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Latest revision as of 00:26, 14 August 2019

Seeking Answers to Odd Questions
Date of Scene: 11 June 2019
Location: Lobby, Titans Tower (TBD)
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Omnis, Raven

Omnis has posed:
Kally really hadn't taken the time to properly seek out help. She had gotten some help sorta forced upon her but part of her wanted to just, how to pout it, forget the whole thing ever happened. That thing? Her childhood. She wanted to be a hero. Someone people looked to for help. Yet, most of what she had done was being partially shadowed by what is happening in the background. She had some strange mage treating her like a vampire. She had some odd guy and gal offering her runes to keep spirits at bay. Others were concerned about the strange ghosts that follow her. She figured with a world like this, someone eventually would get the wrong idea. So, she asked around. Asked some of the friends she knew and someone suggested here.

She wasn't looking to really join the Titans or anything, but she had heard that they had people who might be able to help. She approached the tower by simply leaping there and using her shakey flight to make it the rest of the way. Wearing a hoodie and a pair of jeans, it is unlikely anyone would question her identity or anything. She walks into the Foyer and looks around, considering the place before she goes any further. Already, a few spirits that linger on this island start waking up at her very presence. Drawn to the light of death that just walked into Titans tower.

Raven has posed:
    'Had people' is not necessarily the right phrase. 'Has person' is basically correct- kind of. Raven is rarely spoken about in most polite, mystical conversation. In fact, Kally almost certainly hasn't been directed to Raven- more that she's heard her discussed in the same, ominous manner that Kally has. This is the path to Raven- spoken in disdain most of the time, fear in the other few. It would almost make one think that Raven is supposed to be on the other side of the coin- but, instead, she's throwing her lot in with people trying to -save- the world, rather than the opposite.

    There is no dark or ominous presence in the tower that signals Raven's arrival. Instead, from a dark corner that almost certainly was unoccupied moments before, Raven's voice alights. "Welcome to Titans tower. What can we do for you?" Her gaze is imperious- from beneath her hood, her eyes almost seem to glow as they stare, on some level, through the new arrival. Her hands are in the pockets of her sweater, and her posture isn't exactly threatening... But at the same time, Raven has this chilling, otherworldly presence to her. Something simply enough unsettling about her.

Omnis has posed:
In a way, that is something they have in common. If it were not for her attitude, personality, and her outfit, she'd come across similiar. She startles when Raven appears and for a brief moment, a dark blue glow flows around Kally, like someone had turned on a black light around her being and the entire area drops in temperature. She then pulls it back but even though she does, the chill of air is hard to deny and does not go away quickly. She blinks several times at Raven, staring at her before looking around and then clearing her throat.

"You..." She gestures to the corner and then looks down, "You know, in a weird way I have a feeling you are why I'm here." She looks up at Raven and smiles a small smile, pushing her hoody back and then shifting her feet ever so slightly, "My name is Kally." She nods her head, "Kally Walker." She then nods her head, "I was told someone here might be able to help me better understand..." She looks back, "Well, understand me." She looks up, "It's not something I'm comfortable talking about."

Of course, by now, a spirit of a man comes peeking out of the ground. He appears to be some kind of outdoorsy type. An explorer from a bygone era. He looks cautiously at both girls, seeming totally unsure of even why he is concious.

Raven has posed:
    Raven herself does not de-hood. Such an occasion might be some degree of rare, but she doesn't seem to treat it as such. Her expression remains, in fact, somewhere in the realm of displeased. She has this resting bothered face- as if something has annoyed her, and that something is being conscious today. She listens, though- dutifully, in fact. There is an air of neutrality, even though she has that consistent disdain etched upon her features.

    Then, her gaze moves, to the spirit rising from the floor. She doesn't address it directly, instead speaking to Kally somewhat out of nowhere- she didn't seem ready to speak, and then suddenly... "You seem to be haunted."

    For a moment, that's it. "If you are looking to understand why, I may be able to help you- or help you find someone that can. I am not exactly the teaching type."

Omnis has posed:
"I know I am haunted." She states simply, "I am haunted whereever I go." She glances back at the spirit and looks to Raven, "I...could explain but it is something that makes me uncomfortable." She sighs, "Though I suppose that is why I am here." She looks at Raven and then looks at the spirit briefly before smiling at the man and states, "You can go back to sleep or stay." She speaks directly to the spirit, "Your choice, know that you are awake because of me."

She then looks to Raven, "I...am like a plant. It is the best way I have been able to describe it. They are my sun." She gestures to the spirit and looks to Raven, "I am hoping to find someone who can better explain what was done to me...done by..." She closes her eyes, "By my fathers..."

Raven has posed:
    "I didn't figure that you weren't aware." There is a pause, then, and her gaze returns to the other woman. There isn't anything for her to say in response to that warning and exposition- She isn't going to banish a spirit without finding out the nature of the haunting first. At best, it's a little rude. At worst, that spirit had something to say.

    "I'm afraid I don't have the facilities here to perform a magical diagnosis." she concludes with something of a decisive air. However, there's more to it than that. "But, I do know someone who does- and his assistance may be somewhat required if we want to understand, or end, this affliction."

    There is another pause, then, as Raven's eyes narrow somewhat. "If you have already met with Stephen Strange, this may be a more difficult conversation, but regardless, I will introduce you."

Omnis has posed:
A look at Rachel and she tilts her head, "I don't know if I have but...is he a man with a goatee and a gawdy massive read cloak?" She asks and looks over her shoudlers a little, "If so, yes, we have sorta met." She then takes a breath and lets it out slowly, "As for getting rid of it, even if there is a way to do so, I'm not sure I would want to." She looks to Raven, "You see..." She takes a breath and lets it out.

Once more she begins to glow again and the air drops in temperature again. She raises up off of the floor and floats there as she looks at Raven and then drops down for a moment before saying, "If you have something you want lifted, I can help...or if you wish me to get somewhere fast. I can do that, too." She shifts her hood up and looks to Raven, "I feel like they were planning to use me for something before I left."

Raven has posed:
    "That isn't how I would describe him, but it's an apt way to do it." there is, then, a tilt of her head- her expression shifts only that little bit, her brow raising just a touch. "Regardless, even if you've met him already, if presented with the task he'll have some degree of obligation to assist- and is probably one of the very few who can."

    The display of power doesn't seem to sway Raven's mood. Her voice remains monotonous, as she replies. "If it isn't a malicious force, then that is your decision- but if it turns out to be a threat to more than the mood lighting of the room, you may change that opinion rather swiftly."

Omnis has posed:
A frown alights her lips as she hears that and then she considers her past, "I...sure." She then looks at Raven before saying, "I would want to meet him but...I am not sure how pleased he will be. Last time we met, it didn't go well." She shakes her head and then clears her throat. She looks down carefully before looking up, "Well, I do not know what will come of it but I want to help people. I have been helping people." She nods her head, "I left becuase my father, one of them, wished to..." She frowns, "Lets just say I think he has plans for me that are not good for this world so I fully intend to defy him."

She then looks to the side before looking back to Raven, "How, can I get in touch with you or do you wish to get my number? Unless your helpful friend is available right now."

Raven has posed:
    "I can't say. I'll probably have to prime him in order to keep his attitude in the corner it belongs in." she states, as if somehow mocking the emotional stability of the Sorcerer Supreme was not only a thing that people did, but something she had the right to do. There's probably a story there. Regardless, there isn't much more for her to say.

    "I'll find you. It may not take long. Until then, you're welcome at the tower. It's probably a safe place."

Omnis has posed:
A smile is given to Rachel and she then bows her head, "I'm sorry, I don't think I caught your name." She shakes her head as she looks at Rachel, "Not from you anyway." She states and then shifts in her spot a little and smiles, "I would at least like to know the name of the person who is helping me."

Raven has posed:
    Raven is the kind of person that is excessively hard to read. Even now, her expression has yet to change much at all throughout the entire conversation, yet she clearly -has- emotions. She just doesn't express them to such an intense degree that it seems like they're not even there. "I am called Raven."

    With that, Raven is gone. The shadow on the wall simply swallows her, as if it was a sentient thing the entire time. Perhaps, in a way, it was.

Omnis has posed:
A frown as she watches that woman disappear. She looks to where the shadow was and hten gives a wave, "I should like to get to know you better, Raven." She says to no one in particular before considering things and then shrugging and she goes back the way she came. By the time she hits the door she's moving like a blur and by the time she reaches the edge of the island she's even faster, leaping away with incredible ease.