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Latest revision as of 00:56, 14 August 2019

Magnets and Diamonds
Date of Scene: 19 May 2019
Location: Teacher's Lounge - Xavier's School
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Polaris, Emma Frost, Magneto

Polaris has posed:
It had been a few hours since the hospital and the Professor's chat with her father. Lorna had arrived back at the Mansion when the Professor had agreed to move to the school's medical bay. An all around more secure location. Now, he was safe(er) and asleep below. The Princess of Genosha collapsed into one of the chairs in the teacher's lounge. It was quiet and at least, she wasn't likely to be stopped by students worried and asking questions.

Part of her itched to leave and go back to investigating, but given the reports and mandates about everyone staying inside the school's bounds... It was likely for the better. Sure she could try to get Blink to guard her and follow her along.. but it was enough of an emotional drain to try anything else for the day. It had been a long one, and with the time shifts between the States and Genosha her head was scrambled.

The green haired mutant reclined back in the chair, her eyes shut as she stretched out and heaved a sigh. Still wearing the black and grey yoga-pants and cardigan combo she'd worn when she had gone out scouting banks that might have ties to Trask.

How better to fit in than looking like a Yoga-mom sipping over priced lattes?

Emma Frost has posed:
    "This is not a good time to go back out and look for Charles' shooter." Emma says nonchalantly as she enters the teacher's lounge, wearing a white 'top' that covers her bust and arms leaving her shoulders and midriff bare. It's summer, so she doesn't /have/ to dress as business casual as she normally does. Plus it's the weekend still. She wears a white pair of pants as well with a pair of criss crossing laces on the front instead of buttons.

    Emma steps in, her hair held up in a bun as she moves over towards the coffee machine filled with beans of her own choice and she pulls out the container and pours herself a mug full of wake up juice. "It would be valiant and noble I'm sure, but what happens when you find the suspect-s?" Emma asks lifting the hypothetical.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna cracked an eye open without further movement when Emma stepped inside and caught at least, part of her intent from her mind. She frowned, but otherwise didn't move. "I have an investigation to lead. The Professor tasked me with heading the Trask Investigations. I was hoping to scout out the banks with noted financial ties to Trask's facilities. From there, determine what their anti-mutant protocols were. If any." She muttered, and closed her eyes once more.

She exhaled a huff of a breath, tickling her hair as it fell into her face.

"Besides, the guy used a regular gun. It's not like I can't handle those if I had //wanted// to try to find the guy.. Not that I have any skills in tracking or anything to do that." Her voice dry the acknowledgement that it was not her area of expertise... Did she want to find the guy? Of course... was she likely to get anywhere? Not likely.

Emma Frost has posed:
    Emma lifts the mug to her lips and drinks it black while turning to Lorna with a blonde eyebrow lifting upwards. "You're on the Trask investigation?" Emma says once she has the mug clear of her face. A slow saunter to stand next to Lorna and the White Queen is standing near the Green Queen. "I want in. That sniveling little shit has a lot to answer for." Frost says looking to Lorna as if her words were not a question but in fact statement that she will be working with Lorna on the investigation.

Magneto has posed:
     Magneto needed to get away from Charles and his stubborn behavior. The two were great friends, it was why he was currently in the states for this debacle with Sentinels. But he needed time to himself.

  With crimson helmet atop his head, Erik floats in, an inch above the ground. It was an imposing posture, and one he was known for. "This is why we don't get along, Lorna. Even facing down the barrel of a gun he would rather step in front of a gun rather than lift a finger to save himself. The man has a martyr complex, and he will never be satisfied until he is buried."

  Of course he knew where she was, the two were able to tell where they were thanks to their magnetic polarity.

Polaris has posed:
Finally, as Emma came around, Lorna sat up from her slouched position on the chair. She opened her eyes, and stretched her arms out before her. "The Professor told me to be team lead on it." She repeated, her shoulders rolled back an she crossed her legs. She considered the white clad telepath before her for a long moment. She kept her silence, though it didn't take a telepath to know she was taking the blonde seriously.

"I want to try to attack it from an angle. Banks typically hold more than just funding. Though I do want a detail list of who is funding Trask.. If I can pin down the banks that have ties to the company.. That is. My thoughts are to go from there--" Anything further broke off of course as her father swept in, or floated in rather. In all his dramatic, kingly glory. It was hard to ignore her father in any event. Particularly when he was in a mood.

"Yes, I know father." She bit back the urge to sigh or roll her eyes. It would only make the Magneto Mood worse. It was generally better to just agree with him in such cases.

"Emma and I were just discussing plans for Trask. The Professor asked me to lead the team."

Emma Frost has posed:
    "I will not challenge your role as leader." Emma declares but then comes the caveat. "I can help find that real quick. The peons at most banks don't want to be the reason why a major financial backer and institution such as Frost International pulled out." The Queen says with a tap of her nose before a soft pull of her coffee.

    Emma looks over her shoulder at the apperance of Erik and she flutters the faintest smirk towards the man. Power exudes from the older man in waves that the telepath can't ignore. "Erik. Must you wear that thing around here? I'm almost offended." The woman then winks casually and playfully.

Magneto has posed:
     Magnus looks to the side as Emma comments. His chest still puffed up as if he were ready to fight. "It is not for you, Emma. It's for my old friend and his lapdog." Clearly he was pissed, it was not often he disparaged the name of Jean Grey.

  When he turns to speak with the princess, he lowers to the floor. "I will find these people and they will suffer for what they've done."

  The White King closes his eyes in a blink and suddenly is looking at Emma. He may have need of her assistance very soon.

Polaris has posed:
A sigh pulled from Lorna's lips then and there as Emma turned her liquid blue gaze on her father. Oh joy. She barely repressed the urge to rub her temples. "I don't care about taking point Emma, what I care about is trying something new. Old ways clearly have not worked against Trask, or we wouldn't be where we are." A jab at her father and at the Professor. Likely. Entirely so as Magneto continued to step about as if he were in his Palace on Genosha and not in the teacher's lounge of the school.

"That means not walking in there and demanding answers. I don't even know if they have anti-mutant detectors set up at the bank or not. Hence my scoping it out. I want to try to do this with the most minimal attention or bloodshed. Otherwise I'd just storm into the bank myself.." She shook her head and glanced toward her father as he settled on the floor finally.

Her own magnetic fields curled inward, away from his as he spoke of finding the assailants himself. Personally.

"Don't you think that's what they want you do to, father?" Lorna asked, arching a brow upward. "How many people in the UN are waiting for you to start an international incident again before they decide they want to nuke Genosha from orbit?"

Emma Frost has posed:
    "That's what I was saying too Lorna." Emma says with a roll of her eyes. "I have not inconsequential clout with my business. And I'm not afraid to use it to leverage some information." Emma reiterates more clearly. "What did you think I mean, walk in and start breaking knuckles or giving out handjobs!? Please. I'm not this guy or the bald one." Emma scoffs.

    Then with a look to Erik, she does half smile again. "No offense, but Lorna is right, time to give the next generation a try. Plus we have tools you two simply lacked." Emma states for Magneto. She has a multibillion dollar corporation where Lensherr did not.