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Gangland Blues: A Supply Run
Date of Scene: 05 June 2019
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Bigby and Mercy show up at the tail end of one of The Punisher's operations. Debates and 'questioning' ensue. (Warning, violence)
Cast of Characters: Punisher, Mercy Thompson, Blackout, Bigby Wolf

Punisher has posed:
The black market in general is a global business. All kinds of people are involved in both ends. Car thieves and the chop shops that buy from them are a thriving business in New York in particular, with the incredible denseness of population.

Tonight though... one of Mercy's contacts missed a scheduled dropoff for something she asked for a week ago, and they haven't returned calls for at least a day.

Whether she asked around or knows where they do business, the parking garage that works as a front for her associates has all the lights on... but there's no activity from the outside.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy has been trying to get a hold of her supplier for a good while...and nothing's doing. So she's brought her Rabbit here, with her 9mm Smith and Wesson handgun in her jacket pocket, and her .44 Marlin rifle in her hands. She's wearing her jeans, t-shirt and a leather jacket tonight, and her steel toed work boots, too....as Mercy climbs out of her Rabbit and quietly closes the door. Her instincts are screaming bad, bad, bad idea, this is a really bad idea, but she wants to know what happened to her supplier. Sure, she has a policy not to break the law, but it's flexible, and she needs to make ends meet.

Punisher has posed:
Opening the door assaults Mercy's senses with the scent of death, decay, and blood. Whatever happpened in there, there was a massacre.

It's strong enough that the massacre happened a few hours ago, giving time for the decay to set in pretty well.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy wrinkles her nose at the smell, the smell of death. Or, a lot of death. She sends up a silent prayer that whoever died didn't suffer, then strips off and shifts instantly to her coyote form. She's large, and easy to mistake for a German Sheperd dog, her clothes are strewn all over the Rabbit, and she sniffs the ground as if finding a trail, then with her claws clicking, she carefully sets off. Click. Click. Click... she's doing her best to be quiet, and be not easy to notice.

Blackout has posed:
    Blackout steps through a portal onto the roof of a 3 floor building. He's been here before. He's bought/sold things here before. Especially when he was selling stuff he acquired illegally. Tonight he was intending to sell a piece of technology he liberated from his former employer. However, tonight isn't the night to do such things. He pauses, looking over the edge of the roof and thinking that there's something horribly wrong with the scene.

    Blackout is in all black. His darkforce uniform covers his entire body, face and all, so at night, he's nigh invisible. Better in the shadows.

Punisher has posed:
Whatever is going on in the garage, a lot of people went inside... and never left.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy pauses with her ears pricked up. She's brindle brown fur with pointy ears, and pauses with a paw off the ground. She's got this feeling things are bad. and her instinctts, which are usually pretty good, are tellling her this is not something she wants to be caught up in. She left her guns in the Rabbit. A locked Rabbit, with her clothes in it, too. Somehow she's starting to think she didn't think this through really.

Though she wants to figure out what happened, even though she's wary of being a trouble magnet and ending up hurt. Not that it'd be the first time, really.....as she heads on into the warehouse. She's got her nose to the ground, ears pricked and she's alert...even with her eyes to the ground.

. Still her claws are making noise, a distinctive clicking sound, and her fur rustles when moving. Plus, she's not exactly trying to hide, she's taking the straightest path to find out what's going on. Which involves her being in the light and very, very visible. Dark fur doesn't hide well in bright light. And...as she's moving, she feels pressure and glances up to see movement, then ducks her head back down to follow the scents again.

Blackout has posed:
    Above, in the rafters of the warehouse; Blackout crouches down to try and figure out what he's seeing. He holds onto the adjacent angle beam and lets his eyes adjust. He's also looking for the dog that entered from the side. It may be unlikely he'll have direct line of sight to everything in here due to normal height variations in the contents of a normal warehouse. Even if there is a 'market like setup', he's just taking in the terrain as it presents itself.

Bigby Wolf has posed:
Bigby Wolf puffs on a cigarette as he makes his way down the deserted block. He's not doing anything in particular tonight, just making his rounds through the city. But the smell of blood and decay coming from the warehouse is hard to miss.. at least for someone with his caliber of senses. With a long sigh he puts out the cigarette and heads in that direction, stepping inside slowly. Ears perk.. nose sniffs again.. eyes dart around. Upon discovering the massacre he sighs again and cracks his neck a bit. It's not really his fight but he decides to have a look around.

Punisher has posed:
As Bigby and Mercy both enter the parking garage, the stench of death becomes almost overwhelming. Bowels, blood, and various skewered bodies line the inside, around where a partially deconstructed pickup is sitting. With all the tools and parts laying around and the lack of weapons or shell casings around, it's plainly clear there was no fight here; this was a silent massacre of over a half dozen bodies.

The stench continues up into the second floor, where another body is laying on the staircase. Again, no visible weapons.

Blackout has posed:
    Blackout moves from his vantage point and decides that this is a little more than he bargained for. He was here to unload something, not to get involved in a massacre, or be here with the cops arrive. Plus, there's a dog, which means there may be things that transpire which he cannot unsee.

    Blackout turns, raises his left hand and opens a 7' diameter darkforce portal to his left. The pressure change will also cause those with heightened or acute senses to become aware. He will glance around the area one last time before moving to step into it.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy is following the scents and is peering around the corner of the pillar she is hiding behind. The smell has her shuddering, and she steps away from the wall, and shakes her head, vacating her stomach and adding to the stench as well.

Mercy hops neatly over the puddle and slides across the far side of it, then stares around the carnage and backs up a few paces, looking worried then looks around, shaking her head again as she turns away from the carnage, then turns back around and steps back again, eyes locked on the bodies

and death. She backs up another step and looks like she'll hurl again, then the pressure change again, skittering up the ramp too.

Bigby Wolf has posed:
Bigby Wolf detects the sound of heartbeats coming from the second floor. He thinks for a moment before heading up the stairs leading to the second story. The sudden change in pressure gives him pause but he doesn't think much of it. The survivors who can tell him what happened here what concern him at the moment. He does catch Mercy's scent as well but it's either head towards the survivors or turn back to find the other 'visitor.' With a sigh he decides to stay his course in the direction of the survivors.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy turns back around again and puts her nose back to the ground. She wants to hurl again smelling death....but at least she's getting nearer to a way off this floor....albeit stairs. Mercy's just glad to be out of death and chaos for a moment or two as she scrabbles up the stairs one paw at a time, scampering up the stairs as fast as her paws will carry her, really.

Punisher has posed:
The second floor is fairly barren outside of the body on the stairwell, and as Bigby starts to head towards the survivors, he'll hear the unmistakable sounds of a muffled scream, followed by fresh blood and muffled talking.

Mercy will be able to smell the blood when she gets up the stairs.

Inside what looks like an office room, the red carpet gets even redder as a fresh wound bleeds out onto it. A brown oak desk holds a desktop computer with a password prompt... with a man duct taped down to the computer chair by both arms and legs with a cloth gag over his mouth.

In front of said man is the Punisher, white skull vest, trenchcoat and all, and his hand grips a Ka-Bar that he just stabbed into the kneecap of the man. "Feelin' talkative now?" The Punisher grates out to the man.

Apparently Bigby and Mercy have come across one of the Punisher's 'interrogations'.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy does indeeed folow the blood trail and watches the 'interrogation' before she begins looking for a place to hide...but given how barren the floor is.....Mercy's looking around for places, and takes off in a full on sprint back to the stairs and crouching a few steps down, having kicked the body with her hind paws. Not that she's trying to punt it....but she caught it. Still she sprints for the bedroom, forcing the closet open she hides in there and shifts, instantly, back to human form. Problem. She's butt naked. Problem #2. None of these clothes are hers...and #3. None suit her style....but....she's rapidly dressing in whatever she can find. She looks like somebody threw thrift store clothes on a mannequin by the time she's done.

Bigby Wolf has posed:
Bigby Wolf doesn't make assumptions. In fact it's usually other people making assumptions about him and his methods. That is why he doesn't rush to the interrogatee's rescue. Instead he lights up another cigarette, but not before catching the scent of Mercy again. Unmistakably coyote.. odd that he didn't notice before. He dismisses the thought and exhales smoke.. not really sure what to say right now. He'll wait until he's noticed.

Punisher has posed:
"Now, I know you sold to Enrico last week. The rest of your crew is dead. All I really want is a full manifest of who you do business with, and I'll be happy to put you out of your misery. This chop shop you're runnin'? It's done. I'm going to torch it so you can't ruin anymore lives enabling the car thieves of this city." The Punisher twists the Ka-Bar just a bit, prompting a scream from the man in the chair.

"It ends when you give me the password, bucko. I've got bigger fish to catch. I don't have time to waste on you." Punisher continues as he watches the mans face, who rapidly nods.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy steps out of the closet and looks much like she's been thrown through a clothing bin, backwards, then dragged into it again for good measure. She's....very vibrantly and differently dressed, seemingly having a different bit of clothing for every part of her. She heard 'Enrico' and shakes her head. He was her contact. Though the screams get the hairs on her neck standing on end....and arms, to. Mer's not happy. Sure, Enrico ran a few car theft rings, but he always provided good parts. Mercy's striding now to the bedroom door, peeking around the doorframe.

Bigby Wolf has posed:
Bigby Wolf is observing the interrogation now without prejudice. He heard what Punisher said.. the guy's a criminal and definitely deserves what he's getting, "Need any help?" He asks as he finishes the cigarette and puts it out under his boot, "Wandered in and found your mess. But it looks like I didn't need to bother. I got a.. lighter. This dump won't be missed after that paint job." He's not smiling, it's not really a joke.

Punisher has posed:
"Yeah, I heard you two comin' earlier... the smoke doesn't hurt, either." The Punisher talks, replying to Bigby, without turning his hand. "I figured you'd be goin' a lot faster if you were interested in gettin' in my way. Just give me a moment pal, and I'll be right with you." The Punisher releases the grip on the K-Bar, leaving it inside the knee. He moves around to the back and pushes the man up to the desktop.

"Type." The Punisher barks. The man does so, quickly. A moment later, and a file opens.

"Good man. I was all ready to start really getting dirty, but you've earned some relief." Punisher suddenly pulls the Ka-Bar put of the mans leg... and immediately brings it up to his neck to the side, thrusting into the side of the neck where the main arteries are.

At least it'll be a quick and mostly painless death as he bleeds out quickly onto the carpet.

Finally, he turns to Bigby, the Ka-Bar being cleaned on the mans shirt after a quick pullout; the clean side of it, "This took way too long. He was hidin' pretty well down in the garage and I had to spend two hours goin' over the hidey holes to drag him out." The Ka-Bar is put onto his gear web, and he squints at Bigby, "I'm The Punisher. You?"

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy clears her throat and looks over at the file then looks to Bigby and the Punisher. "So, you're going to slaughter everyone who bought parts?" Mercy asks, "You think that'll solve anything, slaughtering people who are just trying to get by?" she adds, sticking her nose in where it probably shouldn't be....as Mercy folds her arms...which basically means they vanish in her baggy clothing, and looks unimpressed. Even though Mercy's own policy is to break the lw.....she looks to Bigby again and knows exactly what he is, a raised eyebrow at him, then she turns her attention to the Punisher....without looking away from them or turning her back again, though the look she gives the Punisher is part understanding, part anger and part disbelief.

Bigby Wolf has posed:
Bigby Wolf gives a nod towards Punisher, not even flinching as he kills Enricho, "Names Bigby Wolf. My line of work is.. not too different from yours looks like. Officially I'm a private investigator but I don't do well with rules. That guy probably deserved it anyway." And then Mercy shows up. He sighs as the woman begins her speech and then.. that scent again. He's also raising a brow but doesn't look all that surprised. He turns his gaze back to Punisher, "I'll let you explain your reasons to her.. but as far as I am concerned 'getting by' when it hurts innocent people isn't something I can turn a blind eye to. Would I have killed him? Probably not. But I have a temper to watch.." He looks at Mercy as he says that last part, "I am sure that Punisher knows his own limits and had his reasons. It wasn't my case and there's less scum walking the streets now."

Punisher has posed:
"You've got no idea what I'm actually doin' with the list here." The Punisher kicks the chair, sending the body against the wall, "So I'd appreciate backin' the fuck off with your bullshit." He sighs as he moves back over to the computer, typing in, "Micro, I've got access. Do you need me to setup a link, or do you have this?" A moment passes... "Good, let me know. I've got guests to deal with." Another moment, "Right, of course."

He turns back to Bigby, "This chop shop was a nerve center of money for one of the mafia families allying with a group movin' in to secure the underworld in the city. Some thieves kill drivers when they steal their shit to keep the report out of the police." He gives a nod to the man, "This guy primarily did business with those sort of assholes. Now they'll need to find someone new, which means less time on the streets for them until they do." He looks back to Bigby, "when they find a new buyer, I go for them next. It's a vicious cycle, but it slows it all down. Get what I'm sayin'?"

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy looks over with a weary sigh. "So you want to put small businesses under?" she asks. "You go after one buyer, then another buyer, then another....you're hurting innocent people. You're hurting people who are trying to make a buck or two" Mercy says.

"Take a Mom and Pop repair store. They can spend five or six grand on official parts, and get gouged by taxes. Or they spend a few hundred, get a part that's taken off a chopped up car" Mercy says. "If you only got a few thousand you either go out of business, and get bitter and cynical, or you buy cheap parts, and make money and keep a roof over your head" Mercy says then nods to Bigby, then looks back to the Punisher. "Ahem. Enrico is small time, right? Think about it. You're hurting a lot of innocents by killing him" she points out. "Put yourself in the shoes of a little Mom and Pop repair shop that can't afford the extortionate prices the auto makers charge." she fumes.

"You said you want to go after the big fish. Go after the Detroit firms, go after the car firms who think it's okay to charge $1500 for a windshield then another $850 to clean it then another $2000 for 'insurance" Mercy says, doing the air quote thing with her hands. "You mean to tell me that's less criminal than somebody running a chop shop and providing cheaper parts from the same car makers and allowing people to keep their cars running and giving work to people in this city?" Mercy points out. She's biased, of course, but....in her own head she has a good point.

Bigby Wolf has posed:
Bigby Wolf sighs at Mercy again before responding to Punisher, "Definitely.. I get it. Haven't had many run ins with the Mafia but anyone who works with them is definitely bad news." To Mercy he says, "I don't think either of us is a politician. And lawyers aren't my business. I have people to protect and it's a hard enough job. Sometimes I have to get rough.. sometimes I have to do bad things and people hate me for it. But at the end of the day I keep them safe. My neighborhood is my biggest concern. And if I happen to see a mugger trying to grab a woman's purse? I knock his teeth out and throw him into a squad car. If a see him doing worse? That's when -my- demons come out. But crooked lawyers are not my concern."

Punisher has posed:
"Oh, one of your sort." Punisher glances to Mercy, before he pulls away from the computer and starts to head out the door. "If you don't like the prices, buy from someone else. If you don't like theirs, start your own company." Punisher starts to head down the hallway, back to the garage, "in your case, buy from someone else who doesn't enable that bullshit. You'll get no sympathy for allowin' murderers to keep goin' from me."

If he isn't stopped, Punisher heads out into the night without another word.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy looks over to Punisher. "Not that simple. You run a garage for a year with a shoestring budget and let me know how you get on. Choices are limited" Mercy calls and heads for the stairs, then glances to Bigby. "We're not so differnet. I protect the people in my little corner of the city. Admittedly, I usually just get them to give in by making them realize cops will be less of a problem. I bite" Mercy says, and with that she heads for the stairs too and back toward the chaos.....and her trusty Rabbit as her shoes click on the floor....and soon her diesel Rabbit is heard starting up as she's driving away.

Bigby Wolf has posed:
Bigby Wolf watches the other two leave while he lights up another cigarette. His night has only just begun. Once they are completely out of scent range he starts to head out himself.. back to the streets.