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Latest revision as of 01:01, 14 August 2019

Huntress Hunted
Date of Scene: 17 May 2019
Location: The Blue Lady
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Thomas Raith, Huntress

Thomas Raith has posed:
It's a pleasant evening, with the middle of the week being one of the naturally slower days in the Club business. There is still a line however waiting to gain access to the Blue Lady. The bouncer however, a youngish Hispanic man with a pair of tomahawks looped through his belt, give Helena a bit of a grin, and waves her around the others and directly inside.

Huntress has posed:
New York was a good deal away from her normal stomping grounds, but Helena was of the mind that if she was going to learn more about how the Big Apple functions, she needs to see more of the social side of it. That and every crimefighter does need a break now and then to unwind. Something a certain big bad Bat tends to forget these days.

A club is a good place to start on both of those. Fortunately for Helena she's got both the looks and the charm to get herself in quickly enough, even winking and blowing the bouncer a playful little kiss from her hand as she sashay's past him. Probably a lot of jealous men in that line, but at least she's giving them a nice show to be mad at yes? Once inside she pauses to take stock of the actual club, and seeks herself a place to make comfortable.

Thomas Raith has posed:
At the bar, the bartender...who rather resembles Bruce Willis from RED only with an eyepatch, acknowledges her presence, though he continues to fill the orders of other customers. On the stage a sultry Black woman sings of love lost in the Big City. Some people dance, other's eat, and many others seem to be simply soaking up the speak-easy type atmosphere the Club has apparently worked hard to cultivate. Then from her right comes a voice that asks casually, "Would you care for a slow comfortable screw up agienst the wall?" The man who speaks is...Pretty. Handsome doesn't properly explain it. Almost Beautiful though entirely masculine.

Huntress has posed:
The voice that speaks up isn't -that- voice, thank the heavens. Still, you have no idea how hard she has to restrain the Huntress' reflex to turn and kick the speaker into next week. Calm down, Helena. Remember your control.

Instead she cocks her head just enough to glance over her shoulder and maintain her reserved composure. "You best be talking about the drink and booth in the corner." There is just enough of a hint in her voice to match the Mediterranean complex.

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith grins a little bit as he steps behind the bar. The Bartender notices him, but doesn't react. "Sloe Gin," He says, adding a measure of it, "Southern Comfort. Ketel One Vodka, and Orange Juice.." He pours all of this over ice, strains it into a glass and the floats Galliano on top. "Vodka and Orange juice for a screwdriver, and Galliano from a Harvey Wallbanger. A slow Comfortable screw up agienst the wall, and on the house."

Huntress has posed:
Helena Bertinelli is pretty sure that's not his original intent with the phrase, but she will give him credit for the stylish recovery. A bit of faint smile does curl at her mouth despite the otherwise reserved demeanor. "Points for the cute turn of phrase." She picks up the screwdriver and takes a sip of it. "And on the well executed mix."

Her attention briefly takes note of the bartender and his reaction to the man. Or in this case lack of therefor. Either this fellow works here, or does this on a regular basis... Followed by mentally scolding herself to stop falling into old habits. This isn't an investigation, she's suppose to be relaxing for a bit.

Thomas Raith has posed:
Still, isn't it nice when those suspicions are confirmed? The man reaches under the bar and retrieves a highball glass and a crystal decanter full of deep amber liquid. Filling the glass and replacing the stopper he grins with a boyish charm that is still somehow quite wicked. "It's nice to meet you, he says offering his hand. "I'm Thomas Raith, I own the Blue Lady."

Huntress has posed:
Well that explains that doesn't it? The dark haired woman gives a nod of her head. "Helena Bertinelli. I'm... sightseeing, you could say. Learn more about the city." She part turns to wave a hand out at the dance floor. "Sociel venues are usually a interesting place to start." Gingerly she shifts the glass to her other hand so she can take the offered one properly. "Mayhaps you'd care to show me around a little?"

Thomas Raith has posed:
There is something strange that happens when she Takes Thomas's hand. Not bad. Not bad at all, but definitely unusual. It feels good to shake hands with him. Like a tingling rush. Some men can't /kiss/ as well as Thomas Raith shakes hands. He grins at her with that same wicked gleam in his eye and nods slightly, "I'd be happy to." he says as he steps back around the bar and offers her his arm.

Huntress has posed:
There's an almost reluctance to let go of his hand, but it's quickly set aside when Helena shifts to interwine her arm with his own. Something about this man was... peculiar, but not necessarily in the bad way. More like a piking of curiousity. Or maybe it's just because she doesn't get to be a 'normal person' like this very often. "Looks like you've already built quite the reputation, with how busy this club already is."

Thomas Raith has posed:
"Sin sells." Thomas says with a grin, taking his own drink and moving her towards the periphery of the dance floor. "I modeled the Blue Lady after a Prohibition era Speak easy. So on a subconscious level, people feel like they are getting away with something somehow." He says with a grin. He lazily brushes one of those magical fingers agienst her arm with his free hand. "It's about freedom. Nobody truly wants to be evil.. but everyone wants to be a little bad."

Huntress has posed:
Helena Bertinelli just mmhmms softly as he points out the style of the decor, though she had noticed that from the start. "Convince people they want something or feel something, even if they really don't. That's how business works isn't it?" She glances off to the side a moment, then leans closer to Thomas as they walk, lowering her voice a bit conspiratorially. "Hope you don't have to deal with crime family extortionists as part of the authenticity."

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith rolls his eyes slightly. "No, just my own family... which isn't exactly a far streach from that." he says but laughs slightly. "This is me breaking away from my family. Sold my inheritance in the family business to my sisters for the seed money to make this place my own." He leads her around slowly, heading via a circuitous route in the direction of the VIP lounge.

Huntress has posed:
Helena Bertinelli aaahs. "Certain families... can be like that, yes," she replies, and takes a sip from her drink still held in the other hand. There's a hint of experience in such a matter in her voice does Helena doesn't go into detail. "And make it hard to get started on one's own ventures. But this place proves how you didn't let that slow down your intentions any."

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith has a look of definite pride in his face from those words, and he shrugs slightly. "Well it's not exactly a secret, though it's not something I /usually/ broadcast on my first meeting with a beautiful woman." He says with a bit of a wolfish grin. "MY family owns and operates Silverlight Entertainment." He actully has the faintest hint of a blush as he says it. "I mean I'm not exactly a prude, but I wanted something with just a /hint/ of respectability. If you squint... and look really hard."

They approach the bouncer guarding the VIP lounge and the man steps out of the way. "No one up there tonight, Mr. Raith." The man smiles and nods. "Thank your Crush." and gestures for Helena to proceed him.

Huntress has posed:
Dark locks sway behind her as Helena shakes her head. "Don't need to be a prude to have some taste in class. It's sad some families have trouble accepting one of their own wants to be successful seperate of them, but it's all too real of an occurance."

She pauses, and then has to try really hard to stifle a giggle at the guard's expense as they pass. "Appropriate name for a bouncer."

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith chuckles himself as he glances back at the 6'9" block of ebony muscle that is his top bouncer. "Crush? He's a pussycat." He says amused tone, "He rarely has to do anything but stand there and look intimidating." He opens the door at the top of the stairs to let her into the private lounge. "Now Axe? He's a hot head, but he's loyal." He says refering to the Hispanic man with the Tomahawks that let her skip the line outside.

Huntress has posed:
Helena Bertinelli glances over her shoulder again for a moment. "Pussycat? More like the Nemean Lion." The mention of the man at the doors gets a little nod from her. Makes sense for the more potential to act of the men to be in the position where quick action is more likely to be needed. Why worry about trouble inside the club when you can cut it off at the pass. "Loyalty pays off. Especially in a big metropolitain area. New York isn't exactly Pleasantville USA from what I've seen of it. But the people learn to live with what they have... Or they try to make better."

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith chuckles a little bit at her description of Crush but nods. "He's a good man and I trust him with my life. Not sure I'd trust him with my wallet, but my life certainly." He says with a slow grin, releasing her arm for the moment to let her wander around the VIP lounge a bit more freely, standing near the smoked and mirrored glass to wait for her to sate her curiosity.

Huntress has posed:
Helena Bertinelli does a slow circle of the room. Including briefly brushing her fingers across the top of one of the tables to ensure it's the real deal in material and not just a replica that looks the part. Never know about even a legit business trying to save a little extra where the clientle wouldn't notice. Eventually she does make her way to join Thomas at the window, gazing out onto the floor below. Sips the end of her drink. "Quite a view from up here... shame it probably doesn't see much use." She ahums softly, meaning certain things other than the room itself keeping the attention of any occupants.

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith chuckles a bit, "I have an office with one of the best security systems around. I have cameras that cas zoom in to read the writing on a business card from across the room. But I love this view." he steps behind her, letting her take in the full impact of the club. "But that's cold. It's impersonal." he leans down slightly, dangerously close so that she can feel the heat of his body near her back. "But this view. Looking down there, this is the view only God gets to share." he adds that last in a whisper. His hot breath near her ear as desire and hunger flood into her belly and throughout her body.

Huntress has posed:
"Impersonal, but practical." Helena turns away for a moment to find a convenient spot to set her now empty glass down. And turns back to find him in even closer proximity than before. "But at the moment I doubt business is what's on your mind, is it now?" A hand is raised, turned upright to caress a few fingers along the man's chin. Such a reserved woman... but that also means there's more to come out when the oppritunity arrises doesn't it?

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith grins ever so slightly, and when her fingers come near his lips, he kisses them lightly. "As a matter of fact," He says softly, as that kiss...as his Hunger dances into her. "No, it's about the furthest thing from my mind at the moment." He leans down then and brings his mouth to her's... but what happens after that is nobody's business but their own.