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Latest revision as of 00:40, 14 August 2019

Logan's an Idiot
Date of Scene: 31 May 2019
Location: Frontyard - Xavier's School
Synopsis: Psylocke kicks Logan in the head to try to make him less of an idiot. Peter watches.
Cast of Characters: Wolverine, Spider-Man, Psylocke

Wolverine has posed:
    It had just been a few hours since they'd left. Logan and Peter had been seen departing the school in the middle of the day and hadn't been back for a good three hours. Only now the truck pulls up into the driveway, the engine growling and then clattering a bit as it's turned off. And it's from within that chevy that they emerge once again.
    Though their state isn't entirely the same as it was before. For one thing, Logan's got some blood on his shirt. Probably his. And the corner of one collar is up and torn somehow. Also it's no longer tucked in, the tails hanging out and loose with one bit torn. All in all he looks a mess like he'd been in a ruckus where he took a good bit of pounding.
    And then Peter gets on out of the truck as well and perhaps... perhaps Logan winces a little sympathetically for him as he says, "Don't worry kid, we'll get a steak or some peas on that once we get inside." That said he turns and tries to adjust his clothes a bit, fails, then shrugs and just pockets the keys before starting to walk around the side of the garage and towards the front of the mansion.

Spider-Man has posed:
That was an awkwardly quiet ride. Peter sitting in the passanger seat with his head laid back on the rest behind him with one hand up over his right eye which he could feel was swollen. Maybe not so much so that it doesn't open, but it's going to leave a good shiner for a few hours, at the least. His t-shirt is torn at the shoulder, hanging awkwardly off his arm, and there's plenty of dirt caked into the knees of his jeans.

"Thanks." Still spitting a bit of blood when he crawls out of the passanger side of the truck with a wince as he twists at the waist. "I wish I'd taken you up on that beer now."

Psylocke has posed:
It's rather quiet this evening and the weather is just wonderful. The perfect weather for a jog and that was what Betsy was heading out the front doors to do. She was dressed in a pair of shorts and a tank top, trainers on her feet with short white socks. Her purple hair was pulled back in a high ponytail so it would be out of the way.

She bounded down the steps just as the pair got out of the truck. Her steps slowed as she looked at the state that Logan was in, glancing at his clothes. Of course he didn't have a mark on him thanks to his healing factor. It was still obvious he'd been in a fight.

Then Peter got out.

It was like she teleported she moved so quickly to his side, reaching up a hand toward his eye and then thinking better of actually touching it and withdrawing. "What happened? Are you okay?" She glanced from him to Logan. "Do we need to go take care of business somewhere?" Yes, she was ready to take on whoever had done this to the pair. Because of course they had to have fought with someone else.

Wolverine has posed:
    The elder X-Man had been walking along that pathway and looked up when Psylocke stepped around, he gave her a small wave and then murmured in greeting. "Hey," Not too much from him at first as he was still sort of wiggling at a tooth that felt loose to him, then looked over towards Peter.
    Back to Elizabeth and he says, "S'not a big deal. Me and Pete, had a difference of opinion. S'sorted." Not kid. Not Parker. Not Petey. Pete.
    He then perhaps makes a small gesture towards Peter and says, "He did good. Moxie and all that." That said he starts to step past Psylocke, heading for the steps as if expecting that's the end of it.

Spider-Man has posed:
Pete glances up when he hears Betsy coming their way and has to bodily keep himself from reaching up at the same moment that she does the same. It could just as easily have been a flinch, though. A turn of his head and a hand lifted up near his bruised eye that ends with a half snort, kind of chuckle, glance at Logan. "Yeah, what he said." It's easier than trying to explain when he's not yet sure how to even get into what that explanation would be.

"I'm okay." He promises her with a small, possibly a little bloody, smile. At least all of his teeth are visible, no gaps to be seen. "I could use some motrin.. and maybe a bubble bath." He tacks on, staying near to Psylocke rather than heading purposefully towards the Mansions doors.

Psylocke has posed:
"As long as you're oka--Wait. What?!" She was good with the reassurance from Peter. She knew he wouldn't tell her tales and if he said he was okay, all was well. After all, she'd seen him in much worse shape.

It was that /other/ part that was making her brain seize up for just a moment. As Logan moves to step around her, she moves to step right in front of the man, looking up at him through slightly narrowed eyes.

"I am well aware of Peter's character and the strength thereof. I am not sure there is any reason he would ever have started a fight with you. He is a good man and he settles things with words when possible. Which brings me to one conclusion. What the bloody hell did you start a fight with him for?"

Wolverine has posed:
    Drawn up short, Logan tilts his head at Psylocke and chews the inside of his cheek for a moment. He then glances sidelong towards Peter and offers a small shrug as if to say there's no other way about it. So instead he looks straight at Elizabeth Braddock of the North London Braddocks and takes a deep breath, exhales it slowly in what could be a sigh.
    But then he tells her.
    "Where I come from, Braddock, a fella makes a promise to a lady and breaks it, there's a price ta be paid." He looks her up and down, then says. "Know you might find this hard ta understand, but ain't got a damn thing ta do with you."

Spider-Man has posed:
For his part, Peter tries not to watch what he's sure is going to be a proper shit show. Instead he looks down at the gravel underfoot as if something down there is incredibly interesting: Oh hey, a quarter. Spying it amidst the tiny pebbles, he kneels down to dig it out and turn it over in his fingers... Nope, just a bottle cap. Still a treasure, still not looking up at Logan explaining whe he's now got a dark circle around his eye.

He does glance up at Betsy, though. For a number of reasons that, possibly for the first time since that link was gone, he's glad she's not in his head to know. Foremost amongst them, however, is to make sure smoke literally isn't coming out of her ears.

Don't mind the spider on the wall, awkwardly picking at the toes of his sneakers, guys. Legit, not here.

"I wish beer didn't taste like feet water."

Psylocke has posed:
No smoke. It's surprising really. As angry as she is, it probably should be. "What?" It isn't loud. She doesn't raise her voice. In fact Betsy sounds almost calm. Her body shifts slightly, one foot slightly behind the other, weight more on the back leg.

"You fought him because of us breaking up? What sort of backwards, neanderthal reasoning is that? If you were my father, perhaps you would have a right to ask questions. But you. You have no right to ever touch him..." She points a finger at Peter. The spider may be hoping he is invisible but she is very aware of him and his condition. "You could have spoken to me if you thought there was something wrong with the situation. It was a mutual agreement. What was best for both of us. How /dare/ you take it upon yourself to dish out paternal punishment!"

All the warning signs are there for those who can read her. She's this close to punching the man in front of her. "You are Not my father and you owe Peter an apology. And next time you take issue with something, try taking me on instead."

Wolverine has posed:
    Through it all Logan stands there and watches her, blue eyes unwavering. Peter's taken tongue-lashing anger of the British assassin before, and knows first hand how vitriolic it can be. But the Canadian. He just seems to weather it. Standing there as each word is thrown at him with such heat behind it... that a lesser man might well melt.
    Of course when she winds down he asks her, "You finished?"
    And that's that. As far as he's concerned. He turns towards Peter and says, "You did good, Pete."
    Then he's moving to step around her and continue on towards the door, his hands sliding into his pockets as he turns his shoulders just enough to slip past the Brit with the mad on her.

Spider-Man has posed:
Peter is a surprisingly flexable lad to those who are unaware of his hidden identity. Kneeling down on knees bent and thighs stretched impossibly as he picks through gravel like a child rather than overtly watching the verbal exchange between the two volitile X-Men. To any other person that might send off warning signs and, to be fair, it does with Peter too, but he's not a stupid man. Quite the contrary, he's a very intelligent man. A very intelligent man who does not want to get in the middle of what could become thrown fists if the balance is tipped prematurely.

He is more keenly aware now, though, specifically when Logan speaks TWO words; You finished?. Betsy's tense body language might as well be his own for how well he knows her and he's just spent the better part of two and a half hours squaring off against Logan. "Betsy." He manages as he stands up from his crouch and takes those short few steps where he could reach out and lay a hand on her shoulder. "I understand how you feel.. This wasn't something that should have happened because this was between you and me. This was us and we had it figured out... but his heart was in the right place." With his black eye and everything, "It got me thinking." For a second he chews the inside of his cheek.

"I..." He can't get the rest out and drops his hand down while the other comes up to rub at the back of his shaggy hair, "...really need a haircut." Punk.

Psylocke has posed:
He. Did. Not.

The hand on her shoulder is felt. The words from Peter are even heard. But Betsy's attention is on the Canadian as he starts to walk past her. Again.

"His heart was in the right place but his head was up his arse," she mutters and then she moves. It's not that she moves away from Peter. She never takes a step. But her weight on that back leg shifts to the front since her target is behind her.

One moment she was standing, the next her right leg is fully extended at speed with a "KIYAI!" as she focuses her chi to deliver one /hell/ of a kick to the side of Logan's head with her trainer covered foot. Full extension, full power. It hurts like hell. For her. Damn adamantium. But she knows he's going to feel it too and that is what matters.

Should Logan round back on her, she's chambered that leg back and waits for him to make a move, prepared to continue this if necessary. But now her words are for Peter again though she keeps her eyes on her potential opponent. "You do. It's a deterrant when it can fall in your eyes." Whatever he was thinking about? She didn't think to ask and she isn't looking at him to catch there might've been more to it. Throw in the lack of a psionic link now and she's a little clueless what he might've meant. "Let's get you inside and fixed up. I'll run a bath. Get you some tea and ibuprofen. Something for that eye."

Wolverine has posed:
    It was right as he was saying the word 'Pete' again that she clocks him a good one. It's a hard /WHAM-CLANG!/ into the side of her shoe into his temple. For a moment his eyes go almost comically wide and then close in a heavy wince as he staggers and thumps down to one knee, his head suddenly /ringing/ from the heavy impact.
    He's been hit by Betsy before. Plenty of times, and heck she even meant to kill him one or two times. But this time she had some mustard on it. He's got one eye scrunched up as he winces and holds a hand to the side of his head and then he shakes his head and scowls. Then when the words come his tone is barely above a growl, "First one's free, darlin'." He grits his teeth and pushes himself to his feet.
    He points at her, not accusingly, just to let her know he sees her. Even if one eye is all squidgy.
    She knows where to find him.

Spider-Man has posed:
Peter's brain goes on a tingly rampage a half second before Betsy back kicks Logan and he hops back away with his hands up like some sort of idiot who half expected he was going to be the recipiant. The audible clang of foot on metal skull indicates to the contrary and he peels one eye open to curl it back and forh between the Ninja and the kneeling wildman.

From there he stands, straightening his torn shirt, and trying to look like he knew that's what was going to happen all along. There aren't any should have duckeds or any such quips for Logan, however. No, this dog will definitely hunt and Pete already has a headache. Rather than letting his big mouth get him into another ringer he'll just let Betsy lead the show. "That sounds nice."

A hell of a lot better than getting kicked in the head, at any rate.

"Thanks for the drinks, Logan." Stepping forward and around the kneeling Wolverine with a little hop to come up beside Betsy, "You know what, I wasn't going to say it, but I'm gonna... that was hot. I don't even feel guilty about vocalizing it."

Psylocke has posed:
"We will continue this another time," Betsy says to the squidgy eyed one. No, the other squidgy eyed one that she kicked. And with that. Logan can continue on his way if he chooses.

She turns to Peter, raising one of those perfectly arched eyebrows. "Hot? Really? One might think I kicked you in the head," Betsy says with a bit of a smirk. Then she motions to the doors and starts that direction, keeping a safe distance from Logan. Just in case.