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City Fall: Spare Change
Date of Scene: 29 May 2019
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: June Connor, Elektra, Shadow

June Connor has posed:
    June's shozuko looks like a Foot's. Probably because it is one. The dull gray is designed to blend in quietly to the concretes and the cinder blocks of the city. Gabriel Martino is undoubtedly one of the local crimelords the Shredder has enlisted. Usually June is part of a team to infiltrate someplace like this. Tonight though, she decided it would be best as a one woman job. The penthouse in Manhattan where he lives can be scaled from the outside, which is why June decided this would be a solo operation. Window ledge to drain pipe, drain pipe to balcony, balcony to another window ledge. She's very nimble, and the apparent Foot ninja makes her way to the bottom side of the balcony of the penthouse, hanging upside down from the bottom of the balcony.

Elektra has posed:
Elektra is.. well, she's who and what she is, and oftimes that means she's out and about and on the prowl. Or whatever word is best used to describe how a ninja assassin of her calibre carries herself out in the world while most of its more law abiding citizens sleep.

As it happens, this eve she's in this exact same neighbourhood, and June's presence is of interest even before the shozuko is noticed, but that alone is enough to make the younger assassin go from interesting to person of interest in she who is Black Sky's estimation.

Keeping to the shadows, Elektra watches for a time, intent upon tailing this one - but not interfering yet. She's interested in what the other is up to, and given the realms of possibility of crimes that could be being committed, isn't yet ready to step in. There is crime, after all, and there is Crime.

Elektra is rather more lenient than some, and besides, the Defenders need information on the Foot clan, something best gathered by observation than coercion.

June Connor has posed:
    A flip up to the balcony follows after a moment of listening carefully, and the thin figure tiptoes to the door. From her side, she pulls a kuri-sama, and the blade is inserted to the door at the top. She checks a few locations, and thenuses the hooked blade to pop the door and maintain contact with the alarm connection. She slips in and is gone for several minutes. When she returns, she slips out the same way she went in, closing the door gently. No one the wiser that she was present. She hooks the blade over the edge of the railing, and then slides herself down the chain to the next balcony. Unhooks it and repeats all the way to the street level, and disappears into the alley.

Elektra has posed:
Disappears is such a relative term. There's slipping into the night, and appearing to be gone, but is one ever truly gone? Especially when you've got a tail, and as far as tails go, Elektra is amongst the best - and that was before she had extra senses to employ in her craft.

She keeps her distance, at least until the pair are far enough away from the scene of the crime that exposing herself isn't quite a dead giveaway that she's witnessed anything, or if it is, doesn't smack of I'm turning you in.

To that end, Elektra allows for some small motions and actions that the other might notice if she's savvy enough. And if she isn't? Well, that's not Elektra's fault. Besides, Elektra still has the option of intervening directly.

Call this something of a test if you will.

June Connor has posed:
    June continues down the alleyway, picking up her pace. It's possible that she knows she's being followed. A tuck around the corner, and she slips into a pizza parlor. A sudden burst of speed, and she leaps the counter, much to the surprise of the young man at the register. He leaps back, as if he is about to be assaulted, but she instead runs back into the kitchen, peeling out off the shozuko as she goes, and bursts out of the back door, her dyed red and blonde striped locks flailing, the top off, wearing a sports bra beneath it as she folds the uniform, and tucks it into the seat of her pants, making her rear look...well, fatter, and she heads back down the alley again.

Elektra has posed:
The pizza parlor was a nice trick. Elektra had used similar in the past. But it really wans't necessary to decipher that her subject was heading out to the back alley and not intending to order a slice. To that effect, Elektra cuts out the middle step and heads straight for the alleyway itself, so that when June makes her way out, the assassin is there to intervene and interject, "Going somewhere?"

June Connor has posed:
    June's back left shoulder reveals the Footprint Tattoo, not an uncommon decoration for those in the clan. She stops as she hears Elektra, and looks over her shoulder. "S'why I'm walkin'," she answers, then starts walking again, turning away from Elektra.

Elektra has posed:
There's a low chuckle from Elektra. "I see. And perhaps appropriate given that tattoo on your shoulder. Tell me, is there a reason I shouldn't stop you. I do admit you're interesting. Most often you and yours cluster in packs."

She's casual and relaxed as she regards June, but make no mistake, she's also more than ready to spring into action should it be necessary.

June Connor has posed:
    June shrugs, "There a reason you should?" she asks, not turning around. She just keeps walking down the alley, headed for what would be considered a dead end by way of a chain link fence intended to keep people from cutting through the alley.

Elektra has posed:
"There are always reasons for things," Elektra says quietly, not yet walking towards June; not allowing June to control her actions, though make no mistake, she won't let the other merely escape. "We could start with the fact of your acting on your own. I'm quite certain Saki isn't usually one for lone wolves, and while your technique is admirable, it has its flaws. I'd say you might be left with a small crew. Perhaps a singular strike if you were being tested. That you're talking to me at all only adds to the interesting conundrum you present."

She knows the chain link won't hold June in the alley. It really wouldn't hold many back. At best it would slow most footpads down. Ones of June's calibre? It's a laughable distraction.

"Let's just say your boss and I have reason to disagree upon certain matters..." Her voice drawls on in a rich alto. "that is if he still is your boss."

June Connor has posed:
    "Don't know any Saki," June says with a simple response. She reaches into her pocket, finding the distress signal, and fingers it for a moment, then. "Think you got the wrong bitch, bitch." She kips up onto a dumpster, and looks back at Elektra from the high ground. "Maybe you should be goin' on and play detective with someone who gives a shit, before you get yourself hurt."

Elektra has posed:
"And I say the tattoo on your shoulder says otherwise. I might not call you a liar, but now I'm even more curious."

That pleasant alto turns into a laugh when June threatens her.

"Oh my dear, you clearly do not know who I am. That is rich. I'm almost tempted to let you try and hurt me."

June Connor has posed:
    "Right, well, I've been called worse, but if you're lookin' for the people attached to this tattoo, you're lookin 'for trouble. Didn't say I would kick your ass, but if you like to chest puff, that's cool, you do that, let it be on your tombstone," she puts her hands out as if stretching a title across the sky. "She had a wicked arrogant laugh."

Elektra has posed:
"I won't argue that," Elektra murmurs of the epitaph. "Then again, I've already died once. I know what my tombstone reads."

NOW Elektra steps forth and out of the shadows. She's wearing her 'disguise' of course, but that is neither here nor there.

"So, now we have that you're not his little minion. At least not anymore. I've never known Saki to let a thing go lightly once he's claimed it. You've become even more interesting as far as things go. As for trouble, oh, Saki and I go a long way back. We understand one another, and let us just say that doesn't come with warm feelings attached."

June Connor has posed:
    June really has no clue, clearly. "While the red looks bitchin', I told, you, don't know a Saki, and I give less fucks than an off-duty hooker who that is. So, unless you really wanna throw down, Imma be out." She turns, leaping up to wall run the rest of the way up the brick so she can kick off and over the chain link fence.

Elektra has posed:
"Very well, then," Elektra says simply. "If you insist." And since June is on the move, so is Elektra.

Truth be told, she's not as interested in fighting the girl as she is impressing upon her that she's not only not in control of this little interlude, and that Elektra knows she's lying. Mostly making a point of 'let's talk about this little lie we both know isn't true'.

June Connor has posed:
    June makes a full out sprint. As far as unpowered people go, she's rather fast. She makes her full tilt run to the end of the alley and rounds to the sidewalk, the ever present cars in Manhattan ensuring light on the streets. She immediately leaps to grab a brick facade, scaling it to use the 45 degree angle rule, hoping to leap over Elektra and keep moving in the opposite way down the street as soon as she rounds the corner.

    She hits the signal in her pocket just before she leaps, time to extract. She has what she came for.

Elektra has posed:
Oh, you can run, but you can't hide. In fact, you can't run either.

Elektra is a flash of movement, suddenly where June wants to be, scaling that same wall, intending on blocking the girl. It's really a case of anything you can do, I can do better - even before her death and transformation into Black Sky, Elektra was a fully trained ninja assassin for years. This has only been enhanced. June's actions are admirable, and skilled, but Elektra's are just that edge better.

Mind, she's not tackling June. Or holding her in place. And should the girl attack, well, then Elektra will reciprocate. But oddly enough, she's not (yet) throwing any strikes or kicks or the like. Mind, there's a distinct sense that is coming. Fast.

Shadow has posed:
    And not too far away, a tall figure in a black coat and cloak looks at the transmitter in their hand. "Ah, finally. Wait here, Benny; I'm sure we'll be back shortly."

    With that, the Shadow exits the cab and starts making her way down the block, fading into the shadows cast by the streetlights as she turns into the nearest alley...

June Connor has posed:
    June looks mildly surprised, but doesn't have time to concern herself with the leap that landed so far down the alley. "Fuckin' mutants," she mutters, assuming that it is the source of the capability. June isn't the best fighter, but evasion she knows. She doesn't attack per se, but as she reaches Elektra she makes a move to step on her foot with her natural pace, and shove at shoulder height with her arm to use Elektra as the springboard to change direction. Really, it was her only option unless she wanted to come to full stop, which she doesn't. It's a simple balance maneuver really, designed to throw Elektra back to the ground to give June the necessary time to get some more distance.

Elektra has posed:
There's an amused chuckle from Elektra, but it's a dark thing. "Not a mutant. Far from it. Something much worse than that."

June can take that step, and make that shove, trying to springboard, but she's also going to find that Elektra moves to grapple her and using that motion, throw June to the ground, even if she has to go down with her. It's not like she's not skilled in such things. And it's also not like she's not expecting this.

Shadow has posed:
    The Shadow is about halfway to her destination when she catches the faint but distinct sound of scuffling. Cursing inwardly, she shifts to a sprint, invisible footsteps echoing through the alleyway as she makes her way toward the source of the noise..

June Connor has posed:
    June finds her face kissing the pavement. SHe tried to cuss about it, but she didn't have time. "Fucker, get off me!" She yells out. She knows that ninja number one enemies are attention. She is pretty clear that she doesn't have the ability to fight someone of Elektra's caliber even at this short interaction, but she can possibly still get out of the situation using more traditional methods that your average person might.

Elektra has posed:
"Oh, please. Do keep yelling," Elektra says calmly. "And then we can both explain what we're doing here. Or are you going to tell me that your little visit into that apartment was innocent?"

In all honesty, Elektra is more than capable of high tailing it out of there should the authorities be on their way. And with her hearing as it is, she's at least got an edge on that. Not quite Daredevil level edge, but more than your average human, and that's really all she needs.

"Shall we try this again? Why do you wear his mark?"

Shadow has posed:
     ... One thing's certain, the figure that vaults the fence at the other end of the alley, balancing on its edge without apparent effort not a police officer. Cops tend to wear blue and be brightly visible, while this figure is almost entirely shrouded in shadows, aside from the entirely too visible pistols it's holding.

    "Explanations would be wise, but before that I would appreciate it if you unhand my agent," they intone, the guns not /quite/ pointing in Elektra's direction.

June Connor has posed:
    "Thanks Shadow," June comments sardonicly, face still on the ground. "Not named Saki, in case you are wondering." She glances over to Shadow. "At least, I don't think so. Now let me da fuck go."

Elektra has posed:
Elektra doesn't unhand June. At least not yet. The guns are pointedly ignored.

"Your agent?" Elektra sounds rather bored. "I'm afraid you'll have to do better than that. This one bears the mark of Oroku Saki, and unless you've somehow been recruited - and that I doubt - they are not your agent. They're his. That, or they're on the run. Which makes this a very interesting situation."

Shadow is regarded in that self-same utterly calm and thoroughly bored manner, as though this were keeping her from some mundane and frivolous waste of time that she'd equally be mocking with disdain.

"Shadow is it? Then tell me, Shadow, what interest do you have in this one. And do put the guns away. They won't help you."

June Connor has posed:
    "Nobody knows what you're talkin' bout, but Shadow will actually kick your ass," June answers. At least she really hopes she can. "We shit on people who can't get shit on by the cops. More like co-workers. Kinda." She twists, s o that sher body is on her back, and kicks up at Elektra's thigh, trying to cause her to recoil and release her.

Elektra has posed:
June's movement is to no avail - in fact, it only serves to help Elektra not only avoid that foot, but to pin the other down to the ground more firmly, one hand now at mid chest, the other drawn back in anticipation of a strike that is held, but waiting.

"Listen, little girl," Eletkra drawls, her voice carries fathoms of disgust. "You wear the mark of the Foot clan on your shoulder. And they do not care to clean the streets of filth. They create the filth. Now, if you are what you say you are, then we are not enemies, but try that little move again, and you will regret it."

Then in a smooth move, she withdraws, and stands at a held distance to the two others - close enough to engage, but far enough from to make it clear that she is not intending to do so.

To the Shadow, Elektra's gaze narrows down, "If you lie, I will make it my business to hunt the both of you down and express my displeasure."

Shadow has posed:
    The Shadow holsters their guns and hops down from the fence, clearing two meters with the casual ease of someone stepping off the last stair. "The young lady made several foolish decisions in her youth," they comment, stepping toward June slowly. "but she nearly paid with her life attempting to rectify them. She no longer serves the Foot - and, indeed, the last time they met they attempted to kill her."

    "As to what she was doing here... She is assisting me with an investigation."

June Connor has posed:
    June brings up her hands in an X block over her face as Elektra rears back. "Yeah, we don't gotta go into that now, do we?" June asks the Shadow, "Not really any of her fuckin' business. You were gonna kick her ass, remember?" June suggests.

Elektra has posed:
June is flicked a nearly dismissive gaze. It only fails in that in that the Shadow's information has the woman considering the girl anew. "Misspent youth. He does seem to excel in finding them when they're young and convincing them he has something to offer."

To June, "Let me guess. Family? Honour? The code of a samurai? He'd as soon as burn you as anything else if it came to his skin or yours. I'm curious, though, how you escaped. That mark on your shoulder brands you as his. A do not touch notice for all who see it. He's not unique in that, but he is rather more ostentatious with his branding than others."

She gives the faintest of shrugs. "It also helps him find you. You should think of laser therapy if you truly think yourself free. I hear it isn't pretty or painless, but it's better than being a walking target. Or is the point that you're still using the cred of the thing to do your other work?"

To Shadow, "Assisting you? In what."

Shadow has posed:
    "That doesn't seem necessary," The Shadow points out to June before turning back to Elektra "Although in the name of good manners I would appreciate it if you cease to taunt her. As to my investigation..." They glance at June and deliberately hold up one hand. "You recovered what you went to find?"

June Connor has posed:
    "Samurai were assholes," June answers. Not that it matters. "You talkin' bout the Shredder? Fuck. No. I got this because I wanted it. Hindsight 20/20 and all that good shit. Nobody /branded/ me, you stupid bitch." Knowing that Elektra outclasses her doesn't seem to encourage her to hold her tongue. "Never even met him. And laser surgery? What is this, you follow me so you could give me a fashion 101 lesson or some shit? Get out, what do you want?"

    She glances up at Shadow. "Really? Right now? Don't we got something a little more pressing than the stupid coin at the moment?"

Elektra has posed:
"Well, nobody ever accused me of having good manners," Elektra drawls in a richly amused alto.

She bears June's tirade with surprisingly good graces. "The samurai may have been assholes, but their code was also ours once. Or did you not know that? I'm not surprised you were not given your history. And I'm sure you wanted it. But believe me, it is a brand. It says this one is mine. There are none who see that who would try to sway you to their cause knowing that your Shredder" - the name uttered with disgust - "would consider it a personal mission to make a point of the matter."

With less amusement she breathes, "Fashion? No. But as I say, that marks you. Unless you are using it to slip past guards who would not question it, it's a dangerous thing to bear. You may wish to have it removed."

She's almost about to say another thing when the word 'coin' filters through. "Wait. The coins? The ones being used to bribe the judges? What do you know of them?"

The question starts out for June, but is quickly moved to a demand of the Shadow.

Shadow has posed:
    "... If you think they are merely bribes, we know a bit more than you do," the Shadow replies, giving June a quelling glance. "Not all judges who held one accepted it of their own free will. "

    "... But we appear to be investigating the same thing. Would you care to compare notes?"

June Connor has posed:
    June glances at Shadow. She glances at Elektra. She gets up, dusting her back off. She unceremoniously pulls her shozuko top from the back of her pants and unfolds it as someone walks past on the street, eyeing the fact that she seems to be getting dressed on the sidewalk. "Take a picture, it'll last longer," she goads. Clearly, she's in a bad mood about all of this still. The man turns away, being more easily intimidated apparently than Elektra, and she pulls the top back over her head. "How about we start with, Who the fuck are you? Before we start trading notes. For all we know, she could be workin' for the Foot. It ain't like I know all of them."

Elektra has posed:
"For the Foot?" Elektra's words are a casual drawl of disappointment. "How insulting. I wouldn't ally myself with Saki's sort. His honour is not mine." Even if the Defenders /had/ aligned themselves for a time to stauch the tide of the Hand while Elektra had been under their sway.

"Very well. A name. Black Sky."

She waits to see if that brings any recognition in either.

Shadow has posed:
    It's hard to see any kind of expression on what little of the Shadow's face is visible, but the tilt of their head implies the raised eyebrow that can't be seen. "... I see," they reply, fixing Elektra with a piercing, searching stare for a few moments before nodding. "... Hail and well met," they add. "We would appear to have at least one foe in common. The Foot seems to be making a play for the allegiance - if not direct control - of street criminals in the Tri-State area; those who accept a Coin are vouchsafed protection from the law, to a higher degree than organized crime is normally capable of offering. What their ultimate aim is, I do not yet Know..."