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Stark. It's what's for dinner
Date of Scene: 06 June 2019
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Tony pays Peter a visit and Peter tries his best to accidentally change Tony's mind.
Cast of Characters: Spider-Man, Iron Man

Spider-Man has posed:
It's kind of a funny thing. Usually, Peter wouldn't have come in the front door because usually he's behind on his rent. With the new job at the School, however, he can actually afford to pay it and doesn't have to use the window to sneak into his own apartment. Even with that said, he would almost certainly still use the window just for ease. It's totally easier, okay?

Peter crawls in the window and pulls off his mask after sliding the curtain closed. It's tossed onto the counter along with all them dishes he's not gotten around to, while his backpack is tossed onto the bed that is entirely too close to the kitchen to be considered any kind of comfortable.

How funny would it be if he had one of those old phone machines?

Beeep "Hey Peter, it's Aunt May. Just checking on you, since you skipped dinner the other night... I hope everything's okay. Give me a call. I love you." Beep "Hey, Peter.. It's your Aunt May. Did you hear about the Mall incident? Anyways, just thinking of you. Call me when you can, love you."

If that's not enough to rip at the heart strings... Pete grabs his cell and starts thumbing the numbers to his aunt because he feels like a totally d-bag right now.

Iron Man has posed:
There's a strange little noise coming from the window that Peter was just using. Was he followed? It is a tappy-tap-tap-tap of metal on the glass. It repeats.

Tappy-tap-tap ... tap!

Pulling back the blinds or shade will reveal an interesting little visitor. It is a robotic drone the size of a volleyball, approximately, with multiple arms on the front. It is hovering in the air, small high tech repulsors on the rear end aiming here and there with minute adjustments, the air flowing through a gap along the bottom. It has a front viewscreen on it, which is currently a dark blue in tone, and running lights in gold along two upper crests.

It doesn't look vicious, but it does look like a very advanced little droid that could be good friends with R2-D2.

Spider-Man has posed:
"Hello? Peter, is that you?" Peter is standing with his phone down at his side staring out the window at the hover drone droid, mouth hanging open like a complete idiot. Still mostly in his costume save his mask, he furrows his brow and glances down at the phone. "Hey, hey May.. sorry. Can I call you right back? Someone knocking at the door... love you, sorry. I'll call you back I promise." Click.

The phone disappears and he lifts the window to lean out upon the seal. "What the.. how.. where.." Blinking awkwardly, he's not sure whether to invite it in or push play on the fight music from Final Fantasy III.

Iron Man has posed:
It's probably unclear if the droid can see, but if it can, it might now have a very good picture of Peter standing there in his costume with his mask off. Regardless, it might not be wise for it to escape with that. However, it doesn't seem to be wanting to fly off, nor is it startled. It just sits there. And then nudges forwards in a clear suggestion that it should come inside.

It doesn't barge in, though, nor attempt to; it hovers there expectantly at first. Then starts to proceed to float towards the inside, as if taking the staring as welcome.

Spider-Man has posed:
It might as well be a welcome, honestly. When the droid floats forward, Pete steps back and creates a nice gap through which a spherical droid could hover right on in. Set up shop somewhere and turn his entire dirty apartment into some kind of techno rave club, except with far more pillars of pizza boxes.

He still isn't exactly sure what to say, but he's pretty sure he shouldn't just stand there in his costume. Maybe it didn't see the big spider on his chest right? With another step back, he turns and grabs up a Captain America vintage teeshirt to slip on and a pair of Wonder Woman pajama pants over the entire costume. "... I mean do you want something to drink? How do you be a good host to a robot?"

Iron Man has posed:
The robot cruises towards the center of the room after giving Peter what might be a judgmental look. Or maybe not, it's easy to infer a lot onto a robot with no actual face. As it came in, the back did show towards Peter. It slowly turns, examining the apartment, clearly scanning. It looks voer the pizza boxes, checks out for other witnesses and tech. The usual.

The turn also reveals the big 'STARK INDUSTRIES' logo on the lower back. So there's a few seconds of warning before more happens.

The robot turns, and begins to project a hologram, after a few moments. It's very high quality, though the beam itself has an orange cast to it, mild, which makes everything a little otherworldly and golden.

It's Tony Stark. He's relaxed, and looks like he's in some kind of console area: maybe an iron man suit, or a vehicle; his eyes are to one side, lights reflecting off the dark brown of his eyes as he works with whatever he's doing. It's a casual hologram call. Clearly.

"Hey there, Peter, is it?" Tony asks, with his eyes still on whatever his other thing is: until he then looks directly at Peter. And those Wonder woman jammies. "...Bad time?"

Spider-Man has posed:
Star Industries.. "Well there's no way that's a good thing." What with him having been standing, for the most part, in his costume not long ago. Then again, he'd told Steve his name. No stretch to imagine that information got passed on anyways.

Pete steps up to the hovering robot and looks it over with a tilting head from one side to the other. Even more so when the hologram appears and reveals Tony Stark in all his glory. A hand comes up so that he can cough into it, looking down at his attire when it's brought up... at least inferred anyways.

"Mister Stark!" Squeak.. "I.. no it's okay... Well, maybe not a good time, but it's not a bad time. Ho-" Pete rushes around trying to clean the place up, but it's already too late for all that. The droid got it's pound of flesh data. "I.. listen, if your droid scanned me earlier, I can completely explain the costume okay? Unless Captain America-" See them name drops? "-Told you that Spidey said he was me.. that's just a game we play, me and Spidey... he pretends to be me, I pretend to be him.. mostly I pretend to be him.." It isn't even a lie.

Peter stands holding pizza boxes almost as old as he is maybe. Awkward.

Iron Man has posed:
The pattern of what Tony is doing matches driving; he looks away and some lights move cross his face and eyes, and then he looks back to Peter again. There's amusement in his expression with the sideways pursed look to his mouth, and one brow lifted.

"All right, well, if that's the way you want to go with this, that's fine, and I'll leave you to your loungewear time," Tony answers, cool and relaxed as ever. It seems his public persona on interviews or television is the same as on casual hologram-calls. Tony's just a rock star like that.

"But if you did want to work with us, it'll require being more open with me." There's no pressure in the tone, just laying it out. "I don't call up just /anybody/. But it can end right here, if that's what you prefer. Just need a yes, or a no -- right now."

Spider-Man has posed:
Throughout, Peter is circling the hovering droid, scratching at the back of his neck. "Wait, hold on, let's not be hasty.." Stopping infront of the hologram, which is weird because it can literally be viewed from either side. Hologram tech, amirite?

"I just.. I'm not use to.. ya know, telling people." Motioning, at his Captain America shirt, having completely forgotten he put it on and isn't still in Spider-Man costume. "That I'm, this."

Iron Man has posed:
Tony seems to relent a little bit: or traffic took more of his attention, which is granting a pause in the conversation from Tony's multitasking. "I look into those who are interested in becoming Avengers," Tony supplies. "I'm not going to spread the information about you. It's your secret: not mine." The Avenger turned his eyes to look into directly at Peter for a steady beat.

"I am also not going to be dishonest with you, or talk in a circle about it, either. If you want to talk, we can. Captain America said you were ready; but if that's not the case, hey, okay." But Tony has other things to do.

Spider-Man has posed:
Pete scratches the back of his neck, watching the hologram with a little frown. Steve said he was ready? "I think I'm ready, I mean, I know I am." He murmurs, grabbing the captain america shirt to pull it off so he's standing in his spider-man costume. "I know you guys are pretty open with identities and that's pretty cool, but.. I have an aunt." Pointing in a random direction that may be Queens, or Georgia. Who knows.

"I don't want her scared out of her mind about what I'm doing.. or be a target for some crazy person if they think it will get my attention." He tries to gauge the situation, but there's no denying how nervous he is. "If I have to take my mask off to join... I'm going to have to stay solo..." Fingers crossed.

Iron Man has posed:
"Hey, you have to get through me, first, before you're an Avenger," Tony teases, as if amused Peter leaped quite as far as he did. "Working with us doesn't require you to unmask with anyone beyond me. And even then, if you want to wear it, all right."

Tony checks something that's downwards on his console. "I'll be by in, eh, twenty minutes, we can take a ride, talk about it," Tony states. "See you then?" It's sort of a question, and sort of an assumption.

Spider-Man has posed:
"Oh, yeah, absolutely." Peter coughs into his elbow and nods, "I didn't mean.." No sense digging further, there's no bottom to this pit. "Yes sir, Mister Stark. I'll change.." Motioning with a point in, over there, that's where his clothes are. In case Tony was wondering, now he knows.

Which he'll do, provide there's no hologram watching him. That could be awkward. Maybe too awkward?

Iron Man has posed:
"All right; twenty," Tony bids, and abruptly the hologram ends.

The little drone glides towards the kitchen counter, and then circles once, and then begins to settle there, like a weird little robotic pet making itself right at home on a pizza box bed.

Spider-Man has posed:
Peter grabs his phone and keys on the way out, backwards Mets cap on his head because his hair was a hot mess. Easier just to meet Tony downstairs rather than, like, make him wait? Who knows what Peter thinks was going to happen. At least when Tony shows up he's wearing real adult people clothes. T-shirt, jeans, shoes, backwards cap like it's the 90s.

Also he's fiddling with his phone to send Aunt May a text. cool thing happened tell you soon XoXo Petr

Iron Man has posed:
It's the same car that Peter saw last time at the mansion: and that is probably intentional. Then again, with Tony's distraction level? Coincidence. It's the beautiful white Lambo. So, Peter might get to put his butt in one of those seats very soon!

The car pulls up, causing a few neighbors to stare at it, of course, and Tony steps out of it, and to one side, resting his forearms on the edge of the roof guard, with an easy two-fingered wave towards where peter is waiting outside. The wave turns into a clear little gesture to go ahead and climb into the passenger side.

Tony's dressed in a tailored suit over a Guns'n'Roses t-shirt, though he actually sheds the jacket while waiting for Peter to join him.

Spider-Man has posed:
"Hey Mister Gunderson." Pete says to his land lord coming up the sidewalk carrying a few bags of groceries, just as Tony is pulling up on the sidewalk in that flashy ass White Lambo. Pete motions with both hands at it, "Gotta go do a thing..." How often does he get to ham it up infront of people? Literally, never. That's how often.

Pete trots over and tilts his head to look for the handle, "Voice activated, right. uhhh open." If there's a handle he doesn't see it, "Rise." God, come on, do the thing, "Let me in? Please? You're embarassing me infront of.. the person who owns you." One finger comes up over the roof, "Be right in, Mister Stark, nothing strange happening."

Iron Man has posed:
By that time, Tony has fully shrugged out of his jacket, half folded it, and gotten back into the drivers' seat. So he just ends up watching Peter outside the window for a long moment, before reaching over to tap the passenger door button.

"There's also a tab on the side that you can press," Tony instructs Peter, with a gesture towards where most car handles can be expected to be. He draws back into his own seat, assuming Peter can, at least, handle shutting the door on his own.

Spider-Man has posed:
We'll see.

Pete watches the door rise with a look of wonder, then climbs into the lambo with a relative low chance of failure. It's just getting in a car right? What could go wrong? Not like he's carrying a red slushie or anything. Or trying to eat a churro.

"Is.. is there a button." Pete isn't sure? "Do I ju- you know what I'm gonna pull the trigger on it." He reaches up and pulls the door closed. Time it took to get into the vehicle: 4 minutes.

New record.

Iron Man has posed:
The inside of the car is lit up with a variety of specialty equipment. One might imagine it echoes the inside of an Iron Man suit console. It's a shadow of what's in that, but the flair is there, since Tony had influence over the interior of the vehicle. It's very specialty.

"Before we go anywhere," Tony says, turning his head aside to look at Peter some. His tone is serious, stress-inducing, likely. Tony's at close range, but still larger than life.

"Breathe," instructs the Avenger, deadpan. He lifts both brows, smiling to himself, and looks out the front windshield, giving poor Peter a moment.

Spider-Man has posed:
"I.. I think I'm good." Peter says, then bobs his head and looks around at all the bells and whistles the lambo had hidden behind tinted glass, "Yeah, I'm good. Does this thing make fries?" Motioning at, something, he cannot possibly really think it does that though. Humor is his go to when he feels awkward or out of place.

Literally no way he could feel more out of place.

"So, I just want to say thank you." Because why not, he never did that. At least not Tony. He thanks Steve twenty times and has probably texted him as much another thousand. "For, all of this.. not this part specifically, even though it's really cool.. does this control your suits too?" Because he's ADHD af. "Nevermind, none of my business."

Iron Man has posed:
"Nope. Just a car. Doesn't even fly," Tony answers, resting back a little bit, as if he were just fine to camp out in the insane car on Peter's doorstep until he's convinced Peter is breathing. He watches him hoodedly from the side of his eye.

But then Tony judges Peter is at least chilled out enough to thank him. He nods once. "You're welcome," Tony answers, smoothly, and shameless about it. He is giving time to Peter, which has very high value, all things considered! Tony's difficult to get time with, his long line of frustrated people with rescheduled meetings can attest.

"I have an artificial intelligence that assists in the suit," Tony provides. "If you visit the Avengers mansion, you can ask /him/ questions about it."

Putting on his seatbelt automatically, Tony switches topics. "Was the question about fries because you're hungry? We can make a stop. I could deal with a cheeseburger."

Spider-Man has posed:
"Really?" Whether about cheeseburgers or full on AI is up for interpretation, "It just answers questions? Man, jeez.. that would be helpful. Does it laugh at your bad jokes when you're fighting?" It's fair to assume he thinks everyone A. jokes constantly during fights and B. tells very bad jokes while fighting, right?

"Not that you tell bad jokes, I've never heard you tell a joke. Do you want to hear a joke?" Peter literally flinches at himself, really? Did he say that? What if he says yes? What if Tony Stark Wants to hear a Joker, Peter? What're you going to do?!

"Cheeseburgers are good." Which is not really an answer. He's still nervous, but he's more geek nervous now. This is like a dream, things he wants to fiddle with, but doesn't. Instead he looks at them up close. "Or a sub. Do you like Angelos? You know they never freeze their meat? And their bread is cooked right there in the shop."

Iron Man has posed:
Tony's extra relaxed, as if his level of chill could somehow trickle down to poor Peter. Or perhaps, at least, demonstrate that there's nothing to be anxious about.

Except that there is. This is on par with some sort of insane job interview mixed with once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to be a mega superhero. There's some pressure there. Not that Tony sees it that way. It's just a Thursday.

"In the situation where you need to work with an AI, I'll be sure it laughs at you," Tony gives, smoothly, as he directs the car into traffic. They'll have a little ride: Tony enjoys driving, and expected it to relax the kid. No such luck, maybe.

"Peter," Tony begins, breaking into the ramble from the younger man. "So, you ended up on our lawn. Not by choice, it appeared. But you've chosen to be where you are, otherwise," Tony asks. "I'm wondering what your deal is. Why come /back/ to our lawn."

Spider-Man has posed:
Peter is never going to be completely comfortable with all the attention that comes with Tony and the Avengers, it's just not in his DNA, but he's doing his very best not to ramble. It just happens he's failing no matter how hard he tries.

At least until Tony calls him out to answer a direct question. Then he goes all quiet like his tongue wont work. "There's only so much someone can do alone. You guys.. The Avengers, I mean, are... you're fighting the fight. Helping people every day, just by existing." He tries to put to words what he thinks about a group of iconic personalities. Some of whom he may or may not have collectible cards of.

"Unless you mean actually come back to the lawn.. I swear I didn't. I. I mean I'm sure you know, but I vomited on the lawn. I figured Cap... tain America-" Who knows how loose Tony is with abreviations of names, "-Was just being nice when he said he'd consider me for the team."

He furrows his brow. "I'm just a guy in pajamas, you guys are HEROES."

Iron Man has posed:
"That's not how all of us start, except maybe me," Tony says, with a somewhat kind little smile. A brief shaft of light into that Tony does have a heart outside of the awesome but snarky general persona. "I'm sure you know Cap's story." See, shorthand is okay. At least, when Tony says it that way.

"He started out barely in pajamas. No shame in where you came from. But it isn't really about that, it's what you're doing with it. I'll take an origin story if you got it: but I'm mostly interested in why you 'mostly pretend' to be Spider-Man. If you're just a guy in pajamas."

Spider-Man has posed:
Peter could see that mic dropping from orbit.

"Because somebody has to, Mister Stark." Peter offers with a glance up at the man driving this absurdly expensive car. "I didn't mean to take away from what I do. I've gotten past that before I was twenty.. but I mean.. most of the papers still slam me on a daily basis and I'm almost as bad as those guys over in Gotham." Thumbing towards Jersey. Picking on Jersey, low hanging fruit.

"Vigilante, I mean. Those guys are scary, have you ever met Batman? Is he real? Nevermind, don't tell me." Like asking about Santa. "I just always assumed my place was down in the street. The longer I was there, the more I realized how much more I needed to be there." His shoulders hunch forward slightly.

"Somebody told me I was a hero the other day. I didn't know how to respond to that. Every day, I put on my costume, and I'm just a dude from Queens who got bit by a genetically modified spider-" Origin story. "-Spider Man isn't a persona, it's just me in a mask."

Iron Man has posed:
"If you do what heroes do, what does that make you?" Tony asks, attention suddenly on driving as someone dared to cut in front of him and brake. People brake suddenly a lot around him, he's used to it, but it does distract him for a sudden moment as he swerves to change lane. It's safe, just a quick move.

"I have met Batman," Tony answers, with a sort of disinterest. "He's very private." It's not a negative term in Tony's mouth, but more an alien thing. Something he doesn't understand, but can still respect, even if it's super weird to him.

"This isn't a life for everybody. Spider-bite or not. But if you want to pitch in on the bigger problems, get backup if you /do/ get over your head, and have a spot where the mask is optional, that's the ship I run." Tony watches Peter as they stop at another light. "Plus costume upgrades. Possibly internship, if your skill is as good as I suspected from your wrist-shooters."

Spider-Man has posed:
"A guy in pajamas." Peter actually jokes, "No, I understand what you're saying, Mister Stark." He does, nodding while a hand rubs at the back of his neck. The whole while he's looking down into his lap, gnawing at his bottom lip. "Just hard to wrap my head around it sometimes."

Because he's just legit humble.

And not because he's Spider-Man for crying out loud.

"I thought you probably saw that." His hand slaps down on his wrist as if he could manage to hide it NOW. He cannot. There is no time travel. "Costume upgrades?" Focus Peter, "I'm in, Mister Stark." To his credit, the driving, of all the things that's happening around him, seems to bother him the least. None actually. In fact, a half second before Tony has to slam on breaks? Peter point at the car ahead of him, but doesn't quite manage to get it out. "I like the ship, I want to ride the ship." Nerd time, "Spider-Man in the Avengers? I'd ship that."

Iron Man has posed:
"Good. I'd wanted you on board; even if it's just as janitor to start," Tony jokes, revealing exactly how much awareness he did have of what happened on that lawn. Surveillance and so on.

"Guy in pajamas, hero; it can be both," Tony replies. "Although I don't let Avengers look sloppy." There's a teasing wink. "We'll give you some time to rattle it around. But you don't have to have a Batcave of Solitude anymore, unless you want that." A quick pat is aimed at Peter's shoulder with his gearshift hand.

Tony pulls into a burger joint, neatly parking. Because Peter had such damn trouble with opening the door, Tony reaches across him to trigger the door to open.

Spider-Man has posed:
"I'd be the most flexable janitor you've ever hired." Peter confirms with a clipped nod. "I kind of hope I don't have to, though. You've seen my apartment. I cleaned yesterday." That's a lie. He's not been there in three.

"So you were serious about suit upgrades." Batcave, Solitude place? "I have a pretty sweet rent controlled apartment in Queens. But nobody ever goes there, so I guess that kind of counts?"

Well this isn't exactly how he expected Tony to seal the deal of him joining, but who is Peter to deny it? One arm comes up to wrap lightly across the back of Tony Stark's shoulder in a weird, pseudo hug.

Iron Man has posed:
"The door panel, which opens your door, is here," Tony says amidst the hug, tapping the spot on the door and easing back out of the hug a little. "Saving us some time; I'm hungry." It's teasing, and slightly awkward on Tony's end, too, with a deep chuckle. He pulls away and immediately gets out of the car on his side. "So, in public: internship," Tony finger-guns over the hood to Peter. Mostly to help the guy relax about why he's about to be in public with Tony. That's the 'story'. The jacket is snared, as the impact of the cooling off night hits him, and he shrugs into it while walking towards the front of the food stand.

Tony is recognized almost immediately. "Mr. Stark!" calls the girl at the register, waving to him.

Spider-Man has posed:
"I.. you had some lint." Peter clears his throat and pulls a weird face when Tony immediately exits the car, smooth move Pete. Half a second later, he unlatches the door and pushes it up to climb out himself. "Intership." Nodding affirmation, wishing immediately he'd brought a jacket as he pushes the door closed and follows Tony towards the burger joint.

"Does that ever get exhausting?" He asks, quietly, and to the side so as not to be rude to the excited lady behind the counter. "I still love it when people take selfies with me on the street..."

Iron Man has posed:
"Which?" Tony asks, not really following what Peter is even referring to, then smiling back to the register girl. "Hey Kim," he greets. He has help, she has a name-tag on, though he may have just known what her name was. He places his order - cheeseburger and a drink, he's not hugely hungry.

"Whatever you want; on me today," Tony suggests to Peter with a general gesture towards the menu, while drawing out his card to give to Kim. Kim gives Peter a broad and extremely curious smile, looking him over with a lot more interest than he's probably used to. Tony's ambiance has magical rich-people effects.

Tony's relaxed, leaning a hip on the side of the counter. He also pulls a device that's some type of mobile communication, thumbing through it. Always something going on in Tony's world.

Spider-Man has posed:
"Not haing any annonymity." Peter explains simply, but quietly, as to what he's refering to. It's off handed, though, because Kim isn't hard on the eyes. He inclines his head, "Internship." Thumbing at Tony, offering information that absolutely nobody asked.

"Just a burger, no onions.. or tomatos. And a soda... Mr. Pibb." Only pepsi, "Dr. Pepper, then, Kim." Don't be a jerk Kim. You know what the other kind of Mr. Pibb is, no reason to call somebody out with your specificity. He's all smiles though.

Then, maybe because Tony is, or maybe because he didn't get a chance to see if Aunt May text him back, he fishes out his very mundane cellphone to thumb thorugh his message. "Hah.." thumb thumb thumb. "Oh that's funny. Do you like memes?" To Tony, glancing up with out completely looking away from his phone.

Iron Man has posed:
"It's always been that way," Tony says, with a shrug. He doesn't know what life is as being anonymous. It's been spotlight for his entire memory.

Their food is rushed to the front of the line: screw those people in the drive-through. The lack of anonymity comes with such perks, and extra ketchup, napkins, and hot sauce. And bright smiles from Kim. And various cooks in the back craning to see, and take pictures. It's not subtle, they aim their cameras at Tony and peter and take them without hiding it at all.

Tony mostly doesn't react, though he sees one at the end, and flashes a cool cat smile for the picture. His tolerance isn't just tolerating, it's enjoying. "Sure, if they're any good," Tony says, sliding along the counter to come to Peter's side to see it. Tony's very casual about a lot of things, including meme viewing. "What've you got?"

Spider-Man has posed:
Peter, by comparison, is more use to this kind of treatment while in costume, but even then it's not to this extreme. And never while unmasked. He has no idea how to respond and, so, ignores it completely. Rather, he tries to. So there are pictures where he's pretending not to look at the people taking pictures, but he's definitely looking at them taking pictures, and generally it just looks Japanese girl from the Grudgish.

Except less hair.

And he's mostly a man.

Tony slides over and Peter points his phone at an angle so he can see the one he's looking at. It's there for only a second when a text pops up from Aunt May: I have new underwear for you, the did not have any with Captain America in your size THUMB RIGHT THUMB RIGHT, "She's kidding, that's a joke... Please, for all the things in the sky that is holy, pretend you didn't see that."

Iron Man has posed:
"Yeah. I always let embarrassing things go," Tony says in an innocent way that suggests that there's going to be a lot of teasing in Peter's future, if not even sooner than that.

Kim brings the tray of food over, and offers it to Peter. Because why on earth would she offer things to Tony, when Peter is clearly some kind of new panicked assistant?

Tony doesn't even react, either; Peter gets to be an assistant, because Tony's picking a spot to sit down. "They didn't have Iron Man ones at all? Must be sold out."

Spider-Man has posed:
Peter hangs his head because there's no way this is going away that easily. His phone slips into his back pocket so that he can take the tray of food offered to him without even questioning it. He barely even gives her time to offer it to either of them and his hands are out to accept. There's perks to walking around with Tony Stark, he just assumed that came with carrying things to the table.

Forever the doormat.

Even though it's okay in this situation.

"I... well probably. I didn't know they made Cap undies or... listen for real? I... I'm a Superman undies kind of guy." It isn't any better, not even to his own ears. Once a table is chosen, Pete slides the tray on it and drops down into a seat.

Iron Man has posed:
"I know enough of your secrets for the day," Tony says, sitting down, and snaring his drink off of the tray, with a half-smirk. The pictures don't really stop as they sit down, a few more happen (with other patrons), but it isn't as many as the initial burst.

"I don't produce that kind of merchandise. Which doesn't mean it doesn't /exist/. I think a body pillow of my image exists." Tony lifts his brows some and chuckles. "Superman's a good guy; he'd appreciate being on your ass, more than most. Fellow pajama wearer to you. And that's not a cut against him." Few in the world can name-drop as casually as Tony, and mean it, without bragging even at all.

"As for your access - I put a kit in the drone. ID. A bonus.... prototype I threw together." Tony taps one of his wrists. Webshooter maybe. "Usual welcome wagon."

Spider-Man has posed:
Peter agrees, he has shared far more than he will ever let himself forgot. Nevermind what notes will appear on his locker, "Are there lockers at the mansion? I always picture it more like a firestation." That is weird without the context from his mental conversation with himself. PSEUO META. PSMETA.

"So, you know Batman, Superman... I.." He just shakes his head, unable to even imagine how that's possible, but oviously it has to be right? Superman probably knows Batman too. It's a lot to take in. Especially with people still snapping pictures of them.

Pete slurps some of his cola and glances over his shoulder at a big guy with a cellphone, then back to Tony. "Really? How do you even have time for that? I mean... I barely have enough time to do anything and I don't sleep."

Iron Man has posed:
Tony lifts a brow at the locker question, and doesn't seem to deign it worthy of an answer. He eats his burger, letting Peter try to take in what new reality he's found himself swept up into. It doesn't bother Tony really; Tony's now lounging back in his chair, one arm draped some over the back, eating his burger one-handed. His t-shirt shifts a little, a thinner spot of the old band shirt passing over his chest, revealing some of the light emission from under the shirt, to a sharp eye.

"Minions," Tony replies to how he has time. "I come up with designs. If they're easy, my 'bots build them." He looks at his burger, turning it, since some cheese is trying to escape out the back.

Spider-Man has posed:
"Check. Get some minions." Peter clip nods, poking a fry at the side of his burger where ketchup is peeking out the bun and chews it down rapidly, if a bit thoughtfully so. "I.." He turns his arm over and bends his wrist forward to show the small bit of the shooter beneath his sleeve. "I built these when I was fifteen." A little quieter, glancing around after shifting some towards the edge of the table.

"Which.. why am I even telling you that. You're Tony Stark. You probably already had the basics of fusion technology down to farm status by then." More geekdom. He played(plays) World of Warfract maybe, probably not because who has time? "Upgraded since then, but not a lot. Mostly just variations of webbing." Glancing over his shoulder before ever saying so, but he has a keen awareness of his surroundings that borders on uncanny.

Iron Man has posed:
"Probably," Tony agrees with the statement, amused. He's finished eating now, and balls up his trash, leaving it there on their tray, and just relaxes with his drink for the moment. He's busy, sure, but often busy doing things like this: eating cheeseburgers and having a little time out. Even if his mind is elsewhere.

"Let's see," Tony asks, with a two fingered hook motion of one hand, indicating for Peter to either extend his wrist or pass the shooter over. It's casual, though, there's no real pressure about it. "I promise not to get ketchup on it that wasn't already there."

Spider-Man has posed:
Peter takes a bite from the side of his burger, head bobbing at the simplicty of Tony's answer to his observations. Another couple bites pass and he's pushing the mostly eaten burger away across the tray. Still chewing when Tony flicks his fingers indicating the shooter on his wrist.

Pete cants his head a little and nods, tapping a button thats just down from his palm and twisting with his opposite hand, the whole unit detaches from the underside of the bracier it's attached to in his palm. The whole things about the size of one Nintendo Switch controller and thin as a cellphone in Pete's palm held out for Tony. "Cartridges go like simchips, enough fluid for a few hours if Im just moving around or a thirty minutes or so in a long fight.. I'm pretty good at switching them out, now, though."

Iron Man has posed:
Tony accepts it, drawing it towards him to look over. He'd seen it earlier, and made some guesses, but a closer look will tell the genius inventor a lot more. "Cute. Where do you store your simchips in your pajamas?" Tony teases, in a way that suggests he's not actually asking that question for a real answer, his attention is on the piece of tech.

Tony considers something, draws his mobile device back out in his other hand, and directs it across the webshooter. Some quick thumb motions. And another sip of his soda.

"Seems like you could benefit from some other modes and options. We can shrink this way down, and also do some absorption from energy impact - but you'd want to integrate that with the rest of the thing..." Tony's just spitballing, it sounds like. He smiles, eyes lift in clear warning: and then he neatly tosses the shooter back to Peter, fully expecting spider reflexes to have zero problem with that easy catch.

"The toy in the drone's just an augment. See what you think of it." He pauses, looking at his device again. "Mmm, I need to get moving. Let's get you back home," Tony says, rapping the knuckles of his other hand once on the table, and getting up.

Spider-Man has posed:
Pete can learn a lot just by watching Tony look at Tech. Heck, even sitting in the room watching him eat a hamburger has probably increased his intelligence exponentially. Having Stark give him pointers on his webshooters, though? That feels surreal. So much so that he has no idea how to even respond to the suggestions, though he absolutely did hear them, and absolutely does nod like he's got plenty of ideas as well.

As for the catch, that's barely even above autopilot. His hand snaps up into the air like a frog grabbing a fly and slaps against his wrist, the fingers on his hand tap, the other twists, and his sleeve slides back over the device in such a smooth motion it has to have been practiced. "I will, absolutely, yeah... do I get a communicator?" Quiet, leaning forward against the table.

Then he's up as well and taking the tray to the trashcan to desposit their garbage. All except his drink because why not bring a dollar fifty soda into a multihundred thousand dollar car? What could happen?

Iron Man has posed:
"Yep," Tony answers, letting Peter do the tray cleanup without even really paying attention.

"Thanks for coming by, Mr. Stark!" calls Kim from the front. The other employees echo various versions of that, and a patron who was boredly ordering a BLT snaps around to gape.

Tony lifts one hand to wave kind of over his shoulder to the employees, and gets the door, holding it open for Peter behind him.

"I may have neglected to mention the drone is a bit of a puzzle. The stuff's inside it. I'm sure you'll get in there, though," Tony says, in a sly, self-amused way. He didn't just leave a gift basket, he left a puzzle box, it sounds like. He tosses his own finished drink cup into the trash, leading the way back.

Spider-Man has posed:
"Bye guys." Peter waves too, but nobody really cares about him and he knows it. It feels good to pretend sometimes though! "Huh.. a puzzle." He takes a sucking last drink and glances around for a trash can, but they're outside now and the trash is back inside. It'd be weird to hold Tony up EVEN MORE by having to go back in, right?

But even more weird to leave it sitting on the sidewalk.

It's a puzzle alright and if this is any indication of how it's going to go, he'll never get into that damn drone because he can't figure this life stuff out and he's been doing it for twenty five years. "I'll.. uh.. be right back." Off he goes to reenter the shop, drop off his cup, wave at everybody again even though they still don't care, and then run back out.

Iron Man has posed:
Kim pretended to care. Or did care. Not a bad looking assistant of Tony's. That's not so bad. He's probably rich too. When Peter returns with the drink she gives him a flash of alarm. "Is everything okay?" she asks quickly, but the wave assured her things are fine.

Tony stared at Peter a little bit when he runs back and forth. He DID open the passenger side, Peter will find, because Tony didn't need to watch that awkward fest a second time when he's in something of a time pressure. "It's all right," Tony says, anticipating the apology that's about to hit him. "When you have to go, you have to go," Tony shrugs. He turns the engine over with a pleasing purr of altered insane engine.

Spider-Man has posed:
Peter is altogether unprepared for Kim's questions, but does the best he can to return the wave. It's awkward, so weird, he knows it, and everyone in the shop knows it. Then he's back outside and climbing into the car without all the drama that preceeded entering it the first time. "You know it's strange cus I did drop some liquid off in the trash..." They're usually more sparks behind his humor, "Sorry, that's not my best work." There goes the apology!

Iron Man has posed:
"Again, I'm good with the secret volume we've already done today," Tony teases back without missing a beat at all. He pulls out of the parking lot once Peter is safely inside and has managed the car door with finesse this time. Suggests the kid can learn. That'll come in handy.

At the next stoplight, Tony triggers a key on his steering wheel. His Bluetooth is of a crazy type, he can link all of his communications on the fly. In this case, to the Tower. "JARVIS, let Pep know I'll be maybe thirty minutes. Forty-five, tops. And that I've eaten. Business all the way," he says, with a sideways wink at Peter, as if Peter might somehow now be an accessory to Tony's sneaky eating-out mission.

"Of course, Sir," answers the disembodied voice of JARVIS.

Tony doesn't linger on that call at all, just moves onward. "By the way, don't bring Deadpool with you to the mansion." As if Peter had any control over that. "Although, /I/ don't mind the shrubbery cut into phallus, as I enjoy watching Cap turn colors."

Spider-Man has posed:
Peter is gonna say something about secret volume when there's a voice in the car that sounds smarter than he ever imagined himself to be, "Was that?" Pointing up at the roof of the car as the most logical place from which an AI would originate while in transit. He's unaware of exactly what he's been implicated in with Pep, but it's certainly something he'd agree to until he realized how terrifying Pepper can be when melting someone with her demon eyes.

"Hold now." Patting the air, "I'm not saying Deadpool is my friend, because that would be a gross over exageration of our relationship, but even if we were, which we're not, I wouldn't bring anyone to the mansion. Especially not him. Frankly, there's not a lot that scares me." Because this part is super important, "But he does. He scares me deep in my heart like...like a lion that knows how to do calculus.. or clowns." Shiver. "He's a weird man and I..." There's a line and he knows he's approaching it.

"We're good, no Deadpool. Swell guy, but I think he's Canadian anyways."

Iron Man has posed:
"God? No," Tony quips in answer to the question about the roof of the car. He leaves that where it is, though: it's clearly the AI, so there's no real reason to mention it, beyond that Tony does like to talk.

"Deadpool is... One of those things that doesn't deserve the time it'd take to analyze," Tony answers, with a dismissive shrug. He got the answer he was after: were the two pals. Sounds like a no. The trip home is faster than it was on the way out; traffic has reduced, and Tony's actually making an effort to not just do a scenic route. Soon enough, he's delivered Peter home. "Come by the mansion someday soon," Tony bids, as if that were an entirely normal offer, offering a handshake across to Peter, in his casual and natural way.

Spider-Man has posed:
"I mean we're pals, sure, but I wouldn't want to analyze him." Peter complicates everything! It's something to say into the rather less scenic path leading them back to his apartment complex. Thankfully there's no crowd waiting outside with flowers for Tony, he half expected that, and is pleased that it was for not. "I... yeah, absolutely. I'll be there soon." That's a promise, possibly tonight. How fast can he change. Wait, no, have to call Aunt May back.

"Thanks again, Mister Stark. This is amazing." One arm goes up like he'll lean in for a hug, but then there's the hand and, well he does a really awkward, entirely too elaborate, and probably one sided handshake that he regrets even before it's over.

If there were any, literally any, way for him to get out of the car faster he would have after that. "I should..." Thumbing at his apartment. I should get out, that's precisely why they're here. Peter crawls out of the car and isn't sure where he should stand on the sidewalk and wave like an idiot until the car disappears or just trot right up the stairs.

He choses the first one because of course he does. "Seeya around, Mister Stark." Please stop waving, just stop waving.

He doesn't though.