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Latest revision as of 01:01, 14 August 2019

Everyone loves Pizza
Date of Scene: 15 May 2019
Location: Angelo's Pizza - Brooklyn
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Overlord, 7998, Wasp (Pym)

Overlord has posed:
Joseph Miller comes walking into the place, having been told about it by a few guys he works with. He ducks through the door, and walks towards the counter, ordering an extra large pizza, and a coke. He will then move to one of the booths where he can move the table out a bit to make more room, and has a seat waiting for his pizza.

Menel (7998) has posed:
The door opens again only a few seconds after it closes. It's a busy day it seems. The white-haired man that walks through the door is only really remarkable due to that particularly notable hair. He offers a grin to those who look up when the door is opened and quickly makes his way to the front desk where he stands for a moment long enough to hear the man in front of him make his order. His in fact is exactly the same. The largest pie they have in the house and a drink to go with it. Then spotting the table that Joseph is sitting down at he heads over there too. "Excuse me." Menel offers politely to the other man, his eyes scoping out the largely full establishment and the lack of tables otherwise. "Would you mind if I share your table?"

Overlord has posed:
Joseph Miller shrugs a bit and says "Sure, have a seat, first time here was told they have some pretty good pizza." His accent shows he is not a native New Yorker maybe barely southern. "Name's Joe." He offers a hand in greeting.

Wasp (Pym) has posed:
The door opens for a third and, for now at least, final time. A petite teenage girl ducks in, then steps slightly to the side of the door and peers back out the window. She frowns and then after a few moments lets out a sigh of relief.

It's only then that Nadia notices she's in some sort of restaurant. "So /that's/ what a pizza looks like," she muses aloud with Russian accented English. "I wonder how much they are." Her hands already digging around in the bag slung over her shoulder in the hunt presumably for a purse.

Menel (7998) has posed:
Before taking the offered seat Menel takes the hand and shakes it in a professional way that suggests that he's done so a hundred times before. Firm but not too firm, friendly. "Menel, pleasure to meet you." Then he takes the seat, keeping himself off to one side where he can see the door and the counter and such. Which is precicely when a young woman walks in. Menel takes in her appearance and then places his own pizza on the table along with his drink. "Nice day isn't it?"

Overlord has posed:
Joseph Miller 's brow raises a bit at the woman as she seems to not know what Pizza is. He recognizes the accent though he has seen Rocky and Bullwinkle cartoons after all. He will over the woman a nod in greeting, and hmms a bit and says "Get what you would like miss, it's on me, a welcome to America guesture." He says and will look over to the staff "Put hers on my bill."

Wasp (Pym) has posed:
"I do have money," Nadia assures, glancing back out the window. Very much as if she thinks she's being followed. "And I should warn you I have a much bigger appetite than you might think..." She flashes the pair of strangers a grin and then proceeds to order a pepperoni pizza and enough sides to make a meal that would normally feed four adults. Never mind one teenager. "I've been in America a few weeks now. But the immigration paperwork was long and boring, then I got distracted in my lab and you know how it goes."

Menel (7998) has posed:
As though he can't help it Menel's eyes flicker toward the street also, looking for whatever the woman is looking for as she joins them. "Privet." He flashes her a grin at the Russian word as it slips out of his mouth. "Dobro pozhalovat'."

He has an bit of an accent to the words he speaks, but it's not American as his English suggests. It's something else. A muddling of languages perhaps. He offers her his hand as she joins them opening his box and taking a breath of the fresh pizza. "I can't speak too much Russian, but I know what it's like to be far from home. Sounds like you've been keeping yourself occupied though. Did you say lab?"

Overlord has posed:
Joseph Miller smiles and says "Well you can get the pizza next time." He tells her. Then at Menzel's words, he smirks a bit "Knew I should havepayed more attention in high school spanish. Yea I know was not spanish, but might have picked up a bit more on trying to understand other languages.

Wasp (Pym) has posed:
Nadia Pym flashes a quick smile upon hearing someone speaking the Russian and shakes the offered hand. "Learning languages is fun. I don't understand why more people don't do it.. I speak three right now but I plan on picking up a few more when I get the time." She shrugs. "I did say lab yes. I'm currently trying to solve mathmatical proofs to obtain a little seed capital for... It's a work in progress idea but I'm going to start.. I guess maybe a non-profit or a company. I haven't decided /exactly/ what the plan is yet."
Then she blinks a few times. "Oh I am being very rude. I have not even introduced myself. I am Nadia, Nadia Pym. It's very nice to meet you both."

Menel (7998) has posed:
Menel offers her the same polite and professional handshake that he offered to Joseph. "Menel Dinmorin, and it's a pleasure to meet you." He doesn't seem to mind that she failed to introduce herself right away. Indeed the young man tucks into his food with a gusto that suggests that one pizza might be an appetizer. He has excellent table manners at least, but the food disappears at a staggering rate. He does pause long enough for conversation though, interested in what Nadia was talking about. "That all sounds complicated to me. I was never terribly good at math. You must be very good at it though if you're thinking to start a non-profit with the proceeds you get from yours though!"

Overlord has posed:
Joseph Miller nods and will wipe his hand from eatting and offer it as well. Joseph Miller, but you can cal me Joe. Yea I have to admit about the farthest I get into the science type stuff is some physics for working on custom bikes and such, if you could not tell am more of the brawn than the brains.

Wasp (Pym) has posed:
Nadia Pym swings her legs back and forth as she sits at the table waiting for her order. "I did consider going to college," she muses aloud. "But I thought that would be a step backwards for me and learning at someone else's pace is... well not really something I want to do." When her food finally arrives it seems to rival the order Menel is working his way through, slightly less pizza but a bunch of sides. "If either of you want to share any of this... well it only seems fair."

She digs in with enthusiasm. "I have found it is usually a very bad idea to judge people on appearances. Perhaps they are secret agents or have super powers. Or all sorts really. The possibilities are vast."

Overlord has posed:
Joseph Miller nods a bit to this and says "And New york even more so, it is a bit of a hot bed for al kinds of things." He admits "It is part of what brought me here, figure like the old song says "If I can make it here I can make it anywhere." He gring a bit and is putting away a decent amount of food as well. "So can you tell us what ype of project your working on or is that top secret?" He will ask

Wasp (Pym) has posed:
"Old song?" Nadia wonders aloud. "I have no idea what song you mean. Back at the.. boarding school I used to live in we only had one CD. It was an American pop artist, I think they might have been a mutant or an alien. Something like that." She takes a bite out of the pizza and then yelps. "Oh the cheese is still very hot. I shall have to be more careful in the future..."

A few gulps of cold water later and she adds "My current projects? Oh nothing too exciting to anyone without a decent grasp of the more exotic branches of physics. I /am/ doing a side project to see if the universe is made up of pixels though. Which would prove we all live in a simulation. But I don't really have the money to build the relevant quantum scale probes yet."

Menel (7998) has posed:
Admittedly Menel doesn't look like he has a clue what a 'quantum scale' is, if the brief flash of confusion on his face is any clue, but his questions - if in fact he was going to ask any - are cut off by the sound of a phone vibrating. The white-haired man shifts in his chair, pulling out a cell phone. "Excuse me." He murmmers and turns aside to take the call. The words can be heard however, and it's clear he's excited about what's happening on the other end. "Hey, what's up? They're going to televise the match? That's amazing! I don't mind at all, but... right. Exactly. I really appreciate it."

Menel pulls away from the call and beams at his two table companions. "Sorry about that, I didn't mean to interupt the conversation." He puts his phone in his pocket and scrubs a hand through his hair. "That being said, I should head out when they finish the rest of my order."

Overlord has posed:
Joseph Miller nods his head a bit and says "Well a pleasure meeting you Menel he will tell the man as he seems to need t go. He cleans his hand offering it again before the man leaves. He then looks to Nadia, and says "So, hope you have been able to find a decent way to pay for ya lab and research. Sometime jobs around here can be hard to get I have been told.

Wasp (Pym) has posed:
"Good luck with your matches Mister Dinmorin. Just try not to set anything important on fire with them!" Nadia offers brightly without a hint that she's making a joke. "Pay for it? Oh well.. Not really. Most places do not really seem willing to hire a girl my age for anything interesting. Thankfully I already had a lot of the equipment I needed anyway. So the lab itself didn't cost me anything." Her head tilts to one side. "Is making motorcycles a very profitable business? I'm sure I could figure out how to engineer one and the equipment for an automotive workshop is fairly simple. I could probably borrow all the tools from my fathers workshop without him even noticing."

Menel (7998) has posed:
"Thanks!" He lets out a little laugh. "You two have a great day!" With farewells made Menel waves silently to the two and picks up his order as it's called at the register. It's another two pizzas of the largest size they carry and a bottle of soda. He offers a grin to Nadia and Joseph as he heads out, the door clanging quietly behind him as he goes.

Overlord has posed:
Joseph Miller makes a so-so motion with his hand and says "If you can get a name made for yourself, or make something that draws the right attention. I aint actually tried to sell any, I learned how to do it to make my own, so I had something that was more scaled to me. I work moving freight at the docks and part time bouncer.

Wasp (Pym) has posed:
"Hrm. Well I suppose I could make a lot of money in shipping," Nadia muses, mostly to herself. "Shrink things down and post them maybe. But that seems like a very frivolous way to toy with the forces of physics." She drums her fingers against the table, then scowls at the notion. "Don't mind me, thinking aloud."

Pizza in one hand she hunts around in her bag with the other, eventually pulling out a pen and starting to scribble a formulae on a napkin. "I've never made anything like a motorcycle before. But I /did/ make backpack wings. Those are pretty fun but I am not sure I could sell them. They're a little hard to maintain."

Overlord has posed:
Joseph Miller 's brow raises a bit and says "Wings, and shrinking?" He will hmms and says "Hero I take it? Think if you were a villian pondering ways of making money would be less making stuff and more stealing stuff. " he offers a grin "May I ask your hero name?"

Wasp (Pym) has posed:
Nadia Pym shrugs, still scribbling away on the napkin. "I'm not really sure I'd call myself a superhero. I did help stop a robbery one time though... And I don't really have a secret identity either. Didn't seem much point when my Dad is.. well. Kind of famous." She hmmmms thoughtfully. "Janet did tell me I needed a cool name for 'branding' but I still don't really understand what she meant by that."

Overlord has posed:
Joseph Miller smiles and says "Well some heroes do the whole secret Identity to protect those they care for, and then some use their status to help them make money be it endoursing things, doing appearances or what not. I have a hero name more just cause it is sorta a standard thing. That and sorta hard for me to have a secret identity not alot of seven and a half foot tall guys walking about.

Wasp (Pym) has posed:
"Everyone I know is... actually now that I think about it everyone I am in regular contact with in America /is/ a super hero. That is probably unusual. I should probably find some more normal peers..." Nadia admits, frowning at the revelation. "Doing appearances for money seems like a horrible use of superpowers. And wouldn't that sort of event just draw people who want to hurt that hero? People can be very silly sometimes."

Overlord has posed:
Joseph Miller nods his head a bit to this and says "Pretty much yea, I personally aint big on who has heard of me yet, so doing my normal jobs does not put folks in danger, but if I start getting better known it is something I might have to consider. It is good to know regular folks, I think I know more regular folks than heroes personally.

Wasp (Pym) has posed:
The more Nadia doodles on the napkin the more it becomes clear she's working out if she could fit a shipping container inside a parcel that'll fit in a regular mailbox. It's also fairly remarkable just how much food the five foot and change teenager is able to put away. "Would it be rude if I asked what sort of power you have?" she wonders. "I would guess something physical in nature, but only because it is fairly uncommon for people to grow to your height. Not /impossible/ of course. Just.. You know. Statistically unlikely."

Overlord has posed:
Joseph Miller nods and says "Super strength. I can toss tanks around." He says it not like bragging but just telling it like it is. I go by the hero name of Overlord mainly cause some friends gave me grief over my original name."

Wasp (Pym) has posed:
"That must be very impractical. Unless you can turn it on and off again?" Nadia asks, finally looking up from her napkin scribbles. "Even steel would be like paper. So even the most mundane tasks would require an extreme level of control. If I want I can become bigger and stronger for a bit, taller than you even, although nothing like as strong. It's much more limited in the applications compared with shrinking in size."

Overlord has posed:
Joseph Miller says, "Not so much turn off or on, but I grew up with the strength, so learning how to handle normal things i did as I learned to do normal stuff. So is more like just putting a bit of extra effort into something when I want to do sometihng beyond normal. Sorta like flexing I guess."

Wasp (Pym) has posed:
"That sounds better at least. Although I dread to think how hard it must be to look after a small child that can bend steel," Nadia replies with a laugh. "Not that I want to be looking after /any/ kids. Not for a looooooooooooong time yet anyway. Although I would make an exception for an AI or robot."

Overlord has posed:
Joseph Miller chuckles and nods his head a bit to this and says "Was not as extreme till teenage years, think as a kid little kid was moe like a really strong human, but I aint sure to be honest. I was little then

Wasp (Pym) has posed:
Nadia Pym has by now somehow finished pretty much a whole pizza by herself. Plus sides and drinks. It's really a wonder of science where someone with her build has put it all. "I must admit, American junk food is the best. I am probably shortening my life by years each meal but I almost do not care. It is also /very/ good for my creativity. I've been doing some of my best work lately and I think it's all down to the burgers. Full of all kinds of hormones and chemicals no doubt."

Overlord has posed:
Joseph Miller chuckles a bit and says "Mimght be a bit more the relaxed, and nbot worrying as much, even if does seem you were a bit concerned with someone following you earlier.

Wasp (Pym) has posed:
"Oh yes. That. It is complicated but I'm sure it'll work out in the end.. But I probably should head home soon," Nadia muses, pulling her cellphone out to check the time. "Especially as I have to submit a report to.. people. On a thing. Like I said very complicated. Anyway, thank you for the meal! And it was nice meeting you Mister Miller." She gets the few remaining sides boxed up, then heads out with a final wave.