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Latest revision as of 00:39, 14 August 2019

From Gotham to the Tower
Date of Scene: 30 May 2019
Location: Lobby, Titans Tower (TBD)
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Star Shimmer, Danger, Red Robin

Star Shimmer has posed:
It has been a grueling day. Autumn knew it was time to move. She knew she had to get her things from Gotham to Titan's Tower. There was of course, one hitch. She couldn't exactly use her powers in Gotham. Batman didn't exactly like the idea of someone with so much power throwing off the balance in Gotham. Autumn didn't like having to throttle herself to prevent people from snatching purses. On top of this, she wanted to actually get to the tower so she could more easily train. Plus there was something to be said about being able to get out of the apartment that Batman had given her to stay in. Its not that she wasn't greatful but it was time to get out and start doing more. Plus, The Tower would be less likely to get drug dealers in it when she was off world!

This lead to her current situation. No car, A fair ammount of stuff, and a state full of distance. So she rented a moving truck. Turns out they will let just anyone rent a truck if you have a license. Autumn didn't have a license. What she did have was a ring that let her create the items needed to create a perfectly convincing replica of a license. The way she seen it, she wouldn't be driving that long anyway. It took her all morning though to load the truck and and 2 hours to get out of Gotham. Once outside the city limits. Autumn was done and it was time to be Star Shimmer. She would get out of the truck. Pick it up with her ring and fly it all the way to the tower. Who needs insurance anyway?

"This is Star Shimmer, I'm coming to the Tower with a loaded moving truck. If anyone could help me move my things into my room, I would be very thankful..."

Danger has posed:
When she arrives, standing in the lobby is a girl of around 18 standing in a pair of socks, some pink shorts and a yellow shirt. She has blue eyes and blond hair that is tied back into a pony tail. She smiles brightly at the sight of Star Shimmer flying in the distance and raises a hand to wave as she gets close to the exit. She seems to suddenly gain sneakers out of no where as she walks out on to the ground outside and looks up at the truck, "That seems efficient!" She calls out, "Far more efficient than driving."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake arrives just moments after Autumn gets to the Tower. Was he or the big Bat keeping an eye on her, probably at least one of them. He will park, and walks over in uniform, as not sure who all is at the tower these days.

Star Shimmer has posed:
Autumn touches down with the truck being held by a violet bubble. She sets the truck down gently and smiles, "Yup! Hello to you! Yeah I ummm I didn't want to use my ring in Gotham and needed to move so I rented a truck and drove it out of Gotham Then just flew it." She laughs. "Thank you very much. I am going to be staying in one of the guest rooms for now, until I am cleared for a room anyway."

She quickly opens the back of the truck. Its only half full. It seems that while she has some stuff she doesn't have much. "I never really got a chance to really move in a whole bunch into the old apartment." She sighs and quickly begins lifting a few boxes with her ring and starts carrying them into the tower. She makes sure to give a wave to Tim when he arrives.

Danger has posed:
As soon as it opens, Danger looks slowly across the back of the truck before looking to Autumn, "I see. I have heard those of Gotham prefer no one with powers be there at all if they can help it. I have also heard people say that they are overly dramatic and have sticks up their backsides." She then turns her gaze to Tim, "Hi!" She then simply turns back and two more sets of arms appear out of her side. The six arms then work to pick up several boxes and she follows Autumn, "I am Danger." She states, "What name do you prefer to be called?" Her mannerisms are somewhat...well, robotic.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake looks over to Danger, and raises a brow, but doesnot give the tsk ts, as thats Damian's thing. He will look over and says "Occasionally help from someone with powers is ok, but it does have a tendency to exculate. We have had a few over the years who lived and heroed in Gotham. " He does move to help carry and move things.

Star Shimmer has posed:
Autumn smiles, "A pleasure to meet you Danger." As she speaks she glances at Tim having a pretty good idea who he is especially after he comments on Gotham. "Thank you, Ummm... Robin. But not the other Robin who is a bit of a prick." She comments As she leads the way to the room.

"Just leave the stuff anywhere. I will get it moved around a little later." She comments upon entering. "Thank you both so much for helping. I know I don'th ave much but moving out of Gotham without using my ring was actually a real challenge. How about I get us dinner then!""

Danger has posed:
"Oh, I do like to eat food from time to time." Danger states and then she looks to Tim, "You are, from what I understand, one of the nicer of the people who work for or with Batman, am I wrong?" She asks and then considers, "You know, for someone who we work with, I do not believe I have had much interaction with you." SHe nods to Tim before then looking stunned for a moment and looks to Autumn, "I also did not catch your preferred name. I have only one along with other names that some call me. What do you wish to be called?"

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake smiles and says "Red Robin." He lets them know, and says "Robin running things I prefer to give him a bit of space. I am more reservest now. If I am called in or around, I try to come help out. " To Danger he adds "I don't know I think most of the Gotham crew are pretty nice folks, at least 50/50. We just have a few ... intense people."

Star Shimmer has posed:
"Well Red Robin, I dare say that Batman has enough intensity for all of Gotham." Autumn smiles, "Oh right. sorry. You can call me either Autumn or Star Shimmer. Star Sapphire or Nightingale works too but In Civvies, I'm Autumn." She moves towards the exit to go grab more stuff. She Lifting a few things with her ring, she smiles to Danger and Tim. "So yeah, For me I just thought it was about time to go. I love Gotham. Its where I was born and raised but, Last thing I want is to cause trouble for the city and well... Gods knows I have upset a few people since becoming a Star Sapphire."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake starts to say something and his phone beeps off, and he looks down at it. "Sorry looks like I have to go." He will look apologetic but sets things down and heads to the redbird.

Danger has posed:
A blink as Tim leaves and then Danger considers, "Hopefully all is fine. Be well." She calls out and then looks over at Autumn, "I am based partially off of a personality similar to Damian." She nods her head, "They say it is why I am so straight forward." She then looks forward, "Autumn." She considers, "That name is something to fall for." She states. It is seemingly a joke or a pun but is delivered in the same way Siri or Alexa might deliver it. She seems to watch Autumn closely, all the same after having said it.

Star Shimmer has posed:
Autumn blinks a few times and snickers, "I've heard that one before. I don't know who Damian is but yeah I can see that." She smiles. "Anyhoo I am basically a scion of love if you will. I fly around the galaxy making sure love prevails." She laughs. She walks in and drops off her second load of things.

Danger has posed:
A moment and she continues to help move things, "Love, an intense feeling of affection. A great interest or pleasure in something. A person or a thing that one loves. Also a score of zero or nil in the game of tennis." She nods her haed as she then looks over at Autumn, "I assume that you are not speaking of tennis, though." She shakes her head, "I am unaware of this feeling though I am aware of the definition."

Star Shimmer has posed:
Star Shimmer nods, "I know." She smiles. "Honestly I would attempt to project it so you could feel it but honestly, that could turn out really bad. I mean, While I believe you are a sentient being I am pretty sure it could cause some mayhem. Suffice it to say, I use that emotion to do all sorts of crazy stuff. Like fly, make constructs, and more." She snickers.

Danger has posed:
"I am not entirely sure that I could feel anything even if you were to project it." Danger states and shrugs her shoulders, "I am not like you nor any normally living being." She states, "I am made of components and while I am highly advanced, I am still just a machine." She nods her head, "What that means in the long run is anyone's guess. Even mine."

Star Shimmer has posed:
Star Shimmer laughs, "I understand it honestly. Before I was Star Shimmer, Star Sapphire of Sector 2814, I was Autumn Stillwater, Valedictorian at Gotham High School. I was quite adept when it comes to tech. Even wrote my own OS for my computer."

Danger has posed:
"I see." She states and nods a little and Danger considers, "Do most computer programs come to life from a conglomoration of various programs, a computer virus, and the constant use of a room capable of simulating various scenarios so accurately that it was forced to create a composite intelligence to handle it all?"

Star Shimmer has posed:
Star Shimmer shakes her head, "Typically not. You are in fact, a very special case. Honestly if I could, I'd want to explore and learn more about you but to be frank, I can't. These days I have more on my mind concerning my powers which are exceptionally volitile and actually keeping myself from losing control and succumbing to the love I wield. Oh and then there is feeling love all the way beyond Pluto."

Danger has posed:
A look to the girl and then she states, "I have been told that Love is a positive feeling. The definition seems to indicate. Why would it be consuming, controlling, or even necessarily bad?" She asks and tilts her head.

Star Shimmer has posed:
Star Shimmer takes a deep breath. She sets down her current boxes and sits on one of them. "Love is not always good. It can be a truly nasty thing. Love can be mixed with other emotions like jealousy or malice. It can be a weapon like when a mother bear violently mauls a person for steping between her and her cub. It can be a very painful emotion. Like when a person loves another in secret and that love is never returned. That hidden love can cause a person to pine over another. To stalk them and in some cases it becomes obsession. Obsession can cause a person to become violent, like a person who loves a movie star so much they go after them demanding a lock of hair even demeaning themselve so far as going through the persons garbage and becoming full on creepers.

She sighs, "In the case of the Star Sapphire Corps, It takes great love for a ring to be drawn to a person. All power rings amplify the emotion that fuels them. So my ring makes my love stronger. As you pointed out, Love can be positive. It feels amazing to be in love. It is the greatest feeling in the world. Just like with anything else though. Too much of a good thing can lead to problems. When the love that a Star Sapphire feels overwhelms them, they become obssessed with the feeling of being in love. They go to loved ones and kill them, then seal them in crystal, holding them in stasis for all eternity just because they couldn't bear to be apart from them. They may become jealous and go after those who have jilted them. They may get violent over those who may come between those they love and them."

She pauses and just takes a deep breath. "I had the misfortune of seeing my worst nightmare. Losing control. This world is my home and I love humanity with all I am. What I seen was large swaths of the world covered in Violet Crystal, locking humanity, alive and dead, in stasis all because I would need to love them and only them."

Danger has posed:
Danger listens quietly and stares the entire time, taking in all the information and processing it. She considers that for a long moment and hten looks to the side before saying, "I will have to study this further by going through many papers written on the subject and then comparing them to what you just said while cross referencing other material that relates." She nods her head, "This sounds like a fascinating subject and extremely destructive."

Star Shimmer has posed:
Autumn nods, "So yeah, There is a pretty good reason why the others wanna make sure I don't lose myself. It can really be bad for everyone. I am doing my best to keep from causing problems but, Its a challenge. I mean I could just quit but, you know... Its something special. It takes so much for a ring to come to anyone. To just give up on it... It would be wrong."

Danger has posed:
"I see." She considers, "I am not really familiar with such a thing though they did think that I could be evil and potentially going to destroy the whole world at one point to the point where I was not supposed to leave but then I did." She states and nods her head again, "Apparently, because I disobeyed the rules, I was deemed OK. I think humans are in some ways a nonsense creature." She nods her head, "However, that is something I seek to better understand."

Star Shimmer has posed:
Star Shimmer laughs, "You aren't the only one. Trust me there are more then a few Extra Terrestrial species that think the same as you do. I understand though. They seem to think I'm going to turn into what I fear most because I use my power with reckless abandon... or so it seems. I do take great care not to lose control. I can become the monster I fear the most if I'm not careful. I believe you wouldn't go evil and if you do? Thats what friends are for. Right?"

Danger has posed:
"Friends are for if you go evil?" She looks briefly confused by that before saying, "Nonsensical." She then smiles, "But that is what makes you so fun." She nods her head, "If you made sense, you would not be as interesting to understand." She then considers, "I have much to think on, do you need further assistance?"

Star Shimmer has posed:
Star Shimmer smiles to Danger, "Friends are there to help you in case things get bad. In this case, yet our friends can help us if we go evil." She looks over at the truck which is practically empty by now. "I think I'm good. Thank you for your help, Danger."

Danger has posed:
A nod and then Danger gives a wave, "Until next time, Autumn." And with that she walks off, heading back to her room to think more on all of this and so much more.