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Latest revision as of 00:26, 14 August 2019

What are we doing up on a rooftop
Date of Scene: 11 June 2019
Location: New Utrecht, Brooklyn
Synopsis: Mutants, Turtles, and Vampires, oh my!
Cast of Characters: Wolverine, Leonardo, Spike

Wolverine has posed:
Looking at the handwritten note, an address, the man cast his gaze to the nearest building number. "22C, 22C, where the hell is 22C?" And then he noticed a sign hanging from the fire escape, with a spray painted 2-2-C on it in white with black borders. Looking up, about 12 stories, he shook his head, "ya gotta be kidding me." And he resigned himself to the long climb, going up, around, then up, and around, repeating until he had reached the top. He'd gotten some soot on his hands along the way, probably tetanus too if not for his healing factor. Upon reaching the top, he found the discarded exterior store front. There were a couple of things about, boxes of antique vehicle parts, small ones, a few of them rather valuable. But it looked like it had been vacated some time ago, and in a bit of a hurry. People had come in and picked what they wanted. "Guess Brock's outta business" he commented to himself. Maybe he'd luck out and the part he'd need was there, but he wasn't about to bet the farm on that.

Leonardo has posed:
Dark out, and something was troubling Leonardo. His usual meditations were being interrupted by his brothers, namely Raphael and Michelangelo, who were getting on his nerves for completely different reasons. It led to him telling Splinter he needed a couple hours to think, and yes he'd be careful, and yes he was old enough to take care of himself.

After making his way through the sewers, the oldest of the four brothers went topside and selected a building with a good view of the surrounding area. Scaling a ladder on the other side of the building from the one Logan uses, the mutant turtle has taken up a quiet spot on a mat he brought with himself, currently unrolled, currently with him seated with his legs crossed, eyes closed. Across his back are two swords.

Wolverine has posed:
There are a lot of smells in the area, oils, greases, and paints, some of them pretty pungent, but a five foot turtle was just not something you could miss, or the scent of a five foot turtle. Logan narrowed his eyes at the figure. He had a pair of Japanese swords strapped to his shell. To anyone else, they might have thought it were a Halloween costume, but Logan has some damn impressive senses, and he had encountered some really weird things in this world. "Hey pal, I don't suppose you know what happened to Brock, do ya... turtle?"

Leonardo has posed:
Leonardo's eyes are closed, showing in the way the blue mask tied around that part of his head looks at the moment. One end has draped over a green shoulder, the other fluttering slightly behind him. Up here, the winds are not the calmest. Logan might recognize what the turtle is doing, given the mat, the position, the slow, measured breathing.

Unfortunately, not even up here does it seem Leo's going to find true calm tonight, and while he does not yet open his eyes, there's a subtle shifting of his weight that indicates he's ready to spring out of his seated place. He speaks, if somewhat slowly for the moment, "I don't know anyone named Brock..and my name is Leonardo." Those swords definitely don't look like toys either, with even their scabbards showing great care in their fabrication.

Wolverine has posed:
"Dual katana wielding giant Italian turtle... why do I keep coming back to Brooklyn?" He whispers to himself under his breath, but it's quiet up here and his voice carries. He shakes his head and rolls his eyes. "Logan," he calls out, introducing himself. He can't help but admire the katanas. Japan's always held a special place in his heart, and even from here, he can make out that they are well cared for. Real too. Which is all the more impressive considering the laws about removing true Katanas from Japan. He should know. He has one at home himself. "Nice swords." Yep, he's a talkative one.

Leonardo has posed:
Slowly, those eyes open and the cutouts in the mask for them are more obvious. The humanoid reptile realizes he probably isn't going to be able to get back to his meditations even out here, so he gradually rises to his feet and takes his time rolling up the mat, tucking it back in between the space for the katanas. "If you asked one of my brothers, he'd probably tell you it's where all the parties happen." This one, this Leonardo, doesn't act like he's first in line for something like that.

Without having all the proper attire, if any would even fit him, he carries himself like he's some sort of ninja. There /have/ been occasional rumors of giant turtles, but not much has ever been proven beyond all doubt. This is evidenced in what he says next, sounding disappointed in himself. "I didn't mean for you to find me up here. I never thought someone else would be here right now." This comes in spite of him returning the greeting with a bow that is very Japanese inspired, followed by a visible tilt of his head. "You're familiar with them?" he asks after the compliment is paid. Suddenly, the man is a touch more interesting, even if the turtle remains wary. Just something about the man.

Spike has posed:
There's the sound of boots, thud, thud, thud on the rooftop as the swishing of a long duster's heard, and suddenly....Billy Idol's up there. Okay, it's not the glam rock star. It's Spike, and he's looking around like he's got caught doing something naughty. Still Spike's out here in Brooklyn, he was 'borrrowing' a few dozen things. Vampire's gotta get what he wants, and....he wants cool shiny stuff for his crypt, damn it!

Spike runs a hand through his blond hair and shrugs, waving a hand. "Uh, hello/" he asks, a London accent on his tongue. With a thud of a boot, he steps a pace closerr, "Oh, I found some of what I'm after" he says and stops, looking to the others. "So what're you two doing here huh?" he asks and looks them up and down, a cold smile on his lips.

Wolverine has posed:
Logan almost says 'well, shit happens', but something about the young turtle makes Logan give pause to such antagonistic phrases, instead explaining that "I've spent some time in Japan," in a matter of fact kind of way. He returns the bow in kind. Then, the sound of a man approaching, well, something like a man, he warned, "we've got company." Instinctively, Logan clenched a fist, but hasn't drawn his claws yet. "I prefer Johnny Cash."

Leonardo has posed:
"Oh. I..know some people from Japan, but--" A fresh interruption, this time in the form of someone else making an audible racket on his way across an adjacent roof, leading to someone looking much like a rock star turning up. Leonardo's chances at having clear thoughts before sleeping tonight have gone from near zero to something considerably less than that by now. Thanks to the advance warning from Logan, he's already got a hand close to one of those blades, and it's not a very human hand at all.

Frowning at the question, he says, "I could ask you the same thing." To Logan, he adds, "I don't know this one. Do you?" In other words, should he be considered a threat? The ninja turtle is already sinking into a slight crouch, now certainly ready to go further if it gets to it. Spike is watched with open suspicion.

Spike has posed:
Spike pauses with a look to them both with his night vision, then....he's moved, vaulting over to another roof. He's not near them, but he's got his own roof and he's content to call over. "So, maybe ya can help me?" he asks and comes to the edge of his little roof he's on, watching them. "I'm not out to kill you both and rob you blind. Come on, what do you think I am?" he asks with a laugh, "I'm out here just tryin' to get home" he adds and looks them over with a practised eye....Spike's no stranger to odd routes home. Home.....being a crypt in the graveyard after all, but he's just wanting to go home, kick back, get a beer, watch some TV....like any other guy in the city. Still, he loves fighting. Not that he wants to fight these two. He loves a good donnybrook but these two, a.....turtle with swords. And that guy in the fancy clothing aren't his type. He'd much rather be home, fighting demons and....vampires....and......stuff. He's up here on a rooftop and looks unimpressed, though that's more due to him not being home yet. "Hey hey, wait up. Maybe you can helpp. I was looking for something up here and wondered if you gentlemen could help me" Spike offers, palms raised like he's showing he's unarmed.

Wolverine has posed:
"Not a thing," Logan replies to Leonardo, and looks at Spike, up and down. He looks to the turtle, remembering that he was meditating, and seemed to know how to handle those katanas. The giant turtle could take care of himself in Logan's opinion, so he took this as a sign. "Brock's missing. Place's been ransacked. Have a nice day, bub." And with that, Logan began to head for the stairwell, climbing down from the rooftop. He was very much not the sort of fellow to jump from rooftop to rooftop. It might look great in the movies, but real life was a different story.

Leonardo has posed:
An expression suggesting confusion shows up in the turtle's features. To think he wanted some space away from Mikey and Raph, only to end up here. Not every decision is a wise one. With Logan making to go back down and focus on other matters, Leonardo frowns. "Ah..you too." He might have been working up questions to ask the man!

Instead, he's left with the talkative Spike. Aside from Leo saying flatly, "Do I look like a pushover to you?" he holds his tongue as patiently as he can while the man yammers at him, being the only one left. Finally, he adds, "I have a feeling there isn't much I'd have to help you with. I'm not carrying any money, and people usually panhandle down there." He gestures toward the street some dozen stories below, pointedly. "Why don't you keep on going and think of me as a very vivid dream?"

Spike has posed:
"Somebody stole what was up here? Bloody thieves" Spike says....there's a certain irony to it as Spike shuts up and sits down. "Nah, my dreams are mostly about killing vampires. You wouldn't be in my dream" Spike says and gets up again heading for the fire escape, then he turns back. "You said Brock. I was taking a shortcut home. So" Spike shrugs and sets a foot on the fire escape. "So, you're up here. You want me to piss off and leave you be. Alright, fine" he says and raises his hands. "I'm going, I'm going. You're a grumpy bugger" he says, and with that......he's wandering down the fire escape again, the metal clanging as Spike is climbing down it carefully.

Leonardo has posed:
Shaking his head, Leonardo mutters to himself, "Vampires?" On top of everything else - Shredder, the mob families, the big dock fight just a night or two back - /vampires?/ "Maybe /I'm/ the one dreaming. That's the only sensible explanation," he says, brooding. He also wastes no time in getting out of there. No more being topside for him tonight. That was the wrong idea.