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Latest revision as of 00:33, 14 August 2019

Breakfast of Heroes
Date of Scene: 07 June 2019
Location: Kitchen - Xavier's School
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Cannonball, Cypher, Sunspot, Nightcrawler

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie is in the kitchen, luckily someone else as did the cooking this morning. Sam has gathered himself a large plate of scrambled eggs, bacons and hash browns. He hmms softly to himself "I need to find a decent quick cooking grits."

Cypher has posed:
Unfortunately Doug cooked breakfast, and as hard as he tries, as good as he is at many things... Doug can't cook. He gets distracted. So the scrambled eggs are a little watery and the toast is a little burnt. He's sitting on the counter, picking at a plate of them without much interest. "Hard to find up here. You'd have to go to the big supermarket up in Harrison." He looks up, and says, "...Sam?" Then he laughs, "...I'm a terrible cook."

Sunspot has posed:
Coming from outside, and that means he drove from New York, Roberto has obviously been awake for a few hours already. It is okay to hate morning persons, and Berto rises with the sun. Maybe because his mutant power, possibly because his father was a workaholic and that is how he was raised.

"Good morning, my friends. Still on the breakfast?" He tsks in disapproval. "Haven't you heard evil never sleeps? Neither do giant robots!"

Nightcrawler has posed:
    "Und there are others who fight all night while the rest of us fight during the day...." Kurt slinks in on the ceiling to avoid foot traffic. When he can see the eggs, and the toast, he sighs and shakes his head, "Ugh, das ist ein Verbrechen ..."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie is eating it anyways and says "No Doug, your a bad cook, when you cook it is still mostly edible and the kitchen is left in one piece." He looks over and says "Berto, your just wanting us out there on the night shift so you don't have to be." He grins at him "Oh you see the note, Captain America and Wasp coming out to the school soon.

Cypher has posed:
Doug looks up, and then sticks his tongue out at Kurt. Nyeh. He picks a triangle of burnt tost off his plate, though, and he paper-footballs it at 'Berto. "If I had fresh-ground coffee and cuca de banana waiting for ME at five AM I'd get up too." Then he glances to Sam, and shrugs. "I come from a long family line of bad cooks. The centerpiece of our christmas table every year was Nana Ramsey's tuna and tomato aspic. Everybody had to eat a slice. I got real good at spitting stuff into napkins on the sly." Then he hmphs. "It feels a little bit like we're being inspected by the Avengers. I don't know how I feel about that." Then he says, to Bobby and Sam, "What do you think about me getting a law degree?" It's another thing that runs in his family... his parents were lawyers.

Nightcrawler has posed:
Kurt Wagner grunts and heads for the refrigerator now, still on the ceiling, peering in upside down and rummaging. "It's Steve, I fear nothing regarding this visit. If it was Tony, I'd expect he was trying to get into our system or monetize us somehow."

Sunspot has posed:
"So what is stopping you, Doug?" Responds Roberto, ducking under the toast. "Very mature of you," he adds with a smirk. Then he glances to Sam. "Avengers, uh? Interesting, I will try to be around. Although I'd rather see Iron Man or Thor. You know I think he should be Captain U.S., or at least Captain North America."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie chuckles a bit and says "Well, you got to remember, he was at a time when it was all be true, be American, don't trust the Germans, or Japanese." He looks over to Kurt "No offence. And if he was Captain North America, then Captain Canuck, or Logan might get all upset, and you have more hero fights." He turns to Doug, and says "Think you could stand knowing someone is lieing on the stand but not being able to prove it?

Cypher has posed:
Doug murmurs, "I'm more of a Justice League kind of guy." Then he stretches his legs out from where he's sitting on the counter. "Indecision, mostly." He puts another triangle of toast in the uprights and takes better aim at Berto this time, though he doesn't flick it yet. "The canteloupe is Kitty's, if you're going to eat it I suggest covering up the crime. I know I didn't see anything." He flicks his gaze up to Sam, and he says, "...I know people are lying all the time, and can't prove it. I'd just have to get really good at proving it."

Sunspot has posed:
"Lying on the stand?" Asks Roberto, finding a chair to settle, "as in a trial stand, Sam? Who are you talking about?" He glances up at Kurt and shakes his head. People just don't understand billionaire playboys. Besides, if there was any way of monetize the X-Men... actually there are a few ways. Roberto just needs to corner the Professor at some point.

Nightcrawler has posed:
Kurt Wagner mrmms, looking to Sam, "Ja, I get it, it's ok." turning his attention to Berto, "I'm from the circus, I know how people think, no? How do we make a buck on this..." he snorts a little. "Why do you think the Freak Show was so popular? And hard to get out of."

Cypher has posed:
Doug sets his plate down, and says, "Speaking of merely being a bad cook, I need to do the washing up." He fires that second toast triangle at Berto, *plink!* and then gets up to start cleaning up the pots and pans. It's a shame he didn't try pancakes again... everyone could go out and play frisbee with one.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie shrugs a bit and says "If Doug is going to be a lawyer, Ah am pretty sure he would be dealing with some folks who would be lying through their teeth. Ah just want to make sure he aint gonna get frustrated and want to punch out the witness. Would not be the first Superhero Lawyer, Ah went to talk to Jennifer Walters the other week, when Ah was looking into what kind of legal protection one would need with a public super hero group

Sunspot has posed:
"A lawyer, oh well," although She-Hulk as a lawyer is okay. Speaking from the super-hero perspective, of course (yeah, right). "I thought Doug was into computer programming. Then again, I thought he was dead." Yes, he is still annoyed no one told him Doug was alive for months.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks over and says "Ah thought Dani sent word to everyone man, if Ah had know ya did not know, would have made sure to tell ya." He tells the other man. "So, how has the city been keeping ya now ya want the fancy penthouses instead of a dorm room." He kids his old romate.

Sunspot has posed:
Roberto chuckles, "damn right I do. I have a Jacuzzi, parties with super-models every other day, helipad on the balcony for trips to beach," pause to smirk at Sam. "Not really, except for the Jacuzzi. But I can't live in here; I am a public, semi-famous and watched over person now. And this school is still supposed to be a secret. Besides, I am not in any of the active teams and I am probably quite rusty in the whole team-work routine."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie chuckles a bit and says "Well, Ah know a room, can take ya to, and knock the rust off, well knock it off or knock ya block off if you really are to rusty." He will finish his breakfast, and move to wash his dish. "Oh got a new kid, who might put together a band for the club in a few months."

Sunspot has posed:
"A new kid?" Roberto looks at Sam, unsure what to make of that. Maybe he is a teacher now? That would make sense. "Ah, for the club," he shrugs. "I should drop by some day. But knowing you is all country," he teases. "I suppose I should try, for old time or something." He stands up to head out, "but for now, work calls. See you later, Sammy."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks to the man and says "Oh yea, Ah only hang out with Hank Williams, and Billy Dean." He says and starts to hum a bit of the chorus from Lila's song Sam, just to mess with his buddy. "You need anything let me know, and Ah think you would like the club when your ready to come see it.