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Latest revision as of 00:37, 14 August 2019

Student Orientation part 2
Date of Scene: 05 June 2019
Location: Garage - Xavier's School
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Cannonball, Colt Cassidy, Cypher

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie is walking around looking about to see if he can find Colt. He figures he will check to see if the young man, has any questions.

Colt Cassidy has posed:
Colt is actually out by the pool. He's looking down at the water from the edge of the pool. He never had a pool growing up. Swimming sports were never much of a big deal in his hometown. Heck he'd never even seen the ocean prior to their flight back here from Texas. He reaches down and dips one of his claws into the water.

Cypher has posed:
Doug is currently on an inflatable in the middle of the pool, wearing sunglasses and a sun hat. And a speedo. It has *duckies* on it. He's reading a copy of 'Lucifer's Hammer'.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks over and says "Colt, Doug." He says in greeting to the two of them "How are you doing Colt finding everything you need around the school?" He will walk over to the pool, he is dressed in jeans and a Lila Cheney t-shirt.

Colt Cassidy has posed:
Colt takes a second to look up, "Oh hey Sam. Uh. Yeah, so far so good." He replies, "This place is big. Way bigger than my old school, more students too." He sits on the edge of the pool and dips his talons into the water, "I guess you guys probably hear that a lot, huh?"

Cypher has posed:
Doug looks up, flips over onto his belly, and lazily arm-paddles his way over. He gets out, and sits, with his feet dangling into the pool. "I recognize that look." Doug says, to Sam. "That's the 'My-life-is-over-and-I-have-no-future' look." He looks to Colt. "We have all been there. Literally. We have ALL been where you are. Some of us literally, right where you're sitting." He glances up to Sam. "Storytime?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods a bit and says "Yea, trust me, Ah know what it is like to find this place huge. Ah come from a small town in Kentucky named Cumberland. It is a mining town mostly. Ah came up here when Ah was 16. We had an odd group of us, there was five of us then. Doug here, was either the 7th or 8th student to join my class of students.

Colt Cassidy has posed:
Colt turns to Doug, and tries to offer a smile, "Well, I suppose you got me pegged pretty good." He says, "I mean, I get it. I'm still alive so it ain't over til it's over." He leans back on his hands, "Plus you guys got that weird holo thingy that Sibilance was using the other day..Though I dunno how it hides a tail, but heck, I suppose I don't need to know. SStill, it's a lot to take in."

Cypher has posed:
"Well. Honestly, for me it might as well be written on your forehead." Doug says, crossing his feet at the ankles. "Yeah, we were a clique. Test subjects for when the school opened up to mutants from all over. Me, I was a local boy, I grew up in Salem Center, heck, the school was a client of my parents' lawfirm. But... when I found out I was a Mutant? That was the end of the future I had planned. I remember, that night, after everything had died down, sitting in the dark in one of the guest rooms here and crying, because I had no idea what I was going to do. A *Mutie*. I mean, I was just about to make Eagle Scout!"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks to Doug, and says "Hey at least you had us. We first start out with a Vietnam Refugee looking after her kid brother and sister, a native American girl with a chip on her shoulder, Scottish lass who was quiet as a church mouse, A billionaire Brazilian playboy, and a hic miner, then added the a lost roman era politicians daughter, a local kid, and the weird alien. Most of us were alone when out powers first kicked in. Ah was trapped in a cave in when mine hit. It takes some getting used to here but it is a good place, and the folks here want to help you as best they can.

Colt Cassidy has posed:
"That's a hell of a variety." Colt says, trying to picture some of the folks, "Ya'll managed to work things out though. And I suppose that's what matters, right? Can't imagine being trapped inside a mine. And with your powers that mighta made things worse.." He turns back to look at Doug for a second, "I gotta ask, is it rude to ask people what they can do? Like is that some kinda, you know, thing where folks'll get offended? I mean one look at me kinda gives it away but you guys both look pretty, I dunno, normal?"

Cypher has posed:
Doug looks down at himself, and then says, "Well, it can be rude. And... yeah, we all didn't have a lot of *outward* mutations, except Rahne, and even her... only sometimes." He exhales, and says, "I'm a hypercognate. My I.Q.'s pretty low for most hypercogs - it's only around 190, and sometimes I'm a complete dingbat -- but I have hyperdeveloped pattern recognition abilities. It started with the ability to instantly comprehend languages, even if I'd never heard them before." He snap-points to Sam. "Sam is a living jet engine. He generates an energy field that creates a thermokinetic reaction." Then he strokes his chin. "How DO you manage to generate enough energy internally to do that? Do you just eat a lot when nobody's looking?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smiles and says "Ah don't know Berto and Manda could be pretty obvious too. " He chuckles and shrugs a bit to Doug . "No clue, think it is fuels by good clean living." He jokes a bit and says "Not a lot will consider it bad though. To be honest, and Ah know this sounds bad, most of the folks who might not like their abilities, well they are usually not always, but usually ones you can tell by looking.

Colt Cassidy has posed:
"I mean I get it, I guess." Colt says, "I'm not even sure what my abilities even ARE other than being a big rock." He taps the side of his head with a closed fist. Gently, "I mean I'm also pretty strong like this too." He pushes himself up to his feet, using his tail to try to balance himself, "I suppose my dad woulda tried to shoot me even if I didn't look like this just for bein' a mutant, so I should be grateful I'm bullet proof."

Cypher has posed:
"Part of your time here will be to explore your gifts, and figure that out." Doug looks up at Colt, and says, "Listen." He gets to his feet, and moves to put his hand on Colt's shoulder, since he'd have to stand to do it anyway. It may be odd, being consoled by a guy in duckie speedos. "Your emotions are valid. Be as sad as you need to be, because your life -- it changed, forever. It's not going to be the same. The plans you had laid for your future... they're scrapped, and you have to start again. It *sucks*."

"But. BUT." He holds up a finger. "...You will meet the most incredible people. See the most amazing things. Witness the most intelligent, powerful, exotic, *beautiful* women in the world -- this place is ground zero for them man, no joke! You shake a tree and one will fall out."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "You will see many interesting things, but you can also still work on some of your dreams too. We will work on helping you test your powers. And also if you need special things we can help. Like your guitar, we might need to help ya get a new one that is a bit sturdier, to stand up to your new form."

Colt Cassidy has posed:
Colt actually does feel pretty good that Doug is willling to try to console him, "I appreciate the sentiment." He says to Doug, "I've uh, honestly never really been much for emotionaal displays."

Once Sam mentions the guitar, he actually rubs the back of his head a bit, "Yeah uh. That'd be really cool, I already broke a couple of strings on it with these claws. My dad wanted me to go into the NFL, I was gonna go to college on a football scholarship and then see where I wound up I guess.."

Cypher has posed:
"My secondary mutation is being a hot mess." Doug says, patting Colt on the shoulder. "Isn't that right, Sam?" He smirks, and then says, "Here's a question I bet you've never been asked. What do YOU want to do?" He tilts his head. "Don't feel obligated to produce an immediate answer. It's enough just to start to think about it." Then he muses, "We need to pick you a handle. We all get one. It's sort of a perk of the whole... mutant life." He thumps his own chest, lightly. "Cypher."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods, and says "We use them when we are out and having to help a new student or such, and don't want people to catch on to who we area." He tells the other, and makes sure Doug remembers not to spill superhero stuff yet. "Yes think about what you want, we even offer some college courses here, and the ability to get help if ya decide on an online course load while here.

Colt Cassidy has posed:
"Well as long as my credits from my old school carry over, I'll be doing Senior year stuff this year." He says, "And..I mean what I wanna do? I always wanted to start a band. I don't think I'm that bad of a singer honestly." He pauses, "Though I haven't sung since my change, I don't know if I can hit the same kinda notes as I used to.."

Cypher has posed:
Doug studies Colt, and then says, "...Try. My powers give me perfect pitch, among other things, but I'm not really a trained vocalist. Really, more of an enthusiastic amateur." He whistles a few bars, and then eases into the opening lines of AJR's 'Burn the House Down' "Used to keep it cool, used to be a fool, all about the bounce in my step, watch it on the news, what ya gonna do, I could hit refresh and forget, used to keep it cool..."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie is quiet listening to the two, for now. He smirks a bit though for some reason, and will find a seat on one of the loungeable chairs.

Colt Cassidy has posed:
Colt listens in to Doug's singing, and then joins him on the chorus. His voice is decidedly a bit lower pitched and quite a bit more gravelly than it used to be, but he still can carry a tune. If he really wants to sing, though, might be best for him to look into fronting a metal band where pitch isn't as important. Still he seems to be enjoying himself, which is a good sign

Cypher has posed:
"Way up, way up we go, been up and down that road, way up way up oh no, we gon' burn the whole house down!" Doug snaps his fingers to keep the beat, swaying to the music in his head. He grins at Colt, and says, "...Sam has this whole on-again off-again thing with Lila Cheney. He won't fess up if they're on again, but we still get free tickets to her shows-"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks over and says "We aint on again, and if at the club of course Ah get free tickets." He looks over to Colt, Ah manage a club in Mutant Town, so might be able to help you hook up with some other musicans and maybe a place to play if you end up with a good band.

Colt Cassidy has posed:
"Oh that would be awesome, Sam." Colt replies, as he turns to face Sam, "Thank you both. I really do appreciate all the help and support you guys are giving me. It means a lot." He's never had anything quite like it before. Even his friends back home were never that close.

Cypher has posed:
Doug raises an eyebrow, and he says, "I know when a man's telling the truth or not... but I'm not gonna say." He grins, slowly, and then gives Colt another pat on the shoulder. "You have a family now, Colt. A big... weird... insane family." He looks up, and says, "Speaking of, I'm gonna go in and make lunch." ...This is going to be interesting. Doug has many talents. Cooking is not one of them.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "No problem, A friend owns Club Evolution and it has all age nights so can possible set you up. Ah never been able to sing much other than church, but Ah do have some friends who are in it, my little brother Josh is the one with the musical talent in the family."

Colt Cassidy has posed:
"That sounds great." Colt replies, looking quite excited about the poossibility. Of course poor Colt is not quite used to his new size or how much area his body can usse up now. He takes a misplaced step and in a second vanishes past the lip of the pool. He's not all the way at the deep end but it's still deep enough that he sinks like a stone, quite literally.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie hmms and will look at him a moment, giving him a moment to see if he can swim in this form, and if he tries or freaks out. Sam is ready to dive in and get the kid out, but takes that moment, to give the kid a chance to save himself, or at least try.

Colt Cassidy has posed:
He can't swim. There's a thunk as he hits the bottom of the pool. At first he tries to jump up and flail his arms but he doesn't seem to be getting anywhere fast.

He seems to get an idea, though, as he orients himself towards the part of the pool that goes up. It takes a little bit for him to get there, but once he reaches the shallow part of the water, he emerges from it like Godzilla rolling up on the shores of Tokyo. He coughs a few times and takes in a deep breath, before he pulls himself out of the pool and lays on the side of it.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smiles a bit at him and says "Well there looks like we learned a few things about your powers right there. He will offer a hand to help the guy pull himself out. "Water is not your friend, and seems you still need to breath. But you can still function to walk and seemed you were able to move pretty easily."

Colt Cassidy has posed:
Colt takes the offered hand and pulls himself back up to his feet, taking a step away from the pool just to be safe, "If I had like a scuba tank or something I could probably walk on the bottom underwater to get somewhere. I guess this stone I'm made out of is really dense." He shakes himself off a bit, "You know now that I'm soaked, I should ask...Is there like a school uniform or something? And is there like a cllothing stipend? I brought some clothes with me in my pack but msot of it barely fits anymore."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "There is some that will come with your scholarship, and generally, if you do extra chores you can get some extra spending cash. Each student has a few minor chores as part of their class load, but nothing to hard. So, what classes were you looking at for your senior year?"

Colt Cassidy has posed:
"Aw heck, I hadn't even thought of that yet." Colt says, as he thinks for a sec, "You guys got like, auto shop or metal shop or something? I did love those classes. Plus I figure the usual science, math, english, history stuff, you know?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smiles and says "Oh you might just get a kick out of our summer project them, will admit, your a little late so your picking will be a little less than others, but follow me to the garage.

Colt Cassidy has posed:
Being late, well. That's not really Colt's fault now is it? Either way he follows Sam towards the garaage, stepping inside and actually whistling a bit as he looks around it. Careful not to scratch the floor with his talons he looks around, "This isn't a garage. This is bigger than my house."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will smile and lead the kid over to a spot where there are a small pile of motorcycle parts and frames as well as dirt bikes and the such. Around the room are a good number of bikes being restored it seems. "You can pick one out of there to work on if you can find one you like. We can probably get you solid rubber tires need be, and if the frame needs some extra support, Lorna should be able to reinforce it some.

Colt Cassidy has posed:
"Oh wow." Colt has never had a motorcycle before but he always liked them. He looks over the pile, and then back at Sam when he mentions needing solid tires and reinforcements, "Yeah we'll need to reinforce it but damn, I've never had something this cool before. So it's like a group project to restore these? I suppose it gives folks lots of stuff to do over the summer rather than get in trouble.."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods, and says "One of our alumni who also teaches here some found a barn find and got them at a good price, figured it would be a good thing to keep the kids busy." He will motion over to what seems to be a WWII motorcycle with side car . Thats the one I am working on."

Colt Cassidy has posed:
Colt moves towards the WW2 bike and gets a closer look at it, "This looks like Captain America's bike. At least the one they showed in the history books." He paid attention. He's definitely not just some dumb jock, "Is that why you picked this one? Or was there another reason?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "Actually, when I saw it, it was black, and I did not realize what it was, but I liked it. Then I found the side car, and it fit with it, and It is always handy to be able to carry someone else or something if need be. Still got some work to do but I think she is going to turn out nice."

Colt Cassidy has posed:
"That's really cool. Maybe we can pick mine out now so I can get started.." He looks back to the pile, glancing over at the beater looking car, "That part of the project too?" He asks, motioning to it with his tail without thinking about it, before he starts to pick through the frames, looking for whatever the biggest one he can find in the set is. He'd hope to find a Harley frame but he'll take whatever works, he knows it's gonna be an amalgamation by the end

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie chuckles and says "Na, that's my car. Before I started manage the club my main job was delivering Pizzas, and even though my buddy pays me well, she runs, gets me where Ah need to be most of the time, and allows me to send more of my pay back home to help my ma."

Colt Cassidy has posed:
"Hey if it pays the bills, I suppose it's good." Colt says, as he moves one of the frames aside with little effort, "Don't think it'd go over to well for me. 'Hey ma'am, here's your pizza. That'll be $12.95 and also please stop screaming and calling the cops."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie chuckles and says "Well, Ah think would be more apt to be something ya might want a image inducer if you were working around here, but there are some places you could do it normally Ah'm sure.

Colt Cassidy has posed:
This actually gets a bit of a laugh out of Colt. Obviously he's starting to feel better, "Well now maybe I'll have to have you escort me to one of those places. I read the rules about needing permission to leave the grounds, I get the reasoning. I mean look how you guys found me. Last thing I need is to wind up on a news report or something." Still, as he looks over the bikes, he puts his hands on his hips for a second, "I'm gonna pick through all of this and start doing what I can to reinforce this frame.." He did take metal shop and auto shop back in Texas so he's not a total newbie at this...He's just never done a full restoration from scratch before.