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Latest revision as of 00:43, 14 August 2019

Out of this world meeting!
Date of Scene: 26 May 2019
Location: Roof, Titans Tower
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Kian t'Kaeh, Star Shimmer

Kian t'Kaeh has posed:
    It's good exercise -- in fact, it's great exercise -- but the actual fact is that Kian is flying for the sheer, unbridled joy of it.  The unusual structure of Titans Tower makes for some remarkable winds that shift in unfamiliar ways.
    Just what the little birdman likes.
    If he cut his turns any tighter, his wingtip would brush the outer glass of the building.  Occasionally he drops into a delicate perch on a precarious corner, only to dive off a second later and pull into a tight spiral around the main tower, then out along one of the arms of the 'T'... and then rockets into the sky, straight up, only to pivot and powerdive back towards the roof.  At the last moment, he pulls up sharply into a hover and merely steps out of the sky and onto the roof, near the fire pit.  Settling onto one of the benches, he takes a long pull from a water bottle he'd left there, then splashes a little into his face and hair.  His wings flex and fold slowly behing him while he regains his breath.

Star Shimmer has posed:
Being back on Earth meant being back to doing patrols and such. Nightingale, Being one of the few galactic heroes is rarely around the tower. Still now that she's home, she can actually stop by and actually get to know the rest of the team. The Violet streak across the afternoon sky shows that the young woman is heading toward the tower. Still, people on earth only know of two Star Sapphires. One is Star Sapphire who, is very well known, then there is her.

The young woman spots the bird guy flying around the tower. "Libby, Identify the species please." She speaks up but is not loud enough to be heard.

"Of course, Autumn. Species identified as Akiar from the Akiar Imperium. They are an Avian Humanoid species. Do not approach in an aggressive fashion."

"Thank you." The Star Sapphire would slow down and casually fly to the tower. She would gently touch down and give a polite wave when she catches his eye. "Hello? Can I help you?"

Kian t'Kaeh has posed:
    Approached gently or not, Kian wasn't expecting the voice, and he whips around towards it, wings spread wide.  His stance isn't aggressive; rather, it's about a quarter-second shy of bolting into the air.  And then...
    ...and then he realizes the alarms aren't sounding, the cameras aren't paying any particular attention to the newcomer, and no one's flying, flipping, flitting, or otherwise making their way up onto the roof to check it out.  "Uh, /kie/," he says shyly, bowing and spreading his wings slightly.  "I do not know you?  My name is Kian.  Are you a member of this team?"

Star Shimmer has posed:
Autumn gives a smile, "My name is Nightingale. I'm a Titan. Nice to meet you Kian." What Kian would hear however is not the English Language. Not in the least. What he would hear is his own language. She gives a smile. "A pleasure to meet you. I'm guessing you are pretty new around here? Wanting to join and stuff. Trust me I've been there!" She smiles and with a little wink she makes two very comfy looking chairs out of violet light. She shimmer in an almost crystalline fashion.

Idly she sits in one of them showing that the aren't just actually there but actually function like a comfy cushioned chair should. She gestures to the other one. "I know I'm not as known around here. I tend to be off flying through this sector of space. As fun as that is, I am just happy to be back." She smiles, "I was out patrolling and thought I would come by."

Kian t'Kaeh has posed:
    Kian's eyes widen -- and then he's chattering rapidly in his own language: <<Gods, where, when did you learn /Akiar'shak/?>>  His tone is approaching manic; it's with an effort that he gets control of himself.  <<You know my people?  Do you know where my world is?>>
    He sits down heavily, obviously struggling with his emotions.  After a moment, all that comes out, and quite quietly, is, <<Can you get me home?>>

Star Shimmer has posed:
Nightingale frowns and immediately begins feeling saddened knowing that this will hurt him. "I am a Star Sapphire. We spread the light of love throughout the galaxy. I work in sector 2814. Thats the sector we are in right now." She takes a deep breath, "Your planet has access to communication over soundwaves. Radio, television. That sort of thing. Those will get launched into space and can potentially be picked up by other species. From that, the Star Sapphires as well as the other corps will have learned of your species, your physiology, and language. Thats how I am communicating to you. My ring can interpret practically any language in the galaxy.

She frowns, "Sadly, As far as getting you home. I don't know where it is. I know this sector but, I have no knowledge of its location. I'm so sorry." She begins tearing up. "I don't like making anyone sad."

Kian t'Kaeh has posed:
    <<I... am not sad,>> Kian says.  <<Disappointed, but not sad.  It... it was a bit much to expect to be able to go home, just like that.  And it's not your fault I'm here, nor your responsibility to correct that, so please do not let it trouble you.  The reason I'm here,>> he explains, gesturing to take in the Tower, <<is to try to make the best of it.>>
    He tries to smile, doesn't completely succeed, and the sag of his wings probably doesn't complete the picture in an upbeat manner either.

Star Shimmer has posed:
Nightingale frowns and just crosses her legs, "Still you have my deepest apologies." She smiles a little, "So Ummm. I'm guessing you are new around here? Or at least newish, I figure if you want, I can help you to at least adjust to things here. You aren't the first alien to call this place home, Probably won't be the last either. Earth seems to draw all sorts of attention like that." She smiles again trying to lighten the mood.

Kian t'Kaeh has posed:
    The little birdman unfolds a little, straightening his posture, stretching and re-folding his wings.  <<I have noticed that.  And I try to think that maybe this is where I *need* to be, even if it's not where I *want* to be.  I've only been around the tower for a couple weeks; I've been on Earth a year or so by now.  I spent a long time living away from everything, trying to figure myself out.>>
    He sighs, and takes another long drink of water, and settles onto the bench.  <<Nightingale... I can't help but find it amusing, the number of people who take the names of birds, and don't have wings.  You, and Raven, and all the Robins...I half expect that if I *do* run into another winged person, they'll have a name like 'The Fish'.>>  He laughs gently at his own little joke.

Star Shimmer has posed:
The violet girl laughs a little. "Yes there are a lot of bird names around. Oddly enough, it has to do where some of us come from. Batman's sidekicks are always designated Robin. And the bird thing took off from there. Not to mention the Birds of Prey team. I went by nightingale because I was Batwoman's trainee before I became a Star Sapphire. I am actually thinking of changing my name. I was thinking something like, Star Shimmer!" She smirks a little. "Nightingale just never really fit you know?"

Kian t'Kaeh has posed:
    <<I like Star Shimmer.  Although I can't say I understand the whole idea of using different names than one's own,>> Kian says.  <<I chose my name for a reason; I couldn't use another.>>
    He looks a little worried all of a sudden.  <<I won't have to choose another name, will I?  I mean, if the Titans accept me.  I can't.  My name was sworn before the Gods at my First Flight.  It's who I am!>>

Star Shimmer has posed:
"Woah. Easy! There is a reason we use different names and why we don't tell our real names too often. Our identity, who we are when we aren't saving the world, Its the single most valuable thing we own. If our identity is discovered by our enemies, They can use that information to harm our families, our friends, and even ruin our lives. It is very hard being 'super' all the time." Autumn smiles and looks at Kian, "Lets use one of the titans as an example. Lets use umm Starfire. wait. No. Bad choice. Lets use umm Robin. Lets say Robin wants to go to the store. He goes out in his uniform and all sorts of people come around him wanting autographs or pictures, taking videos... Lets say one of them is a bad guy. They might attack him. They might hurt someone all because he went as Robin and not whoever he is when he's not Robin."

Kian t'Kaeh has posed:
    <<Yes, but if Robin is not in his uniform, he looks like any other human,>> Kian says.  <<Well, maybe fitter than most.  Regardless, there's nothing I can do to hide my wings.  I can only be what I am.  Like my name, I couldn't hide my wings if I wanted to.>>

Star Shimmer has posed:
Autumn gives a smile, "Hey Thats what a team is for. We solve problems like that. Plus, as you say some of us can't hide our stuff. I can but yeah. Basically a common identity is good for existing though. I can use my every day name to open a bank account, get a home, work, get a credit card, All sorts of stuff. While I can impress people as a Star Sapphire, I'm pretty sure this won't get me money." She holds out her hand and a violet credit card forms.

Kian t'Kaeh has posed:
    <<Oh, uh, money is something else I haven't figured out yet,>> Kian says with a slightly vacant look.  <<Whatever other name I might pick for myself, I'd still be Akiar.>>  He spreads his wings slightly, then folds them neatly again.  <<Besides, I only *want* to be Kian.  I don't really want to be anyone else.>>

Star Shimmer has posed:
"You are right. You would still be Akiar. Nothing will change that. You know, I have an idea... what does Kian mean in the English language?" Autumn asks knowing she could just ask her ring but she actually wants to hear him say it. "Oh Money! OKay its easy. Money has value. It can be exchanged for goods just like trading stuff."

Kian t'Kaeh has posed:
    Kian thinks a moment.  <<I think it would be>> "mind alight", he says switching between his language and English a little awkwardly.  <<That doesn't seem to have the same punch as the other chosen names I've heard used...>>

Star Shimmer has posed:
Autumn lets out a hmmmm... "If its not too personal, what can you all do besides fly?" She sits there and thinks a little about a good name in that same vein. Not to change his name but for him to use as an alternate when he's being a hero.

Kian t'Kaeh has posed:
    <<Oh!  Um.
I, uh... I thought you were familiar with my people.  We're also telepaths, at least among each other.  And I think other telepaths,>> Kian explains.
    He hesitates a while, before holding out his left hand... which then is limned in a soft sky blue.  <<I don't know how to explain my Gods'-gift,>> he says slowly.  <<It seems to have something to do with atomic forces.  I... I've kind of avoided using them.  I don't like them.>>  His feathers fuff out; he spreads and re-folds his wings to smooth them.

Star Shimmer has posed:
Autumn smiles, "Well Mind alight... And a Telepath at that among other things... I would think maybe something like Sibyl or something as a super name. I am sure you can think of something better if you really want to. You don't have to though. Starfire actually uses the English translation of her name as her Super Name. Much of the world knows her as that and she even works under it."

Kian t'Kaeh has posed:
    Kian smiles just a little.  <<Well, that's all right then.  The world doesn't know me, so I can just keep my own name and it won't make any difference.  Besides, if I'm doing good, why wouldn't I want to be associated with my actions?>>

Star Shimmer has posed:
Autumn gives a grin, "I like you. You will fit in well here. Listen I am getting hungry and I don't exactly trust what might crawl out of the fridge in the tower. I am going to go make some money and get food. Are you good here? I mean I don't want to just abandon ya here but, my stomach is growling."

Kian t'Kaeh has posed:
    Kian gets up and bows slightly.  <<Of course.  I'm pleased to have met you.  And the Gods know how much I appreciate being able to speak my own language again.  English is so... muted in comparison.>>

Star Shimmer has posed:
Autumn winks, "Well I am happy to be able to give you a break that way. Okay I'm going to head off, Be safe k? Also I will bring ya some pizza then!" She smiles and begins floating upward. Immediately her constructs shatter into crystaline dust and then vanish. "Laters Kian." And just like that she is off flying away from the tower."