into her good doctor mode, Jemma offers up two hands, held in plain sight as she speaks to the levitating male. "I understand. Something happened when this mist was given to you against your will and now you are scared. Please, allow us to help you." One hand reaches up, trying to offer a way to come back down to earth (literally), while the other points back to Darcy, indicating that she is to remain seated. Yup, that's doctor mode. Just ask Skye about it.

    Yet, Jemma doesn't turn to regard Darcy. She keeps her attention upon the scared newly-awakened visitor. "Please....let's all just relax and we can see about providing you some answers." Though, if he gets much higher, Jemma might have to resort to improvised tools to help pull him down, like a broom handle.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint quietly moves over to Darcy, "Looked like you had ideas, lay them on me, I'll do the heavy lifting," he say in a near whisper, weapon slipped away.

As for the kid, his eyes shoot from Jemma to Skye to Jemma to Skye.

"Who are you? Why are you helping me? Who sent you?"

His head bumps the ceiling << Someone get me down. I don't want this! >>

Quake has posed:
Skye speaks up, "Everyone cool it. He doesn't need all of us at once speaking to him. It's not helping any." And while she might not be person elect to be the speaker, she can at least let him learn from her experience. "Listen to me, concentrate on your breathing, okay? Just breathe in, and breathe out. Can you do that? Just breathe in, and breathe out. Pay attention to each breath. When you've settled, we'll figure more things out."

Her own hands drop from being held out, serving no more purpose. "I'm Skye. These are my friends. May, and Darcy, and Jemma, and Clint. It's alot of people, I know. Maybe too many of us, but we're here now. I went through what you're going through. I didn't want it either. I want you to know I know how it feels. And trust me, you're going to be okay, but first you gotta calm down, okay? Just breathe. Long, slow breaths."

She's not Jemma, but she remembers how it felt and all the medicine in the world isn't going to help until he's peeled himself off of the ceiling. And that isn't going to happen unless they all settle down as well and give him some space.

Melinda May has posed:
May looks from the still panicky kid to Clint and Darcy, the latter of whom really does NOT look like she should be here. "Both of you, go," she tells them. The looks she gives Barton, though, makes it clear. Darcy needs to go rest somewhere. Either in her quarters or back in Medical... it doesn't even matter at this point. Just go.

Then, her attention goes back to the boy who seems even more upset. "I know this situation is frightening, but try this with me. Breathe in slowly, breathe out slowly. It might help you return to the floor."

Darcy Lewis has posed:
"I had all the ideas," Darcy confirms to the archer. "He needs something familiar. Hot chocolate. In a mug. Abuelitas brand. Made with milk, not water. Something light to eat. Maria's cookies. Kitchen stocks them both. Put them both on a plate, mix matched, no spoon. Call Luz Maria. She'll get you hooked up." She looks back at the boy as her name is spoken. She smiles, a bruise visible on the side of her face from hitting concrete, and the glasses are not her usual but rather replacements in her prescription, then turns back to Clint.

"Though if he's not the kind of latino boy I think he is, all of those might miss the mark. I'm guessing on all of it based on him sounding like Tequil-ya, but I could be wrong. Keep MaLuz on stand by, in case you find he's like... Cuban or something," Darcy cautions. Resigned to just sit here as the peanut gallery, having May tell her to scoot in a way that sounds like she gets to go fetch the things has her smiling and trying to bounce up to her feet. It's halted in a faint grunt and a much slower push to standing.

"On it, Boss," she says to May, smiling at Clint.

"I'll get the order from the kitchen going and have it all delivered, okay? You get the rest of whatever May wanted." Because Darcy isn't sure what that was anymore. WIth that done, Darcy turns and makes her way out of hte room, pulling up the comms on her tablet to call down to the kitchen for her request.

Jemma Simmons has posed:
    For her part, Jemma simply answers the questions asked. Honestly and in Spanish for his benefit. << I am a doctor. I am helping because I want to. No one sent me. >> Her voice remains calm and even, even when speaking a language not typical for her. << I know you didn't ask for this. For what is happening to you. >> And then, she shifts to English. "Someone else did this to you. We cannot take it back....but we can help you learn how to handle this new...paradyme."

    Then, shifting her eyes to Skye, then May, Jemma echoes their sentiment. "slow breathes. Just picture yourself lowering to the floor. Imagine slowing dropping down, as natural as walking. It all is just a matter of being calm. Try it.."

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
"Perfect," Clint says when Darcy says she'll put in the order for the food. When she leaves the room Clint looks back to Skye, May and Jemma. "I'll go grab a blanket or something," he says taking himself out of the room to give the boy a bit of space.

As for the boy? He moves so all three women are in front of him, his movements slow and awkward like a first time skater.

There are no further answers from the boy, he just breathes as he's instructed desperate to get down from the ceiling. Its a struggle at first, the urge to panic floods through him, and after a couple of breaths he screams trying to smash the ceiling above his head. Though, as more calm words are offered, he tries again, wiping the tears from his eyes with the back of his hand.

Slowly his breathing steadies and with it, he begins to come down out of the air like a hot air baloon, gently drifting downwards until his feet find the floor, that's when his eyes open again and he looks around.

<< Thank god >> he says as he reaches out to grab hold of a lab table to ground himself.

More breathes, more steadying before he turns his mind back to the questions. << You are hear to help me? >> he looks to the three women. "And you're Inhuman?"" he asks Skye. "Are they?" he looks to May and Jemma. "And who sent you? They said people were looking for us, that we had to hide. But then Walsh came and I thought it was safe."

Quake has posed:
The boy is given a crooked grin. "Yep. Guilty as charged. Though we're still human. We've just got abilities." Of the other two, now that DArcy and Clint have left, Skye shakes her head. "No. Jemma is a doctor. She's going to want to make sure you're okay. And May is sort of our boss. She's here to make sure that you're okay, and to hear your story."

That grin returns. "I'm here because I'm like you. And I know how much it sucked to go through it, so thought maybe you'd like a mostly friendly face who'd been there."

The rest of his words cause her to frown. "They lied to you." Mostly. After all, the SHIELD folks /had/ been intent on storming the base, and let's face it, the world was having a little hate on towards mutants right now (so what else was new) - but they hadn't gone there specifically to hunt down Inhumans. FAr from it. "We didn't know you were there. But we know you exist now, and we want to help you. I thought I was alone."

Melinda May has posed:
"May we ask your name?" Because while it's a relief to see the boy has calmed down enough for his feet to return to the floor and he's starting to relate what happened to him, it really would be more helpful still to know WHO he is.

Then her attention is pulled away as someone speaks to her over her comm -- the cafeteria requesting her clearance for the rather unusual list of requests from Darcy -- that she approves with a few words.

Jemma Simmons has posed:
     With the boy safely grounded, Jemma is certainly more relaxed. With Skye explaining what Jemma's role is, she steps up , the only visible thing in her hands a simple stethoscope. "Just a doctor. Just want to make sure you are healthy and well. " She actually doesn't do any sort of examination until given the okay. She has all the time in the world, it seems.

     Jemma does speak, while waiting for consent. "I helped Skye with her powers. still helping, actually. But, it is good to have someone who knows what it is like. believe me, I understand that." Then, with a smile, Jemma adds. "Just know we are not going to do anything without your okay."

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
The words fly fast and furious about the boy and he tries to keep up though he's understanding about one in three by the look on his face.

"They said they were from Jaiying, they were going hide me, then they gave me the mist and I tried to get away..." he says before he begins to float again, staying in place due to his iron grip on the work table.

"I am Juan, Juan Padillo, and not alone, many, but someone took them. I think. Someone is helping them find us."

Quake has posed:
There's an unbidden gasp from Skye, who knows that name, shaking her head all the while. Lips pressed into a tight line of denial. "They lied. They lied to you. They weren't from her. I know that. I know that because she's my mother."

It's all she can manage for a moment, emotions rising within her, leaving her unable to speak.

Melinda May has posed:
May moves carefully around to where Skye is, recognizing that that name caught her very much off guard. She doesn't touch the younger agent, but she at least stands close enough to make it clear that she's offering support of a sort.

And then the doors open and one of the cafeteria staff -- a portly and grandmotherly Hispanic woman -- arrives carrying a tray of food items including a cup of hot chocolate still frothy on top, a plate with an assortment of cookies, and a covered plate. She almost immediately zeroes in on the boy, and seeming to either not notice or not care that he's got a tendency to float up off of the floor, she stops a respectful distance back to introduce herself. Her Spanish is definitely Mexican, and rapid-fire fluent. She offers him his choice of the food items she's brought, and levels one of those cafeteria lady 'you clearly don't know how to properly care for a scared child' looks at everyone in the room.

Yes, even May.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Juan's eyes widen. << Your mother?! >> it takes him a moment to remember they're speaking English. "Your mother?"

"I am not sure what happened, but, she found me before, she won't not find you."

The food comes in along with Clint, and the archer, steps out of the way to let folks get set up, though seeing the state Skye is in he flashes ~Okay~ his expression and body language making it a question.

Quake has posed:
Skye? Is not okay, though she's trying to put on a good face for the kid. And because she's not used to letting her guard down in front of anyone, but frankly, this is just one more gut punch in a series of gut punches and the fact that it's her mythical mother being used to collect and abuse these people?

Skye is not okay.

Her body language has her leaning towards the plate of comfort, barely remembering in time it's not for her, fingers hovered over a cookie, then pulled back. The younger agent nodding absently at the boy. "I just found out she's alive. I thought she was dead all my life." A pause. "Wait.. she found you? Like really found you?" Skye confused. Her current state having her miss Clint's query.

Melinda May has posed:
Luz Maria all but literally takes the boy in hand, leading him to a table where he can sit and settle and get some REAL food into him. Everyone else is technically dismissed.

May looks from Skye to Clint and moves out of the way to let the archer take care of his hacker. Without a word, she absconds with the blanket he brought and carries it over to the boy and his new grandmotherly guardian.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Juan scrambles for the words to explain it. "Her people find me, they take me to village in the mountains tell me about Inhumans, but I didn't want to change, not everyone look like us after the Mist," he says. "So I went back home. Then one of her people came and said people were looking for us, so I went with them only they gave me the Mist and shot me with something. Then I woke up here. Didn't think it was her people when they gave me the Mist, she always said it was a choice."

The food though is a welcome sight as is someone else who can speak Spanish, and so Juan lets himself be led off to be fed and cared for, the blanket draped across his shoulders.

As for Clint the missed sign is answer enough and as Juan is led off he moves to stand next to Skye, reaching for her gloved hand. "Hey Keyboard," he greets gently. "Need to hang out a while longer, or should we go and leave him to Luz for now?"

Quake has posed:
The young agent continues to shake her head, a well of hurt and anger growing within, both emotions vying for supremacy. She'd thought she'd felt them before - all the setbacks and surprises along the way to here, but this was a whole new level of them, and she didn't know why. Why she should hurt so much over a mother she'd never known and only just found out was alive, or why, after all she already knew about Hydra and Zola, any of this should be a surprise or affect her so.

Maybe it was the combination. That they'd stoop to that level. That somehow that alone made it beyond personal. That somehow this was a message to her. Skye was emotionally vulnerable enough at this point, after hearing all this, that she couldn't logically wade back from thoughts that Zola had done this purposefully - used her mother purposefully - because she'd gotten away and caused him such problems.

It also left her with a white hot coal of need within to obliterate him and his base of operations from the face of the planet. All that would take to bring it to fruition would be the slightest of sparks, and then *conflagration*.

"It should never have been forced on you," Skye says in entirely too quiet of voice. That alone should be a warning to both Clint and May that Skye was holding back. Skye was never this serious unless.. "That's why we've been trying to stop this. Why I've been trying to stop this. It's a horrible thing to have forced on you. Nobody should.."

Skye bites back her words, because even she recognized the bleedthrough, and he didn't need that. She didn't either. By the time Clint reaches her, still shaking her head, Skye gives him a helpless, "I don't know. I don't know what I'm supposed to do."

And that, if nothing else, says that even if she still needs to talk to Juan, that she's in no state to talk to anyone right now. Clint, especially, might realize how close to tears Skye is, and that never happens. Or almost never.

Melinda May has posed:
Yeah, Skye needs to be out of here. Now. May looks from the younger woman to Clint and nods, giving them permission to leave. For her own part, she stays and arranges for quarters (with low ceilings if possible) while the grandmotherly Luz dotes over the finally calming boy.

She's got a few new bones to pick with Zola as well now.