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Latest revision as of 00:44, 14 August 2019

Mage, Mage, CAT!
Date of Scene: 28 May 2019
Location: Sanctum Santorum - Base Floor
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Black Cat, Doctor Strange, Black Alice

Black Cat has posed:
Another lazy evening about the Sanctum has culminated in Felicia relaxing on one of the chaise lounge chairs in one of the many parlor rooms of the the Sanctum. She's in black yoga pants and fuzzy socks in bright red, wrapped up in a slim sweatshirt that clings to her every curve from her neck to her hips. She's absconded with one of the old books from one of the nearby bookshelves and the Cat frowns down at it, her jade-green eyes slitted. Her fingernail drags along the words in Olde English -- just English enough to make it worth puzzling over.

"...what in the hell is a bezoar...?" she asks herself as she tucks a loose strand of platinum-blonde hair away behind her ear. "Copperfield! What's a bezoar?" That's a loud enough shout. Surely someone hears it.

Doctor Strange has posed:
    Near Felicia one of the stacks of books tumbles down onto the floor and several loose sheets curl in the air falling much slower and scattering about in the winds of the sanctum. The clattering of books is covered by Felicia's shout. The wizard nicknamed Copperfield steps into the room via the doorway, a rather mundane way to get around the sanctum, but it's the one that keeps Stephen healthiest.

    "Bezoar are undigestable materials that form in the digestive systems and usually cause blockages and illness. Like a kidney stone." Stephen says with a frown. "Useful in many spells in a pinch due to their rarity and difficulty to obtain." Stephen says, looking down at the stack that had been waiting for Kitty to get to and organize it. He puts his hands on his hips and frowns at the pile but then his grey eyes look up to the girl who's been brave or foolish enough to date him and he doesn't voice his concerns and his face even softens slightly.

Black Alice has posed:
On this edition of Black Alice visits the Sanctum and tries to corner the old man for lessons about magic....

Honestly it isn't going smashing this time. She is not entirely sure where the old man is, but well first things first. She does know where the kitchen is and Wong does keep it well stocked.

So raiding the fridge it is and at the voices Lori pokes her head into the parlor room. "It is gross. Definitely gross..." she takes a bite of her sandwich now.

"Also gall stones not just kidney stones... I mean you may as well just pay a medical supply company who provides samples to teaching hospitals or schools or something.. still gross.. I mean who wants to put a gallstone or kidney stone in drinks just to prevent poisoning.. yuck..."

There is a pause "Hey Doc.. Hey Lady I don't know."

Black Cat has posed:
Felicia will be seen curled up further into the corner of the couch, staring overtop the old book pulled to her chest in surprise at Stephen's sudden arrival and the equally-sudden gravity-fueled toppling of rare titles as well as paperwork presumeably important.

She blinks at the arrival of Alice and points a manicured finger at her from behind the shield of her borrowed tome. "Hey...chick I don't know either. So...bezoars are gross, but it makes sense. From what I can tell, potions contain all sorts of gross things. I'm not ever drinking any potion you make unless you explain what it does first and then make sure it tastes like Dr. Pepper," she asides to the Sorcerer with a shameless wink.

Doctor Strange has posed:
    Stephen looks over his shoulder towards Lori and blinks, "True, but most medical supply companies don't carry stomach cured bezoars of tiger or dragon." The sorcerer says with a shrug as if he's been through that routine before. Stephen then motions towards Felicia, "This is Felicia, Felicia, this is Lori." The wizard says, using first names and nothing else. He's acting carefully in that way, just to be safe.

    "Of course I'll tell you what's in a potion, but I don't think you have to worry about that any time soon. I don't much use potions all that often." Stephen says, making sure she knows he's not that kind of wizard. He's the point and make things happen kind with a soft smile at the end of his thought towards the blonde.

Black Alice has posed:
Another bite of the sandwich is taken as Lori studies Stephen and then Felicia and then nods to Felicia "I imagine nice to meet you. I mean most people I've met in the house haven't been assholes so I am tentatively hopeful you aren't."

Okay she is a ray of sunshine, much like her gothy outfit.

"Also potions are all pretty much gross. You almost never have to make potions if you have a deeper understanding of the .. like raw way to do spell casting. It is pretty much hedge witch shit" pause "Not that there is anything wrong with hedge witches."

Black Cat has posed:
"Nice to meet you, Lori. I don't scratch unless you deserve it and I don't bite unless you ask for it." Felicia delivers her response with a confident quirk of her red-red lips. She lets her legs fall back down to stretch along the chaise lounge, folded at the ankle. The old book is now spread across her lap and she places a nicely-kept fingernail to the yellowed page once again.

"Don't mind me if this is business beyond cauldrons and bubble-bubble-toil-and-trouble. I'm not magical at all." A lackadaisical spread of her free hand dismisses her thought before she places her jawline on her fisted fingers. "Pretend I'm not even here..." the cat-burglar singsongs quietly, though not without a curious flicker of kohl-lined green eyes between Lori and Stephen.

Doctor Strange has posed:
    "There's a reason potions don't taste like vanilla shakes." Stephen says with a cross of his arms before his chest and he looks to Lori, "Like I keep telling you, magic isn't free. There is a cost to every spell and encantation, and yes, potion as well. Usually the cost is brewed within the concoction." Stephen explains for Lori.

    Stephen looks over his shoulder towards Felicia and smirks with a lift of a dark eyebrow in her direction. "Why are you reading spell books Felicia? Everyone contains some level of magical ability, so do be careful you don't actually cast anything. We don't want all of us turning into ectoplasmic membrane, or sprouting feathers for hair." The wizard explains.

Black Alice has posed:
"I sincerely doubt you are easy to ignore." that directed at Felicia when she says pretend she isn't even there.

Speaking of free magic, ever present is Lori's sphinx, which is only visible to her and Stephen, and god it looks judgy.

"I know magic isn't free Doc.. I am sure someone somewhere pays for it when I do my thing. As for the Kharma like I said before.. I am pretty sure ninety nine percent of magical society hating on me is a price in itself."

A shrug and then an oh from the teenager. "Right.. a Lara Croft.. verrry British stopped by the other day and had a message for you."

Black Cat has posed:
The cat-burglar flutters her lashes in Lori's direction at the compliment. She then glances over at Stephen. "Boredom, Copperfield. That, and I like translating the language. I had to learn it for my dissertation back in college," she explains as of her interest in the book.

However, the mention of the name of one Lara Croft has the Black Cat looking up from the hand-inked text and affixing Lori with a keen green-eyed look. Her eyebrows slowly climb near to her hairline and she slides her attention again over to Stephen in silent questioning. //THAT LADY.//

Doctor Strange has posed:
    "Lara Croft." Stephen repeats once before his eyes narrow towards Lori and he puts more base into his voice, being much more demanding. "What did she say?" The wizard seems awfully concerned about that woman and anything she might have said.

    Stephen wisely keeps his eyes off Felicia at the mention of the name that has caused them both a bit of grief, as he's no focused on another purpose. He does have the wherewithall to put his hand out towards Felicia, he knows she's concerned as well, but he is going to try and calm her, no need to act just yet.

Black Alice has posed:
Lori gives a mock toasting salute with her sandwich at the lash fluttering, and a quirk of a smile before taking another bite. Mostly at that point there i a lot of watching the two people react to this news now.

"Don't you go all deep voice at me Doc." notes the teenager her own eyes narrowing. "I'm the messenger not the.. Brit." is that an insult, there is a moment where Lori isn't sure if that is suitable.

"She stopped by when Kitty and I were both in, wanted to see you. The last Orb of the Seasons was found and while she evidently is fighting with you about whether SHIELD or you should have them locked up.. this one is over at Avengers manor. Said if she didn't hear from you she would go get it herself."

Deeeep shrug. "I offered to jaunt over there, check out Captain America's ass, and collect it for you no trouble but I figured I should just talk to you first."

Black Cat has posed:
Once Stephen's outstretched hand is close enough to touch, the Cat does reach up and brush her fingerpads along the scarred lines atop his tendons. It's a gentle motion before she loosely wraps her grip about those surgeon's fingers, careful not to twinge nerves.

"That seems...thoughtful of Lara," the thief comments with a glance from Stephen and back to Lori. Her tone is rife with suspicion that she doesn't attempt to mask. "I'm surprised that she didn't go attempt to get it first herself."

Doctor Strange has posed:
    "Good thing you didn't. We'll have to go over soon though. The sphere can be a corrupting force and could have great ramifications on a global scale." Stephen explains briefly before he turns back to Felicia and frowns as he casts a quick telepathy spell to communicate with Felicia silently, <<I would take you, but with your profession, I think staying away from the Avengers might be for the best. Do you agree?>> The wizard asks with just a thought.

    "I'll take it as a sign that she does agree that it shouldn't be left in the Avengers hands, and maybe she's wising up and realizes even SHIELD isn't trust worthy with artifacts of this scale and import." Stephen says, squeezing against Felicia's hand weakly, in order to avoid the pain.

Black Alice has posed:
"I mean.. I wouldn't hold my breath on her agreeing that we should look after mystic armageddon items... and SHIELD shouldn't." a shrug from the teenager, who probably shouldn't have a lot of armageddon artifacts either.

I mean she is an armageddon walking all on her own right.

"I am excited though about a trip to the avengers though, I will consider it part of my instruction." he did say we will have to go after all. So unless he is being all Royal.. Lori assumes she gets to go.

Black Cat has posed:
Felicia can't help the briefly wide-eyed look obliquely at the Sorcerer when she can suddenly hear his voice inside her head //but his mouth isn't moving//. <<Uh.>> There's frenetic static from her given she's never had to align her thoughts from their natural fluid state within her mind, but she does manage, <<Probably a bad idea, yes. Jail is bad.>>

"SHIELD seems like they've got butterfingers anyways. Magical stuff should stay with the magical people." She does not mention the aurora borealis necklace in her non-magical possession at all. "I know you'll figure something out. You're all clever people. If you need me, let me know. Otherwise, I'll go...get coffee or something."

Or something indeed -- more like, steal something else instead because everyone's having fun but her. The Cat gives Stephen's fingers another gentle squeeze and goes back to not-reading her book as planning continues further. It looks like the Orbs won't be resting peacefully for long...