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Latest revision as of 00:37, 14 August 2019

Frosty Flash
Date of Scene: 04 June 2019
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Killer Frost, Flash

Killer Frost has posed:
Killer Frost hmmmms happily as she was sitting on a bench outside a coffeeshop, fingering a pearl necklace and sipping a frappuchino. She hmmmms happily as she puts it around her neck. "Very nice, very nice," she croons, as if she just acquired it, holding up her hand, a sheet of ice forming into a reflective sheen so she can use it as a mirror.

Flash has posed:
Flash is out on patrol through the city while waiting on some tests to finish back at the lab. A slash of orange and white lightning blazing through the streets like a video game from the 80s. Initially he passes right by Killer Frost sitting on the bench, but before it's likely even registered that he has, he's back. Sliding to a stop behind the bench, Barry tilts his red costumed head, "Nice neclace.."

Killer Frost has posed:
Killer Frost nods. "I know, right?" she asks. "It looks good on me, right?" she asks. She is wearing some other jewelry like some rings that seems to be unusual. And in the distance, a faint sound of an alarm can be heard. "I even got this coral necklace that'll match my sister's... color scheme." She smiles innocently. Oh so innocently.

Flash has posed:
Barry upnods slowly at Frost, a brow perked behind his mask, "Yeah, it's downright criminal how good it looks. Here's the thing..." Crackle of lightning and he's standing on the otherside of the bench infront of her. "I thought you had given up on the whole crime thing? Is this a relapse or are you rebelling for a yet unknown reason?"

Killer Frost has posed:
Killer Frost shrugs. "I never said that. I got bored." She shrugs. "I told you I wouldn't kill anyone unless they really deserved it." She shrugs. "I don't think my sister will mind her new bling. We don't really ask questions. I let her do her hero thing, she lets me do... this." She grins widely. "What, are you going to make me put it all back or something? That would be so awkward."

Flash has posed:
"Yes." Flash says with a shrug and a glance down the street towards the sound of the alarm, then back to Frost. "Your sister might have a willingness to play ignorant with you stealing thousands of dollars worth of jewelry, but I absolutely am not. So, are you going to take it back?" Motioning with a raised hand in the direction he's surmissed she acquired the items. "It would definitely make things easier."

Killer Frost has posed:
Killer Frost ponders. "Compromise? You just put it back before they realize anything? If I go over there, someone will lose their temper and might flash-freeze someone." She shrugs as she pulls all the jewelry off and puts it in a pile on the bench. "I did pay for the frappe." She sips it.

Flash has posed:
Flash frowns deeply and rubs at the side of his red temple, "Frost, you're making this difficult for me. If it weren't for Caitlin, I would almost certainly be forced to turn you in and I think you know that." In the space that most people would use just to breath, the jewelry disappears from the bench with a gust of wind in the direction of the shop. He doesn't just return it, but hands it back over, then returns a few seconds later. "Eventually that wont be enough. If you respect what she does as a hero, you have the power to make it easier for her. If you don't, you can keep doing what you're doing, but I wont let you pretend like you are doing anything but make her life more difficult."

Killer Frost has posed:
Killer Frost blinks. "I don't understand," she states as she stares at you, looking down at the jewelry. "Now you're making me guilty for having done this at all." She sighs softly. "You really are strange, you know?" She paces back and forth, gazing at the jewelry. "Are you going to tell me that I'm a bad person now? And that I'm dragging my sister down?"

Flash has posed:
"If you don't know that stealing jewelry is in no way helpful to your sister, than I'm pretty sure you've got it confused as to which of the two of us is strange." Flash motions with his hands moving back and forth between them alternatively, "You don't have to do any of this, but you do. Saying that somehow stealing is beneficial to, literally, anyone but yourself, is just going to make me facepalm. So please dont."

Killer Frost has posed:
Killer Frost just slumps. "I... get these impulses to just do stuff. So I do. I see something I want, and I just take it. I don't really consider the consequences." She slumps. "I know Caitlin doesn't really approve - but she tries to stay on good terms so doesn't push it." She shrugs. "I promise to try harder not to steal from good people." She is acting sullen, like a kid caught smoking behind the gym.

Flash has posed:
"If you go to steal something, what I need you to consider is how it would affect Caitlin if you get caught." Flash isn't overtly aggressive, but he isn't backing down from what he's saying either. "You have the potential to do so much good if you'd assist Caitlin with her work rather than... this." Motioning around at their surroundings, but probably meaning the theft.

Killer Frost has posed:
Killer Frost just stares at you, puzzled. "Like what?" she finally asks cautiously. "And what would I get out of this cooperation? What could _she_ do for _me_?" she finally asks, in a very small voice as if she's not really sure where this is going.

Flash has posed:
"That's for you two to sort out, but what do you get out of it now? I can't imagine you're so flush with cash that the possibility of getting put in prison is worth it.." Flash opens his hands and lifts his palms, "But if you two can't figure it out, nobody is ever going to be able to."

Killer Frost has posed:
Killer Frost just ponders. "What do you think of us?" she finally asks, gesturing to herself. One of her eyes stops glowing and looks its normal brown color. "Caitlin is listening too." She watches you with those two-tone eyes. "We... want to hear."

Flash has posed:
"Think of you?" Flash squints at Frost with his head cant to one side, "You're my friends. If you weren't, I definitely wouldn't be trying to talk you out of what you're doing..." He motions around at everything he's done, including lowkey aiding in her criminal activities by returning the stolen goods without turning her in.

Killer Frost has posed:
Suddenly Caitlin appears, as all hints of ice vanish from her. She sighs softly. "So... Frost is a bit nuts... I think her main issue is that she just has impulse control problems." She stands up and brushes herself off. "Really don't know what to do about it. I guess just trying to talk to her about it helps - she's embarrased."

Flash has posed:
"I'm not saying she's a child, but that's precisely how you discipline a child." Flash says with a slow nod to Caitlin, "I don't know that it will change her, but if it makes her think twice next time... maybe that will be enough? I just don't want to see you punished for her crimes."

Killer Frost has posed:
Caitlin Snow nods. "Frost only cares about two people in this world. Me - and you." She sighs. "She's... actually crying a bit in my head. Mostly frustration but... hmmmmm." She shrugs. "You know, if I worked with her, we could do surgery so well - she could just freeze wounds... I could see her talents used for such good..."

Flash has posed:
Flash raises a brow, but it likely only looks like one wide eye behind his mask, "Me? What, why?" Both hands touch against either side of his lightning bolt on hist chest. "I mean, I care for her too, obviously, but I had no idea she..." He trails off and takes a slow breath, possibly feeling a little guilty himself now. "Tell her I didn't mean to be so harsh, but I don't know what else to say, you know?"

Killer Frost has posed:
Caitlin Snow sighs softly. "She's embarrased and confused. I know - it's like dealing with a bratty teenager. It's like she never grew up. Not really a surprise - she was repressed for quite some time." She smiles softly. "We'll talk some more. She might be doing some shady business dealings, but I'll see if I can keep her away from petty theft."

Flash has posed:
"She could be endlessly helpful using those dealings to protect the city from the worst elements of the underworld, you know?" Flash offers with a little shrugs, "Having an ear to the street for any potentially life threatening happenings would be of great assistance to ME. I'm fast, but I swore off time travel."

Killer Frost has posed:
Caitlin Snow nods. "Yeah... so... so you want her to play the bad girl and be your agent?" She ponders. "I'll propose it to her once she calms down. I think you'er the only one she'd do it for."

Flash has posed:
"If it helps bring her around? Yeah." Flash nods agreeably, "Ultimately she's got you there to be her moral compass, so long as you are talking to one another. But Caitlin, you've got to stop turning a blind eye, this is your life too."

Killer Frost has posed:
Caitlin Snow nods. "I know, I know... but... if I fight with her, things just get ugly. I have to cooperate with her somewhat or we'll mak each other miserable." She shrugs. "We'll try to work something out."

Flash has posed:
"I didn't fight with her. I told her the facts." Flash points out with his hands joining his shoulders in a fractional shrug, "but I have faith in you both. Just takes time and effort. Not like either of you can abandon the other, so might as well try."