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Changeling/Leviathan: Team preparations
Date of Scene: 20 May 2019
Location: Athletics Area - The Triskelion
Synopsis: May summons Peggy, Mack, Darcy, and FitzSimmons to exchange introductions and get Peggy's field agent gear situation sorted before the upcoming missions. Steve notices the gathering and joins in. Mack gets to meet who he's teamed up with to protect Nyx, and Peggy is fascinated by some of the new tech she's shown.
Cast of Characters: Melinda May, Peggy Carter, Darcy Lewis, 8277, Captain America, Jemma Simmons

Melinda May has posed:
It's a day or so after May and Barton caught Mack up on recent events, and May needs to make sure a few preparations are done now before Z-day. She's going to need to requisition items that require official forms, so this will have to be done on premises, as much as she'd rather not. But, needs must.

Messages went out to Agents Carter, Mackenzie, Simmons, Fitz, and Lewis stating to be at the gym at a certain time. The latter's message included a mention of bringing requisition forms. Plural. The science twins were asked to bring the most compact and concealable ICER they've developed so far, along with anything else they think might be 'fun'. Not May's exact words.

In the gym, May is waiting for everyone to arrive, back in her usual dark blue and black uniform.

Peggy Carter has posed:
It's been a long time since Peggy had to follow orders but, in truth, it was a bit nice not to be giving them. And to be taking them from someone she absolutely respects already, like Director May. It was a divergence from most of her early career. So, promptly at the time she's been called, Margaret Carter strides confidently into the gym. If she's having issues adjusting to being in the modern era, she's not letting it show on the surface. SHe's in SHIELD issue sweats and t-shirt again, got herself a pair of modern runners, and has her hair twisted back into a tight tail at the base of her neck. In short, she's ready to work. "Director."

Darcy Lewis has posed:
The job isnt done till the paperwork is done. For that matter, it doesn't start without paperwork either.

Asked to bring requisition forms, Darcy makes her way into the gym, nondescript black suit case in hand. Looking like any normal administrative agent, her hair's pinned up by red sticks that match the color on her lips, and her black blazer is buttoned at her waist. The pencil skirt is unapologetic of curves that most magazines say should never rock a slim fitted skirt. Her heels click on the floor toward May. Her eyes skim over the gathering agents and personnel.

"Doesn't this look like the start of some fun times," she quips, lips curling into an almost playful smirk.

Mack (8277) has posed:
Mack sighs when he opens his locker in the men's changeroom and the smell wafts out. Unwashed gym wear had sat in the locker since he left abruptly for Japan months back. He bins the old stuff and pulls fresh shorts and a t-shirt out of the bag he brought with him. Locker closed again, he walks into the gym.

He does his best not to notice Darcy, or at least to look like he doesn't. Mack gives May a nod and the other woman who he doesn't recognize a polite smile. Then he makes his way over to the free weights.

Captain America has posed:
Conveniently being on-site when this little gathering was enacted, it might come as no surprise that one Agent Rogers is meandering on his way to the men's locker room. He's got some sandbags to punch, potentially into oblivion, and the sweep-up afterwards is not only helpful, but zen-like and centering. By the downcast and almost furtive way he looks about, he's hoping to remain at least partially non-descript as he travels.

As he passes by the gymnasium doors, he glances over and comes to a stop. Immediately backstepping, he lingers a bit farther back in the hall with his hands in his pockets. He squints. Despite himself, Steve is intrigued. Why the meeting?

He marks faces he knows and realizes it must have something to do with the discussion at Chez Miscreant. A swallow. Hmm. Might have to hang the sandbags in one of the smaller side-rooms after all.

Jemma Simmons has posed:
"Ya think we should've brought da freeze ray, Jemma?" Leo Fitz walks beside Jemma Simmons, carrying a case in his left hand. A case that could have a few goodies within...with at least the request that May provided. It...is a larger case, so a promise of a few goodies. "And...ya think we're gonna havta run or sumthin'. Because, you know I don't....do running. Unless I have to." At least he is dressed the part, with sneakers, a sweat shirt, and sweat pants. But...one might get the feeling that it may be standard R&D outfit for Fitz.

"Oh, Fitz, do calm down. I am sure you can handle a bit of exercise." Jemma is also in sweat pants and sneakers, though she has opted for a t-shirt and her hair is pulled back in a simple pony tail. "And really, Director May did say to bring anything we might think is fun. You have to admit, the cryogenic pistol is most fun. But, really, must we call it a 'freeze ray'? There is no ray. It's just a modified round."

Fitz shakes his head. "Well, Jemma, we could have called it an Icer, but dat name's taken, yeah?" He seems a little nervous as the pair reach the gym doors, but takes a breath and nods. "Well..let's get dis over with."

As the two enter the gym, Leo pauses...as his eyes catch Peggy. Yes, Jemma told him. But no, he really didn't believe it. Until now.

"Come on, Fitz. Nothing to be nervous about. It is just Director Carter." Yes, Jemma hasn't quite reached first name basis yet. And she makes it sound so normal.

Melinda May has posed:
Nodding a hello to each person as they arrive, May starts by offering introductions. "Agent Carter, this is Agent Darcy Lewis. She's mostly Admin, but if you ever need a requisition form pushed through without any hangups, she's the one to talk to." Like today. "Lewis, this is Agent Margaret Carter." She doesn't add any more than that, as Jemma just spilled some beans over there with Fitz. No point in trying to make up convincing lies.

"Mack," she calls the tall man over, seeing as he went for the free weights. "I want you to meet someone." To Peggy, she says in her more normal volume, "Agent Alphonso Mackenzie, just rotated back from Japan. We're thinking you and he would make a decent team for future missions." She offers Peggy a slightly quirked eyebrow at that last, possibly wordlessly implying there's more to it than that.

She trusts the woman to pick up on the subtlety.

Peggy Carter has posed:
The steel in Peggy's spine is that of a woman who has come prepared to work. She's got her shoulders squared, chin up, and is enjoying the miracle of modern engineered shoes. She could run miles on these things without starting to feel it in her feet, that's a little mindblowing. But everything about this centry is mind blowing, really. She hasn't yet noticed Steve peaking in the back door, her dark gaze intent on May and those to whom she's being introduced.

""Agent Lewis. It's a pleasure. Thank you for... ducking in last minute on this. I do not think they were quite expecting to need equipment for someone of my training quite this quickly." Peggy explains, her clipped British accent all business but with just a hint of tease behind it as she mentions needing equipment so quickly, as if she just happened to pass some training tests surprisingly fast instead of literally springing into the present from the past the way she did. She offers her hand for a brief, firm shake.

Then her dark eyes flicker back to Jemma and an unfamiliar man ducking in the room, especially as Jemma uses her old title. A flutter of a grin crosses her lips but she doesn't mention anything, looking over towards Mack instead and giving him a once over before offering her hand. May's comment about them making a decent team draws a longer look, "Mack, is it? You can call me Peggy, if we're to be working that close." Her eyes narrow just a moment in thought. She does not protest the fact that she already has a team -- it would do no good to undermine May in front of her people or make Mack feel inadequate, but May can probably read someone well enough to realize that Peegy's hit on the fact that means she's not going to be working with her previous 'team'.

Captain America has posed:
May's voice travels well enough, and Steve recognizes the majority of the gathering -- but not this Mack individual called out from his sojourn to the weights. Sighing (and hating momentarily his sense of duty), the Captain does walk into the gym now. With his head upheld and air of polite stoicism, all business despite his black windbreaker and bluejeans over combat boots, he lifts a hand towards May and the grouping in general.

"Director. Agents." He tries to include everyone else in one fell swoop with the title. "Thought I might step in briefly. Any way I can be of assistance?" His eyes flicker to Peggy and he gives her the smallest, most tentative smile of greeting along with a little nod.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
"Pleasure to meet you, Agent Carter," Darcy says with something like polite professionalism. Her right hand lifts, offered for a shake, just as Fritz and Simmons pullup with the most interesting tidbits of information for the admin. Freeze Ray? Director? Darcy glances over, then back to Carter, then at May, then back to Carter. Her smile's turned almost coy, especially when Mack's called over and Captain Rogers makes his way in and heads for some punching bags off to the side.

Darcy Lewis; Admin Agent handing Medical, Office, and Support Supplies (MOSS) Logistics; she also coordinates social things like Secret Santa gift exchanges, employee birthday parties, and betting pools for all manner of silly things. Things like who can offer the most creative excuse for landing in medical or who's going to end up dating/marrying whom. She smiles back at Peggy as the Agent/Director thanks her for coming in.

"Any time, Agent Carter. I'm happy to help anyway I can. Especially someone needing specialized equipment. Those requistions are always the fun ones," she says, falling quiet as Steve makes his way over. She turns to him, watching that tentative smile at Carter before lifting a hand to wave a greeting at him.

"Hiya, Cap. How's it hangin' today?"

Please, no one explain what Darcy might mean to him with that question. ...or do. Darcy might be having her own bet with herself on how quickly she can get the tall blonde soldier to stammer and blush like a school boy. The smirk might be too mischevious for her own good.

Jemma Simmons has posed:
As the pair from R&D walk up, Leo identifies Captain Rogers and, to his credit, doesn't immediately turn around and head out. He does, however, lean over to Jemma, whispering something that sounds suspiciously like an inquiry as to what they are doing, followed by a few choice Scottish colloquialisms expressing his apparent surprise.

Jemma, to her credit, calms Leo down with a simple hand upon his shoulder. A quick glance to May, followed by the noting of the Agent appellate, is enough of an indication for the doctor to know to drop the former title. Of course, proper sensibilities dictate that Jemma offers a greeting. "Good day to you all!" Bright, pleasant, and positively British.

Leo catches sight of Darcy and leans in to Jemma, murmuring loud enough to be heard. "Oh, we forgot da rocket skates. Those would have been a blast." Is he joking? Perhaps...or, knowing Fitz, perhaps not.

Mack (8277) has posed:
Barely begun, Mack rises to his full height and puts the weights back. He walks over when May calls him.

Mack smiles when he is introduced and holds his hand out to Peggy. The smile freezes on his face for a moment at the bald once over from Peggy.

"Pleased to meet you, Peggy," he says politely, neutrally. He glances between May, Peggy and Darcy, trying to track down whatever he is missing here. He looks a bit like someone who feels he may have given offence but does not know how.

Mack steps back when Steve and the others walk in, nodding to them whether he knows them or not. He shoots Leo a lopsided smile.

Melinda May has posed:
May looks at Steve when he joins in on the fun (for a certain definition of fun), then explains for everyone gathered. "With Mack returned from Japan and Carter also recently arrived, I thought now would be a good time to make sure you're both up to date on issued weapons and tools in case any or all of you are called out on a mission in the near future." It's as close as she can get to outright naming the attack against Zola without just doing so.

Then, possibly to Darcy's surprise, she takes off her ever-present jacket and offers it to Peggy. "I know it's not going to fit properly, but I want to see if a set of body armor like this is something you'll find useful." Hint: you will. It's all of the subtle and less than subtle interior pockets revealed that are likely what she's referring to.

Shedding her jacket has also revealed that May is wearing a shoulder holster with a slightly clunky ICER in it, a pair of blades nearly the size of machetes sheathed on her back along her spine, and has small throwing blades and more still strapped to both forearms.

Peggy Carter has posed:
Peggy's shoulders and hips are definitely a bit more broad than May's, even fit she's far more hourglass than a lot of modern agents, but she looks over the jacket as she's handed it, testing the weight of it. "...The pockets are nice..." It seems the agent doesn't actually even REALIZE this is body armor. It's too light, too flexible. Too modern. She has no comprehension it could stop a bullet. Even in her day, bullet vests were newish and bulky at best. "It's a nice jacket but... " Then her mind catches up. "...Body armor? This is... Armor. What does it protect against??" Now her hands are testing it a bit more, definitely perplexed.

At Steve's small smile, he gets one in return and a slight nod of her head. It's like old times, sharing a glance across and R&D room, brushing shoulders at a war table. All those times they couldn't dare let anyone know that she might be sweet on him, or vice versa, because a war was on and it just wasn't DONE. He was their *project* and soldier, not a man to be wooed. But that smile and nod, it echoes all those times and she's a bit sluggish in looking back to the rest of the room. "Welcome home, Mack. I suspect you're a touch more up to date than I, but I do promise I'm a quick learner."

Captain America has posed:
Darcy draws a look to herself and it lingers, especially when her question has that little whimsical note to it alongside the smirk. By the subtle frown, Steve is definitely wondering if his chain is being yanked.

"It's...hanging," he responds as neutrally as he can manage. Director May draws his attention again and he shoots both Mack and Peggy a curious look despite himself -- weapons training, ooh. He rocks slightly in place, hands still in the pockets of his windbreaker. By the way he's fidgeting, he's mulling something over in his mind. The number of weapons upon May herself has him smirking; she is never to be underestimated.

Despite himself, he looks over Peggy and her jacket fitting with a professional air. Meeting those dark eyes in passing, he too is a little slow to disengage. Another shift of weight is excess energy diverted to some place other than his mouth - that had better stay shut lest something stupid fall out to land on the floor unwelcome.

However, the Captain does manage to volunteer, "Lots of things. You'll like it." This he knows oddly well.

Mack (8277) has posed:
Mack watches the others talk, more interested in how Leo is doing than whatever dynamic is at play around his new partner. But he catches something about Steve's look.

When Peggy talks to him though his attention comes back along with a polite smile at her assurance.

"Thanks. Don't worry about the kit, any questions just ask. I used to be chief engineer on the Illiad. I'm no Leo, but I can fill you in," he says matter-of-factly.

Jemma Simmons has posed:
"Dat be me." Leo Fitz steps forward, flashing a true smile for Mack, then turning towards Peggy. "Leo Fitz, co-head of R&D. If there's a question Mack can't handle, ya can ask me. Though..." Leo shifts his head back towards Mack in a nod, "...doubt there's a question Mack can't handle." He takes a step back, though not necessarily towards Jemma, but sorta between her and Mack. Seems Mack's arrival is a good surprise for more than one person around here.

Jemma, for her part, remains quiet. Though, she does speak up, quietly. "Fitz is being modest. He is an exceptional engineer and an great field agent." The field agent remark earns Jemma a dirty look from Leo, which she just counters with a overly sweet smile back. Oh, she knows Leo's preference and this seems to be a way to tease him.

Melinda May has posed:
May lets Peggy examine the jacket closely, something she has let almost no one do in a very long time. "Yes, it is armor. It can turn back most blades and small caliber bullets. Blunt weapons not so much, though some of the contents help with that." She unholsters her ICER, empties it of its rounds, and offers it handle first to Peggy.

"You might also want one of these. It's a, well, it's a stun gun." The little pistol that Peggy arrived with was returned to her when she was released from Medical.

Peggy Carter has posed:
"... Bloody hell. Kevlar was being developed when I... well... We'll just say this is much nicer than what I left. Yes, I'd like one very much, thank you." Peggy clips out with a smile. Dark eyes flicker up to Leo as he offers the explanations and also compliments Mack. Peggy's smile comes again, "The most important thing I'll care to learn, from either of you," That said to both Leo and Mack, "Is the care and cleaning of these items. Especially... this." She takes the ICER from May and looks it over with slightly lofted brows.

This is where the expert marksman comes out. Peggy feels the weight of the weapon in her hand, the press of its trigger, not quite pulling it but just testing what push back she gets. She looks over the side for a safety and what she can see if its use. "A...stun gun? It has rounds, clearly. The rounds are.. electrified? What is the kick on it like? What sort of body weight does it work on?" Her eyes then look up, searching for Steve's face again just a moment. She's looking for his honest opinion on these things, because he's the one who might understand where she's coming from and what she finds important in both a weapon and armor. She trusts his opinion more than anyone else in the room.

Captain America has posed:
Mack gets an interested side-glance from Steve -- on the Illiad, was it? A mental note is made to speak more with the gentleman when time is less occupied with modern weaponry trainings. He smiles quietly at the banter between Fitz and Jemma.

"Fitz can answer anything, it seems. Gone to him a few times for fine details," he adds as his ten cents on matters of R&D. His attention turns back to Peggy and the subtle smile returns, almost...rueful.

The memory is all bullets collapsing against a silver metal shield -- no dents left behind, merely scoured marks, and Steve peering out overtop it at the marksmanship on display without flinch.

To the present he returns and realizes with a slide of his regard that he's under scrutiny by Miss Carter. His mouth opens, he huffs a little breath of a sigh, and concludes, "Kick at the hand doesn't outweight the kick of the ammo. Haven't found a body weight it doesn't work on yet. Pair it up with body armor like that 'nd..." He gestures towards the R&D squad. "They can tell you the fine details, but I'll vouch for it. It stands in just fine when you don't have conventional means."

Jemma Simmons has posed:
Jemma and Leo trade glances with each other. Even with that singular glance, it is apparent that an entire conversation takes place in less than a second, with something along the lines of 'you want to tell her?' 'Sure, I can. Should I pull out the one?' 'Good idea.'

And new agents wonder why the two are collectively known as one entity.

Leo kneels down, placing his case upon the floor. As he starts to flip open the latches, he slides into explanation mode. "It's called a Incapacitating Cartridge Emitting Railgun, or ICER fer short. It's a ranged weapon dat we made ta feel as familiar as any other standard firearm. Cleanin' is pretty much da same, though we got a manual if ya really want one."

Again...there doesn't seem to be a joke in that tone of Leo's.

Jemma picks up right where Leo leaves off. "The ammunition is a Dendrotoxin based round. It will take down most targets within milliseconds. Those with stronger constitutions may take a little longer, but we haven't really found a need to try it on those sorts of targets. The only failing is if the target itself is immune to toxins. It is recommended to have a backup weapon for those occasions."

As Jemma takes a breath, Leo chimes in. "We have ICERS in the pistol, sniper rifle, semi-automatic, fully automatic, and shotgun varieties. Though, Jemma asked dat we come up with something a little special for ya." With that, the case opens, showing some of those varieties....and, in particular, is one that looks an awful lot like a Walther PPK, similar size as the gun that Peggy arrived with. Leo removes it from the case and offers it to Peggy, unloaded for the moment. "I tried my best da match the weight and dimensions for ya. You could say it's tailor made for you."

Mack (8277) has posed:
Mack stands with his arms crossed has the kit show begins. He leans in to get a glance at Leo and Jemma's handiwork, looking over the two. He smiles appreciatively.

He looks over at Steve when the Captain chimes in and then to Peggy when she takes the ICER. Some tension leaves Mack's shoulders when he sees Peggy's comfortable and confident weapons handling.

"They're not keeping you busy enough if you got time for James Bond replicas," Mack teases Fitz.

Melinda May has posed:
May starts to offer the magazine filled with ICER rounds, but then Leo's showing the smaller one they'd just created for her, so she doesn't. It's almost like she knew they'd have that ready for her.

"There are also close range weapons such as this that you can very likely carry without problems." She pulls a cylinder from one forearm about the size of a toothbrush case, then points to a small series of buttons along the side. "This button extends the baton to full length," and she demonstrates, "And this one activates the taser end."

Mack is likely EXTREMELY familiar with this style of baton.

Peggy Carter has posed:
Peg listens in full attention to the use and design of the weapon, looking fascinated in the way only a true weapons expert (of her day, at least) could be. "Fascinating. Well... that's... Probably a tad bit nicer for casualties and prisoners than what we used to do. I spent a lot of time *not* shooting to kill, depending on the mission." She isn't joking there. She gives Steve a bit more of a smile, appreciating the evaluation of the weapon from him as much as anyone. Also, probably for just a moment remembering the last time they were testing things together. She doesn't shoot at him this time.

Then Jemma and Leo pull out that case and Peggy is handing the test weapon back to May, still carefully by the grip, always practicing safe weapon handling even if she knows it's unloaded. The open case gets a grin ear to ear. "Oh...Jemma, it's... It's perfect!" SHe reaches forward, carefully scooping up the weapon and weighing it in her hand with the muzzle poined to the floor. That felt right. It felt like home. "...Oh, this is... not a James Bond replica, Mack, this is a Walther PPK, or... It sure as hell looks and handles like one. We lived and died by these for quite a few years." Tension has gone right out of her shoulders for simply holding one. There is clearly WAY more behind Peggy's story than strange new recruit.

Then Melinda is pulling out more toys, her brows arching and grin looking a bit more like a kid in a toyshop. "Director May, you're just spoiling me now. I'll take two of each. And at least one back up with actual bullets. Just in case."

Captain America has posed:
Once Peggy's attention slides away and back to weaponry, the Captain allows himself more of the smirk he wanted to show. Agent Carter isn't lying. The weaponry on display is much more merciful than what used to be turned on the enemy side in the war. He appreciates it all on display, listens to the details and definitions, uses and applications, and muses to himself about deviating from the vibranium shield.

Who's he kidding, he spent far too much time taking flak from Bucky about being shot in the knee that one time to stop using it now.

Steve remains quiet and observant for now, allowing his mind to wander back to older times that weren't necessarily much easier.

Jemma Simmons has posed:
Mack may have earned a chuckle from Leo as he points over to Jemma. "It was her idea. Thought it might help Agent Carter feel more comfortable. Besides, wasn't all dat hard ta modify." There is a bit of modesty in Fitz's comment, though it does appear, judging from the other models of guns in that case of his, that Peggy's new ICER is one of a kind.

Jemma seems rather pleased to watch Peggy become acquainted with her new ICER pistol. "I had a feeling that you may like it. And, truth be told, when Director May asked for a smaller version of our standard ICERs, Fitz nearly had yours completed."

With the case still open, a few of the other models are visible. Mostly all pistols of varying sizes (although there is a shotgun model at the top), all of the ICERs have the same markings and colorations, save one. One, while resembling a standard ICER model, is certainly not the same. White casing, with definitely different type rounds, and a different material...perhaps ceramic or a silicon coated material. May would recognize that particular weapon as Leo's special project...the cryo gun. And...next to that isn't a weapon, perse, but a tool that seems particularly rare, as only a few agents have ever seen one, much less used it. The fabled Mouse Hole...a high-powered laser cutter that will penetrate almost anything.

Well, May did say to bring anything that might be considered 'fun'.

Mack (8277) has posed:
Mack watches as the kit is rolled out and shown off. His attention is grabbed especially by the new device in the kit. And the shotgun. But when he glances up studiously avoiding looking near any of Darcy's curves, he notices the clock on the wall and how long they've been gathered. He keeps from looking self-consciously at the security cameras.

Mack clears his throat.

"So, this is great, but... I really need to get my workout in," he says with a smile and a meaningful look at May. "Why don't we do lunch, Peggy? And I'll stop by later," he promises Leo and Jemma.

Mack steps over to shake hands with Steve. "Good to meet you, sir."

Then Mack heads back over to the weights while everyone says their goodbyes and drifts off in their various directions, back into the flow of life on the Triskellion.