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Latest revision as of 00:50, 14 August 2019

A Violet Return
Date of Scene: 25 May 2019
Location: Central Park, Manhattan
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Sibilance, Star Shimmer, Nightcrawler

Sibilance has posed:
Sibilance is currently seated in the crook of a tree branch in the middle of Central Park. The leaves rustle above her, and the afternoon sunlight shines down between the branches onto a book she's holding in her lap. Her knees are being used to balance the book, with a hand holding it open and steady and the other flipping through the pages. The snake-like woman is just having some quiet time on a Saturday, smiling to herself and ignoring the hustle and bustle around her hiding spot.

Her luck makes quiet moments hard to come by.

Star Shimmer has posed:
"Alright Libby, We are finally home. We aren't going to land in a tree again are we?" The violet clad young woman cloaked in a violet aura speaks as the earth grows larger and larger...

"You worry too much Nightingale. And that was only one time! You will not land in a tree again." The ring speaks to her audibly? Or was it to her mind? Either way it spoke.

"Alright then. Good enough for me! Lets do it!" She accelerates a little and suddenly the Earth's gravity is making itself known. She begins easing her speed, even as flames burn around her force field. Its always a hot time during reintry. Once slowed down enough to not be a fire hazard, she begins her descent. From the ground, it would look like a bright violet shooting star coming down towards the middle of Manhattan!

Nightcrawler has posed:
    Working with some of the locals, Kurt has two large bags with him at a bench, and a number of the local down and outs actually forming a line, accepting large foil wrapped bundles, that turn out to be hot deli sandwiches. Several large thermoses are out as well, and one of the folks in too many coats is carefully pouring out cups for those that want.
    When the shooting star alights in the sky, all turn, and Kurt - appearing as a simple bearded man in jacket and slacks, looks up with them. Brow knitting and mouth turning into a hard frown he looks to one of the others, "Karen, can you make sure everyone gets food and drink that wants it?" a woman in a battered canvas baseball cap nodding and taking over distribution while the Bavarian slinks off to the side, where a tree grows from bushes, and he's less likely to be noticed if he disingages his inducer.

Sibilance has posed:
Huh? Sibilance looks down, the tree Kurt picked being the one she's hiding in. There's a snap of a book shutting, and then she speaks up down to the apparent stranger (Kurt's inducer had him looking distinctly different last she saw him), "Hey, Señor. This is my tree for now." It's a quiet warning. She doesn't want her reading time interrupted. "Shoo," she emphasizes. She flicks her fingers at him, frowning worriedly. She doesn't need the attention today. But then something catches her attention. A pink light change in the sky. She peers up through the branches.

"What is that...?" she mumbles.

Star Shimmer has posed:
The crazy violet light meteorite is moving quick. Whats more, its getting bigger. Bigger and bigger... Thankfully not too terribly big after all, it is just one girl. But she is coming in hot. "You should really slow down now Nightingale. You are going to crash."

The girl growls, "You said I wouldn't crash... Oh crap..." The very fast moving violet light girl comes barreling into the tree, taking a limb with her as she makes a small crater in the ground. "OWW! Darn it Libby! You are supposed to be the super intelligent one around here! Next time I will work out the math myself!" She slowly gets up and looks around for anyone who might have been caught in the damage. Using her ring, she lifts up the branch and returns it to its place on the tree. Then, carefully she focuses, using her ring to fix and heal the tree. "There all better."

Nightcrawler has posed:
    Giving a start when Kurt is spoken to by Sibilance, blinking in recognition before the figure slams down into the ground. Using the distraction he lets himself fall backwards into the bush, pushed by Autumn's impact, rolling and disengaging the image inducer, and shedding the jacket worn over his unform. Kurt lets the few shadows gather around him as the human melts away in cover, leaving the demonic, fuzzy, blue form remaining.
    There is a muffled *BAMF* of displaced air within the bush, and several feet away from the woman, with matching clouds of indigo smoke as Nightcrawler lands in a crouch, watching Autumn, glowing yellow eyes watchful as he says,
    "You there... uhmm... young lady?" head tipping to the side, "Are you alright?" doesn't hurt to ask, perhaps she won't be another alien threat falling to earth demanding humanity to bow down.

Sibilance has posed:
Sibil doesn't notice Kurt's roll, because she's IN the tree that Autumn is crashing into. The snake woman shouts a Spanish curse in distress as the jostling of the tree makes her tumble out of her seat. She fumbles to try to catch her book, but has to correct her orientation in the air. She twists like a cat and lands in a crouch on her feet, then stands up to look at the sound of people talking nearby. Nightcrawler and Nightingale get a look of befuddlement, then she approaches and looks at Kurt in curiosity.

"Did you two see where my book went?" she asks. Yeah, she lost it. It's gone. (Fell in a hole someone's dog dug some time ago.) She lets the first question go, and wonders, "Who are you?" To both of them. Kurt is ... familiar, somehow, but she can't quite place it.

Star Shimmer has posed:
The Violet girl notes the snake like girl and frowns, "Umm sorry about your tree." She winces and quickly looks around. Pointing her ring, a beam of violet extends from it, scanning the area for the book. It takes her a few moments before she finds it and goes to grab it. "Here it is." She pulls it out of the dog hole. She then frowns looking at her mess on the ground. "Crud. Gonna have to fix that problem." She doesn't act on that just yet. First thing is first. She's being talked to and its rude to not say anything.

"Hello! I'm Nightingale, Star Sapphire of Sector 2814. I'm just returning home after a mission." She smiles a little and then looks to Nightcrawler, "Elf? This is Earth right? I did make it home?" She stretches a little. Then, with a smile she turns to Sibil, "I am truly sorry about the tree. I was told I wouldn't crash but Thats how it goes. Good as new though. I got it back together. As for who I am? Well I can't exactly give away my secret identity now can I? I am a member of the Star Sapphire corps. I use the violet light of love to help people in difficult or bad situations."

Nightcrawler has posed:
    Nightcrawler's head tilts the other way when he is called an elf, it's common, and so he shrugs past it with a grin. "I'm called Nightcrawler, Mein Dame." bowing his head in greeting. "So you're not here to subjugate us to your whim then?" standing more upright, but even that is in a crouching sort of slouch while his tail curls behind him.
    "The violet light... of love." he muses and eyes her hand where the beam came from." So the color of love is violet?" his own smoke clouds hue that as they disapate, something he could get used to the idea of.
    To the serpent woman, Kurt raises a three fingered hand in greeting, seeing the look on her face when he points her attention his way. "Guten Tag miss... I still owe you that coffee, ja?" giving a smile that is mostly pointed fangs, "I hope you've been well eh?" giving her a wink, tail flicking in a wave at her.

Sibilance has posed:

Sibilance lifts a hand to her mouth in surprise at Kurt, more than at Nightingale. Her book ends up in her hands, grasping it almost without realizing it. She looks to the Violet Lantern, and flashes a big smile at her. "Thank you," she says, in shy gratitude. Then she leans over to Kurt conspiratorially, "You didn't tell me...!" She waves at his appearance. "That explains a lot." She flashes a big smile at him, since this is the puzzle piece she was missing about his emotional response to her.

She seems quite happy with him, realizing they have a lot more in common than she thought.

"So... Senora Nightingale. Do you have a phone number I can call, in case I run into anything bad or difficult?"

Star Shimmer has posed:
"You wouldn't need to notify me. I'm kinda connected to it. Goes with what I do. I can sense when things are that bad anywhere in this sector. Trust me its not all its cracked up to be at times!" Nightingale laughs a little before turning her attention. "Not likely. I am from this planet. From Gotham actually. I have no desire to subjugate anyone. If I ever do, By all means kick my ass and separate me from my ring. That might not be enough if things go that way though. Some Star Sapphires have been overcome by their rings." She stops and just shakes her head.

Turning to the messed up ground, she focuses and a construct that looks like a a snow plow begins moving over the dirt, leveling it out and smoothing over her crash site. "Love is a very dangerous weapon. If used for good, it can benefit countless people throughout the galaxy. If used for bad, It can destroy so much." She frowns. "Some of the Star Sapphires who were before me lost themselves to the love they wielded. The results weren't pretty."

Nightcrawler has posed:
    "Many terrible evils have been done in the name of love, yes." Kurt nods, and gives a nod. "Well I am most happy to hear you're doing as you can to keep from losing yourself to it. Perhaps if you are troubled, you can find me, I am always happy to give people my ear should they need it."
    With a brief look of embaressment, Nightcrawler looks to Sibilance again, "I hope you will forgive my chicanery, Mein Dame..." he looks nervously around at the gathering crowd. "Not many are as... delighted as you to see me for what I look like." doing his best to stand upright, despite the makeup of his spine.

Sibilance has posed:
Sibilance momentarily looks uncomfortable with Autumn and her explanation. She looks to the ring, and up to her face. Then she flashes another smile to Kurt. "I know what that feels like," she tells him, and then she looks around at the crowd as well... and briefly rattles her tail, shivering in unease.

"Pardon me..." And then she hurries off, the book clutched to her chest. She really doesn't want to be in the center of a gawking crowd.

Star Shimmer has posed:
The still glowing Nightingale smiles, "I hear you there. You got nothing to worry about from me. I just spent the past two months on one of Saturns moons. Don't get me wrong, Its pretty to see the ringged planet every day but the race there was completely telepathic. I don't think I used my ring so much in my life!" She smiles.

Then noticing that Sibil was leaving, she gives a wave, "It was nice meeting you." She turns to Nightcrawler and smiles, "Thank you so much. I know at times I could use the help. Here of late, I've been getting a little stronger with my ring and I've been feeling the weight of the love I use much stronger. Its a challenge. So I think I will take you up on that sometime soon." She smiles.

Once the plow has finished leveling off her landing site, she makes it vanish. Everything is good as new... except for the now bare patch of dirt where grass once was. "Well. thats the most I can do. At least Damage Control won't have that much to clean up. I should really go to my apartment in Gotham. I hope drug dealers didn't break in again... That was terrible last time."

Nightcrawler has posed:
    Grimacing at that last part, "Well... that is the downside of New Jersey I suppose." Kurt offers his hand to shake, "I understand having the weight of things weigh down, as well, I wish you good luck in your struggle." beaming another smile as his tail pulls a small card from a panel in his suit.
    "You can reach me by this information, if you need assistance." the tail holding out the card while keeps his hand out to shake.

Star Shimmer has posed:
Nightingale accepts the card, "Thank you very much! I will be in contact." She smiles and begins floating up. "Thank you again. Now I wonder if anyone has any good deals on pizza. There are only so many ways a girl can eat so many variations of Titanian Turnips before they really start getting old!" SHe may look a little green after that. "Farewell, Nightcrawler!" With that she takes off heading towards New Jersey.