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Latest revision as of 01:04, 14 August 2019

Criminal Meetings
Date of Scene: 09 May 2019
Location: Iceberg Lounge, Central Heights
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Harley Quinn, Aguila 6

Harley Quinn has posed:
At a table in the midst of the Iceberg Lounge, there's a woman who probably needs no introduction. It's Harley Quinn. She's got on a babydoll styled dress with the spaghetti straps, and everything. Most of her shoulders are free, but her face is still painted up, her hair still in pigtails and colored, though black and red for this occassion. The dress itself is alternating black and red from one side to the other, with a familiar black diamond pattern she is often seen with. Thigh high stockings that are opposites, one red with black diamonds, the other black with red diamonds, and ending in an unassuming pair of black and red flats.

She really likes her color combination. And there she is giggling a bit, hunched over the table and flicking paper triangles off into the crowd that collide with people. Random people. Their heads, their shoulders, women and men alike. When one particular fellow gets angry and turns to see who is causing this problem... he stops, and just walks away. Harley is not to be trifled with. So, she continues, sitting alone, having her fun and annoying the patrons.

Aguila 6 has posed:
The Iceberg Lounge. Famous throughout the criminal underworld as a meeting place for all manner of villain. It's a great place to grab a drink if you're in Gotham and looking to avoid legal entanglements. Being a wanted murderer, Grant Washington fits right in. He's even ditched his tactical gear for an expensive looking black suit that looks like it was probably made specifically for him. Currently, he's at the bar enjoying an overpriced Scotch.

That's when the mercenary catches sight of someone who looks like they're considering making trouble for with the infamous Harley Quinn. When the fellow backs down Washington cracks a little smile, then turns to the bartender and says, "I'd like to pay for that woman's next drink." Cash is produced and laid out on the bar top to cover it, plus a nice tip.

As the drink is served Washington rises from his seat and heads for Harley's table, "You look like you're having fun. Mind if I join you?"

Harley Quinn has posed:
Squinting at the drink when it appears, Harley Quinn sort of stares at it a bit longer. Then she looks over and then up to the person who walks over. "It's yer funeral." Shrugs Harley, not in any threatening tone, just sort of commentary. She then flicks a paper triangle off into the deepest areas of the lounge. Precision and strength in that flick, though she looks at the drink. "If yer objective is ta get me drunk so ya can fraternize wit' me, ya shoulda brought me a dead squirrel."

Sitting up more though she looks to Grant and says, with a smile, "I'm always havin' fun. Ain't really understand all these whackos who come in 'ere ta get depressed by drinkin' depressants. Don't make no sense, like a break in reality."

Putting her elbows on the table, hands palms down, with her fingers interlocking so she can rest her chin on them and lean forward a bit, she grins big, too big for normal conversation, "I'm Harley Quinn, nice ta meet'cha. Very few people sit down at my table no more. Not after the weekend before last. Looks like them rumors are slowin'. Ya got a name fella, or should I jus' call ya interested-in-gettin'-a-girl-drunk-'fore-ya-met-her?"

Aguila 6 has posed:
"Pleased to meet you. I'm Grant Washington," the fellow replies to the woman with a smile and a nod of his head. He notes the extra big grin but it doesn't seem to change his demeanor at all. "I just thought it would be polite to buy you a drink before coming by to bother you. If I'd known about the dead squirrel thing I'd have tried to arrange that."

"It's good to be able to have fun and relax. I don't like to drink too much, myself, just a glass or two to enjoy the taste," Washington explains as he seems to study his new acquaintance. "Work is fun for me, too. I think it's important to find something you like to do if you can."

Harley Quinn has posed:
"Work? If I wanted to keep workin' I'd of joined the circus." A pause, as Harley thinks about that, then shakes her head. "I think I got a phobia about them bearded ladies. Like, I might not be able ta resist'em." Then she pauses a moment, and looks up toward the ceiling, tilting her head a bit more sideways, "Or is that a fetish? I ain't too sure, hard ta keep those two straight."

Looking at the drink she takes it and gulps enough to fill her cheeks up, like a chipmunk with food, then she swallows. Whatever the drink is, mentioning to Grant, "Well, from the looks of ya, you ain't one of them rich types lookin' fer a wild swing on the crazy horse. An' you don't look like one of my patients back fer revenge..."

Still puzzling out Grant she shrugs a bit, "I ain't too worried about being polite. I'm worried about liars. I -hate- liars." She practically shouts the word, hate, and grumbles a bit, quick switch to her demeanor. Then she's back to big grins and tilts her head to rest on her hands, "So tell me about yerself Mistah Grant Washington. New ta Gotham? Lookin' fer fun in all the wrong places? That should be a country song, don't ya think? Or ya wondering what is a charmin' lady like myself doin' in a dump like this? I know, I too would much prefer the alley next ta the zoo, when the rhinos have been released. It'd be like that... thing with the bulls, in that country..."

Aguila 6 has posed:
"I think it's a fetish if you're looking to hook up, but I could be wrong, too," Grant replies with a big grin, taking a break from his conversation for a quick look around.

With a chuckle he goes on, "No, I'm rich, but I'm not looking for that kind of good time. And if I've ever met you before it's news to me." Taking another little sip from his drink, he licks his lips afterwards and shrugs, "I'm pretty new in town. Did some work here, looking to see if I can find some more before moving on. I'd heard this place was a good spot to meet new contacts and then I saw you and thought you'd be worth talking to. I bet there aren't many people here who know their way around Gotham better than you do."

There's a little more laughter from Washington, "Yeah, the running of the bulls, but with rhinos. Sounds exciting to me. Do the animals at the zoo escape all that often?"

Harley Quinn has posed:
"Well, who ain't got money? But it ain't like no Bruce Wayne kind of funds, tha' fella basically owns this town." Harley mentions and drinks down the rest of her alcholic beverage, not seemingly at all affected by the liquor content and quick consumption despite her slender frame. "What kind of work you do? Don't look like no plumber. Yer willin' ta talk to me, an' ya talkin' about contacts. I'm guessin' ya ain't no eye doctor. Am I right?"

Head still on hands, she kind of looks around, talking at normal conversation and not really being guarded with her words at all. Unconcerned about who might overhear and most people give the table a bit of distance anyhow just to avoid the Queen of Crime. "And them animals escape anytime I blow up their cages with some c4. Ain't like... they got them opposable thumbs. It's a great caper, I bet I could get a lil' feline support fer tha' one. She's a sucker fer furries. An' what gets yer gouda?"

Aguila 6 has posed:
"I always wondered about that guy. I can't imagine someone making that kind of money not being at least a little crooked. Or at least maybe his family was," Washington says thoughtfully, eyes seeming to glaze over momentarily. Then he shakes his head slightly and returns to the conversation, "I'm a mercenary. I run Aguila Military Innovations. About the best light infantry organization of its size in the world. We even do airborne operations, not that we can really pull that off in the city."

"Sounds like there could be a lot of fun to be had at the zoo," the soldier says before taking another look around. He's not really being particularly quiet, either, but he does care about who might be paying him attention. "You talking about Catwoman? I guess you know a lot of the big names in town, right?" And what gets his gouda? Grant shrugs his shoulders, "I like making money and building my reputation. There's always something out there that people will pay me to do, I just need to find it, you know?"