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Latest revision as of 01:06, 14 August 2019

People. People Who Watch People.
Date of Scene: 15 May 2019
Location: Central Park, Manhattan
Synopsis: Elektra meets an interesting individual in the park.
Cast of Characters: Toxic Doxie, Elektra

Toxic Doxie has posed:
A typical day in New York always finds Central Park bustling with activity. Buskers providing entertainment for a coin dropped into a basket, pets taking their owners for a walk, the occasional frisbee or other flying object crossing through the air...the Great Lawn draws all sorts of visitors. A perfect place to sit back and watch people.

And...that is exactly what one particular park patron is doing. Blonde haired and blue eyed, June looks about as normal as any other person, as she sits on a park bench watching the crowds mill through the park. And, at first glance, it just seems like she is just enjoying the day.

It is only at closer inspection that the blonde coed has a small notebook sitting upon her lap, with a pencil that bobs in her hand every so often, jotting down notes as she not just watches...but seemingly actual studies. Perhaps...for a college class or something. June does have that look about her.

Elektra has posed:
Meetings. Meetings. Meetings.

She's been in them all day and has finally just now escaped. It means she's still in her business clothes, but lots of people visited the park in their business suits.

Elektra pauses and buys a hotdog from a vendor, telling him to keep the change from a ten, and looks for a place to sit and enjoy the last of the day's sunshine, before it gets cold.

Normally she wouldn't take up a spot with another, but something in the way June watches people - the intensity followed by the scibbled notes - has Eletkra curious and heading that way. "Is this seat taken? Mind if I join you?"

Without waiting for an answer, Elektra sits down next to June, taking a casual peek at the other, and her notebook.

Toxic Doxie has posed:
The question startles June, but only for a moment...and only because it was unexpected. The surprise on her expression melts into a smile, as the left hand indicates to feel free to sit. "I don't mind at all."

Those blue eyes do shift, to give Elektra a once-over, but, oddly enough, there is no immediate notetaking occurring. Instead, the jotted info on the pages seems to be a list of physical characteristics, followed with some numbers. Perhaps the number of people matching the description, or maybe the number of times a certain person was spotted over time. Without any framework around the information, it is difficult to tell.

There isn't an immediate explanation of June's actions, although she does return to her observations. She does, however, at least tries to initiate small talk. "It's a nice day out today. A lot of people out taking advantage."

Elektra has posed:
"Generally they do tend to try," Elektra agrees. She's noted June's scribblings and decided to ignore them for the moment. "Not many spend their time people watching so intently, though. It is interesting, isnt' it? To see what humans do when they think they're alone. Even if they aren't."

There's almost some warning there, though Elektra's words are calm and even and without any threatening tone or chill to suggest more than an observation. Still.

Her glance drops to her hotdog, "Take myself. Enjoying the fruits of a steet vendor." Her clothing, while simple, screams expensive. Certainly at odds with the hotdog.

Toxic Doxie has posed:
"It's research." June doesn't offer clarification as to why she said that. Did she notice the glance to the notebook? Is it a response to why she seems so interested in what is around her? The words are just left hanging in the air, even as June's eyes track over to an individual performing what appears to be an graceful, but certainly athletic, acrobatic routine. "Building a data pool for a project I am working on."

Just like Elektra's own tone, there seems to be something more to what June means, but her words and her tone betray nothing. It is simply information given flatly, as if everyone does research projects, further lending credence to a possible college or graduate student.

When Elektra does speak of herself, June turns to give a second, more intentive glance at her benchmate. "It certainly seems that you are enjoying your break from where ever." The pricey wardrobe is certainly noted, as those blue eyes focus just a bit too long. Could be just a by-product of her current research. Though, there may be just a touch of confusion in that expression, before it clouds over and fades from view.

Elektra has posed:
"Meetings," Elektra drawls. "Systematic breakdown and torture of the business set." Her lips curl over a sardonic smile before the woman shrugs her shoulders and dismisses the gesture. Elektra' gaze staying full upon the scenery and the comings and goings of others. Not that she's unaware of June or her doings, Elektras senses finely tuned and honed in upon the blonde.

"I find you cn learn so much about someone by observing them. Often more than you can by talking to them. Words lie, but bodies are uniquely truthful. They forget that words have nuances and insist upon being both blatant and frank. Few ever manage to school those instincts to more than a cursory awareness that they're doing it. The smile that isn't. The contained laugh. Litle things."