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Latest revision as of 00:36, 14 August 2019

Everything is Lizardier in Texas.
Date of Scene: 03 June 2019
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Colt Cassidy, Cannonball, Cypher, Sibilance

Colt Cassidy has posed:
Last night in Blaine, Texas there was an incident. A new mutant found out what he was, and to say the town is up in arms is to put it mildly. The town's sheriff, the mutant's father, is the one leading the posse to find and 'take care' of him.

That town is about thirty miles south of where they're located now, another town, larger than Blaine named Robinwood is where Colt has found himself. He's just trying to run, he doesn't know where he's going or what he's going to do once he gets there, he's just trying to put distance between himself and the guy that shot him in the chest.

He is unaware, however, that his every movement is being tracked thanks to one of those 'find my phone' apps. He grabbed his phone and threw it in his backpack when he fled, not even thinking about the fact that his dad had full control over it. Right now he's sitting in an alleyway near a coffee shop, using his laptop on the shop's wireless network to try to find a bus station so maybe he can get somewhere safer.

Meanwhile two police cars that aren't from Robinwood have pulled up nearby, blocking off the street, and several pick-up trucks that decidedly aren't police are en-route.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie has rented a Jeep when they got into town. They were given a rough idea, where the kid was haded from a Cerebro reading, but untill they get close, the mini units are not that handy. They asked a few questions when they got into town. Sam would have made sure to offer Sibil an image inducer since they know mutants have been shot in town. Once hearing a bit about the Posse, he has started driving a bit faster to get in front of them, and start their looking for the kid. He looks to the other two a moment "We got pictures of the kid right?"

Cypher has posed:
"...That poor kid made a big mistake." Doug says, studying his phone. "They're following his every move." He says, turning his phone to show Sam the app, which he's piggybacking on. "...Give me just a second, and I'll mess with the app so that it throws them off of his position a little bit, and give him some room to get out so that we can get to him. Snatch and grab? Avoid a confrontation with the cops and the locals?" Then he brings up some images. "Football all-star. Looks pretty much like your average all-American." He glances up at Sam. "Actually a lot like you, haystacks. Didn't you play football before you got recruited by the Professor?"

Sibilance has posed:
Sibilance sits in the back of the car, holding a cellphone, some kind of black smartphone-looking thing. She brings up a grainy photo of Colt post-transformation, from the news footage, zoomed in on him. "He'll look a bit like a lizard. We might have to stuff him in the trunk, and if anyone sees him on the way out we're gonna have problems," she says, after showing the photo over the shoulder of the backseat to both of 'em. Especially to Sam, since he's the one that asked. "Did you bring a spare inducer? How many of those are available? Seems like a pretty advanced gadget." Which means she doesn't have her hopes up for this going easy. The inducer has made her look like a short-haired Mexican woman, complete with her black clothed outfit. Pretty non-descript, honestly. Better than her real appearance in a town of anti-mutant folks.

"If you don't want to risk him freaking out when we show up, I can make him sleep for a while, long enough to get him outta town," she explains, "But I don't want to have to do that."

Colt Cassidy has posed:
The phone app suddenly shows the location of the phone being tracked jump across town, to what looks like a Walmart or something similar. That should divert a lot of them. The roadblocks remain in place, however, as a couple of officers go into the coffee shop to evacuate a few of the civilians inside.

Colt can hear the sound of vehicles and tires, and shoves the laptop back into the backpack, grabbing it and his guitar case and slinging them both over his back. He moves as slow as he can towards the edge of the alley and peers out, pulling his hood up over his head before he does, only to duck back down inside. Well that's not good.

The civilians are evacuated, and three officers, along with about seven other guys who appear to be some sort of civilian militia, are surrounding the shop.

One of the guys dressed in a police uniform pulls a bullhorn out of his car and keys it on, "Come on out boy, we know you're in there somewhere. Don't make me come in after you, or it'll end up like last time too."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will look to the others "We don't snatch and grab, we will give him the choice, he can come with us or not. If he wants we can even drop him somewhere else if he wants out of here but not with us. He will top a hill, and can see the folks around the coffee shop. He sighs a bit and says "Well this does not look like it is going to go down easy. He will stop the jeep, and says "Switch with me Doug." He offers the other man the seat. "Can you make more than one person fall asleep at a time Sibil?

Cypher has posed:
Doug climbs into the drivers' seat, and buckles up. "...Gotcha." He says. "We just have to get him out of HERE, and someplace where we can talk to him. And for the love of God, Sam, get rid of his phone."

Sibilance has posed:
Sibilance is asked to do something beyond what she's usually done, and it's obvious in her hesitation that she's not sure. She retorts, "I've never tried," and frowns at the idea of trying to command so many people at once. Especially people with guns that will immediately shoot at her the moment things look bad. But...

If she doesn't, a kid could get killed by his own father.

"I've got an idea. You're my retrieval team, to capture the 'dangerous mutant.' Hopefully this will make sure no one gets shot." She does not wait for the Jeep to move into place. She acts. She pops the door open and hops out, and advances. Her black attire is almost like some sort of, well, government agent. She approaches with an aggressive confidence up to the cars. She then calls out, "Who's in charge here!?" as she approaches the cars.

If she can get the attention of the guy with the bullhorn, she'll wave and point at him. "This rodeo is over! A retrieval team is coming right now and you all need to clear out! Bullets will only get good people hurt." Acting as if she's in charge while she issues her psychic control to the officer in charge. She pretends to flash a badge from her unfolded wallet while she does it so the others don't think she's fibbing when they glance over.

Colt Cassidy has posed:
That voice is the one that has presided over Colt's entire life, and he's terrified of it, despite being bigger and stronger and relatively bullet proof, that doesn't discount years of mental trauma.

The jeep pulls up to the roadblock and the young woman jumps out, starting to yell her own commands. The guy with the bullhorn turns to protest, and then finds himself not really feeling like it, "You guys feds?" He asks her, as he motions for the others to lower their weapons.

One of the non-cops, armed with a shotgun, calls out to him, "What the hell you doin', Jack? I though we were handlin' this ourselves!" The sheriff turns to him, "Shut the hell up Clyde. I shot that thing point blank and it didn't even stop. If the feds wanna bring out their big guns to bring it down, let 'em."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie was queing up something on his phone as he was expecting an answer from the woman, not her jumping out and taking the lead. He aint dressed much like a fed but he will climb out of the Jeep moving to follow her lead, as not alot of choice now, unless he just wants to start the fire fight. He will walk over to stand behind Sibil, and just calmly says "You will want to back up a safe distance, don't want to see one of you fine upstanding citizens get hurt if things go sideways." His eyes look over the coffee shop frowning a bit. Not liking that the kid might be hearing this and making things worse. He trys to hide the frown as more serious concern for the sheriff and his men.

Cypher has posed:
Doug sits quietly in the jeep, checking his phone with one hand while he grips the wheel tightly with the other. He's ready to hit the gas pedal like he stole it, the second they grab the kid

Sibilance has posed:
"Something like that, Cassidy," Sibil replies to him, not technically lying to him in this case. She briefly squints and turns her head. "Where's your badge, cowboy?" she snaps to the man with the shotgun, and marches over to him to give him a once-over. "You heard the man. What do you think your toy's gonna do to that mutant?" She points at it. "Piss him off? And then he knocks your head off and escapes, all you've done is tear a rift in your family for some gungho bullshit. Put the gun away before you get yourself hurt."

She puts her hand on her hip, and waves at Sam and Doug to get to the alley and retrieve Colt. She turns and confidently stomps toward the alley where he is, her arms at her sides.

Colt Cassidy has posed:
Clyde snorts a bit as she moves over to him, "I ain't taken orders from no chick before and I ain't gonna start now." Clyde obviously is a real winner. Jack grunts, "Clyde take a walk before you shoot yourself in the foot again you dumbass."

Inside the alley, Colt can hear the goings on, and is half considering making a break for it. I mean it's one thing to get hunted by a lot of hillbillies, but this is some kind of federal mutant hunting team. What if they sent one of those Sentinel things? He doesn't think he could fight that.

A crowd has gathered at the perimeter, but most of the armed guys have their weapons holstered or slung, waiting to see what happens. If this federal take down doesn't go well, they'll go back to the original plan.

Once Sibilance and Samuel reach the entrance to the alleyway, they'll see the large stone lizard hiding behind a dumpster. He's not doing a very good job of hiding since his tail is visible.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "Ok we are coming in." He says this loud enough to be heard back at the Redneck line. While Sam does not sound texan he does have a bit of sothern draw to his voice. Once he is inside the alley, his voice will soften to not carry out of it "Sorry to scare ya Colt, we had to get past those guys out there. We are here to get you out of this mess. We are friends." He sighs and says "Ah know Ah know, don't like it but we are here to help. He will move a bit so between the shadows, and his own form those outside the alley can not see Sibil, and says "Show him, but make sure the bozo's can;t see ya.""

Cypher has posed:
"...Smoke 'em if you got 'em." Doug says, re-checking his app. He quickly riffles through, digging up more information on the kid and his family. "...Oh great." He says, to himself, "His father's a Grand Poobah of the local branch of the *FoH*. That's gonna make this interesting."

Sibilance has posed:
Ainsley steps into a spot where she won't be seen, double-checking real fast. She turns off the inducer for only long enough for Colt to see her real appearance, flashing a smile in his direction. Then she turns it back on. "If you could pretend to have been captured, it will make this easier. Just let me hold you by the wrists like you've been cuffed while we're bringing you in. And toss your phone, they're tracking it." She thumbjerks outside the alley. "It's how they found you."

So far this is going smoothly. She can feel her heart hammering in her chest, excited and terrified. She may actually rescue this person without having to hurt anyone. "It's all up to you now, Colt. Okay?" She walks closer and prepares for the miming of walking a 'captive' out of the alley.

Colt Cassidy has posed:
As they enter the alleyway, Colt gets up to his feet. He's big, and he brings his hands up like he's ready to fight, but they don't attack him. He looks confused between Sibilance and Samuel, "You guys aren't gonna try to hurt me?" He asks, lowering his hands and hoping they mean it.

Once she reveals herself, his eyes go wide for a second. He wants to ask her how she did that but there'll be time for that later. He pulls his backpack around and grabs his phone out of it, looking down at it for a moment, but realizing he can get another one later. With seemingly very little effort he crushes it in his hand and drops it in the dumpster.

He puts his backpack and guitar case down and looks at Sam, "Please bring these." He says, before holding his hands up to Sibilance so she can take him into custody or?Pretend custody, "I just want to get as far away from him as I can. Please."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will grab both the backpack and case, carrying them like he does not wish to touch them. He snears as he walks along, and says "Ok we got him, don't do anything stupid." This is said tothe Red neck or the Kid, it aint 100% sure. He does make sure to walk between the girl and the kid and the thugs. He does softly whisper "If they start shooting you two get to the jeep and get out of here, Ah will keep them busy." And he keeps an eye on those god ole boys, specificly Clyde.

Cypher has posed:
Doug waits for them to get to the jeep and climb aboard. "Now I figure we've got about forty-five seconds until he thinks twice about this and sends people after us," He says, quietly, as they pile in. He notes how the gargoyle makes the jeep creak and list, and then he says, "...I'm just gonna call you Broadway." And then... he *guns* it, putting pedal to the mtal and peeling out of there.

Sibilance has posed:
Sibil steps around to pull Colt's hands around to his back. She's plenty strong, though perhaps not as much as the stone lizard mutant is, he'd be able to feel that. She leads him to the Jeep to stuff him in the back seat, where the vehicle would wobble on its shocks. Then she'd get in and shut the door behind her.

"Six hours," she corrects Doug. "That's when my commands wear off. It's the others we have to worry about. If they go off the rails... well, let's hope they're all listening to him."

She settles into her seat and breathes a long sigh... and pats Colt's thigh comfortingly, if he allows it.

Colt Cassidy has posed:
Most of the guys seem to be listening to the sheriff. Most of them. Everybody was concerned with Clyde, nobody was paying attention to the guy who pulled a bandana over his face and moved to the other side of the jeep.

Once they load the big stone mutant into the jeep, which sinks under the extra weight, the guy makes his move. He jumps out from where he had been hiding and fires two shots from a handgun. One strikes Colt square in the chest, the other grazes along the side of his head, sending stone chips scattering down onto Sibil.

Thankfully Doug was already planning on gunning it as soon as the trio got into the jeep, so his hammer down on the gas tears them out of there. A few more shots ring out but none of them strike true.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie frowns and has just the case and the backpack in the car, and at the fireing he turns. There is nothing he can do if the kid is hurt nw other than make sure he is not hurt any more. Sam starts to glow and the young man liftes off the ground sooting up like a bullet, but in just a second he has changed course, and is flying right at the man with the gun. Bullets bounce off the young man's orange blast field that surrounds him "Ah told you not to do anything stupid now didn't Ah." He will shot, and as the gunman dives out of the way Sam barrels on into car they were riding in, blasting through the front enf od them like well a cannonball. He did try to angle his path so any shrapnel from the car shedding it's front will go away from the guy. As he keeps flying past, he starts a turn to come back at them, keeping them busy and their attention on him.

Cypher has posed:
Doug drops the hammer, sending a cloud of dust flying up behind them. "I'm gonna floor it anyway. Anyway, kid --" He adjusts his sunglasses. "Welcome to the New Mutants, we hope you survive the experience -- I know I didn't! It's scientifically proven to make cars go faster." He looks in the rear view at Sam, and says, "He'll catch up. Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhoooooooooooo~"

Sibilance has posed:
    "(God in Heaven--!)" Sibil barks in surprise as the bullet ricochets past her, her head turning. She didn't realize someone was there, and then she gets jostled by the vehicle as it starts speeding away. She makes a 'HRF!' noise as she slaps into the door next to her, and then grunts as she pushes herself up in her seat.

She peers out the back window at Samuel's shrinking silhouette. "They definitely don't think we're government agents now." She mutters under her breath about something or another in Spanish, then turns to look at Colt. "You alright? I know he said that you're bullet-proof, but that doesn't mean it feels good to be shot." She leans over to check on his skin where the shot chipped him.

Colt Cassidy has posed:
Colt is holding one hand over his chest where the bullet hit him, "I.." He can feel the chip that has been taken out of his chest, and he looks back down at Sibil, and then back over at Sam's display of powers, "I'm..I think I'm okay."

"I've been shot three times in the last two days. This isn't how I pictured my summer vacation going." At least for the time being they have made it to relative safety.

Sam's display of powers gets several more shots sent his way from the original assailant, good 'ol Clyde Cabbot, and a few of the other armed individuals. Once the trio still in the jeep are out of harm's way, however, he's free to break contact and retreat. Most everybody else has scattered once the powers and bullets started flying.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie does just that once the others are out of the way and the pursuit vehicles are down for the count, Sam wil head off in a different direction for a bit than the others, then turning to head to the preplanned meeting spot. He will land near the jeep, asking "Is everyone ok?" He check on them all. Sam seems totally unhurt from the gunplay, and more concerned about the others.

Sibilance has posed:
"Colt got hit. He'll be fine, though, he said," Sibil says, then she checks herself, and adds, "I'm fine, too." She peers over Doug's seat at him. "He didn't get hit," she concludes. "Let's get the hell out of here. I don't miss being shot at by lunatics." Because that is a familiar and awful part of her past.