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Changeling: And Now for Something Completely Different
Date of Scene: 01 June 2019
Location: Clint and Skye's, Greenwich Village
Synopsis: The team gathers for a dinner *Skye* cooked and discuss plans as the final date for the mission looms. There are some surprises, and Steve baked brownies - okay they were out of a box, but baby steps, right? We can't all be Skye.
Cast of Characters: Quake, Hawkeye (Barton), Nyx, Melinda May, Captain America, Peggy Carter

Quake has posed:
Things got all secretive suddenly. The mission planning was moving along well and heading into the final hours before mission go, and then *boom* there's word from Skye, that nobody - and she does mean nobody - is allowed in the house for an entire day. A plan that is totally backed by May, who, as it happens, along with Bucky, have somehow been exempt from this order.

Not only that, intructions were to arrive later that evening, hungry and ready for dinner, with a list of things that were to arrive with 'the guests', and that it was up to the others to decide who brought what.

On the list: Booze. Snacks. Dessert. Fresh Bread - the crusty bakery kind, none of that fake sliced white Wonder bread shit (no, the list actually said that: none of that fake sliced white Wonder bread shit).

Then seemingly the others (May, Skye, and Bucky) spent the day doing... something.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
"First they move half of R&D into the house, then they kick me out," Clint mutters as he pulls a crate of booze out of the back of Skye's van, Gretel, which he parked out front, to the dismay of their neighbours.

Things were in the final days, so for all his complaining and arm full of booze, Clint keeps an eye out as he crosses the sidewalk to the steps. Looking this way and that for people who didn't seem to belong and checking the tags of the cars parked across the street.

Reaching the door, Clint knocks with his boot giving the door three swift kicks. "Hope I'm not early, this crap is heavy."

Nyx has posed:
Okay that got Samantha pretty darn curious as to what might be going on with the whole secret R&D and plans business.

The day to day paperwork and learning Agent stuff is not nearly as exciting as this double secret agent stuff.

Also this group definitely seems to enjoy plotting around food. Still she does what she is told, noting she will get the bread and dessert. Just because she knows her way around fast food doesn't mean she can't find the best bakery in this part of town. Especially when one has an advanced AI for a roommate in your skull. One who assimilated a SIM Card and provides constant cellular and network access. <whistle>.

So Samantha shows up while Clint is knocking. "Need a hand?" her hands are full of bags, crusty bread, and delicious pies. It is near memorial day after all.

Melinda May has posed:
May is opening the door just a few moments after Clint kicks at the door, letting him and Samantha in so they don't have to stand outside any longer. "You're not allowed in the kitchen," she notes as they step inside, "so I'll take these things from here."

She reaches to takes the armload of booze from Clint and turns to carry it toward the kitchen, trying her darnedest to make it look effortless. Maybe she's succeeding? She wouldn't ever admit otherwise anyway.

Quake has posed:
The place smells... amazing. Rich cooking smells permeate the air. The place is a tiny bit warm, but it's still early enough in the season that the cooking that is obviously going on here, as well as the heat from the equipment, isn't overheating the place. Of course there are fans employed strategically.

"Don't let them in the kitchen!" is called out from that very room. And by the looks of it, that may be where this evening is going down. Then again, since when did Clint and Skye stand on ceremony. No matter how you look at it, though, right this very moment the 'guests' - and yes, Clint, that includes you, even if this is your house too - aren't allowed in the room of mystery.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint looks over his shoulder. "Heya Sam," he greets with a grin. "And yeah, you can rip this door off its hinges right? If so if they don't open this door in the NEXT TEN SECONDS, be my guest."

There's no anger in his tone, the raised voice only for effect.

Then May is there. "Heya May," Clint says as though nothing is the matter, smiling cheekily as he passes her the booze and heads for the living room.

"God that smells good whatever it is!" he calls into the kitchen before he finds a spot in the living room to sit. "And wow Keyboard, so bossy!" he chuckles. "Fine, fine I'll stay out of the 'room of mystery'."

Nyx has posed:
"I definitely can but I think I would be in a lot of trouble." she notes with amusement, yeah she knows his is kidding, but doesn't mind pointing out she could indeed.

"It does smell good." she notes and shrugs to Clint, like what the heck are they up to. She holds her bags of baked goods and doesn't go anywhere near the kitchen though. "Do not venture into the dragons lair."

Melinda May has posed:
May answers Skye as she sets the booze down out of the way with the faintest hint of strain to her voice, "I already told them." Then she heads back to take the bakery items from Nyx.

"Enjoy this rare chance to relax and NOT get conscripted into helping prepare the meal. It should be ready soon." Then she's carrying what feels like half of a bakery's worth of breads, pastries, pies....

How much did Samantha bring?

Quake has posed:
"Oh hush, Hotshot. You like bossy women. And you knew that before Nat made you date me." Skye does peek her head out of the kitchen to grin at Clint. She's a bit of a dishevelled mess, including flour smears on her cheeks, and a stray bit of basil in her hair. At least it looks like basil? It's green anyway.

"Food will be ready in about fifteen - fifteen, May?" she waits for May's confirmation. "Soon. Food will be soon."

And then she's popped back into the kitchen to do whatever it is she's doing.

Melinda May has posed:
"Fifteen at the most," May replies after peeking in on SOMETHING in the kitchen.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
There's a laugh for Nyx when they're still outside the door. "Probably, you wouldn't believe what the contractors charge for jobs in this neighbourhood."

Chuckling points at his own hair by way of indicating to Skye something was stuck in hers, "You going to be wearing the whole dinner or just whatever that is?" he teases lightly. "And sure, take your time. At least I'm /in/ my house now."

May gets a nod. "Fair point," he says. "Though any chance of a beer?"

Nyx has posed:
Well Samantha got several loaves of bread. She had no idea how many people would be here tonight. Also she has seen some people like Clint eat. Also Bucky. So much devouring.

Same deal with the pies, several.

In the meantime though she meanders to the bathroom and washes up, she was outside in New York. God knows.

"You should have thought of that before handing it into the dragons lair Clint?"

Melinda May has posed:
May emerges from the kitchen with two bottles in hand, one the nasty frou frou beer for Clint, the other a bottle of IBC root beer for Samantha so she at least looks like she's imbibing with everyone.

Unlike Skye, she doesn't have so much as a crumb of anything on her person, though someone quick on the uptake might pick up on the faint traces of onions and garlic about here.

What? She had sous chef duties today. "If you want anything else, let me know. I'll get it.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
"Probably," Clint offered with a faint smile. "So, Sam, how you holding up?" After all the big day was fast approaching.

When May emerges with drinks, Clint stands to grab his beer, double taking on Sam's bottle to see if it was real beer or not. He smirks when he sees the lable. "For the record Sam, I'd have brought you the real stuff," he informs her in a stage whisper.

Melinda May has posed:
May flicks Clint on one ear when he stage whispers at Samantha. Serves you right.

Nyx has posed:
Sam accepts the IBC rootbeer "Well.. honestly this stuff tastes better and I am pretty sure I can't get drunk anymore." then she pauses, because when did she test that.

Okay now she looks guilty.

Now she looks too innocent.

Lot of work to be done on this spy poker face.

"Urr.. yeah so I am totally ready. Been ready."

Captain America has posed:
Shave-and-a-haircut, two bites.

Steve then opens the door to the apartment with each hand laden: the first with a metal pan covered in foil and the other with a small plastic bag. His announcement of arrival is simple.

"I brought brownies! Made 'em myself...out of a box," he admits with a laugh as he toes out of his running shoes. Jeans and a t-shirt beneath a green plaid shirt, black and grey patterned stripes over sea-green it is today. He lifts the pan towards the others in additional greeting.

"Brought the rest of my lunch. Figure I'd eat it now." He travels to the table by the kitchen and sets aside the brownie tray, unpeeling the silver foil back to release the redolent and sweet scent of brownies indeed still warm from the oven. The little bumplets of chocolate chips scattered through them can be seen -- ooh and ahh.

Peggy Carter has posed:
Bring something. Well, fortunately, SHIELD had given Peggy a bit of an expense account to get some clothes. Not to mention her old bank account which they were working on getting some back pay into. Needless to say, Peggy had a credit card, the Google, and all of New York to get something together for tonight. She didn't even drag Bucky or Skye around to random stores or Target, but found a nice little consignment store where she could get clothes vaguely 'fashionable' (in that Retro being in style way) and a bottle of Scotch. Excellent, aged scotch. Lagavulin 16 year aged scotch. So, armed with a new dress and excellent booze, she pushes the door open.

"...It's still odd not knocking, but Skye threatened to shoot me the last time I did. So.. hullo?" Peggy quips into the room. She steps in a moment later, a pair of slightly square brown high heels complimenting small feet. Stockings with a seam up the back, because are they real stockings otherwise? And an emerald green sundress in a very late 40s/50s style, fitted at the waist and around her torso with cute green cap sleeves, but a flared waist to compliment the stockings. Her hair is in it's ever styled waves. She nearly stumbles on Steve, barely a moment or two behind him. "Oh...I...brought scotch. Lagavulin. Still a good maker, yes?"

Quake has posed:
Steve makes it to the door of the kitchen and no further, Skye blocking his way, pointing sternly with a wooden spoon in one hand. "No. Kitchen. Give the brownies to May. Do NOT eat the rest of your lunch. And give me five more minutes. Supper is almost done."

She peeks around Steve's frame to grin at Peggy, "Oh hey! Supper in five. Everyone want to eat in the kitchen? We set the table and everything."

Which is to say it's not really a question, because Skye set the table and *everything* and made the meal. They might be casual here at Chez Miscreant, but some things are not done.

Steve admonished, Skye disappears back into the kitchen where there are now sounds of dishes being clattered about.

Melinda May has posed:
May appears next to Steve as Skye fends him off of the kitchen, relieving him of the foil-covered tray. "Dinner will be ready in ten, and you're not allowed in the kitchen beforehand." Which, really, Skye just said the exact same thing. "What would you like to drink? I'll bring it out to you."

She leans a bit and nods a hello to Peggy when she arrives. "That dress suits you, Carter." She's glad the former director finally got a chance to go clothes shopping. "Do you want me to pour some of that Lagavulin for you?"

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
"Ow!" Clint exclaims as his ear is flicked. "Really? In my own house?" he calls after the Deputy Director, laughing.

Nyx though is regarded with a grin, "That sucks," he says before adding in a real whisper this time. "Might want to work on your spy face," he says dropping into a May like stone-y expression the antithesis of his usual cheery demeanor.

The spy face is dropped quickly when Steve and Peggy walk in one after the next. "Hey guys, kitchen's no bueno, but the scotch and brownies? Definitely welcome. Grab seats where you can." The place was still wall to wall tech.

Nyx has posed:
Sam makes a funny face at Clint's correction and then perfect version of May-face. She almost snorts rootbeer really.

Then wiping her eyes she walks over to the couch and gives a cheerful "Hello people I still can't believe I eat dinner with." well that is mostly to Steve truth be told, Peggy's role in history is a bit more hush hush after all and Steve, well he is Captain America. Once reached the couch is plopped on.

Captain America has posed:
Steve's hands rise up at the wooden weapon aimed at him. He grins and laughs, the sound light-hearted. "Don't want to step on toes," he replies to Skye in particular. May gets a side-glance with a bit more attitude at the repetition, but he doesn't sass at the Director -- not worth it.

"I aim to please," he says to Clint, shooting the man a bright glance. Brownies are always welcome. He steps to one side to allow May to pass into the kitchen if necessary and replies, "Water, if it's available." as to the offer of a drink. He's had enough of alcohol for...now.

He swallows as he sees Peggy. Pink takes up residence at the crests of his cheeks and at the tips of his ears. While not having gone still, he can be seen to draw up armor of polite reserve about himself. "Hey, Peggy." Just a little bit of breathlessness betrays him. That is a nice dress.

Nyx gets a distracted glance that clears into the realization that she's a relatively new face to him. "Evening," comes the greeting to her and he tries a wave at his waist as well as a small smile to boot.

Quake has posed:
Finally the no entry order is lifted from the kitchen, Skye standing at the doorway and declaring that everyone shoudl come and get it!

In the kitchen, while the counters and island are rather a mess still (not Skye's problem. Here at Chez Miscreant, the cook doens't do the dishes), the table is immaculately set. (That must be May's doing).

In the middle of the table is a large tureen like dish from which a ladle is peeking out of. A huge salad sits in a crystal bowl that must be borrowed, or maybe it's leftover from last years housewarming-cum-birthday bash for Skye. The bread Nyx brought has been sliced and set into ... well, they're bread baskets now. Butter abounds. As does salt and pepper. There are soup bowls for everyone, as well as a dish for salad., and when folks sit and begin dishing out their portions they mystery of dinner is solved.

Dinner: Roast chicken and vegetable soup, with hand pulled noodles within. There are definitely hints of garlic and curry along with other spices, and fresh leaves of basil dot the top. The salad is much less spectacular, but it's all fresh produce, and as May will attest, everything in this meal but for the bread was made by Skye herself.

She looks nervously pleased, watching everyone to see their reactions.

Peggy Carter has posed:
A slightly warmer smile is given to May as the woman compliments the dress, and she hands over the bottle of scotch. "Thank you. There was a vintage store not too far from here. I... figured... I should get a few things *not* at Target, as James has suggested. And yes, a drink would be lovely. Thank you." Clint is given a warm nod, "Thank you for having us all again. I suspect there will be a day in the future where you and Skye might have your abode not routinely invaded by half a military unit. I do not suspect that day will be any time soon." She gives him a little wink.

Then she crosses a bit farther into the room, Steve given an almost shy smile, the most awkward, little nod echoing acceptance of his greeting. "Steve. They taught you to cook too, I see?" SHe nods to the brownies tray, mostly teasing. "I thought the chorus dancing was impressive." That is definitely a bit more of a tease, and a story almost no one in the room might even know about. Lastly, Sam is given a long look over, Peggy still getting to know the young woman. Creating the profile in her head, so to speak. "Sam. I suspect we'll have more to talk about soon."

And then there is food coming in. She turns about to see the presentation and her stomach actually growls quietly. It's a good indication of just how little she's even had an appetite lately. Her body is protesting. And the food looks great. "...I feel like... we've set out Thanksgiving dinner. Very nice."

Melinda May has posed:
May takes the brownie tray and the whiskey into the kitchen, just in time for Skye to announce that the meal is ready. So, she quickly fills a glass with water and a shorter tumbler with ice and a couple of inches from the bottle Peggy brought and carries them back out to the others as Skye starts serving up. She disappears again only to return just as quickly with a bottle of the house-standard frou frou beer for Skye and her own glass of water.

She tried to keep the kitchen counters clear by rinsing things off as they got used, but, well, she couldn't keep ahead of it. But the remaining mess is now officially someone else's problem as she helped with the cooking. Settling at the table, her eyes flick between Peggy and Steve, and she of course picks up what Peggy tossed out. "I've heard a little about that, Carter. Do tell us more."

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint gives Nyx a brotherly nudge at her reaction, shaking his head with a smile. "Anyhow come on let's go get some food," he says when the ban is lifted.

Once inside the kitchen Clint gives Skye a brief kiss then promptly peeks under the sink. "Wow and you ran the take away boxes to the trash and everything, pulling out all the stops," he teases moving swiftly out of the way of reprisals.

"Seriously though Keyboard, looks great," he says as he grabs a plate to start loading.

Though at the chorus dancing remark, Clint chuckles to Steve, stage-whispering once again: "Want me to lay down covering fire while you escape?"

Captain America has posed:
And by how Steve gives Peggy a visibly narrowed look, even with the slightest rueful dimpling at the corners of his lips, she's scored a hit. Skye almost completely draws the spotlight from the historically-accurate reference as to the Captain's past antics in the second World War, but then...oh then...

He clears his throat as he walks into the kitchen and says a little loudly, "Can't help it if the routine wasn't difficult to emulate. Had to stand in for the teacher once or twice when he went down with the flu."

To Clint, he shoots a wry look and stage-whispers, "Buy you beer for a month if you do."

Nyx has posed:
Peggy is probably not wrong, the way things are going there is likely to be plenty to talk about before too long. Well that or if her file is read, then there is plenty to talk about in general. It does explain why an eighteen year old is involved in this whole operation really.

The talk of food and all doesn't need to be said twice, Sam takes her rootbeer with her. It is probably a valid question how much she needs to eat as well these days, maybe it is like the rootbeer and she really likes the taste of it all still and the alternative is just too horrifying for the young woman to dwell on.

Sam watches the interplay between Peggy and then Steve.. and then a wild Clint appears. She just grins and settles into her chair not wading into all that. To Skye "This smells and looks great."

Quake has posed:
Skye totally uses a few hand signals that nobody needs to have ASL to understand when Clint looks for the takeout boxes. Laughing, then, and kissing his cheek. "Eat before you run away, or I will hurt you both."

Yep. Skye just threw Cap under that bus and threatened him too.

Peggy Carter has posed:
"In Steve's defense, I don't think they much cared about how well he did a kick line, but how many war bonds he sold. And you only broke George's nose once punching out pretend Hitler between show girl's shoulders, right?" Peggy teases Steve with a bit wider a smile. Even if they were strange times back then, now they are happy memories. They seem a world ago and are nearly a hundred years now. A hard thought in and of itself.

Peggy accepts the glass from May with a tilt of her head in thanks. She takes a good pull from it before diving in to getting a bit of food herself. "...And the nylon dance uniform was a poor comparison to the one he wore later, but I am certain it was quite... Motivating for many in the audience." She did ask. And it's the worst part of the story Peggy will tell, but there were reels in storage of it all.

"But...there is dinner. And it smells delicious. And I am frankly more terrified of Skye's retribution should we not all share a good family meal. It's better than the take out I've been bringing... though James keeps threatening to cook."

Quake has posed:
"Bucky had to leave," Skye says quietly. "He.. well, you know."

Everybody knew. The amount of time in any given day before Bucky needed to retreat was always a crapshoot, and well, that /was/ why he had Lili. To be fair, he was weathering things so much better. Or had seemed to be.

Brighter, "He's who helped me with the vegetables for the soup." Yes, there's a wry grimace as she says that. Amused and rueful. Skye has totally just admitted she made vegetables. And may as well buy the whole package if she's going to get razzed about it, "May helped with the salad, and the broth for the soup. But the chicken is all mine. Oh! And the noodles."

Not that the others had been witness, but when Skye had learned her home-made hand pulled ramen noodles could be used in this? Skye had suddenly been excited about this whole meal. She still was if the nervousness that hung about her was any indication.

Frou-frou beer accepted, she sits, but waits for the others to serve themselves before taking her own.

"So, not to jump the gun or anything, but we actually do have some business." She reaches for a piece of bread and butters it. "In particular, to let Samantha know about the change of plans in the mission. And to make sure we're all on the same page for the rest of it."

Captain America has posed:
As he reaches out to plate himself a little bit of everything, soup and all, Steve's far too dignifed. It's a bit like pulling a cat's tail; he's very aware of the teasing and trying very hard not to react to it beyond the usual stoic dignity. A little pursing of lips is him fighting not to smirk despite this.

"Only once," he agrees with Peggy, fishing around for silverware. The woman gets another side-glance, squinted in curiosity; he heard that right, James? However, it's Skye who gets a concerned look as he straightens in place from his mild stoop over the kitchen table. It is indeed a day-by-day and incident-prone chance, whether or not the man needs to dismiss himself from interaction.

Rather than sitting himself down, the Captain elects to remain by the kitchen entryway in an easy lean against its lintel to listen to the meeting. He eats with an easily-recognizable controlled haste, as if at any second he'd have to put aside the plate and leave to take up the shield.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
"Deal," Clint says with a grin for Steve.

Then he fills his plate and takes a seat,"Well whoever sees Bucky next, give my thanks, this looks great," he says, after giving nods to both the other chefs.

When business is brought up though, Clint falls slient, listening.

Peggy Carter has posed:
"I'll let him know tonight. I...know things can get a bit much for him. But he's been a lovely host and yes... He actually is quite capable in a kitchen." Well, for anyone who'd heard the rumor, that's confirmation. Peggy definitely, absolutely has moved into the suite that Bucky is keeping at the Triskelion, and probably had a bit more of his cooking than normal over the week. But, instead of harping on that, or teasing Steve more about the old shows, she turns a more serious glance towards Skye and May. A brief nod is given and not a single word beyond that cutting in. She's ready to work, the food a secondary thought now. But she's still picking at eating it.

Nyx has posed:
Yeah Sam is buttering some of the bread she got, her head cocks a bit though as business is brought up and the fact there is some sort of change of plans there. The portion of the plans that impact her role in this operation. So yeah she is definitely paying attention to Skye and then May, and then back to Skye. All the while prepping her food for the devouring.

I mean not devouring like Clint does but still she likes to eat.

Melinda May has posed:
May serves herself modest portions of everything, though she does glance at Steve briefly and doesn't try to bring up the chorus line thing again.

Skye turns the topic toward work and she waits for a moment to toss in, "The actual diversion team will be traveling on the Bus. Carter, you'll get to meet her next time, I promise." Samanatha -- or Nyx at least -- might already be aware of who or what the Bus is.

"I've got her slated for a preventive maintenance and shakedown flight on the books. Skye, we should pick where to meet up, because everyone boarding while on base would likely be noteworthy, and it's not like she'll fit on just any corner parking lot."

Quake has posed:
Skye nods at May. "We can figure that out."

She's all the more serious as she carries on from where May has started. "So, Samantha, change of teams. You'll be with Peggy. I'll be with the boys." Gee, they're 'the boys' now. Then again, nobody ever accused Skye of being big on protocol. "Both of us will carry the virus. You're the actual team we're hoping will infilitrate far enough to insert, but as Peggy is familiar with the compound, we want her to make it look like she's after something in particular - that isn't computer based." She looks between Peggy and Nyx. "Remember, Sam doesn't have to be at a computer terminal to do this. She just needs to be close enough to have access. So using that, and your knowledge of the base, formulate a plan to get her inside and to a point that will work. With a backup point of course."

"The rest of us will be making it look like we're heading for the computers - which we will be. Because we won't know if Peggy and Sam will have finished the job until it's done. REmember - Zola will have ears on everything we do, or at least we have to assume he will. The point is to make me the priority target. But if I get to a console I'm inserting the code - a duplicate won't hurt anything."

"At no time are you to burn the system. If things get that desperate.." Here Skye falters. She's not sure there. "I'd like to think if things hit that point that my team takes the fire and we hold until we hear the all clear from Peggy's team. But I'd like your thoughts."

Peggy Carter has posed:
Well, that was a bit of a surprise. Not one Peggy can entirely fight, considering the emotional compromise of her and the boys. Still, the dark haired woman is being incredibly careful to keep an entirely neutral face. Probably only Steve would be able to read that as her being Not Happy. Sam didn't need to know that, though. And she wasn't giving the orders any longer. She sets down her fork and takes a deep breath, looking over towards Sam and giving a brief tip of her head to the young woman. "...When we are not at dinner, we'll sit down and I'll go through every last inch of what I know of the place with you."

Captain America has posed:
Without fail, Steve catches the subtle masking of disapproval within Peggy's face. He saw it time and time again behind the war table, much less out on the field. Finished with his food, he slips into the kitchen on near-silent feet to place his dishes in the sink. It sits...well, it sits. It was delicious, but he doesn't remember tasting much of it.

Still, schooling himself as well, he returns to his post at the doorway and folds his arms, taking up the attentive stance of unintentional yet again to listen.

Quake has posed:
Skye sees that look and realizes Peggy's disappointment. And that she's dumped this rather more abruptly than she meant. "I'm sorry Peggy. I could have put that more gently. But when I figured out all the parameters, putting the virus in two places increases our odds. And you know that compound inside and out. You're our best hope for Sam getting in."

She takes a deep, and shaky breath.

"And you're really the only person I can trust Sam to in this other than myself." Which is a big admission. Skye is putting all her trust eggs in Peggy's basket where the safety of her Trainee comes in. And as those who've done this before know, this is a big huge mother of a step for a team leader.

She doesn't address the elephant in the room of this takes away any conflicts of interst in the trio of Steve-Bucky-Peggy. Which is also a rather telling step on the part of leadership.

Nyx has posed:
Right well Samantha is not a schooled and seasoned spy or warrior there. So she misses a good deal of the interplay between Carter and Rodgers and all that.

When Skye calls more attention and explains it there she tilts her head. "I am... " she pauses and sips her rootbeer considering how to word this. "Skye, I know you are really worried abyout me. I know yyou care and that means a lot." a pause right how to put this. "I am really durable thyough and this is going to be okay. We both go in. We totally trash Zola with this virus. We get back yout." a genuine warm smile to Skye there.

"Nyx does want to examine the virus before we get to deploy day thyough." and yeah Sam doesn't bring up the fact Nyx is pretty dismissive of this Zola individuals general capabilities but eeeh Sam figures worst case Nyx and Zola can fight while the virus is deployed.

Peggy Carter has posed:
"No need to be sorry, Johnson. It... makes sense. I'll get her in and out. I promise that." Peggy says those last few words towards Nyx, not Skye. Whatever disappointment or disapproval was there has been swallowed back beneath the mask of pure professionalism. Peggy was a soldier at heart, even if she was used to calling the shots. She wouldn't protest. She listens to the young woman's own opinions and confidence. It cracks just a slight smile from her, "...We'll have to get to know each other deeper, Sam... and the capabilities of Nyx. But... well after dinner." With that, Peggy goes quiet to listen to the rest of the plan. She offers a few nods of understanding, a small sound here or there, but doesn't protest or cut in otherwise. It's a meal of listening and learning. She can manage that.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Watching the back and forth between Peggy and Skye, he reaches a foot out to rest against Skye's leg in a quiet gesture of support.

"Let's not forget Zola has prisoners too. We need to get them out of there," he says. "Which I can take point on, I missed them by minutes in Tibet and I'd like to make it up to them."

Melinda May has posed:
"How many people are you talking about, Clint?" She's doing some quick mental fenagling, trying to decide the best use of the vehicles she's managed to ear mark for this occasion. "Unless it's over one hundred, the Bus should be able to handle them all just fine. Skye, you'll be taking my quinjet on your part of the mission, she's also slated for PM and shakedown, and just this one time you have my authorization to have your contact break her link with the main SHIELD servers." That'll partly cripple the jet's computers, but it would mostly be in the communications array, and that's an acceptable loss just this once.

Having finished her own meal, she stands and carries her plate into the kitchen, where she starts doing the cleanup. She can still hear the conversation from there easily enough.

Quake has posed:
Skye winces. "I knew I was forgetting something," she says of Clint's mention of the prisoners. "Team Three. Which, yes, you're heading. It should also be mentioned my outside contacts will be doing remote monitoring and interference. That should help us at hte base, but I think we will be best served with as much radio silence there as possible. The more Zola has to work with, the easier it is for him to crack what we're doing."

Samantha she nods to. "We can make that happen." She's a bit leery, but at this point all the cards are on the table, so to speak. Or most of them. And keeping Samantha's cpo-habitant out of the loop is no longer to their benefit. "This is where I say I have a third party helping with the code. They're something of a specialist, and.." May gets a small nod. "It's alien tech. I've been holding this card back, but since we're looking at the starting gate, you should all know. I'm hoping it gives everyone a little bit more confidence in what we're proposing here. I've worked with this particular specialist for a couple of years now."

Which is likely a surprise to everyone in the room, including Clint.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
"No worries," Clint says to Skye about the rescue. That's what they had these meetings for, to pull things together as a team. As to the logistics? "We're good then, I saw eight, even if every Hydra quadcopter I saw leaving the Tibet base had the same number, we'd still be at, thirty-two max. More than likely though, it was just the eight I saw, Jemma would know better, but my understanding is there's not that many potential Inhumans out there, compared to mutants or metas," Clint says without much pause in eating dinner. "So, plenty of room for everyone."

Clint sets down his fork, "Wait, did you say alien? Is the contact an alien or just the tech?" he asks her.

Nyx has posed:
"Say what?" is all Samantha can manage for a moment there because Nyx is in the copilot seat throwing up it's metaphorical hands over the sudden reveal that Skye is using alien technology of some sort. It is a bit overwhelming for a moment for Sam. "Thanagarian? Kryptonian? Cybertronian? Technarch? Coulian?" those are all just rattled off by Sam, because damnit now Nyx wants to know what the hell. Usually the AI is quiet.

Melinda May has posed:
May pokes her head around Steve from the kitchen to stare at Sam. Because that rattled off list of names is ... mostly not familiar to her. And not familiar is not good. "Samantha? Explain, please." She disappears back into the kitchen, though, to keep washing up. Maybe it's a tactic to keep from making the kid feel intimidated, maybe it isn't. Difficult to tell.

Quake has posed:
Skye tilts her head at Samantha at the list, but has to admit, "I'm not sure which." It's a careful admission that suggests Skye might know more but isn't at liberty to discuss. Even if these particular cards are being lain on the table.

Telling Clint, "My contact isn't alien. No."

Nyx has posed:
"Uuuuh." is what Sam says to the order to explain there. She furrows her brow and then takes a couple bites of soup.

"Okay um.. Thanagarians are the winged people, Hawkman and Hawkgirl. Justice League. Warlike alien race I guess... um.. Kryptonians are Superman.. planet went boom. Not too warlike. Coulian are.. well that robot who tazered me in Tony Stark's office was a Coulian robot. Smart. Usually peaceful."

Another bite of soup. "Cybertronian are a plague of technological beings, living metal. Been warring for like tens of millions of year nonstop pretty much against themselves. Bad news bears."

Finally sheepish "That.. is all well from Nyx but sort of translated .. Nyx didn't say bad news bears." for example. "Nyx will probably be able to tell what kind of alien when it sees the code I guess."

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
"Ah," Clint says to Skye's explanation.

"Heard of some of those," Clint says of the various species. "Don't like the sound of those last ones though."

Melinda May has posed:
Like Clint, May has heard of some of those names already. And also like Clint, she's not entirely thrilled by the description of the Cybertronians. She hopes they're nowhere hear finding out about their little planet here.

Dishes all dealt with (aka, rinsed and put in the dishwasher), May gets out the various desserts that arrived -- the brownies front and center -- and starts carrying them to the table, swapping them in and taking back the remains of the meal. She has every intention of packing up a very good-sized portion of this stuff to send back to Bucky. He more than earned it, after all.

Quake has posed:
As things begin to wind down, Skye considers each member of the team. "So, does anyone have questions? Suggestions? We've still got dessert before I make you all do dishes." Grinning.