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Latest revision as of 00:57, 14 August 2019

But First, Coffee.
Date of Scene: 21 May 2019
Location: Dining Hall - Avengers Mansion
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Pepper Potts, War Machine

Pepper Potts has posed:
Pepper has begun to haunt the Avengers' mansion. Waiting for Tony. Waiting for word of what all is going on. Waiting for a miracle to end this new war. But right now, she is waiting on her cup of coffee to brew as she leans tiredly against the counter.

War Machine has posed:
     Just as Pepper holds out hope for an end to the new War, for someone to come along and save the day who else should walk in but James Rhodes: War Machine. With a piping hot thermos of coffee and a look on his face like he's gone a little while without sleeping.

     He's dressed head to toe in his usual fair a simple black set of cargo pants, and his matching baggy shirt, and surprisingly he grew back the beard. For a while he was rocking that clean shave look but now he's rocking that comfortable beard that makes him look a bit more fuzzy then one would expect from someone who flies experimental aircraft for a living.

     He takes a long sip from his thermos having not really spent much time at the mansion in quite some time. Then again perhaps that came with the territory, the fighting terror in the middle east shtick he's been on for about 40 issues at this point. Honestly the story line had run its course by issue 30 but they just kept dragging it out. Then again what sold sold and this business runs on what sells.

     The Truth of the matter was a little closer to home, and much more ankle bitey. Rhodes niece is nowhere to be seen but then again given the time of day she was likely off at school doing her thing. Spent a lot of time ferrying her about and making sure she could have the best childhood a kid could ask for. It was the least he could do for her.

     There's a look in his eyes as he notices Pepper of a warm comradely. Walking over he slides one hand down into his pocket the other bringing another fresh sip of liquid joy into his system to keep him running just that one more day. "You know pep, if I didn't know better I'd say you're having a rough day." Pausing just to set down in the first available chair. "Penny for your thoughts?" As he sets down the NASA thermos he was enjoying.

Pepper Potts has posed:
Pepper smiles warmly to Rhodey as he approaches, and she is finally able to pour that cup of coffee. "It's been a rough week. A rough month. Or three." She sets down the carafe and lifts her mug to take a sip of coffee. "How are things on your front? Fighting the good fight, as always, I assume?"

War Machine has posed:
     Rhodes stops mid thought as he just realizes that. He takes a quick moment to tap the side of his smart watch and then a long moment to just look at that time displayed on the surface. His eyes open a bit wider and eyebrows go along with them.

     It's fairly clear it's the first time it really dawned on him in some time just how long it's been. He shakes his head from one side to the other. Before enjoying another sip of that sweet substance from on high known as coffee. "You know they say time flies when you're having fun, but I'm starting to think it just flies full stop and then some day you wake up only to realize you're ready to collect on that 401k."

     He shakes his head a bit more once he's got the coffee in him more as a reaction to keep himself awake then anything else. His attention goes back up to Pepper again as he asks. "I'll be honest with everything going on its not been exactly easy keeping up with much of anything." He shrugs his shoulders down. "The vultures swarming to trying and get Lila to go here and there, keeping up with that terror cell out near Latvia. Just never ends you know." He takes another deep sip. "So, what's ending the world this time?"

Pepper Potts has posed:
"Sentinels. Trask," Pepper replies. "They're supposedly going rogue, here and there. Causing problems. But from all indications, they are doing exactly what they're programmed to do. Kill mutants. Take control. Incite unrest. Violence. Civil uprising."

War Machine has posed:
     "I was wondering about those things." Rhodes starts leaning back in his chair a single hand thrown over the back of the chair and resting down into place as he takes some time to think. "First time fighting them just felt.. weird.. you know?" He looks back down other hand bringing up the coffee to his lips. "Like I get it we're heroes but those things far as I knew were supposed to help protect us not... you know."

     He motions with his hand a bit while sipping away at his cup of coffee. The gears are rolling along but where they might be going is a mystery best left for Rhodes. His mind wanders in thought before he just says. "You know, the bright side is if we give it some time this'll pass."

     He adjusts himself on the chair still trying to find that perfectly comfortable spot. "Some big bad shows up, the big names throw punches back and fourth ultimatums are thrown out and by the end of it we get together and save the day for a few weeks before the next giant evil comes around." Taking some time out he starts rattling off on his fingers half joking."Last time it was killer mold, this time it's giant robots-" He cuts off his thought process on its own coming to some sort of realization. Still in that tone to try and life the spirits more then. "Come to think of it the time before last was killer soviet robots, and a few times prior to that it was killer nazi robots...." a slight pause for coffee. "There's a lot of killer robots out there, you ever notice that? Think we're do for mildly threatening teddy-bears."