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Latest revision as of 00:57, 14 August 2019

How Do You Do It
Date of Scene: 21 May 2019
Location: Earth (Sol, Sector 2814)
Synopsis: Hal Jordan and Razer have a heart to heart. Of sorts. They manage not to come to blows.
Cast of Characters: Razer, Green Lantern (Jordan)

Razer has posed:
It has been a little bit of time since Razer's last visit. He had recently come to see the woman on the Mackenzie Station, to ask about the prisoner that was taken by the Earth authorities after the sabotage of the space station. At that time, he had learned that she had been given a ring. A blue one. As he'd floated in space on the edge of death, he had spent his last moments glaring at Saint Walker and Kinsey McKenna. Of course, Saint Walker had saved him (the human had stared at him like an animal on display in a zoo) and they had spoken. If he didn't see another Blue ever it would be too soon.

Yet, he found himself floating in space outside the station, eyeing it critically with a frown on his face.

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
    Streaking around the moons of Saturn is Green Lantern, Hal Jordan. His face was worn, and his expression was one of exhaustion. Moving towards Earth, he takes a turn towards the MacKenzie Station as a quick "fly past" to ensure everything was safe and sound. That was when he spots a faint red "glare" against the backdrop of space.

    Maneuvering carefully, Hal heads towards this red light, and then, when he sees who it is, take a quick moment to shake his head.

Razer has posed:
"Green Lantern approaching." The voice from his ring interrupts whatever thoughts were going through Razer's mind. At least it told him before the Green arrived this time. The green spot grew larger upon approach then was in range to be able to be recognized.

"Hal Jordan. I had not expected others to be around. Do tell me Saint Walker and Kinsey McKenna are not with you," he says, making more a plea than an order like it sounds. Not that he'll say please. That would be pushing things a bit too much for the Red.

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
    Willing the "mute" setting on his ring as he already knows there is a Red Lantern present, Hal Jordan floats closer and smiles at Razer. "No, they are not with me Razer. I assume you have had another encounter with them. I can appreciate that. Hehe." Hal chuckles as he gets a little closer...but not too close!

    "What brings you to Earth, Razer? Another mission for the boss or are you sight seeing again?" Hal mentions "the boss", which, both of them know he means Atrocitus. "I haven't seen any "reds" lately, so thought you guys might be minding your own stores?"

Razer has posed:
That gets a tiny narrowing of the eyes. "We are always minding our own 'stores', even when we are out apprehending criminals," Razer rebuts. He does give a negative shake of the head.

"I am not here on business. My last visit to inquire about the prisoner led to learning that Kinsey McKenna," he says, making the two names sound like a single one. It's like how Hal is always Hal Jordan. After all, he has one name so all those syllables together must be the single name for the humans. Strange but they are an odd species. "Has become a Blue Lantern. I have no desire to be left floating in space without this working again." He holds up his hand with the red ring on it. "I actually was curious about something. Perhaps you will be able to answer it, Hal Jordan."

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
    Hal Jordan nods, and crosses his arms across his chest, his ring finger promenent on the top of the "crossing" so he can use it without having to go through his arm. "The prisoner..." Hal frowns, and then his expression lightens, as he remembers. "Oh! Right. Wow, that was ages ago. I apologize for not following up with that. I've been busy trying to stop the end of the Universe."

    Hal actually doesn't smile or seem to be joking about that last comment. Sighing, Hal continues, "You were curious...alright. What can I do to help? Always eager to assist a Red Lantern that can talk to me with complete sentences." Hal unlocks his arms, and waves a hand. "What's up?"

Razer has posed:
"You Greens always are. If you need help with the Universe, just let me know." Not us. Razer knows not to volunteer the Reds as Hal isn't wrong. Many of them are zealots that are like taking a gun and pointing it at an object. Razer differed from many of his kind for some reason. The rage was there, on a high level, this the power he wielded. Yet, there was something else going on with this man.

He looks back over at the station, staring at it for a long minute before speaking again. When he does, Hal may have preferred he kept his mouth shut. "As a species, how do you even survive? I mean this 'station'..." He makes it sound like it isn't one with his enunciation. "...is one rivet popping out from imploding and killing everyone inside. Are all of you insane?"

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
    "Us Greens always are. Can't argue that." Hal smiles. "I'll let you know. I may actually need your help some day soon. Especially if I will need...Atrocitus's help. And the rest of you. Or you." Hal shrugs. It was not worth the time to go into anything right now. After all, he didn't know half of what was going on.

    "As a species? Well, if I could answer that, I'd be President." A soft laugh escapes his lips, and then he realises that Razer wouldn't get the joke. "Um. Yeah, A little bit insane. We are always striving to better ourselves, reach for the stars, and explore. At least the better of us do. Explorers. It is what makes us special, at least in our tiny corner of the Galaxy. WHy do you ask?"

Razer has posed:
Hal was right. Razer didn't get the joke. He just continued to look at the station until Hal started speaking then watched him closely, as though Hal was sharing the wisdom of the ages and he didn't want to miss a word. "Did anyone think to tell you that reaching for the stars should not be done until you can keep from harming yourselves in the process? This...annoys me." He waves a hand at the station and then looks back to Hal.

"Wanting to grow can be admirable. I will try to help this station. To lessen the danger to the beings inside. The last time I visited, Kinsey McKenna seemed less than hospitable to me trying to enter without asking. I assume the others on board will have the same reaction if I add some fortifications or parts without speaking to them?"

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
    "Uh huh. It annoys me too." Hal grins. "I take it this was all brought on by our new Blue who resides in this station over her?" Hal nods towards MacKenzie Station. "She's something else. Seems you have an attraction to Blues for some reason. They always seem to show up wherever you are around here. Makes a Lantern wonder." Hal hides his grin behind his right hand, pretending to cough.

    "Oh, and yes, the people on that station would react negatively to you adding things to their station. It will make them paranoid and that usually means responding in force for those of my race." Hal says, completely honest. "As for helping, I would say no, that's not a good idea. In order for those of my race to go, we must learn from our triumphs...and our mistakes. Best bet: let them be." Hal says, floating above the station.

Razer has posed:
At the 'attraction' to Blues, Razer's sneer is quite evident. It is echoed in his tone. "I think it is because they truly have rage beneath the surface. They can wear their Blue rings but no one is as calm as Saint Walker. It's a mask he wears. And Kinsey McKenna is certainly a Red hiding in a Blue aura. You saw her that first day on the station." He shakes his head.

One last look is given to the station then he floats back a bit, making it evident that he's not going to stick around if he isn't going to get to make modifications. "Very well. I will leave them floating in their metallic coffin. When it implodes someday, don't say I didn't tell you."

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
    Hal sees the sneer, and raises you a grin. A big one. So, he hit home with that comment..."Perhaps. We all have rage under the surface. I am sure many Reds would make good Blues, and vice versa. It is how we use those emotions that truly make us who we are." Razer's words are interesting, but Hal Jordan is no psychologist, that was for sure.

    Looking at the station, and then back to Razer, Hal nods and adds, "I appreciate that Razer. I am sure they will be okay, especially if a Blue is inside the metal coffin, as you say. Plus, I'll be around to take care of them. A Guardian Angel as it were." Hal floats there, in the dakrness of space, enjoying the conversation.

    "You know...you would make a good Blue..." Raising his hands in resignation, Hal adds, "...hey, it was just a thought." Hal grins.

Razer has posed:
If he thought he hurt a nerve the first time, Hal hadn't seen anything yet. As those words come out of his lips, there is a plasma flare of red all the way around Razer's body, almost as though the fire is crawling upon him as he glares at the Green.

"Say that again and I will blast you Through the metal coffin," Razer says as he crosses his arms now, also with ring on the outside for immediate usage.

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
    "Hey, I take it back." Hal Jordan smiles at that. "I got a rise out of you, and I understand why. Hit something deep inside here, did I?" Hal taps his chest above his heart. "Or here..." He approximates where Razer's heart would be based on what he knew of his anatomy. "No need to get angry. We're friends aren't we Razer?"

    Hal looks at the man for a few moments, and adds. "You first instincts are to help these people inside this metal coffin..." Hal motions towards the Station. "Does that sound like the actions of a Red who has been made a Bounty Hunter by Atrocitus? C'mon. Dude. Think about it for a minute. That is truly something to think about." Hal says all of this in the tone he uses for new recruits, his "Mentor Voice" as Kilowog puts it.

    "You are a good man, Razer. Why else would we be having this conversation instead of slugging it out." Hal starts to maneuver towards Earth. "Just saying. If you need any more advice, you know where to find me. You okay?" Hal pauses in mid-fly towards home, just to make sure.

Razer has posed:
Razer narrows his eyes, flicking his focus over to the station then back to Hal. He doesn't like that he hit that close to home on things. Yes, he would like to help keep those beings safe. He isn't one to go out and commit genocide, something he wouldn't put past some of his fellow Reds. Yet, he knows he is a Red through and through.

"You are wrong, Hal Jordan." He puts his hand on his chest, more to the right than left. "There is nothing in here. Not anymore."

Realizing he said too much, the light around him flares again and he starts to fly the opposite direction, intending to put as much distance between himself and this Green who has no idea of what he speaks. "Until next time."

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
    "Floating slowly away from Razer, Hal Jordan simply nods, and says, "Ah. My bad. I stand corrected then. I am wrong once or twice a week." Hal Jordan chuckles. "I am sure there isn't then. You are right. No more heart in the Red Lantern, Razer." Watching as the Red Lantern departs, Hal shakes his head.

    "Ah Razer. If you only knew why I give you the time that I do. You could be the best of us...if only you tried to get past your anger." With a deep sigh, Hal heads back home, and a much deserved break from the duties and responsibilities as a Green Lantern.