Magneto (Scenesys ID: 221) | |||
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Quote | |||
"Some of our kind have been forced to hide their gifts, living a charade of normality while their spirit suffocates; others have gone into hiding beneath your cities, huddling in the darkness like rats." "You have built these weapons against us. Why? Because humanity has always feared that which is different. You are right to fear us. We are the ones who will inherit the Earth. And anyone who stands in our way, let this be a warning." "And to my mutant brothers and sisters out there, no more hiding, no more suffering. Join me, and fight for the future of our kind, for your children." | |||
Profile | |||
Full Name: | Max Eisenhardt | ||
Gender: | Male | ||
Species: | Homo Superior | ||
Theme: | Marvel (VFC) | ||
Occupation: | Savior and Imperator | ||
Citizenship: | Multiple (Wanted) | ||
Residence: | Hammer Bay, Genosha | ||
Education: | Essentially a Multiple Doctoral graduate | ||
Status: | Dropped | ||
Groups: | Brotherhood, Hellfire Club, X-Men, Light, Mutant-OOC | ||
Other Information | |||
Apparent Age: | Late 40's | Actual Age: | 98 |
Date of Birth | 7 July 1932 | Actor: | Michael Fassbender |
Height: | 188 cm (6'2") | Weight: | 86 kg (189 lb) |
Hair Color: | Silver-White | Eye Color: | Steel Blue |
Theme Song: | "World So Cold" by 12 Stones "Iron" by Woodkid "Never Again" by Disturbed "Seven Nation Army" by The White Stripes "Shepherd of Fire" by Avenged Sevenfold "St. Anger" by Metallica "Wrong Side of Heaven" by Five Finger Death Punch "Golden" by Fallout Boy "Blood Hands" by Royal Blood |
The man known as Magneto has been a polarizing figure for the better part of the last century. Depending who you ask, he's either a bloodthirsty revolutionary or an inspirational freedom fighter.
What can't be debated is that Magneto is the most visible mutant leader on the planet, and his ability to control the Earth's magnetic fields has made him a major player in global politics despite commanding a relatively small paramilitary force.
After overthrowing the nation of Genosha, Magneto has assumed control of the country as a sovereign, mutant-run state. It is the first of its kind, and policy experts are looking nervously at the tiny island.
Current Player Approved: Available for Application
One of the most recognizable images on the planet is the duo-chromatic ensemble of Magneto. The Master of Magnetism's familiar silhouette can be seen everywhere from historical documentaries, to modern newsreels, to t-shirts proclaiming how right he was. But in person, it's clear just how much effort went into crafting a look that gives the exact impression intended by the wearer. Specifically, it gives off an aura of royalty and menace.
Wearing a helmet that clearly inspired the design of Boba Fett, it's impossible to see much of his features. The royal purple helmet folds around his face, leaving only a narrow, red-framed 'T' shape of unarmored real estate. Assuming one is looking from the right angle, the slits in the front are just wide enough to allow a glimpse of his pale blue eyes and stern gray eyebrows. One might also be able to catch a glimpse of his nose, the hard line of his mouth, or the stubble on his chin.
For decades, the mutant known primarily as Magneto has been a dominant force in the struggle for mutant rights, and a key facet in the larger conversation surrounding issues of equality and the obvious threat that mutants pose to mankind. However, surprisingly little is known about his life before he burst onto the scene wearing an ostentatious helmet. In fact, practically no one living today can say with certainty what his birth name was, or how old he is.
Max Eisenhardt was born in the 1930's in Nuremberg, Germany. When he was still a child, Max's family attempted to escape persecution by fleeing Germany. Max helped his family by scrounging and smuggling, but eventually his entire family was rounded up and sent to Auschwitz. Max was the only member of his family who survived.
With the Second World War over, and his mutant powers surfacing, Max tried to start his life over again. He moved to a new country, learned a new language, and even created a new identity as Erik Lehnsherr, and in time he married and had a child. He worked in a factory and didn't bother anyone. But no matter how hard he tried to forget his past, he still woke up with nightmares nearly every night.
Erik kept his powers hidden, until an accident at the factory forced him to reveal his ability. A squad of policemen was sent to his home to investigate, and in the process of attempting to arrest Erik, his daughter was killed. In a rage, Erik slaughtered nearly the entire town, and never saw his wife again.
Realizing that he would never know peace until he had buried the ghosts that tormented him, Erik began tracking down former Nazis across the globe. By making them pay for their crimes, Erik was able to achieve a sense of purpose, though peace continued to evade him. He left a trail of bodies behind him, and repurposed their ill-gotten wealth for his own mission. But he was beginning to realize that he wasn't the only one of his kind.
It became clear to Erik that people like him were increasing in number, with new mutants discovering their powers every day. It also became obvious to him that these mutants would eventually suffer the same persecution that his family had unless he was able to form them into an army.
Erik continued to prepare for the inevitable war between mankind and mutantkind. But his preparations were stalled temporarily when he met the charismatic Charles Xavier. Charles dreamed of a future in which the war could be averted entirely, with men and mutants living in harmony. It was an attractive idea, but ultimately one that Erik dismissed as extremely naive. Still, the two worked together for some time, eventually establishing a school where all the gifted youngsters could learn to use their powers.
Nobody knows exactly what caused the disagreement between Erik and Charles, but the underlying tensions had been there all along. The two parted ways, and Erik took a few of the students with him. Those who went with Erik would form the militaristic group that eventually came to be known as the Brotherhood of Mutants.
Growing paranoid, Erik began to wear a telepathy-blocking helmet virtually all of the time to protect his mind against his former ally. He also abandoned the identity of Erik Lehnsherr, deciding that mutants should choose new names rather than defining themselves according to the conventions of humans. For himself, he chose the name Magnus, and began styling himself as the leader of an entirely new race of people.
Magnus' style and methods were theatrical, but effective. Whenever a mutant was in trouble, the Brotherhood of Mutants would be there to save the day, and gently press the mutant into their ranks. The CIA began calling the Brotherhood's mysterious leader 'Magneto', and the press eventually followed suit. Magneto became one of the most notorious terrorists on the planet, and stirred up panic over the new 'Mutant Menace.'
This inevitably led to the war that Magneto had always foreseen. Ironically though, the conflict wasn't so much between men and mutants. It was between the students of Magneto and Professor Xavier. A philosophical struggle over the soul of the mutant race was underway, with Magneto determined to prove that he was right.
Tensions are high all over the world, and everyone secretly dreads what Magneto might do next.
Magneto is a man of powerful convictions, and compelling trauma. He knows intimately the inhumanity man is capable of inflicting upon man, and nurses a deep paranoia that with how Homo Sapiens Sapiens treat themselves over everything from creed to land to color, they will have even less mercy for the mutant, for Homo Sapiens Superior-- for the -truly- different. He's taken from this a fervent drive to protect all those he identifies as 'his people', to stamp out corrupt authority and the atrocious wherever he finds them... ever teetering along the precipice of becoming nothing more than a tyrant himself.
Magneto's identity and extremism are inexorably linked to his earliest experiences, singled out as of interest to the Nazis and subject to horrible experimentations, unspeakable treatment, even as he was forced to dispose of the bodies of his fellow Jews... alongside other horrific sundries. One can never convince him that man does not hold the capacity to be monstrous, and his own capacity for such haunts him in his advancing years. If Magneto merely wanted to eradicate mankind, it would perhaps be an easier goal for a being of his power.
Rather, Erik is obsessed with evolution, common purpose, finding a better path forward, a new society forged of the enlightened, out of the next genetic step necessary for mankind's survival in a terrifying cosmos. He has no interest in coexisting with what he sees as malignant elements, nor sacrificing of himself to hope for society's good will. His focus is on those like him, protecting them-- gathering their strength. Unconditionally winning the war he's certain is coming-- yet another in a battle waged across history. This time, with the future of the species in the balance.
Magneto possesses strong, many would say dominant levels of psychic control over fields related to the electromagnetic spectrum-- a vast and diverse array of energies, the most iconic of which include electricity and magnetism. He can influence the course of massive objects or charged currents, bend and refract light both visible and non, and exerts control both fine and powerful enough to actively influence atomic structure itself, reshaping molecules through manipulation of their bonds.
True to his sobriquet, fields more closely related to magnetic wavelengths are easiest for him to manipulate, and he has a truly masterful dexterity when it comes to manipulating matter with magnetism and electricity, be it ferromagnetic or otherwise.
Some of his more common feats include the dissipation (or absconsion) of energy attacks such as lightning bolts or radiation, levitation (often with subsequent hurling), and the conjuration of force fields of all shapes and sizes. Some measure of his reputation for engineering and invention comes from this innate ability to construct and deconstruct objects on a macro or micro level, whether he understands them to begin with or not.
Magneto's traditional human senses are augmented by innate alertness and attunement to the energy that surrounds him. From the inherent background hum of a person's particular bioelectric signature to the charge of a certain type of molecule to the activity of the many technical devices humanity relies more and more upon, the Master of Magnetism perceives the world on an altogether different level than most.
Comparable to a peculiar sort of heightened senses, this provides Magneto with an awareness of his surroundings that often borders on precognition, and with focus allows him to accomplish feats similar to advanced sensors in spectrums such as infrared, or image spaces in a manner similar to an MRI. His finesse is such that it's given Magneto a reputation as something of a telepath-- not only are biological tells for many emotional states easy to read, bleeding edge technology reading images from brainwaves is something he's already worked at for years.
A preeminent physicist with eighty plus years of experience pulling objects and eventually molecular structures apart, Magneto has an intimate, instinctive, all but innate understanding of engineering and construction. Virtually any technology he understands is but a wave of his hand away, and with the right building blocks he can craft impossible alloys or energy sources on the spot. Advanced generators, vehicles and aircraft, alarmingly powerful unique weapons, and even a self-sustaining space station and teleportation have been in his wheelhouse in the past.
Magnus' ability to scale this production is perhaps the most incredible feat therein, capable of mass-producing a robot army or simply the factories to make them. His primary limits in scope are available materials and his own exhaustion. Magneto's efforts rebuilding Genosha's infrastructure have already redoubled his stock with the people.
Magneto's very being is an electromagnetic capacitor, able to connect with and store energy from sources in his environment (most prominently Earth's own magnetosphere) alongside his body's own kinetic charge, and utilize both with astonishing efficiency. Magnetic power is the easiest for Magneto to summon forth, and converting that energy to electrified plasma a quick shunt of electrons away from that. When dealing with these forces, Magneto is eminently capable of feats such as moving or destroying sizable craft or structures, raising an entrenched submarine despite enormous pressure at the ocean floor, or generating electromagnetic pulses capable of causing destruction and disruption in an alarmingly widespread area.
Such fields are always suffusing him, granting Magneto not only uncanny access to his powers on demand, but gradual regenerative properties that allow him to recover from wounds more grievous than most humans would survive, and retard his aging, leaving him a man in his prime despite advancing age, with indefinite more prime years to go.
While producing energy to manifest other wavelengths such as light is vastly more taxing physically and mentally for the Master of Magnetism, some of the horrors in his past stand as stark testament to the dangerous levels of heat and radiation Magneto is also able to unleash.
The Master of Magnetism isn't just a thing people call him, it's a fact. Magneto has honed his skills and mutant abilities for more decades than most have been alive. He's lived a lifetime full of more adversity and hardship than most will ever taste. Magneto's repository of experience is vast, and this cagey expertise born of hard lessons often gives him an advantage over his adversaries.
All the drama hasn't meant a shortage of sheer practice, however-- uncountable thousands upon thousands of hours have been spent by Magneto to master his powers, to learn the ins and outs of everything he's capable of. His life's knowledge, often directly and indirectly benefiting the application and understanding of his powers. It's pride, and it's responsibility-- out of control his powers could devastate the Earth.. or fail him at his moment of destined triumph.
A native German speaker, Magneto is equally proficient in Polish and Hebrew. He also speaks Russian and English at a near-native level of proficiency, but a slight accent is detectable to the trained ear. Specifically when speaking English, he has a tendency to carefully over-enunciate and speak a bit stiffly.
He knows a few phrases in other languages, but has largely given up the study of 'human' languages in favor of a language of his own devising (with the help of his former ally). The Esperanto-based 'Mutant Language' was conceived as a language that would eventually replace all others. So far, it hasn't caught on like Magneto hoped it would, but it's the official language of Genosha, and is being taught to its population of over two million people.
Magneto's mind is valuable for more than the knowledge and experience stored within it. He's a bastion of will and defiant determination that's seldom exhausted, a visionary of things to come-- a man who can not only see the impossible, but make it manifest. At least, if said will is made manifest. He's cunning, adaptive, sharp as a razor on a Siberian night and equally cool under pressure.
While trained in adulthood to resist brainwashing and torture, and maintains a fastidious regimen due to his own paranoia over telepaths, it was already hardwired in.. required learning in the brutality of his youth. Magneto is as difficult and deadly to manipulate or strong-arm as he is dangerously expert at both, extremely difficult to mind control or coerce even without his iconic helm.
A lifetime of hard work, study, and perpetual training have left Magneto with an impressive array of knowledge. He wields a honed intellect which competes with the world's top scientific geniuses, particularly in the fields of robotics, genetics, engineering, and theoretical physics. In addition to sciences, the Master of Magnetism has a keen grasp of history and philosophy, particularly that which relates to strategy, conflict, and human nature. On top of numerous rightfully earned degrees, Magnus is a chessmaster who's been trained by the government to be a ghost and infiltrator, a man who speaks at least nine languages fluently, can decrypt dead languages and military cryptographs, and grasps higher math galore.
Apart from the lessons in his ruthless upbringing, Magnus has been trained in combat by the CIA, the IDF, and numerous notable individuals over his long and storied life. He's surprisingly lethal even when disarmed or denied his powers, and is or was at one time proficient with a vast array of weapons and improvised devices. While not his prefered methodology, even powerless Magneto is gifted with a lifetime of dangerous skills bound to his formidable wits and will.
Magneto is someone who carries on many of his conversations over a chess board, a strategist with contingencies for his contingencies. He developed a keen analytical mind early in life as a matter of survival, and has become one of the preeminent paramilitary minds of the 20th and 21st centuries, as well as a formidable field commander.
His tactical genius is unique, however, in that he is one of a handful of people who have a great deal of experience commanding powered individuals in a variety of field conditions. Put simply, he knows how to use the powers of individual mutants as force multipliers, maximizing the effectiveness of the unit as a whole.
Magneto turned a group of students and criminals into one of the world's most dangerous paramilitary groups. As disaffected Children of the Atom flocked to his banner, the Brotherhood of Mutants became the de facto symbol for the mutant resistance.
The Brotherhood was instrumental in overthrowing the oppressive anti-mutant government of Genosha, which allowed Magneto to seize control. Afterward, the group seemed to dissolve, with many former members taking prominent positions in the new Magneto-led Genoshan government.
In truth, however, the Brotherhood is still alive and well. Its days as an overt paramilitary force are largely behind it, at least for now, as it has morphed into a shadow network that spans the globe. Decentralized Brotherhood cells exist in nearly every country, making it difficult to for the intelligence community to determine how the group is funded, how the cells relate to each other, and whether or not Magneto is still running operations.
After leading a bloody revolution, Magneto has seized control of the island nation of Genosha. In the process, he has freed roughly two million mutants from slavery. To say that he is considered a 'savior' by most of the island's inhabitants is perhaps an understatement.
With nearly unanimous support domestically, Magneto has been able to turn the country into a form of autocratic dictatorship with all the telltale signs of a cult of personality. So far, this has been enough to allow him to maintain control despite the fact that Genosha's economy is destroyed, its infrastructure is in ruins, and it has yet to attract any significant economic or agricultural development. The people are doing better than they were under the old regime, after all.
Still, new governments are expected to have a rough start, and Magneto has only been ruling Genosha for about two years. Already, there are signs that the situation on Genosha isn't as dire as it might appear at first glance. For starters, nearly every one of the citizens of Genosha are mutants, which has allowed the country to find creative ways around problems like disease or famine. Magneto's technological know-how is starting to pay dividends, as he works tirelessly to replace the ruined infrastructure with truly futuristic self-sustaining architecture.
Magneto's expertly laundered wealth has been heavily invested into real estate. Carefully concealed safehouses dot the globe's scenic and reclusive locales, and Magneto's powers have allowed him to hollow out some truly formidable bunkers in some of the harshest environments on Earth. One such installation rests hidden amidst space junk in geosynchronous orbit over the Carpathian mountains, little more than a dead hunk of rock before the Master of Magnetism remodeled, crafting a true fortress of solitude.
It all started with a trove of Nazi gold taken from a HYDRA attack. Whether something snapped in Magnus that day, or he simply seized an opportunity, the fact is it's been part of his modus operandi ever since.
Stockpiling wealth and saleable goods from every nefarious figure he would run across for years to come (and Magneto would come across -many-), the Master of Magnetism has accrued an impressive allotment of wealth, from concealed valuables, military hardware, and cash to fiercely private foreign banking concerns. Magneto possesses wealth stockpies greater than the GDP of many small nations-- especially convenient now that he runs one.
Among Magneto's stockpiles are rations and tools to make the most stalwart apocalyptic survivalist blush, and many creative inventions and futuristic devices of his own creation. Even this says nothing of the multitude of advanced and outright alien devices stolen from his many enemies over the years.... and everything he took with him vacating Xavier's estate.
The most iconic elements of Magneto's unique style are his battle armor and helmet. The armor is composed of customized advanced alloys of Magneto's own design, generally holding up to small arms fire and penetration from any blade not specifically designed to punch through reinforced metal. It's deceptively lightweight, and worn or removed via Magneto's powers.
The Corinthian-style helm adds advanced electronics and field generation to all but inexorably drown out all but the most potent of telepathic talents.
Even when he is not wearing his full armor, Magneto's clothing is typically woven at least in part from fibers containing ample metallic reinforcement, making assassination more difficult... and giving the deadly mutant raw materials always at his grasp.
In his lifetime Magneto has dealt with a wide variety of people, in fields legit and very, very not. He knows bankers, black marketers, forgers, and philanthropists. He has history with any number of super-powered and otherwise important figures and groups in the world on all sides of the law, and nurtures an extensive intelligence network through underground operations benefiting mutants worldwide.
Magneto has a purpose to serve, a key role to play in the world to come. He's one of the most powerful mutations ever charted, one of the keenest minds on Earth, and halfway to immortal. If anyone knows these things and believes them firmly, it's Magnus himself. This firm belief in his own prominence and importance is perhaps his fiercest fanaticism, and demanding to be in charge can definitely get in the way of progress. Particularly amongst entities equally stubborn and sure of themselves. To say that Magnus suffers a share of obstinacy is to vastly understate the issue.
For some reason, Magneto thought it was a good idea to have kids when he was in the middle of a crusade to destroy humanity. And in his late sixties...
Magneto's family drama would make for excellent reality television if only he could get a deal with Mojo. There are toxic arguments, power struggles, and philosophical 'differences.' This is certainly not helped by Magneto's propensity to be as dictatorial when dealing with his family as he is when dealing with everyone else.
But no matter how strained his relationships with his children might grow, Magneto's obsession with his own legacy compels him to meddle in the lives of his offspring. He might not remember their birthdays, but he spends much of his time attempting to plan their lives for them.
It might shock many of the new members of the Brotherhood or the X-Men to know how close the leaders of these radically different organizations used to be. Between Magneto calling the X-Men traitors to the mutant race, and the X-Men occasionally trying to thwart his more extreme goals, one might think the two organizations had always been at war.
The truth, however, is a bit more complicated. Although Magneto currently finds himself in the middle of a cold war with Charles Xavier, he still very much wishes that things could be different. If anything, this makes it tougher for Magneto to carry out his crusade, as he's not entirely willing to follow a course of action that would lead to all-out bloodshed between the two groups.
It would be so much easier if they'd just admit he was right...
It's fair to say Magneto has plenty of stress and trauma, and perhaps a touch of mood disorder or two in his makeup. It's difficult to conjure the exact equation to diagnose or treat him, however, as combined with a violent life, one of his core means of survival-- his mastery of magnetism-- actually appears to fuel his paranoia and volatility.
The more Magneto uses his powers at a high intensity, the more it destabilizes the regions of his brain governing impulse control and conscience. It's a vicious cycle of over-reach and regret that Magnus has never been able to shake, walking a deadly tight-rope of maintaining his crusade and keeping himself in check.
The times he finds close camaraderie, family, true purpose, his extremes have threatened even those checks, leaving only a somewhat weary hindsight to contain his own demons. Left to his own devices Magnus is prone towards isolation and depression at the worst of times-- press him, and he becomes something else entirely.
While most might not think it, Magneto's heart has been broken many times, and he remembers each poignantly. Beyond the brutal life of Sonderkommando at Auschwitz, the loss of his wife Magda particularly haunts him, but every connection he's forged that's been severed in brutality, every betrayal and repudiating rejection that rung too true lingers in his mind. To wax poetic, in his very soul. He's keen to redeem himself in the eyes of some, and equally prone to resent continuing lack of understanding from others-- sometimes, these sentiments shift sharply. Magnus is, to some measure of irony, a man of a varied range of incredibly strong, human emotions. His guilt has a particularly weighty heft to it.
Officially, Magneto is a wanted terrorist, and is in the process of being reclassified as a war criminal. This of course means that most legitimate govermental agencies have a warrant out for his arrest. Unofficially, many clandestine agencies have a 'shoot on sight' order, and Magneto has to deal with assassination attempts on a fairly regular basis.
To Refresh Character's Log List Click Here. Then hit the resulting button to dump the old cached list.
Title | Date | Scene Summary |
Rabble Rousing | August 15th, 2024 | Mutants try to go for Pizza, run into some Friends of Humanity...but find some friends of their own |
A Tour of Xavier's School | August 9th, 2024 | Rogue reluctantly shows Magneto the latest round of work on the mansion. |
Max and the Maximoff's | August 5th, 2024 | Summary needed |
Escape to the Country | July 10th, 2024 | Summary needed |
Birthdays and Palaces | July 7th, 2024 | Summary needed |
Eternal Eclipse: Apocalypse Now | May 23rd, 2024 | Summary needed |
Attack on Genosha | April 9th, 2024 | Clan Akkaba blow up on a vault on Genosha before leaving with the Segment of Death |
Eternal Eclipse: A Magnetic Encounter | March 25th, 2024 | Magneto and Israa have a meeting in Cairo market, but are unknowingly spied upon by Skye |
Serpent's Den Catch Up | February 23rd, 2024 | Magneto and Polaris discuss recent events |
A New Plan | January 13th, 2024 | An agreement is made to hide the real Segment of Death with fakes |
Attempting to Destroy the Segment of Death | December 6th, 2023 | Magneto, Polaris and Havok attempt to destroy the Segment of Death but fail to do so. In the process Havok is weakened. |
Returning to the Whisperer | November 11th, 2023 | Magneto, Tabitha and Lorna meet with the Whisperer to discuss the next steps of dealing with the Segment of Death and finalise plans. |
The King's Tomb part 2 | September 23rd, 2023 | Magneto and his team continue to explore the Tomb of the Desert King recovering the Segment of Death for the Sceptre of Eternity. On the way out they run into Israa's assistants. |
The King's Tomb | September 10th, 2023 | Magneto leads a group to explore the Tomb of the Desert King |
Meeting the Whisperer prt 2 | August 26th, 2023 | The meeting with the Whisperer conlcudes with information regarding the whereabouts of segments of the Sceptre of Eternity |
Meeting the Whisperer | August 7th, 2023 | Magneto and Sabertooth meet with the Whisperer - to be continued |
The Whisperer in the Desert | July 27th, 2023 | Magneto, Alice and Israa meet with the owner of The Serpent's Den in search of the Whisperer. The owner agrees and offers to arrane a meeting with the Whispere in exchange for a blanked favour from Magneto |
Secrets of the Sands | July 10th, 2023 | Magneto and Blink encounter an archaeologist with information about the mysterious cult they have been tracking down |
Log 15288 | July 3rd, 2023 | Magneto. |
The Magnetic Storm | June 28th, 2023 | After an explosive incident in Madripoor, Magneto, Magik, Boom Boom, and Psylocke investigate and discover a lead to Cairo |
Enchanting Inferno | May 25th, 2023 | Magneto holds a Hellfire Gala which is a success |
Breakfast in Bedlum | May 20th, 2023 | Magneto comes to voluntold Joker into finding a chemical that increases mutant abilities. Harley Harley's. Rose gets a full carnival show. And Bud and Lou get dinner. |
Forging Bonds | May 7th, 2023 | Wanda agrees to lead one team of the Brotherhood |
Forging Alliances | May 6th, 2023 | Alice attends a meeting between Magneo and Juggernaut, with Juggernaut agreeing to work with the Brotherhood of Mutants |
A Hellfire Meeting | April 28th, 2023 | Magneto's attempts to find Emma Frost leave him frustrated and disappointed |
Father/Daughter | April 10th, 2023 | Polaris and Magneto talk. Teams are formed; assignments are given. |
A Meeting in the Bronx | April 9th, 2023 | Berri agrees to join Magneto |
It Comes From Above | April 2nd, 2023 | A continuation of the alien pod investigation. Magneto's Genoshans are found and an avalanche threatens to bury everyone. |
Rampage in Manhattan | March 18th, 2023 | Magneto recruits Juggernaut for a trip up to the mountains |
Just another quiet day in Salem..Or Not | March 16th, 2023 | Jean and Scott run into Magneto in town. More kids go missing. |
It Comes From..Below | March 14th, 2023 | The Xmen, Magneto and Juggernaut run into each other on snowy mountain peaks and are forced to work together. |
A Meeting of Two Minds | March 13th, 2023 | Magneto and Mystique discuss plans on reforming the Brotherhood of Mutants. Mystique warns Magneto of the consequences of ulterior motives. |
Welcome to Paradise | March 25th, 2022 | Summary needed |
Old Problems, New Solutions | May 13th, 2021 | Magneto visits Mutant town to ensure that Dr Brightman is 'behaving..' |
Magneto's Response to the Cure | December 14th, 2020 | Magneto and Acolytes appear in Westchester. He allows the building to evacuated and then seals it off to destroy it. A brief exchange with Xavier's students occurs. |
The Enemy Of My Enemy | December 9th, 2020 | Magneto comes knocking about The Cure. As expected, beliefs differ about how to move forward. |
Setting the Stage | October 27th, 2020 | Magneto and Shredder meet about setting the stage for an altercation to benefit the mutant cause. |
Starlight: Strange visitors. | September 27th, 2020 | The two most influential mutants have a talk about values and expectations. |
A Magnetic Reunion | September 22nd, 2020 | Peggy and Erik catch up after fifty years. The conversation is tense but civil. |
Concert in Mutant Town | September 16th, 2020 | What starts out as a party and concert becomes trouble as Magneto arrives. |
Planning Ahead | September 13th, 2020 | The bad guys get together. |
Letters from South America | January 17th, 2020 | Lorna chats with her father about the possibility of her having a sister. (Savage Lands) |
BH: Madri and the Magneto | January 14th, 2020 | Summary needed |
Christmas Cookies! | December 24th, 2019 | Cookie making and decorating was interrupted with the arrival of several people and some rising tensions that were kept in check in the holiday spirit. |
Genoshan Holidays | December 14th, 2019 | Magneto and Emma reveal their relationship to Lorna. Megan teleports into an awkward situation. |
Back in Genosha | December 11th, 2019 | Lorna tries to soften Magneto's views on Roberto. |
Waiting is so hard to do | December 9th, 2019 | In a VIP lounge, Magneto makes an offer Nick can't refuse. |
Family Issues | November 14th, 2019 | Magneto tracks down his wayward daughter, and Lorna confronts her father for his lies. |
The End of Nightmares | November 10th, 2019 | Magneto's Acolytes bring before the King who was responsible for the nightmarish construct... NPC mutant rp'ed by Lorna |
Asleep At The Television | October 29th, 2019 | Late night in the Xavier's School Rec Room has a sleeping Vi and a sleepless Andrea and Samuel. Plus a visit from Magneto. |
Nightmares of Monsters Past | October 24th, 2019 | Hitzig, now a creature of nightmares comes to haunt Magneto's waking moments. |
A Birthday For Greenie | October 17th, 2019 | Lorna, Pietro, Magneto and Wanda gather at a cabin to celebrate Lorna's birthday. |
A Royal Coronation Birthday | October 14th, 2019 | Lorna's birthday party and coronation ends with Magneto's nightmares coming to life and wrecking everything. |
Of Hellfire and Daughters | October 6th, 2019 | Lorna and Namorita visit the Royal Palace, Magneto has some words. |
HFC: Royals | October 2nd, 2019 | Lorna takes her first steps into the HFC with her father and Emma Frost |
A Visit from an Old Student | September 28th, 2019 | Doug makes a visit to Genosha to talk with Magneto about a myriad of topics. |
Genosha Rising: Fortress M: Father & Daughter | September 16th, 2019 | Lorna helps Magneto pack up Fortress M. |
Sentinels/Genosha Rising: Attack of the Sentinels | September 2nd, 2019 | A protest against Sentinels turns bloody, The X-Men and Magneto will not be moved. |
(Genosha Rises) Go Go X-Rangers | August 22nd, 2019 | Witty Ripostes and Global Ramifications. |
Genosha Rises: Checking In. | August 16th, 2019 | Summary needed |
Genosha Rising: Phone Calls from Home | August 15th, 2019 | Lorna calls her father in hopes of convincing him to return to Genosha... things do not go as planned. |
Resonance from the Past | August 8th, 2019 | A meeting of the minds and an alliance begins based in a time long since passed. |
Black Sun Rising: Echoes of the Future | July 28th, 2019 | Cap and Bucky meet Max, an intense young prisoner rescued from the work camp who has valuable information about the castle, and a very strange future ahead of him. The Shadow brings news of another small crisis and helps them head it off before it gets bloody. |
Nightmares of the Past | July 19th, 2019 | A package arrives in Genosha to bring Magneto's nightmares to life once more. |
No Good Deeed | July 3rd, 2019 | Summary needed |
Polarity in the Family | June 3rd, 2019 | Summary needed |
Magnets and Diamonds | May 19th, 2019 | Summary needed |
Visiting Hours | May 19th, 2019 | Erik and Lorna visit Charles in hospital. Old tensions and new securities flare. |
Close to My Soul, and Yet So Far Away | May 15th, 2019 | Doug, Samuel, Kitty, Lorna and Emma go to Genosha and are hosted by Magneto as he and Doug discuss Doug's death. |
It's All Magnetic | May 1st, 2019 | Lorna returns to Genosha to speak with Magneto regarding Sentinel activity and ends up discussing family history and the succession of Genosha |
Heavy Metal Thunder | April 23rd, 2019 | Scott, Rogue, Lorna and Magneto are present for Kitty delivering old motorcycles and a car to the school for student projects |
To Save A Soul: Purim | March 21st, 2019 | Magneto responds to an invite from his daughter, to find Lorna, Kitty, and Kitty's mother taking him to celebrate the holiday of Purim at a Jewish temple. Part of their attempt to help Erik renew his faith. |
The Business Game | March 9th, 2019 | Plans are made by the Light and associates to recover intelligence on the current Sentinel models. |
Three Mutants and a Sentinel | February 25th, 2019 | When it comes to Sentinels, Magneto finds common ground with Polaris, Cyclops and Shadowcat |
A king in Mutant town. | February 23rd, 2019 | Summary needed |
Sentinel: Friends of Humanity - Gotham City | February 23rd, 2019 | Summary needed |
Past Traumas Brought to the Present | February 23rd, 2019 | Magneto and Kitty Pryde show concern for Lorna's burns suffered fighting Sentinels in Gotham |
Bobby did WHAT | January 28th, 2019 | Summary needed |
Enter Sadneto | January 3rd, 2019 | Summary needed |
Genoshan Home for the Holidays | December 22nd, 2018 | Wanda decides the family should celebrate the holidays, and Lorna helps her decorate. Magneto, surprisingly.. doesn't disagree. Tinsel for everyone! |
Pied Piper: Trial And Error | December 18th, 2018 | Sam and Illyana seek out Magneto to ask questions about the Black Sleep. They meet the Scarlet Witch while there. |
The once and future Queen | December 13th, 2018 | Summary needed |
Group Politics | November 10th, 2018 | Summary needed |
Meeting the Parent(s) | September 26th, 2018 | Wanda takes Nolan home to meet her father. It goes fairly well, all things considered. |
The Dragon Stirs | September 25th, 2018 | The Genoshan Cabinet advises Magneto on the growing crisis in Kenya.
The False Messiah and the Sorceress | August 14th, 2018 | Summary needed |
Council of the Light | July 15th, 2018 | The Inner Circle of the Light meets in Council for the first time. Agendas are discussed. A charter is ratified, making the Light official. |
Same Time as Last Week | July 3rd, 2018 | Emma and Erik meet up for drinks and a chat. It's becoming a regular occurrence. |
Long Live the White King and Queen | June 1st, 2018 | Summary needed |
Log 4515 | May 26th, 2018 | Vision gets a familial surprise |
A Talk in the Park | May 16th, 2018 | A picnic in the park with her father turns from one conversation to the sudden and awkward realization that she has two grown boys... and everyone, including herself, wants answers. |
Interview with A Mutant | May 1st, 2018 | Summary needed |
There's No Place Like Home | April 27th, 2018 | Wanda goes to talk to her father about life and.. other things. They have a cup of tea. |
Crimson Fenders Rock | March 21st, 2018 | Random meeting in NYC prompted by a band called the Crimson Fenders |
Mutant Kidnappings: Chapter 1 | March 4th, 2018 | Mutants attack the mall, and various heroes move to stop them! |
Tete-a-Tete | March 3rd, 2018 | Summary needed |
Log 3994 | March 2nd, 2018 | Summary needed |
Come to the Dark Side, We Have Cookies | February 24th, 2018 | Summary needed (OOC Liu Note: Pretty sure they are lying about the cookies) |
Spatula City BLOODBATH | February 21st, 2018 | Raven, Starr, and Julian face off against the evils of a derranged cult! |
Wheeling and Dealing | February 19th, 2018 | Summary needed |
The bar in your mind | February 19th, 2018 | Summary needed |
Log 3905 | February 18th, 2018 | Summary needed |
Some art in Mutant town! | February 17th, 2018 | Summary needed |
Foes on an Airplane! | February 17th, 2018 | Summary needed |
Whoever Magneto Is | February 15th, 2018 | Summary needed |
Temptations in the Cold | February 12th, 2018 | Magneto catches Vicky in a magically susceptible moment, wooing her with promises of greatness. |
AOP - The Dread Pirate Magnus | February 11th, 2018 | The Dread Captain Magnus and friends explore a ghostly wreckage of an advanced civilization! |
Log 3692 | January 20th, 2018 | Summary needed |
An abrupt fireside meeting | January 6th, 2018 | Summary needed |
Magneto returns to Xavier's School. | January 2nd, 2018 | Summary needed |
Magneto Must Pay | January 1st, 2018 | Hope Summers and the Scarlet Witch act on their plain to deal with Magneto. Only, they have different plans on how to eliminate the threat he represents. |
Mindgames. | December 7th, 2017 | Skye sneaks off to visit Magneto. Fury drops in, and Skye becomes a hapless victim in the mindgames between Fury and Erik. All within minutes. Not to mention manipulated into probable future trouble. |
Interview with a Mutant | November 29th, 2017 | Natasha Romanova interviews Magneto about his involvement in the assassination of the President |
Trouble Brewing in DC | Error: Invalid time. Error: Invalid, Error: Invalid time. | A bunch of people get together., Summary needed |
Gravity and Magnetism | November 20th, 2017 | The Master of Magnetism is in New York. He is spotted by a couple of curious people in the form of Rift and Mariam O'Shea. |
Magneto in Fabulous Canada! | November 7th, 2017 | Summary needed |
Halloween Fair in Central Park | October 29th, 2017 | The Avengers host a Halloween Fair in Central Park. |
Apokolips Now: The Furies Final Frenzy | September 20th, 2017 | The Furies return to set a trap for the heroes who defeated him on the eve before ... but are surprised. |
Heralds of Doom | September 15th, 2017 | Summary needed |
A Gracious Host | September 2nd, 2017 | Havok joins the Brotherhood, Molly meets Mystique-- Steps towards a brighter future. |
Effect & Cause | August 18th, 2017 | Summary needed |
Just your Typical Humanitarian Airdrop... | August 17th, 2017 | A humanitarian mission to M-Town sees converts to Magneto's cause, and unexpectedly weighty philosophical disourse. |
A Dangerous Game: The Game Begins | August 10th, 2017 | A group of Mystique's associates have been brought together for one purpose: to exterminate mutant slavers. |
The Kahndaqi Magneto Crisis | July 27th, 2017 | Summary needed |
Gotta Make Way For The Homo Superior | July 25th, 2017 | Yana is saved from some Friends of Humanity by Dani and Magneto. Discourse ensues about mutants. |
An Eye for an Eye | July 25th, 2017 | A lunch meeting on the Genoshan coast produces an agreeable trade. |
Valkyries and Horses, | July 24th, 2017 | Alexia and Dani meet up while the latter was taking Brightwind out for a flight |
Not Exactly a Seance | July 13th, 2017 | Summary needed |
Magnets and Miracles | July 12th, 2017 | Magneto and Polaris discuss the present and the future. A piece of a larger plan is revealed. |
Genoshan Beach Party | July 11th, 2017 | Summary needed |
Sparkles in Daylight | May 21st, 2017 | Magneto is introduced to the more casual life at Xavier's. |
Loan Application | May 19th, 2017 | Summary needed |
Westchester Boat Race | May 13th, 2017 | A diplomatic event in the form of a boat race between American and Genoshan kids goes awry, heroes respond. |
Plans Within Plans | May 9th, 2017 | Summary needed |
Rogue Meets Magneto (Backflash Scene) | May 8th, 2017 | Mystique takes Rogue to meet the Master of Magnetism |
To Refresh Character's Log List Click Here. Then hit the resulting button to dump the old cached list.
Title | Date | Scene Summary |
Sentinels: Genosha Rises | July 30th, 2019 | Summary Needed |
Genosha's Address on Sentinels | February 13th, 2019 | Magneto responds to the Sentinel threat |
Trouble Brewing in DC | Error: Invalid time. Error: Invalid, Error: Invalid time. | A bunch of people get together., Summary needed |
Trouble Brewing in DC | November 24th, 2017 | Summary needed |